Viqu the Blindeye  

a rare creature

Uploaded July 21st, 2021 by Cylius

  • Type: Kyv
  • Mob sees through invisibility: Yes

This page last modified 2021-07-21 23:06:39.

Level: 62
Expansion: Gates of Discord
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Tome of Rage Axe
# Mar 11 2009 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Dropped Tome of Rage Axe today, which is good cause my zerker needed one and I wasn't about to pay the 15k some guy wanted for it in the Baz on Stromm
# Sep 21 2008 at 3:54 PM Rating: Good
129 posts
Had him drop Blindeye today and also Spell:Breath of Tunare

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 5:48pm by Daldary
# Jul 30 2008 at 9:29 AM Rating: Good
159 posts

Reyna's Bloody Earring
Empty Hunter's Quiver
Spell: Torrent of Pain
# Jul 06 2008 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
We were at Barindu zoneline, pulling across the small bridge. He popped 3 times (dont know where spawns were since he was pulled by monk) Dropped bow once and 2 horns.
Mob Location
# Oct 13 2007 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
Blindeye popped after our group of 4 (66 War, 65 Nec, 66 Cleric and 66 Druid) hunted the entrance to the large courtyard (from the zone in) after about 30 minutes. He was in the far left-hand corner in a small alcove and was a quick kill. His only drop was the Blindeye bow which is the drop we were hoping for. He then popped immediately next to the left-hand obelisk.

Nice bow for a human with poor eyesight who finds themselves pulling for a group.

Safe Hunting
Sometimes summons, sometimes not
# Jul 10 2006 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
641 posts
Killed him last night with a druid buddy, funny thing is this is the first time that Viqu did not summon and he seemed awful weak compared to previous fights.
I suspect that Viqu spawns at various levels because compared to previous fights, this was easy.
Dropped Blindeye.
Donbayne 100 Rng - Uinian 100 Dru - Breru 100 Sk - Nyenie 82 Brd - Ruusan 76 Clr - Braru 75 Mag - Syqen 100 Shm EQ Stromm/Luclin
# Oct 07 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Default
Soloed him today. He dropped teh bard thing and the Song:Purifying Chorus
# Mar 27 2005 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
hit max 764 on me. necro with max pop defensives. casts skullpierce and heartstopper and chaos claws. Doesnt summon as of march 27 '05.
Spawned at Qinimi zone in
# Sep 08 2004 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
When entering Riwwi from Qinimi there are a few roamers doen the hall up by the waterway and a static Noc. I camped the entrance with my grp and kept the noc pulled (far enough from center he doesn't add if you leave him - Not sure if named has a higher aggro range we never let him sit that long) We had this named pop twice in about 4 hours got the bard item and then the bow.

Snares easily with darkness line - can be tanked without disc, but would only recomend if you got slow off.

Really nice to see a named pop so close to the entrance and easy to get to!

# Aug 27 2004 at 2:21 AM Rating: Default
This guy seems like a good mob to farm - I came to this zone by myself the last few nights and headed near the Barindu zoneline to fight and both nights not long after Viqu the Blindeye spawned in one of the noc darklurch spots - one outside and one right inside near the barindu zone - so this guy is a good one to camp since he doesnt seem to be a rare spawn - I killed him with 2 people - I am not that great of a beastlord so I just had a shaman heal me alot and he can be completely slowed and walks away at low health so just make sure you have healer
# Aug 10 2004 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
Took him out twice last night (8/9/04) With a group consisting of BST, SHM, BRD, WAR, CLR and DRU. Druid did backup heals while the BST and WAR beat the crap out of the mob. Dropped the horn twice for us. (Bertox Server)
doesnt summon
# Aug 04 2004 at 7:18 AM Rating: Decent
77 posts
Killed him on August 3, 2004. I kited him around the arena using bard chants to kill and he never summoned me.
He started running at 20% health and resisted snare several times which resulted in several noc adds from the tunnels. I still managed to DoT him enough for him to die, but his corpse went POOF immediately on his death so I didn't even get to see what loot he dropped.
# Jul 11 2004 at 1:30 AM Rating: Default
3 posts
Snarable, doesn't summon...easy solo if you can avoid adds at either Qinimi or Barindu zone areas. Casts 2 effects- Heartstopper(slow) and Kneesmash(er?)(snare). Dropped horn both times I've solo'd him so far.
By Ferubi
# Jun 26 2004 at 12:22 AM Rating: Default
77 posts
Had him pop outside the Ferubi zone line.
# Jun 24 2004 at 6:26 PM Rating: Default
This guys is probably 1 groupable. We had a 2.5 group raid there just to smack anything/everything and he was unfortunate enough to get near our puller. We destroyed him in under 2 mins.

Found him around the bottom of the podium where the quest NPC's are.
RE: Mob
# Jun 25 2004 at 11:01 AM Rating: Default
killed him twice again last night.. random spawn point. bows both times rar!
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