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Dealing with adds
# May 17 2005 at 4:41 PM Rating: Excellent
19 posts
Did this trial last night with a SK tanking, with a cleric, druid, BL, enchanter, and myself, a monk. All of us are EP geared, except for the BL, who is GoD/Anguish geared, and the chanter, who had some Time gear. Having tried this a few times, the hardest part was dealing with the initial wave of adds; having Diabolic Destroyer and her 3 1k hitting lackeys all at once was basically getting our tank one-rounded at the beginning. So... I decided to try something a bit unorthodox. Hit Diabolic Destroyer with a Bioluminescent Orb--this blinds her, and she runs, while still spawning the adds, which come for the group. The blind doesn't last very long--only a few seconds--but, by the time it does, the BL already had her slowed, and the chanter had at least 2, maybe 3 of the adds mezzed. The adds do show back up through the course of the fight, of course, but using this strategy allowed us to get into our rhythm and finally win.
# Feb 09 2005 at 12:37 AM Rating: Excellent
430 posts
Ikkinz group trial 1.

She isn't far from zone in, so clear the mastruqs, and the mobs right inside. Clear the ones in the hall, pull her room, watch for the ghosts. I like monk pullers:) Anyway when it is just her and the 2 golems, go ahead pull the one on the left, making sure your group is still in the hall. She is leashed to her room, meaning she cannot come out, so she won't follow the golem. But, if you run back in, she remembers, so zoning is a good way to clear aggro.

Because if you don't, your puller runs in, she comes, and basically will get to your puller before they can pull the last golem. So, I recommend a quick zone out and in, zone line right there. Pull last golem, kill, clear aggro again, and move into her room. Pull the kyv roamers again, have panolopy of vie on your group, DI on those you want, tank for sure, and get rdy.

YOur tank can't use defensive, she will go after someone else, so you just need to heal.

A side note, she can be pre slwoed if you're good. This fight is all about dropping her before it goes too long, so the sooner you can dot, or mez, vs having to slow... the better. What I do is have the sham and ench(yeah I use both) cast malos and tash, she comes, sham gets off a turgurs and wiz has already cast evac, so we evac before she can kill anyone. Maybe you only get malos or tash off, that is fine, evac. Then go back in, slow, evac, however many evacs you need is fine. Or send slower in, cast, then have them zone. It's all good.

Anyway once she is slowed, debuffed, you can move into her room, and pull her, having already slowed( a good thing).

Tank gets a HoT(heal over time) spell, goes in with furious(if warrior, a riposte disc works well) and I have a ch started already. Sham is dotting her, 2 usually, then spam heal tank. Enchanter ae mezzes, or single mezzes(ae mez works fine) the 3 adds she spawns, and cler , after the initial ch, starts spam heals.

As long as heals don't stop coming(and this depends alot on the new adds being mezzed quickly) it is an easy fight. However, I will say it is also an easy fight to mess up.

If you don't know, she spawns 3 adds, who are easily mezzed, and starts lifetapping them basically. 3 more will come, always from her original podium, and the first 3 will still be alive usually. Mez them she finishes off first batch, and so goes the fight.

Make sure your group stays tighy, because a problem can arise, if a heal goes off as adds come, they bolt for cleric, or one does, and an ae mez won't catch them if all spread out.

Good luck!

Life needs more cowbell.

# Dec 16 2006 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
We had Chanter pacify the two golems, they never joined the fight.
Pulled her to right corner. Chanter AE meze the 3 adds that came with her, killed her fast, adds depopped , cruel illusion spawned engaged her fast dpsed her down . was easy win.
Glyphed Sandstone
# Jan 18 2005 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent

Supposed to drop aswell.
Rather Challenging actually
# Jan 11 2005 at 2:04 AM Rating: Default
Just tried this with a druid, cleric, warrior(me), necro, mage and bard. The first attempt as a disaster the adds killed the druid I went down big mess. Second time bard had most the mobs mezzed, but even with cleric trying to cast pious light and druid casting own patch, was beaten to a pulp when she was still at 90%. 3rd try went slightly better mostly because of DI got her to around 80%, but still no where even close.

when I tried I was a 70 warrior, 8550 hps unbuffed, and not quite 1.8k ac. I also had all reflextive aas and defensiv AAs up to OOW. Was only around 11k on engage buffed, but she essentially could 1 round me, so MUCH higher dps than pixxt annhilator it appeared.

Planning to try again with a chanter, maybe having more reliable CC will make a difference.

She hit me a few times for slightly over 2k as well
Easy Guy
# Sep 09 2004 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
Easy trial, group setup is same as always:
Tank (war, Sk or pala sice cant use defensive)
Patch Healer

Engage with furious, when furios down use fellstrike (if u are warrior of course) and burn mob down, make sure u got decent chanter for this and u win.

PS:this is the easiest Ikkinz trial follow by Ikkinz3 (tri-fates), Ikkinz 2 is the harder one IMO.
# Sep 06 2004 at 12:14 AM Rating: Good
Killed him today in guild/pickup group:

warrior, time/ep gear 11k hps.
me (ranger) ep gear
cleric ep gear
enchanter ep gear
mage ep gear
druid sucky gear.

The trial took us 5 hrs 50 minutes. then we were ported out.

Here is the deal:

The Diabolic Destroyer firstly is TETHERED TO THE ROOM. He can hit you while in the hallway though. This helps when pulling his guards. We used a COTH pulling strategy. The enchanter would paci. I would pull (since then the pets and mob would agro me not the chanter with low hps), then we would be cothed back to group, and tag (since coth removes agro). Once the guards were gone, we moved into the room at the backwall.

Everyone was runed (this was important). The warrior pulled down the center carpet, burned furious while the chanter debuffed and slowed. She did not annull the named (might be hasted). I burned TS and the druid patch healed. Instantly the pets popped. 6 are always maintained. She mezzed them. The named lifetaps them mezzed or not, and they die instantly. He does it one at a time I believe. A new one spawns instantly and the chanter just kept mezzing. The named has low hps, maybe 50-100k. After he dropped, the pets despawned and another named spawned. The named is Cruel illusion, yellow con. He dies easily then he dropped 6 "Ruined Pendant of Might," lore, nodrop (on other servers, i'm on FV). The DD dropped some useless junk vendor item and Glyphed prayer ring. We got a Congratulations message and then zoned out.

Hand the pendant to Gazak Klelkek (the guy who gave you the trial). Make sure you are uninvis and you have the preflag from the other named in the zone before you do the turnin (the person who got the expedition knows how to do this).

Hope this helps.

Quemot 65 ranger FV server
# Aug 17 2004 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
She hits for over 2k and your tank cannot use any defensive discs or the DD will forget about him and go after anyone/everyone else.
It does appear that she will lifetap/spawn her adds depending on how fast she goes down, just not sure on the %'s, would be going too fast to really count I'm sure though.

Edited, Tue Aug 17 19:07:51 2004
add sequence?
# Aug 16 2004 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
I wanna know if the waves are timed.... or if they are done by her percent or what... done it successful twice... but have failed on numerous occassions trying to box my cleric as well... it seemed like adds spawned at lot faster when i went with a high dps group... so im leaning towrads percentage pops! ne help would be appreciated
# Jun 22 2004 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, she hits like a ton of bricks. As the bard though I was able to dispell, debuff, and preslow her for the enchanter to Aoe stun/mezz the first 3 adds that come off the bat. Adds are staggered shortly after and named tethers if pulled from here room.
DD fight
# Jun 20 2004 at 2:03 AM Rating: Excellent
Trial of Singular Might has been massivly changed after patch. There are about 40 less mobs in the zone and only 3 roamers (Archers). The First named isnt behide door anymore. So no farming ring's like the good days. The Fight w/ DD is interesting. My group was fullly time flaged. 2 clerics-1 ench-1 war-1 ranger-1 shaman. I would suggest not taking a sham, but in my case.... i am the shaman :). But anyways Clear roamers and clear hall mobs. DD's room is first on right. Clear DD's rooms then kill both gollems. Place DD in center. Start fight w/ Warrior ether using Fortitude or Furious depending on how your group is se up. Then SLAM on Offence disc's dont use Defencive or Healers will be summoned and fight is over w/ a long CR. Have ranger use TS as Warrior uses disc. DD is easlie slowed and add's are easlie mezzed. Just Chain SL and put on the dps as hard as possable.
# Jun 17 2004 at 1:14 AM Rating: Decent
Killed tonight after the patch, be careful if your defensive is all im gonna say. enjoy the fight its fun. we got the bracer and a geomancy stone(all/all one) from it
# Jun 04 2004 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
Trial of Singular Might
Part of Ikkinz single group trial 1, the "boss".

This mob spawns ~6 adds, during the fight and eats them for hitpoints, the adds hit for 1000ish, must have SUPERB CC.

This mob hits as hard as Pixxt Ahnillator, but a little less often.
Hit not so hard.
# May 10 2004 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
380 posts
You must kill it with 1 group.
As chanter she hit for 868 to 1978 x3.
Cookie, Antonius Bayles rangeress
# Feb 18 2004 at 2:02 PM Rating: Default
This isint a raid mob

Edited, Sun Mar 7 16:14:49 2004
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