Balix Misteyes  

Quest NPC

Uploaded August 14th, 2007 by lyrad

  • This mob spawns at /waypoint -2921, -3229, 212.

This page last modified 2024-12-27 19:15:49.

Level: 51
Expansion: Scars of Velious
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-08 21:26:04

Known Habitats:
  Iceclad Ocean
Factions Increased:
Factions Decreased:
  Snowfang Gnolls
  The Mighty Garou

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Lvl 47 Druid Kills him with silver account merc.
# Feb 19 2013 at 12:39 AM Rating: Good
32 posts
Your faction standing with Snowfang Gnolls got worse.Your faction standing with Ulthork got better.Dropped 5 silver and 9 copper.Dropped Brittle Yellow Stone/Lore, No Trade,Augmentation,Class All Race All Lvl 35 required Mana:15 End:15.My Wisdom is maxed at 255 and even with dots and alot merc heals it took me down 18% mana pool.12 years later yea i would say this guy hits very hard and has alot hit points so without a healer you will not be able kill this guy.
Balix Says
# Mar 08 2002 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
[] have been inserted around keywords.

You: "Hail, Balix Misteyes"

Balix: "Outlander, hail. Share the fire. I have little but if you are in need then take what I have. If you need nothing then take nothing. Balix my name is. [Shaman] to the tribe of Snowfangs."

You: "You are a shaman you pathedic NPC?"

Balix: "Yes. Shaman. I listen to the land to tell my tribe what the winds and waters will bring. Good or bad. Little good and much bad these days. That is why I sit here [listening]."

You: "Listening must be your high point with those big ears."

Balix: "I am on spirit quest. No food do I take. All day lsten only. I wait until the land tells me how to help my tribe. Maybe nothing will happen but I cannot fail to try. Hard is this. Many [dangerous creatures] are near but none will come close so far."

You: "I hope a dangerous creature eats you."

Balix growls: "Most dangerous is the Garou. Evil spirit of the land. It was made from long dead wolf spirits when the tower spread its dark magics thru the islands. It preys on the Snowfang. We have tried to [hunt it] but always it is too strong."

You: "So why do you hunt it then moron?"

Balix: "If you want to try, you can hunt Garou. If you kill, spread its soul to the air for cleansing, then all is good. Its skin is powerful from the mgagics that made it. With a cougar's bone, fresh with the spirit of earth, I can make you a powerful talisman in thanks for your service to Snowfangs."

You: "I love your broken english, cya."
tuff bugger
# Nov 23 2001 at 2:58 PM Rating: Default
yo this guy is NO joke im a level 60 warrrior an ogrrrrre one with full suit of champion armer and fungi tunic and he beat me to da groud i had like 100 health when i killed him he is no joke so unless you got some heavy back up dont even think about attempting to kill this guy
# Nov 12 2001 at 8:34 AM Rating: Default
Got the Garou "stick", its great....
# Oct 20 2001 at 5:17 PM Rating: Default
Do wolf form in front of this gu he will attack immediatley
Nice lil Gnoll
# Aug 20 2001 at 2:56 PM Rating: Default
He wants to share his fire and food! Those bags around him are Frozen Roots (meal) and a Skin of Water (drink). They keep comming back if ya pick them up. He cons Indiffrently to me and to my Half Elf Warrior friend. Nothin' to be afraid of.

Ellidyr Greywerd
Iksar Shaman of Cazic-Thule.
Saryrn Server
What's with the bags?
# Jul 21 2001 at 7:08 PM Rating: Default
He says if you need, you can take. What's in them? Does he attack if you do? What's up?

#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 17 2001 at 4:57 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) LOL Taalian
RE: What's with the bags?
# Aug 24 2001 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
I picked them up and nothing happened. Can I ask you something? Why are you so afraid to die that you wont pick up the bags on the floor that a character in the game tells you to pick up? It is a game, if you died learning something, then it was worth the death. Come on man, dont rely on others to tell you how to play. The game is called Everquest, suggesting that you are supposed to quest and find things out on your own, not ask everyone else who did it before you how its done.
mahb Diabolica 51st reaver
# May 13 2001 at 6:05 PM Rating: Default
A buddy DE mage of the 51st lvl,my sister a de nec of 52nd lvl and I were killin time at IC and came across this even con at 51 blue in grp and decided to give him a dance.Beware all yhe who dance with this fellow he cuts a mean rug.Before we knew it he resisted the cascading snare dot we pulled him with and in no time we were out of 2 pets with only me standing in the way.To say it was nt pleasant is an understatment considering my only heal other than taping it was a 300hp heal off my sister.To put it short we were toast,and here s a tid bit for those who think you can give him a whirl and run if it sours.HE SUMMONS LIKE A FREAK so basicly your toast.may this serve as a warning to all do not take this scurvy dog lightly he has a mean cha cha
Some info (kind of)
# Feb 14 2001 at 9:27 PM Rating: Default
I know this isn't much info, but better than nothing, eh? =)
This guy is on the island in Iceclad between the island with the portals and the island with the docks. He spawns in front of a solitary tent with a fire in front of it. Red to a lvl 34 but from the LVL that figures. Looks like a polar-bear colored gnoll. Did not see invis. Doesn't look like he wanders, he was just standing in front of the tent.
RE: Some info (kind of)
# Feb 16 2001 at 8:56 AM Rating: Default
Balix gives the Quest for the Garou bone club

Keywords after hailing are: Shaman, listening, dangerous creatures and hunt

Something on interest
# Feb 18 2001 at 11:43 AM Rating: Default
He aggroed on my, a 50 DE necro, and smote me too fast to even gate. Just a FYI for all you DE's out there. :)
Syphonn Solblighter
Legion of Fyre
RE: Something of interest
# Mar 14 2001 at 5:57 PM Rating: Default
Must be your diety.....I'm a 37 DE agnostic wizard, and Balix 'n me, we's friends. Drops
food and water, too, so if you're out, just hang around 8*)

Searius Phyrestorme
Grim Realm Warriors
RE: Something of interest
# May 03 2001 at 1:57 PM Rating: Default
I'm a DE Cleric worshiping Innoruuk and he cons indiff to me ;o)
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