Type | Subject | By: | Posted: | Score |
EQ Zone (Bestiary) | A shipwrecked Hatestorm sailor | REDACTED | Apr 3rd, 2003 | Default |
Found him on the beach, east wall. Jabbered a bit about good and when the necro who I was grping with said something about helping him, an army of zombies & skellies (All green to a 51 enc, except the Skeletal Knight [L.Blu]) popped all over the beach. They just stood there and didn't even assis |
Page | Subject | Date | Score |
EQ Faction | Faction Raida | Dec 27 2004 4:07am | Decent |
Preview: | That should of been titled "Faction Raids". I hope this helps. I have recently been in two faction raids. I found that if you go ... | ||
EQ Item | Want to comission | Jul 17 2003 2:35am | Sub-Default |
Preview: | I will buy you all the items necessary to make 2 rings with failures included and then BUY the ring off of you on Fennin Ro. I want 15 rings, so repe ... | ||
EQ Quest | The real way to spawn the Erudite Spirit | Jul 11 2003 10:09pm | Excellent |
Preview: | The additional information that you need to get the Erudite Spirit portion of the quest is as follows. First, the spawn point is roughly -1100 and -1 ... |