EQ Update #23 2016
Some site updates.
Solesek's Eye
Stageguy posted his thoughts on hunting in Solusek's Eye (Solusek A) in the modern game, as he had been away awhile and was not finding good information. He did the same for Jagged Pine. This is a lot like what Sippin, Fayman and others have been doing for much of the recent Heroic Adventures content. It's great to have some 2016 perspective on this content.
The challenge: Go to a favourite zone of yours. Make notes as if you were going to guide someone through it, point out the dangers and rewards. Maybe there are some quirks to the zone? Then post this as a mini-guide under the zone's forum. Feel free to overlap (why not have multiple person's take on a zone?). The extra challenge is do obscure places that nobody really uses, even on progression servers.
Bonus: Post in the EQ General forums, make a new thread announcing your guide. Example: "A Guide to Najena 2016" and link to the zone thread you posted in. This gets some eyes on it, and will garner you some feedback and likely some rate-ups. Win-win.
New Items: Firework: Prexus Shower ; Firework: Erollisi Starburst ; Firework: Rodcet Fire-burst ; Firework: Sparkle Rain ; Firework: Tropical Flash ; Firework: Silver Shells ; Firework: Fountain Spash ; Firework: Fennin Fire-burst ; HotZonePlaceHolder001 ; Glowing Seafarer's Mace Ornament ; Tipsy Gnomework Cloth Arms Ornament ; Adoptable Plush Ishva Mal ; Adoptable Antonican Frostfell Pup ; Tipsy Gnomework Cloth Wrist Ornament ; Tipsy Gnomework Cloth Robe Ornament ; Firework: Innoruuk Shower ; Burning Potion ; Fearstone Gargoyle Contract ; Metamorph Totem: Crystal Spider ; Tipsy Gnomework Cloth Helm Ornament ; Tipsy Gnomework Cloth Chest Ornament ; Tipsy Gnomework Cloth Hands Ornament ; Tipsy Gnomework Cloth Legs Ornament ; Tipsy Gnomework Cloth Feet Ornament ; Clockwork Leather Legs Ornament ; Clockwork Leather Hands Ornament ; Clockwork Leather Wrist Ornament ; Clockwork Leather Arms Ornament ; Clockwork Leather Chest Ornament ; Clockwork Leather Helm Ornament ; Clockwork Cloth Robe Ornament ; Clockwork Cloth Feet Ornament ; Clockwork Leather Feet Ornament ; Clockwork Cloth Helm Ornament ; Clockwork Cloth Chest Ornament ; Clockwork Cloth Arms Ornament ; Clockwork Cloth Wrist Ornament ; Clockwork Cloth Hands Ornament ; Clockwork Cloth Legs Ornament ; Clockwork Chain Legs Ornament ; Clockwork Chain Wrist Ornament ; Clockwork Chain Hands Ornament ; Clockwork Chain Feet Ornament ; Clockwork Plate Helm Ornament ; Clockwork Plate Chest Ornament ; Clockwork Plate Arms Ornament ; Clockwork Plate Feet Ornament ; Gnoll in a Barrel ; Clockwork Plate Legs Ornament ; Clockwork Plate Hands Ornament ; Clockwork Plate Wrist Ornament ; Tipsy Gnomework Plate Hands Ornament ; Clockwork Chain Helm Ornament ; Clockwork Chain Arms Ornament ; Clockwork Chain Chest Ornament ; Tipsy Gnomework Plate Helm Ornament ; Tipsy Gnomework Plate Arms Ornament ; Tipsy Gnomework Plate Feet Ornament ; Tipsy Gnomework Plate Wrist Ornament ; Tipsy Gnomework Plate Legs Ornament ; Shield of the Dark Waters ; Tipsy Gnomework Plate Chest Ornament
Updated Items: Rough Consigned Serrated Dagger ; Tarnished Two Handed Sword ; Cracked Staff
Updated Quests: Blyle Bundin's Head ; EverQuest Anniversary Events: An Overview
Bestiary Updates: Ash C`Luzz ; Evin X`Lottl ; Lisvan X`Lottl ; Draan N`Ryt ; Hutyn L`Lozz ; Petra D`Dbth ; Krystiana N`Ryt