EQ Update #17 2016
A Short Update
Small but Dangerous?
The bestiary wiki listing says: "The spiderlings are the non-posionous version of the spiders. They are non-aggressive, but EXTREMELY social and will join in if you're fighting one anywhere near them. While they can be excellent xp for the younger player, they do come in a variety of level ranges. It is very important for the newer player to /consider the spiders closely to ensure they're of a reasonable level before taking them on."
But are they still social? I remember them being nuts in the Feerott ages ago, but my recent experiences in Nektulos on progression it didn't seem so...
Also, we could use some images of the other colour variations. I prefer my spiderlings in yellow myself.
Updated Items: Sunshard Dust ; Velium Silvered Rune ; Barbed Scale Whip ; Diamond ; Relic Fragments ; Note ; Buckler
Updated Quests: The Lost Circle ; Plaguebringer Proof ; Drosco the Zombie (good) ; Achievement: Excommunication ; Into the Temple (b) ; In Defense of Health
Bestiary Updates: undead cleric ; Guardian of the Glade ; Marcia Attamilgad [Rare Items] ; Yulin the Flameweaver ; Crista Faelorin
Zone Updates: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay