EQ Update #17 2016

A Short Update

Small but Dangerous?


The bestiary wiki listing says: "The spiderlings are the non-posionous version of the spiders. They are non-aggressive, but EXTREMELY social and will join in if you're fighting one anywhere near them. While they can be excellent xp for the younger player, they do come in a variety of level ranges. It is very important for the newer player to /consider the spiders closely to ensure they're of a reasonable level before taking them on."


But are they still social? I remember them being nuts in the Feerott ages ago, but my recent experiences in Nektulos on progression it didn't seem so...

Also, we could use some images of the other colour variations. I prefer my spiderlings in yellow myself.

Updated Items: Sunshard DustVelium Silvered RuneBarbed Scale WhipDiamondRelic FragmentsNoteBuckler

Updated Quests: The Lost CirclePlaguebringer ProofDrosco the Zombie (good)Achievement: ExcommunicationInto the Temple (b)In Defense of Health

Bestiary Updates: undead clericGuardian of the GladeMarcia Attamilgad [Rare Items]Yulin the FlameweaverCrista Faelorin

Zone Updates: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay


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Missing Updates
# Feb 27 2016 at 8:52 AM Rating: Excellent
42 posts
It looks like it is not worth posting updates to quests/NPCs anymore, this not the first time my updates were ignored.

See all my posts from 11 Feb for example https://everquest.allakhazam.com/uposts.html?user=2437073
Missing Updates
# Feb 27 2016 at 12:59 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
HK47 wrote:
It looks like it is not worth posting updates to quests/NPCs anymore, this not the first time my updates were ignored.

See all my posts from 11 Feb for example https://everquest.allakhazam.com/uposts.html?user=2437073

New posts go on a list that decays in slightly less than a week. There isn't a lot of people doing the database updating here anymore (vs. the 2 paid full time staff not that long ago).

Even so, updates I have done in the past week have pointed me to threads where I will find a older post (sometimes years older) that I end up updating in as well. In the past, Fleven and Railus were pretty rigid about fully submitted logs before they would update anything, and submission traffic was way higher. This likely accounts for the older missed updates.

Today, site traffic is still more than can be kept up with by the volunteers. For example the last update stopped with some Feb. 22nd submissions, by Monday the list will be at the 23rd or 24th so the rest of the 22nd posts may get "missed".

But... they are not missed. As long as a person posts the info in a logical spot (like under the NPC, item, quest) then anyone looking that up can benefit from your contribution. It might take the next post (i.e., another update to the quest) to get your update officially noticed and entered, but in the meantime you've contributed.
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