April 6, 2015
Here are some updates for today:
New Items: Scroll: Searing Blast Rk. III ; Scroll: Aegis of Japac Rk. III ; Scroll: Darksteel Malosenete Rk. III ; Scroll: Chaotic Benefaction Rk. III ; Scroll: Iceflame Armaments Rk. III ; Scroll: Circle of Flameweaving Rk. III
New Recipes: Highwater Vambraces of the Zealot ; Highwater Vambraces of the Zealot ; Bag of Seeds
Updated Items: Empty Seed Collection Bag ; Journal of Broansas ; Notorized Letter ; Jarbled Note
Updated Quests: Crest of the Wood Nymphs ; Friend of the Tunarean Court ; Dolvak's Report ; Smuggler Reports
Updated Bestiary: Crusader Bodli ; Eysa Florawhisper ; Vigilum Uresko ; Vigilum Vonari ; Watcher Quen ; Lieutenant Broansas ; a forlorn Darta soldier ; a Witness of Hate assassin ; a shadow crawler ; an eyetrancer ; a ravager ; a hunter ; an eyegazer ; Mistala Glimmerblade ; Vigilum Nuno