January 15, 2015

Here are today's updates:

New Items: Highwater Sleeves of the AssassinHighwater Gauntlets of the AssassinClandestine Robe OrnamentPinewood Water WheelGi Of The Howling Dragon OrnamentIce Sword of Thule OrnamentConceal's Shortsword of Destruction OrnamentBertoxxulous Shield OrnamentHighwater Boots of the WardenHighwater Gauntlets of the Warden

New Recipes: Crushed BloodstoneThaell Ew Ritual TemperCroceus OreCroceus BoningCroceus Chain JointingCroceus RingsCroceus StudsFolded Sheet of CroceusThaell Ew Chain Arms OrnamentThaell Ew Chain Chest OrnamentThaell Ew Chain Feet OrnamentThaell Ew Chain Hands OrnamentThaell Ew Chain Helm OrnamentThaell Ew Chain Legs OrnamentThaell Ew Chain Wrist OrnamentHighwater Boots of the WardenHighwater Boots of the WardenHighwater Gauntlets of the WardenHighwater Gauntlets of the WardenThaell Ew Plate Arms OrnamentThaell Ew Plate Feet OrnamentThaell Ew Plate Chest OrnamentThaell Ew Plate Hands OrnamentThaell Ew Plate Helm OrnamentThaell Ew Plate Legs OrnamentThaell Ew Plate Wrist OrnamentHighwater Sleeves of the AssassinHighwater Sleeves of the AssassinThaell Ew Cloth Arms OrnamentThaell Ew Cloth Feet OrnamentThaell Ew Cloth Chest OrnamentThaell Ew Cloth Robe OrnamentThaell Ew Cloth Robe OrnamentThaell Ew Leather Feet OrnamentThaell Ew Leather Chest OrnamentThaell Ew Leather Hands OrnamentThaell Ew Leather Helm OrnamentThaell Ew Leather Legs Ornament

Updated Zones: Tempest Temple: Storm of SortsCaverns of Endless Song: Seductive SubterfugeDegmar, the Lost Castle: Castle RelicThuliasaur Island: A Fateful ArrivalCombine Dredge: Kedge CounterblowArx Mentis: Shake the Citadel

Updated Items: Open ScrollClosed ScrollSewing NeedlePurified Ritual WaterFile

Updated Bestiary: Researcher Orbiana

Updated Quests: Tranquilsong Final ExerciseA Shining GiftBloodfeather Weapon SuppliesStocking the StoresTalon #1: The Ebonwing ThreatTalon #2: Softening the ShellsTalon #3: In Shadow of MoonlightThaell Ew Ritual Hero's Forge Armor


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