Hotfix Notes for December 12, 2014

A hotfix was pushed live this evening:

*** Hotfix ***

  • The Cost of Balance - When entering the instance, you will no longer appear under the world.
  • All Rivers Lead to the Sea - Multiple copies of Holmein will no longer spawn when the Unseen, Unheard Helper is spam-hailed.
  • In Combine Dredge, Pria the Penitent and her placeholders have been moved down the ramp, away from Amlis the Torturer. This will make it safer for players trying to speak with Amlis. Additionally, NPCs on Pria's encounter will be less observant and not see as far.
  • Kedge Counterblow - The rare NPC High Guard Vnayyanye or its placeholder "a restive guard" will no longer spawn early in this Heroic Adventure.


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