Frostfell 2014-2015 Schedule
Here is this year's Frostfell quest schedule (the below listed quests are searchable with the term "frostfell"):
The Frostfell celebration is so exciting, it’s going to carry through right into the New Year! Frostfell starts tomorrow, Wednesday, December 3, 2014, and will run until 11:00PM PST on Wednesday, January 7, 2015. Let’s take a look at the events we have planned for this year’s Frostfell:
Quests, Quests, Quests!
The first phase of the Frostfell celebration begins this year on December 3 and will run until 11:00PM PST on December 15, 2014. During this time, players will be able to take part in some of their favorite holiday quests! Make sure you visit the Frostfell Goblin to begin the “Upgrading Stockings” quest, and continue on to complete other holiday quests for special holiday items. The quests that will be available during the first phase are:
- Frostfell - Searching for Clues (#1)
- Frostfell - Saving Santug (#2)
- Search for Bram Bandyboot
- Rescue Hailie Biggeyes
- The Freedom of Kanf Shadowhands
- The Savior of Gemmi Goodkin
- Misplaced Wishes
- The Frostclaw Lair
- Gathering Holiday Cheer
- Operation: Jolliness
The next phase of our Frostfell celebration will begin at midnight December 16th and run until 11:00pm PST on December 30th, 2014. During this time, you’ll be able to continue spreading holiday cheer and complete these quests:
- Frostfell - Santug's List (#3)
- Frostfell - A Gift for Tinam (#4)
- Frostfell - Fishing for a Feast (#5)
- Frostfell - Baking for a Feast (#6)
- Frostfell - Fireworks (#7, low, mid, and high-level)
This celebration is too big to be contained in one location, so look for your favorite holiday NPCs in different areas of Norrath to continue the party! The remaining part of the Frostfell celebration will run from midnight December 31st until 11:00pm PST on January 7th, 2015.
Santug ClauggWhat do you know about ogres who dress in red armor before handing out goodies to all of the good little adventures in Norrath?
Santug Claugg will only be giving out gifts from Saturday, December 24 through Monday, December 26, 2014. Don’t miss him this year!
New Marketplace Additions!
Check out the Marketplace for special Frostfell themed robes and housing items. These items are only available until 11:00PM PST on Saturday, January 10, 2015, so don’t delay!
And a Happy New Year!
Pizmip Nobbletod, Kilina Odenburg. and M.C. Tinkerton will be returning this year. Check back later for these NPCs as they start ringing in the New Year, with their events that begin in Norrath on Friday, December 26, 2014 and run all the way until Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 11:00PM PST.
In addition to all of the items and tasks that have been available before, this year brings new achievements for players who are in the holiday spirit. Are you interested in joining the fun? There’s not much time before the celebration begins, so be on the look-out for holiday NPCs coming soon to a zone near you. Which rewards are you most excited for this year?
Santug Claugg has been watching, so it’s time to do some last-minute good deeds in hopes of making the Nice list! Happy Frostfell Norrathians!