New LDoN Goodies

Sony sent us some more peeks at the coming goodies in Lost Dungeons. First off, the lewt! A series of pictures here demonstrate how item augmentations happen. Standardish everquest item, the Trueborn Elite Ring: An un-enhanced Blood Laced Axe of Mistmoore, this item shows the ability to add three different enchancements to it at once: Radiant Permafrost Chunk, note the new type, and it's limitations: The Polished Brown Stone, adding 15 HP to the item it enhances, but much less limited: After the augmentation, the Blood Laced Axe of Mistmoore has piced up some new statistics. an extra 2 damage, and 15 more hp, presumably able to recieve one more augmentation. One wonders if old world items will recieve slots for augmentation, however personally I doubt it. Oh, we were also sent over some lovely pictures of Miragul's haunts in Lost Dungeons.
Miragul10 Miragul13
Miragul10.jpg Miragul13.jpg
Miragul17 Miragul22
Miragul17.jpg Miragul22.jpg
Miragul23 Miragul6
Miragul23.jpg Miragul6.jpg


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# Sep 10 2003 at 2:51 PM Rating: Default
It is funny to hear all the doubting thomases out there but this expansion has been a whole lot of fun. The zones are cool, you can do an "adventure" in a sigle night, it is available for levels 20 to 65, and it is totally custom to your group. I don't know about anyone else out there but I have been having a TOTAL BLAST with the LDoN!! WOOHOO!!!
# Sep 08 2003 at 1:01 PM Rating: Default
why release this expansion in the week. ACK ACK ACK some people actually have to work you know. WELL DOESN'T REALLY MATTER IT PROBABLY WON'T WORK ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beg, borrow or___?
# Sep 07 2003 at 2:55 AM Rating: Default
These Gan Bok Rippers are goinna have to rename this game Anarchyquest soon, if they keep taking from Anarchy Online.

One more thing...Stop trying to make necros go away...Cut us a break!

Rallos Necro
# Sep 05 2003 at 3:22 PM Rating: Default
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 05 2003 at 1:11 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) All of my feet have grown hairy and yummy. UMMM, so very yummy. You're all insane. I can't stand to look at that tree in my yard anymore. What a bunch of dweebs! ack, ack, ack. Water sucks, it really, really sucks. I once had a taco named jim, who could dance and fart and swim. Go figure.
RE: morons!!!!
# Sep 05 2003 at 1:14 PM Rating: Default
Bravo my brother. You have done well. Be sure to tell em all that they can kiss my slimy fruglok toes. Also, you can too.
remember to climb the tree three times each time you warsh the dirshes! otherwise, the dishwasha will eat your pudding, and if you don't have any meat, how can you have any pudding
such things are better left unexplained.
so bite my *****
also my opinion on ldon
# Sep 04 2003 at 1:11 PM Rating: Default
In my opinion as well i think that ldon will fail badly. Obviously i don't want it to but their trying to hard to cookie cut the game if you will to each persons attributes. In my honest opinion i think this will make for some interesting cheating on leveling. I'm not sure how yet but when you try and be specific best bets there will be a way to beat the system. Theres always a way to beat the system. I like everyone else will join the band wagon and buy it obviously but i highly doubt i will jump into ldon right off the bat. There will be some major confusion on getting grps together outside the dugeons at first considereing everyone and their mother will be there. I'll be the one killing the no drop spawns sleeping somewheres else while everyone else is off doing the ldon thing
all this talk about druids
# Sep 04 2003 at 1:04 PM Rating: Default
I have a 39th season druid and a 48th season ranja. I started the druid for a little change of pace. I must say that i would agree that a druid can be a MH if your with a smart grp. It Doesn't really matter about the difference between the cleric and a druid, what matters most is the grps ability to think logically. Of course if you have a 15 yr old kid playing in the planes and he thinks his bard can take the aggro yeah then mayber a druid would not be the best. Its all a matter of the grp your with not the ability difference between clerics and druids. You know your in a good grp when your the main healer and everyone knows their role and you got so much mana u can slip in a few dots just to assist. Hey i could be wrong but this is my perspective on the subject

Clarmore Kaige - 39 druid
Vectren Kaige - 48 ranger
Druid Heals
# Sep 04 2003 at 7:15 AM Rating: Default
Druids just don't cut it as main healers in a high lvl area. And yes I play one. We just don't have the casting speed as clerics . Sure we can do the partial CH but it's just not enough. You take two groups all the same except one has a Druid and the other a Cleric...Going from point a to b in a high lvl are the Druid group will get wiped out . The xp just wouldn't be worth all the time takin to find rezzes and so on. The Cleric group would make it to point b probly with no major hassels...Sorry Druids but get your heads out yer duffelbags ! You were never intended to be a main healer.
RE: Druid Heals
# Oct 10 2003 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
amen, well spoken, and of course it is only because I am a cleric, 60 that is, and I agree... enough said...thanks
Druid bashing
# Sep 03 2003 at 4:48 PM Rating: Default
I laugh at those that feel they MUST have an ideal group to do anything. My guild is overflowing with druids, and we have but 1 full time cleric that is 2 boxed, and can't make every raid. We do just fine using druid heals, even druid CH rotations, while I (65 ranger) am most often my guild's MA. Through training and practice we are able to take on things that we're told we'll never accomplish. I can't deny that an ideal group may be more effective, but I personally don't care, so long as the end result is the same: Mob's dead, loot drops and my guild has had a blast doing it!

Lanearas Oakenshield
Tunarean Warder
Guides of Norrath, Bertox
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 29 2003 at 4:29 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Druids suck! Selfish, boring class. "I can solo 100 mobs at once, all it takes is 5 hours."
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 28 2003 at 4:34 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ok so the new stuff makes it to wear u can make an item better if so how?
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 28 2003 at 4:33 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
# Aug 27 2003 at 6:53 PM Rating: Default
This is all interesting and all but there are to many exspansions comming out ECT and it will be hard to keep track of items ect.

Charms / Augmentations? ....
# Aug 27 2003 at 6:25 AM Rating: Default
This Expansion looks pretty nice, tho i am kinda worried how the Augmentations might be like the charms and will be some what 'rare' ... I have been noticing that sony is trying to make EverQuest a grouping game instead of people spending all their time by themselves 1-65, this seems to be just another add-on to that situation. over-all this Expansion looks great how the new monsters are brought to the zone by your level, good work sony ... *smacks self for saying that*
just some comments
# Aug 27 2003 at 12:21 AM Rating: Default
I think the new expansion will be great i dont think it will fail if you are a twink well untwink your self so you can injoy the crawl tailored to your level and what they think a your level should have one thing i am getting tierd of is peps complaining ooh so and so is more powerfull or its not fair that such and such can do this come on you have 6 character slots make the character your complaining about and join the club shees I have a 54 druid 34 cleric and so on one of the reasons i keep playing the game is because each class and even your race can change how you play the game dramticly okay said my piece have fun and good hunting to all
Named Items
# Aug 26 2003 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
I personaly would like to see the ability (perhaps a spell or inserted item) to customize the items one has. For instance allow one to name their items the way they want, using their characters name in the items description: ex. "Lothar's Staff of destruction" Or
"Lothar's necklace of the four winds" just for examples. also a possibility to select a choice of shapes and colors for epic items as well as naming them. The houses for the guilds are a great addition but again let's put a shingle over them as to what guild they belong to allowing colors and designs to be picked by the guilds master(s).
On another note, Experience should be shared between all members of a guild whether actually (grouped) or not. Realistically they would talk and share all their exploits and therefore gain some knowledge (experience) of the other guild members actions. Let's also incorporate lower level items restrictions such as if one is "higher than" a certain level the item becomes less powerful thus allowing a reason for lower level raids for these specific items. Also introduction of "GUILD ITEMS" where once found they then are named by the guild as a vote and then able to be utilized by any of that guild and that guild only !!(race/class/level mods enforced of course)
Just some ideas for the future if ya use any of these I have recorded them and would at least like to be recognized for their creation inventor.

Thanks for the game and oh yeah, I can't log on now because of "system congestion" whatever that means.

# Aug 25 2003 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
674 posts
*cough* Add a gem to a weapon socket *cough* *cough* Sounds a LOT like Diablo.... It IS cool... dont get me wrong. I wanna make an ubar rusty weapon... Actually that would be cool...

Rusty to tarnished then you can add new leather handle and maybe a cheap gem or a hilt. to make a decent fine steel like weapon. :)

· 'Valdon Gravedancer' Terris-Thule. Dwarven Cleric 34th circle.
· 'Junglebug Sugarpants' Terris-Thule. Halfling Druid. 52nd season.
· 'Shinook Eldergod' Terris-Thule. Troll Shaman of 32nd rite.
· 'Soultree Vixen' Terris-Thule. Woodelf Ranger of 34th season.
Mourn Magelo
# Aug 25 2003 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
*Looks at the people at Magelo shakeing there fists at SoE*
# Aug 24 2003 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
i have a question, can we remove these additions to items anyway. with all thats gonna be comming out im sure tons of noobs are gonna fill items up with this junk. but when it goes to baz, people are gonna wanna put there own stuff in. is this being tookin into account even. and does adding these things make items nodrop, if it does that means you cna't sell anything you make better.
RE: stuff
# Aug 26 2003 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
More questions and answers here..

But the answer your looking for in more detail, i'll paste for ya...

Q. After adding and an Augment can it be removed for a different item? Example a +2 int +20 hp augment in a necklace can be taken out and then be put into a wrist slot item. Almost like removing them from one bag and putting it into another.

A. You can remove an augment, but you have to disolve it to do so. The original item will not be harmed.

Hope that clears that up...You lose the Augment items but not the Augmented item (eg: Keep the Axe, lose the Perma Chunk and Polished Brown Stone)
don't worry guys
# Aug 24 2003 at 5:26 AM Rating: Default
Just to let you guys know that it is said in Everquest live that you can always change the setting for the difficulty of monsters,but ofcourse if you change it to easier your rewards will also be lowered (higher for more difficulty).
# Aug 23 2003 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
i fully agree with the earlier poster, are some of you guys for real?? moan moan bloody moan and you aint even played yet, get a grip
# Aug 23 2003 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Sat Aug 23 18:36:37 2003
Druids as MH, soloing in EQ
# Aug 22 2003 at 11:47 AM Rating: Default
Here's my thoughts (from a 60 druid) on soloing in the game and druids as healers.

First, soloing. Soloing was my bread and butter to gain lvls. Before they starting nerfing the exp gained, and adding bonuses to grouping, there was rarely a group out there that could compete with the exp I made while soloing (this is pre-luclin, velious is kiters dream). So when I saw these new expansions one after the other, and little soloing areas available, I was highly annoyed. But when PoP came out, and the exp bonuses came into effect all that changed. I still solo, mainly to farm cash, but for exp forget it. Even with a 60+ group Tier 2 can still prove a challenge if you do like Inner in PoV or Water/Forest Giants in PoS, or creep into CoD. All prove challenging and in terms of exp (and some minimal VT) very rewarding. So actually the only time I solo anymore is when I have only an hour to play, then I go charm kite in Chardok (it can be hard, which makes it more fun).

Druids as main healers. In Tier 2 there isn't a time when a knowledgeable group could not have a druid as a MH. The only time I MH and even drop below 75% mana is when newb characters don't allow the MT to gain enough aggro. You know the case, your enchy or shammy starts to magic debuff and slow before the mob is even in camp, get summoned, get dead in 4 seconds, and wonder why. So yeah, in that case, it's nice to have Celestial Heal or something from a CLR. But if MT has and keeps aggro, and the support classes know their part, druids can MH with the best of them. Obviously there are exceptions to the case, as is any case, but if you are in a group in Tier 2 (even some in Tier 1) and every mob is completely raping your MT, dropping him 20% a swing before he's slowed, he's not MT material. It's not a matter of the healer.

So in conclusion. If the bulk of your exp after lvl 60 is still in soloing then you should probably find a new game (try Morrowind, it's fun, easy, but fun). The intention of EQ was a grouping experience, that's how it's going to be tailored. If you think a druid can't be MH in 90% of the groups you're in it's because your group is still too young for the mobs you're fighting.

Cyonide Wolfpaw
60th druid
RE: Druids as MH, soloing in EQ
# Sep 04 2003 at 6:55 AM Rating: Default
Druids just don't cut it as main healers....They just don't have fast enough heals like clerics do. I've been invited into groups where there was no cleric (in tier 2 & 3) but had a droOd as healer and I won't even bother, I leave the group. Just not worth the time for all the wipes.
RE: Druids as MH, soloing in EQ
# Aug 28 2003 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
155 posts
That is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard... That's like blaming the healer when the friggin ranger can't tank a mob.. "If a druid can't heal them, they shouldn't be there." God some people are arrogant. If a cleric can keep them alive, they have every right to be there with a cleric. As a 58 ranger, I can even tank most of the mobs in PoV (except inner) as long as I have a cleric... But since a druid can't keep me alive, I shouldn't be there? WTF? Since when are druids the center of the EQ universe? There is a reason clerics get a 7500 HP heal.. there is a reason they get a 1500 point heal with a 1.8 second cast time.. it is because they are the MAIN healers... If you really think you can keep pace, let me see your gimp druid heals keep a 9500 hp warrior alive in HOHb - when he's tanking mobs that melee for over 1k a swing.

Every class has it's place.. .Yes, druids can heal.. they can even heal WELL in some situations.. but saying a group shouldn't be somewhere that a druid can't keep them alive but a cleric could is just the worst case of arrogance I have seen in a long time.
RE: Druids as MH, soloing in EQ
# Aug 25 2003 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
674 posts
Shouldn't this be under Class discussion / Druid? You know, I posted some stuff about Anarchy online, in the personal dungeon section. I still Like EQ more. but this is yet another way AO shines. Each profession / race combo gets a XP % slider. That is, if you are of this race and class, you would get a certain % regardelss of group or not..... so just get 5 lunkheads that want to level and cant because they have to work to group with you. lol. I know I would :D
· 'Valdon Gravedancer' Terris-Thule. Dwarven Cleric 34th circle.
· 'Junglebug Sugarpants' Terris-Thule. Halfling Druid. 52nd season.
· 'Shinook Eldergod' Terris-Thule. Troll Shaman of 32nd rite.
· 'Soultree Vixen' Terris-Thule. Woodelf Ranger of 34th season.
what SoE didn't consider
# Aug 22 2003 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
167 posts
There was a question recently about HOW the unique adventure is created for your group: what if you have a slower or don't have a slower ? Will an adventure be made for each consideration ?

More importantly hwo well equipped you areand how good you are !!!!

If I go in with a level 50 group, a dungeon adventure will be built for our group. What if this group is an amazaing team with uber gear ?? Normally we fight in level 55+ areas. If SoE gives us a 45+ dungeon it will suck. How will they know what is good for us ?!?

If I go in with a group of 30 players who aren't well equipped, will they get an adventure that is over their abilities ?

I can not at all believe this is going to work with the desired results.

As a software development manager, I understand software development. If I was a developer for LDoN I would have a pit in my stomach and a growing panic that this is about to fail.

I hope I am wrong but all SoE's prior "ideas" for improving game have missed the mark or been miserable failures.

A few notable exceptions include the new UI, shared bank slots, etcetera. But the experience changes, raid functions, PoK portals, bazaar, etc have all degraded the role play of EQ as an adventure.

Sigh, like everyone I will buy this and suffer through it but SoE will think that they did a good job when in fact we buy it because we have almost no choice if we want to stay in the game.

I hope I am wrong but I foresee a failure.

RE: what SoE didn't consider
# Sep 01 2003 at 7:36 AM Rating: Default

I had to LMAO at this :

"As a software development manager, I understand software development".

Sorry, you may well understand software development, but these statements are almost always mutually exclusive in my experience as a Developer - the managers normally only understand how to ignore the developers recommendations and bully them into working late when the sh*t hits the fan :)

As a person who really does understand software development, it won't be THAT difficult to get these things workable once you have a basic algorithm. Score each player in the group according to a number of different categories such as :

damage mitigation
buffability DPS
buffability mitigation
buffability mana
crowd control

Take the best score for each group member in each category (except DPS which you add up all group members) to give you your rating for generating the dungeon. You use the best member rule as in general one person does the tanking, one does the healing, one does the CCing etc.

Once you have your basic algorithm, its just a case of playing with the numbers until something usable results.

I would expect that the encounters will be tailored to a balanced group (Cleric/Ench/Warrior/DPS classes) though - I wouldn't think there'll be a whole lot of dungeons that will be designed for AE groups or anyhting like that.

I suspect what we'll end up with is an algorithm which generates easonably good encounters most of the time, but sometimes produces somthing too easy of too hard. There's nothing at all wrong with this - it means that there will be adventure rather than you knowing exactly how easy a dungoen will be when you zone in, which would be pretty dull.

Geez, that turned out long...

65 Bard
Brell Serilis

# Aug 22 2003 at 5:14 AM Rating: Default
When LoY came out, I thought the new charm slot was cool but to this day i have only seen maybe 2 people with charms (not counting the PoP flag charm). I was kinda mad that the charms are so rare, the idea has lots of potential for lots of different types of charms. Now i worry that maybe these item augmentations will be so hard to find they just arent worth worrying about, just like the charms. I hope im wrong.
RE: augmentations!!
# Sep 09 2003 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
94 posts
I dont think there that rare, I know I have sat and watched 5 or 6 rot, I got my first one it wasnt very powerful or really right for me but I had it within a few weeks of launch, I have since upgraded my charm twice. And no I dont only play in LOY, and I only play for a couple hours a couple nights a week, usually til kei goes, and on weekends. The charms are not that rare, yes you do have to hunt LOY for certain types or named mobs.
RE: augmentations!!
# Aug 29 2003 at 1:13 PM Rating: Default
You're right, charms are rare, but not impossible to get. If you don't have one, it doesn't mean everyone doesn't have one, and unless you've inspected everyone you've come across you really wouldn't know if they all have one either. I have 2, 3 if you count the PoP one. Only one is useful to me at this point though. I have the charm of the brotherhood that can be quested in little or no time, maybe a day of hunting in Dulak, or just popping your head in every now and then to see if any coins for the quest have dropped. I also got the shimmering emerald crystal, which is sweet for a charm. All it took was waiting for the Stormwave Captain in Dulak to pop, and in the process gaining outstanding xp from level 40 to 50. It was fun, and getting the item took a little time, and thats why it was fun. Don't get frustrated when things are a little difficult, just try something new and it just might work. If you're hunting in PoN, you're NOT going to get a charm, but if you hunt in Dulak or Crypt of Nadox you've got a good chance. Same with LDON, if you don't go on an adventure where augmentations are rewarded, you're not going to get one no matter how long you complain. Oh, and sorry bout anon, didn't feel like logging in once I did this post.

54 Enchanter of Bertoxxolous
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