New LDoN Goodies

Sony sent us some more peeks at the coming goodies in Lost Dungeons. First off, the lewt! A series of pictures here demonstrate how item augmentations happen. Standardish everquest item, the Trueborn Elite Ring: An un-enhanced Blood Laced Axe of Mistmoore, this item shows the ability to add three different enchancements to it at once: Radiant Permafrost Chunk, note the new type, and it's limitations: The Polished Brown Stone, adding 15 HP to the item it enhances, but much less limited: After the augmentation, the Blood Laced Axe of Mistmoore has piced up some new statistics. an extra 2 damage, and 15 more hp, presumably able to recieve one more augmentation. One wonders if old world items will recieve slots for augmentation, however personally I doubt it. Oh, we were also sent over some lovely pictures of Miragul's haunts in Lost Dungeons.
Miragul10 Miragul13
Miragul10.jpg Miragul13.jpg
Miragul17 Miragul22
Miragul17.jpg Miragul22.jpg
Miragul23 Miragul6
Miragul23.jpg Miragul6.jpg


Post Comment
# Aug 17 2003 at 6:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Just an observation re: people ******** too much... I would agree that if you are sitting around actually upset about certain limitations in the game and/or areas that need improvement you should get a life. I, however, feel that most people aren't ******** but giving constructive criticism. If you think SOE isn't looking at this site, you are fooling yourself. That is exactly why they give this site "Sneak Peeks." So, contrary to what many feel, I suggest people keep on "************** or. as I prefer to refer to it, criticizing the game. This is exactly how the game continues to improve.

Just my 2cp.
# Aug 17 2003 at 6:18 PM Rating: Good
Is this going to be like Diablo where if you insert an item into a slot it is there permanently? Or can you remove the slotted item at anytime? I beg for the latter.
RE: Slots
# Aug 19 2003 at 12:36 AM Rating: Default
God, I hope so to. otherwise I don't think I can bear to use up good powerups in case a better item comes up later, heeh
# Aug 17 2003 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
adding +2 to alot of very fast 1h weapons is going to be a huge boost to them whereas adding +2 to like a 45 / 48 weapon is going to add almost nothing they need to put stronger restrictions on these like 1h only etc
OO ooo. I want to be uber too.
# Aug 17 2003 at 12:37 PM Rating: Default
Oh my.. all you people ***** about is your damn epics because they have fallen behind date. And for that soe quote about old items, that may just be in regards to once the expan is released and the items, do just sit around in your bank. I have to agree though about all the good **** is uber restricted.. but damn.. get over yourself, any good player can make the best of what equip they have.. believe me.. i don't have jack for equip but i can solo well (not a druid either) and i don't ***** about my equipment. Basically where i'm trying to go with this is, SIT DOWN< SHUT UP< SIT BACK< AND ENJOY THE RIDE. or something like stop ******** about every expansiona nd maybe soe will give us something to chew,
wah, i lost my kei...
# Aug 17 2003 at 12:21 PM Rating: Excellent
lmao... they didn't take away kei from 45 and under, tehy fixed a loophole that was being exploited. the spell has always been 46+, there was just a loophole in it...

Get over it and move on, and quit crying like a child about it.
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 17 2003 at 11:47 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Yup. I bet all the good gear will be 65. SOE doesn't give anyone else anything worth having, we should all know that by now. Consider the mentality that took KEI away from 46-. I will go further and say that most desirable things are not even available to 65s who are not in some huge powerful guild. Everquest is an elitist model society. What happened to the idea of having an expansion aimed at group enjoyment, with "new technology tailoring the adventure to the group"? Sounded good on paper. I had visions of a group being able to go to a new place, have fun, and come back with something to show for it. At last, SOE seemed to be considering those of us not in some gigantic raiding guild that no longer accepts members and was formed years before most of us started playing EQ. But now I start to worry that the expansion will be just more holding back of goodies for the uberest people so they can continue to grow fat at the top of the pyramid while everyone else wastes time and effort and money, of course. Bleah! No wonder people quit the game. And readers, don't blow me off by saying "If you don't like playing the game, don't play." I love playing EQ, have loved it for quite some time. However, I feel that the game and expansions have indeed become entirely centered on the greed of those at the top. SOE, take heed, soon no one but the ubers will be paying your monthly fees. LDoN and EQ2 had better have something to offer small guilds and groups.
# Aug 17 2003 at 9:55 AM Rating: Default
Are you people really that bored or have no life where all you can do is ***** at SOE b/c of one thing or another?!? Jesus Christ!!! Quit wasting peoples time by ******** about all the problems and remember that you choose to play the game. Get a life and stop ******** about your right to make choices to play the game or not! If you want to post, make suggestions don't use them to rant about all your little issues with the game!
# Aug 17 2003 at 9:23 AM Rating: Excellent
One complaint that I would not be suprised to see augmented is our epics. Due to the realease of PoP, most of our epics take up a bank space pehaps there will be spots on them to boost them a bit?

65 Lord Protector of Mith Marr
old items
# Aug 17 2003 at 8:44 AM Rating: Default
Sony did say we could augment 'old items weve become attached too' by the way
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 17 2003 at 6:18 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) we should get fluffy little dolls just for buying this expansion!
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 17 2003 at 6:07 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You want to find out alot of information on how LDON will work?
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 17 2003 at 7:40 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Quit yer ******** from AO. Adding slotted items to equipment is as old as fantasy novels and games and dates back to the 70's. You think AO created it?
# Aug 17 2003 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
This new augmentation feature looks to be some fun. Although it is true the real good ones are going to be hella rare...but hey, that's why theyre the real good ones.

It would be nice if SOE somehow implemented a name change of the item when you augment it. Instead of just "Weapon name (Augmented)", It'd be cool if adding stuff to it changed the name. Like Customizing does in Star Ocean 2, if you've ever played it. Looking at those 2 augments, it'd be neat if the name of the axe changed to something like Stone Axe of the Frost. Or something neat like that.

Edited, Sun Aug 17 05:47:26 2003
# Aug 17 2003 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
Ok my question is:

Who thinks the augmentation items are gonna be really hard to get? sure there will be some like plus 1 dmg, ir plus 5 hp that are easy to find but the good ones are gonna be super hard, ultra rare drops in vex thal type areas where a raid force is needed and only one person gets it. Sorry to be a pesimist but after playing so long it's getting tireing to invest days at a time for one purpose...
RE: Rarity?
# Aug 18 2003 at 8:01 AM Rating: Good
94 posts
Then again these augmentations will probably be like charms, in other words found in the new expansion, i am thinking they are not only mob drops but rewards for doing quests, and from the sound of it you can save up your 'reward points' as it where to get a better item and or choice of reward.

Just a thought...
RE: Rarity?
# Aug 17 2003 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, i think they gonna make them unnecesarily rare, and mostly obtainable by the high level characters, but then again there will be 48 new dungeons of various levels, so maybe it wont be just higher levels, at least i hope not.
RE: Rarity?
# Aug 17 2003 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
im sure these will be very hard to get i bet the "crappy" ones will be difficult to find kinda like the charms they added with LoY, and as for them only being accessable by higher lvl chars im also sure that with this new feature where you can take a group and have the dungeon to yourself everyone should be leveling really fast especially if theres an exp bonus because they are dungeons.

someone said," wondering if they are trying to get everyone bored with the game so they all play EQ2...."that wouldnt make any sense lol because if they are running 2 HUGE MMORPGs and still getting paid by the month from millions of people around the world they will make even more money....i really really wish i was in on some of that loot instead of being the one spending her paycheck on EQ.....sorry i knida trailed off there hehe
# Aug 16 2003 at 11:35 PM Rating: Default
You have to wonder what they will put in for casters, hopefully they will be able to put in Mana regen :) The melee classes get their dmg increased, why not be able to add 2 mana regen per tick to the caster ones. Curious to see what everyone else thinks. As the extra mana and hps wont do too much i mean comon melee get the extra hps by themselves. Has to be something for casters in it
I might just be brain dead
# Aug 16 2003 at 10:55 PM Rating: Default
As posted before very much like diablos gem slots, and are they going to be slot limited, i see that the radiant permafrost chunk went to slot 6 does that mean no other augs that use that slot can be placed on it?
RE: I might just be brain dead
# Aug 16 2003 at 11:06 PM Rating: Default
Right, each augmentation will have its own special slot to fill, there are solvents that will disolve a augmentation if you find a better augmentation you want to replace it with. So a Augmentation type Slot 6 will only fit in the slot 6 of the item and so forth etc

So far i've only seen slot 1 augments and they seem to be fairly rare so far.

but this can all change too
Wait and see
# Aug 16 2003 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
Don't get your hopes up too high for old items to be augmentable.

Yes they said that "old item in the bank will become interesting again" but Sony already broke lots of promises.

One example is the "Ancient Spells" promise : before they were introduced, they stated that they would drop of boss mobs everywhere and on their site you could read " Of course Trakanon will not drop an ancient spell as powerful as for example Vulak Ae'ar will do"

The truth is ancient spells drop only in Vex Thal and very rarely in NTOV, never seen Trakanon or other boss mobs drop one...

So wait and see, and expect the worst, so you won't be dissapointed afterwards.

Just my 2 cp

Arch Lich Venomia Dae'Monix
Officer Of X'Agon
Antonius Bayle Server

Edited, Sat Aug 16 20:24:00 2003
Customization!!! Finally
# Aug 16 2003 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
I think this is one of the best ideas that I have seen come about. I look forward to being able to customize items to my needs. I don't know how many times I have been looking for an item to raise a stat but could only find it on a item that came with so many other good stats that I didn't need that obtaining the item become expessive. My main a Monk has more then enough STR to max it with even a simple potion, but I need avatar to max AGI and DEX. Now I could spend a lot of time hunting for items to fix this and still keep the STR were I have it, but this option appeals to me more. BTW the Monk epic is great for anyone just by raw stats and not always having some one to haste you when you need it.

Zones only become old when folks no longer play in them out of a lack of a will to adventure.
RE: Customization!!! Finally
# Aug 18 2003 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
Agreed with the above statement, except I would like to see some skill checks when augmenting. Can we now just super glue an augmentaton to a weapon and it works? Sounds a little to easy, even if it is hard to find the augs.

my 2cp
# Aug 16 2003 at 6:33 PM Rating: Default
Just another thing to get people to buy their expansion. LDoN is going to stink worse the LoY.

RE: greaaaaaaaaaaaaat
# Aug 16 2003 at 8:40 PM Rating: Default
Actually this expansion doesn't sound bad....doesn't sound all that greeat but not too bad. the augmentations sound pretty cool. don't have to let us know that in YOUR opinion it stinks. Other people might like it.

RE: greaaaaaaaaaaaaat
# Aug 16 2003 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
For you this may be a sub par expansion but for those of us that want new dungeans to crawl through this expansion is a god send. So quit trying flame something that most people in EQ have wanted for quite some time.

7th Hammer
RE: greaaaaaaaaaaaaat
# Aug 17 2003 at 8:38 AM Rating: Default
LOY was and is still usefull its just you don't use it.

This Expansion looks to be like an ok one, but i would rather it be on a CD...
Augmentaion - Epic
# Aug 16 2003 at 5:49 PM Rating: Excellent
First off they need to make all the Epic Pieces --NO
DROP. Stop the UBBR's from constantly Farming these
pieces. Allow the smaller Guilds-- Casual players to have a chance to earn and complete thier Epics.
As for augmentation of the "Older" weapons - armor etc. That'd be an easier way to upgrade/enhance
existing pieces in the game, than create more and more items, to flood the game with.
RE: Augmentaion - Epic
# Aug 17 2003 at 10:34 AM Rating: Default
Are you kids serious? You can single group most of most epics with a decent pickup group.
RE: Augmentaion - Epic
# Aug 17 2003 at 12:09 AM Rating: Default
I kind of don't agree on that. ---SOME PEOPLE--- might not be able to play all that much, thus they might not be able to attend raids for their epic that often, so they should at least be able to buy SOME of the parts.

However, they do need to update epics bad considering the difficulty in getting them. I mean, you can get something better by just attending a 5 hour raid.

Just my 2 cp
RE: Augmentaion - Epic
# Aug 17 2003 at 10:16 AM Rating: Default
Aye..most epic pieces are to hard to get mostly because people camp the area so will never see it again(i.e. Chanter epic piece Shiny Metallic Robes down in Lguk..the item is magic only and people farm the crap out of them. Need To be made MAGIC LORE at least)sheesh. I had to buy my own because I could not venture down there, and camp it for my very own SMR. :(
Since epics are so important,.....
# Aug 16 2003 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
Have you stopped to think maybe they can be Augmented too? Hmmmm, That old Druid epic Sitting in the bank may find new use eh? And why shouldnt Soe Augment Epics? Can't Wait, Ready to go to the test server Now! :)
RE: Since epics are so important,.....
# Aug 17 2003 at 12:25 AM Rating: Default
"And why shouldn't soe augment epics?

They aren't gonna update epics cause they don't feel like it and they probly never will.....only things epics were made for were

1. Cool particle effects on some of them
2. For the effects.
3. When kunark FIRST came out, they were the best.

Now they are outdated and any GOOD guild can get them with EASE.

Kebin Deathbringer

Duel him if ya see him...he'll own joo!
RE: Since epics are so important,.....
# Aug 17 2003 at 7:56 AM Rating: Default
"cause they don't feel like it "

lol im sure you know what they feel
I do not envy the Magelo crew
# Aug 16 2003 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
And you thought charms were a problem...
RE: I do not envy the Magelo crew
# Aug 17 2003 at 2:49 AM Rating: Decent
all you do is add the ability to have a slot be filled into the item database, then just add stats and display it dynamiclly, just as they do now...
charms on the otherhand scale, thats a pita
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 16 2003 at 3:06 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) That would rock if you could get augs that made the lvl recuerment lower lol
no drop?
# Aug 16 2003 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
I think the augmentations are probably gonna all be no drop and from the new zones 2. I think its a possibility that u could augment droppable armor though, and then perhaps it would become no-drop and then maybe they will make a quest that allows your item to be stripped of augmentations and become droppable, or maybe you can actualy trade augmented items and strip it of the augmentations if u wish. I think making augmented items tradable would be pretty cool. The market is large but i still think its limited many times, augmented items would add a whole no level to selling stuff, but thats just me.... speaking of augmentations---anyone ever play Dues Ex? man thats a good game, cant wait for the sequal...

RE: no drop?
# Aug 16 2003 at 2:55 PM Rating: Good
new level* that is, and stupid typos
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