Hey I'm working on this with my main and I'm loving it! It's like the old epic quests only several times harder and involves travelling all over Norrath, visiting old zones you almost had forgotten about. I actually found sections of some zones I had never seen before, like in Icewell Keep. This is an incredible quest and the prize is well worth the humongous effort: an augment of fantastic power and prestige which no doubt will remain attached to a proud owner's earring until the day the last EQ server shuts down for all time.
I'd like to start this thread for comments about this quest, and for tips and info on getting it all done.
For those not in the know, here's a basic rundown of how it works. Even though walkthrus and info threads have been created here, on DBG forums and on EQTraders, because some of those threads were works in process, I would like to coalesce the info here for the sake of simplicity:
1. You have to be a master craftsman in every trade skill for which you are eligible. Yeah, if you're not tradeskill junkie, this is a big hurdle. Which is why I say this quest is several times harder than any class's epic. BUT.... no raiding required. There is lots of info on how to max out every trade skill so I won't get into that. Since being 300 in a trade has inherent value anyway, I'd suggest it's well worth becoming a Master Craftsman even without the availability of this quest. You can make millions of pp creating and selling bags, power sources, and other items requiring easily pharmed components.
2. Complete the Artisan's Wares achievement. You might want to set one of your bind points near this guy in Halas since you'll be visiting him several times. This requires gathering 16 items in 16 zones all over the old world. They're all ground spawns but you might have to do some clearing to get to some of them, such as in Harbinger's Spire and Erudin Burning. Easily solo'd by 100+. Below that, maybe bring a friend or 2. This step does contain a notorious bottleneck: the Plane of Time ground spawn is in a room which can only be accessed by hailing an NPC while in possession of a Quintessence of Elements, which is what old-timers received for completing PoP progression. Unfortunately, most of us <ahem, like ME) destroyed this item to make space, since we were told you could move such flags to your keyring and never ever have to use the original item again. Fools Be Us! THIS is why many players on every server are redoing all the old PoP progression, fighting for the same once-every-3-days spawning PoP Boss. The easier solution is find a friend with the item, group with them and have them hail the NPC in Plane of Innovation. Failing to find a friend who still has the item, do what I did: offer a hefty pourboire in general chat and eventually you'll find someone willing to sell 10 minutes of their time for many stacks of platinum pieces.
3. You need to have at least one trade skill trophy and max out its highest level. If, like me, you never bothered to acquire these while levelling your skills to 300.... there's good news! It didn't matter! Just go to West Freeport, find Baublie Diggs, not far from the zone-in, and she gives out all the Master Trade Skill quests. If your skill is 300 she will automatically offer you the Master level tests. I did Tailoring myself. You have to make about 10 items which aren't particularly hard, although at least one is 300+ so you could suffer a failure there. At least for Tailoring, none of the components are particularly difficult to locate.
4, Once you turn in the 10 items you have to make she rewards you with your Master Trade Skill trophy. But it's levelled to 6/7 and 0% so you need to max it out. This is accomplished by equipping it and making 400-1000 successful combines for any recipe above 300 trivial. You can read more about this on DBG forums but the current wisdom is that anything 301-350 will do and that nothing is gained with a trivial above 350. The 400-1000 range depends upon which trade skill and the long thread on the Artisan Quest at DBG has a post with specific info on which is which. I chose Tailoring for my first trophy because it's only 500 and it allows you to create the very costly Artisan's Seal of Tailoring (which we will discuss below.)
5. Once you've maxed out your trade skill trophy, head back to Halas, find Lebounde ab Dolmen again (where DO they get these names?) hail him and now he'll talk with you and offer you the 12 Artisan's Seal quests, one for each trade skill. Grab them all, it can't hurt. You have to acquire all 12 seals and turn them all in to this guy. The seals are tradeable, but at least on my server they're expensive. Asking prices run between 150k and 2milpp. EACH. My decision was to buy every one I could get below 500k and make the rest. Of course, as a halfling druid I can't make the Alchemy or Poisoncrafting seals so I will be stuck buying those. On FV Alchemy is pretty cheap but the rogue guild seems to be fixing the price on Poisoncrafting at 2millionpp (the max price the Bazaar allows) so I'm holding off for the time being. Making all 12 of these yourself is a BIG deal. Mainly because every one has components that drop rarely from mobs. Add to the rarity the fact that multiple players are pharming these, some for their own Artisan Quest, others to make up to 2millionpp selling them to questers, and you see why they can be tough to find.
6. Now you then need to make three items, Earring of the Solstice, Eron's Jewelry and Signet of Might (or Signet of Arcane. Lebounde provides dialogue giving hints as to how to find the quests involved. Those all involve separate quests that are well-documented here and elsewhere so I won't go into detail.
7. Hail him again, /say work and he offers you THE ARTISAN'S PRIZE quest. Turn in all 12 seals to Lebounde. Follow the steps and the dialogue and you will enter his little house, find a container, combine the 3 items from #6 in the container, gasp for a moment in anguish when the combine seems to fail, and then revel in relief when Lebounde comforts you and awards you with the Artisan's Prize, best "conventional" (i.e. Type 7/8) augment in the game.
8. GLOAT, BRAG, REVEL, especially if you're not a raider
8. I'm not entirely clear here (maybe someone can comment who knows for sure) but it MAY be that you need to have all your available trade skill trophies maxed out to see the FULL effect of this augment. But I do know even with the obligatory single maxed trophy the augment stats are still far superior to any other augment in the game, and I mean by FAR. Just the +80 heroics is phenomenal, not to mention 100AC and 700-800 HEM. This beats even the top raid augments in the game, such as The Silver-Etched Coin. Frankly, I'm astonished as well as pleasantly surprised that EQ would allow non-raiders access to a prize far better than anything you could acquire by raiding. Raiders must be wailing and gnashing their teeth all other Norrath.
More to come as I work my way thru this. Fun, fun, fun!
Edited, Sep 3rd 2016 8:02am by Sippin