Today, I had a chance to use this and there have been some changes made. Most notably, it's duration was doubled. With 50% extension, I get 3 minutes on this now. It no longer works with any procs like it used to. It will still crit for you, (Enc 75 with all crit AA doing 1680 on a crit). A mage in my group trying it out with lvl 1 and 4 nukes reported it wouldn't proc with them. However, his level 7 (and higher) nukes did crit. I find that somewhat interesting, as the lowest level enchanter nuke is level 7.
Mixed feelings about this... I know my shaman friends will not be happy about the change, considering what this did in sync with panther... but the longer duration is fairly nice. Wizzies and mages are going to be my manaflare targets of choice now.