Description |
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 7252.
Mana: |
0 |
Endurance Cost: |
448 |
Skill: |
Offense |
Casting Time: |
Instant |
Recast Time: |
60 |
Fizzle Time: |
0 |
Resist: |
Physical |
Resist Adjust: |
-49 |
Location: |
Any |
Time of Day: |
Any |
AE Range: |
25 |
Hate Generated: |
350 |
Deletable: |
No |
Reflectable: |
No |
Focusable: |
Yes |
Dispellable: |
Yes |
Interruptable: |
Yes |
Timer: |
16 |
Target Type: |
Spell Type: |
Detrimental |
Source: |
Live 01/16 |
Melee Flags |
Initial Endurance Cost: | 448 |
Endurance Cost: | 0/second |
Opening Types: |
| |
Messages |
Cast on you: A blade slices into your body. Cast on other: Soandso is sliced by a blade.
Game Description |
You swing your axe in a wide circle, dealing up to @1 damage to up to %T targets. |
Items with this effect |