Description |
2: Increase Chance to Avoid Melee by 3% 3: Illusion: Unknown(-1) 5: Cap Hitpoints (89%) 6: Increase Chance to Riposte by 25%
Mana: |
0 |
Skill: |
Offense |
Casting Time: |
Instant |
Recast Time: |
0 |
Fizzle Time: |
0 |
Range: |
50 |
Location: |
Any |
Time of Day: |
Any |
Hate Generated: |
-1 |
Deletable: |
No |
Blockable: |
No |
Focusable: |
No |
Dispellable: |
No |
Interruptable: |
No |
Short Buff Box: |
Yes |
Timer: |
1 |
Target Type: |
Self |
Spell Type: |
Beneficial |
Source: |
Live 12/03 |
Melee Flags |
Initial Endurance Cost: | 0 |
Endurance Cost: | 0/second |
Opening Types: |
| |
Messages |
Cast on you: You slice your skin. The pain sharpens your senses. Cast on other: Soandso cuts themselves and grins. Effect Fades: Your self-inflicted wound heals.
Game Description |
You wound yourself, reducing your maximum hit points to 89% and bleeding 1% of your hit points (to a maximum of @3) every six seconds for 4.0 mins. The pain sharpens your reflexes, making you 3% more likely to avoid attacks and 25% more likely to riposte attacks. |
Items with this effect |