Spell Icon Girdle of Magi'Kot  


1: Summon Item: Summoned: Girdle of Magi`Kot

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 100 Skill: Conjuration
Casting Time: 4 Recast Time: 1.5
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Range: 0
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Deletable: No Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: Yes
Interruptable: Yes Target Type: Self
Spell Type: Beneficial Source: Live 04/23

Game Description

Focuses mana into the form of the girdle of Magi`Kot, an item that increases your pet's hit points, strength, stamina, dexterity, and agility.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Girdle of Magi'Kot


Planes of Power

Post Comment
# Mar 06 2005 at 10:03 PM Rating: Decent
All this weapon ratio thing is confusing me. All I know is i soloed PC at lvl 12 with my mage, by giving my pet a weighty polearm or a thornblade of the ykesha. With this belt and the haste muzzle, there was no stopping me =) DPS eat yer heart out lol
hard spells
# Feb 28 2005 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
I have been looking for the spell for about 2 weeks now and finally got it last night. A person had a spec in the bank and traded it in for me and first turn in for her bam got this spell. I ended up paying 20k for the spell cause I was offering it for that spell and people were trading in spec's for it. I do believe this spell is extremely rare since oow came out. Less and less people are hunting in pop and is making it hard for use to get the spells we need now =/.
# Jan 14 2005 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
Now that people hunting in PoP is down due to expansions and people leaving EQ it is near impossible to get this spell. SP turnins for 11 spells random makes for major trouble getting the spell. I have turned in about two dozen SP and checked the bazaar daily for about4 months.
I have been patient until now because I figured they would change the way we get these spells but it looks like they are to busy with new expansions. I am close to giving this up now. Frustration lvl at all time high. The question now is how do I get WOW? Been looking for it for a month and it is sold out at all the stores in this area.
# Apr 25 2004 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
Am I the only one who seems to have trouble getting this spell?

I have turned in more Spectral parchments than I can count, and I get every spell but this one. The random spell thing for the turn in is just sad.

I know for a fact that I have been trying to find this spell for weeks and still can't seem to get it. If anyone knows any tricks, would they please post them here?

Brildayar Zacharius
65 Arch Mage of Innoruuk

Who can use
# Oct 04 2003 at 7:02 AM Rating: Default
Does anyone know is this item pet level dependant?

What I mean is, could I get this and give to my level 34 mage pet and would it have any effect or reduced effect?
What it is
# May 23 2003 at 9:36 AM Rating: Excellent
142 posts
Summoned: Girdle of Magi`Kot
STR: +15 DEX: +15 STA: +15 AGI: +15
HP: +500
WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: NONE

Pet only, although melees often ask for it by name. Who wouldn't want a 500hp belt anyway?
i disagree
# Apr 04 2003 at 5:06 PM Rating: Default
They changed the delay of weapons for pets like days ago. delay on pets doesnt matter on 1 handed or 2 handed even though they won't take 2 handed weaps. only procs matter and stats on the summoned weapons.
RE: i disagree
# Jul 04 2003 at 1:15 PM Rating: Default
I would like you to post your source on that i play an enchanter DC or summoned the delay matters not damage on a weapon and only one procs if you give 2 non PoP dc. PoP dc some wont take weapons.

Edited, Fri Jul 4 14:08:49 2003
RE: i disagree
# Feb 26 2004 at 8:42 PM Rating: Default
531 posts
Aye, as said, Pre-Kunark they fixed it so delay on a weapon doesn't change your pet's attack rate. My Enchanter was in the late teens when they made this change, I was so pissed.

I used to Shout in Greater Fay "Buying rusty daggers for 1pp each!" People used to send me tells asking why I wanted them. I'd say "They aren't going to be dropping soon so I want to stock up!" Some idiot replied "I'll sell you some for 5pp each"

There were other daggers with better delay even but back then I didn't have the cash to spend. :P Those were the days, it really did make a nice difference. I used to SOLO in CRUSHBONE at level 4! Bach then that was a good feat as the gear isn't like it is today. Oh well back to the here and now..... It doesn't work anymore. :) hehe
RE: i disagree
# Aug 02 2003 at 10:13 AM Rating: Default
Actually he is right, they did a patch long time ago (before kunard if my memory serves) that pets could not take advantage of weapon delay. it used to be that everyone gave their pets daggers because of the low delay since the damage was the same. they did away with that so now giving a pet a weapon is just cosmetic unless it has stats.

Moonsilver Sunhawk, 63 Druid, Veshaan
Lesile Sunhawk, 59 Necromancer, Veshaan
Felicitey Malhara, 59 Magician, Veshaan
RE: i disagree
# Dec 27 2003 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
Actually, here's how it works:

Level 24 pets (and possibly 29 pets) need weapons to dual wield, two, specifically!

Low level pets will enjoy the dmg increase one some weaps. If wdmg*2>ndmg, then the pet will use the weapon dmg (*2), wdmg*2<=ndmg, the pet will use its native dmg. I'm not sure on cold/fire/magic dmg, though.

Also, if you find rusty 2handers a lot as a low level necro/mage, keep them and give them to your pets if your pet does less than 18 dmg normally.
RE: Pet Weps
# May 09 2004 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
Pets do not need weps to dual wield.
The delay does not affect their attack rate.
The dmg on the wep is irrelavent <-(totally spelled this word wrong but /shrug)
AS long as a pet has a wep. equiped the dmg it puts out will have the highest % to be at its max hit.
eg. WoX has a max hit of 83 I believe. The chance of it hitting for 83 is the same if you hand it a rusty dagger or if you hand it a Blade of Kedge. But if its unarmed the chance of it hitting for 83 is lower. I could be mistaken on this, If I am, sorry. But this is what I have been led to believe so far. Feel free to post any corrections to this.

"Its alright to think about the things you want to do, until it comes time to do the things you know you have to do."

Edited, Sun May 9 11:18:19 2004
RE: i disagree
# Apr 09 2004 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
as I understand it and my experience as a mage bstlord and charming bard, the following seems corect.

If you give a pet something the following happens. If it has stats. the pet gains the stats. including AC, HP, Mana (fire pets DO have a mana pool, give it kindle or C2 and watch it nuke more...). If it's a weapon the pet will try to equip it. If the weapon has a lower delay than a currently equiped weapon it will replace that weapon (I belive there is a bug so it will only affect the weapon in the primary hand of dual wielding pets). However, even though it chooseses it's equipment based on delay (due to delay being what used to affect pet attack) the dmg of the weapon affects the pet's damage. it does not raise it's max damage however with a weapon equiped (any weapon, not just a good one) it increases the pets chance to hit near or at his maximum dmg, the higher the dmg on the weapon the better. In addition pets can proc weapons with the usual restrictions (pet must be of proc lvl, proc rate is determined by dexterity etc).

I don't have any logs but some simple experiments at any level can show you what I'm talking about. Give your pet a very fast low dmg weapon. It will be barely noticable but they should hit slightly higher on average. Now give them a high dmg low delay weapon. They will hit at or near cap a LOT more (note, they wil not HIT more, just hit harder on average. weapons don't help them hit reds more frequently etc.)

I have found all this to hold true accross the 61 levels of my mage, 58 of my bard with charmed mobs (note, some charmed mobs won't equip a lot of gear... high mage summons are summoned specific for example, and will not work on say charmed animals or undead... all player created pets are considered summoned) and 55 levels of my beastlord.

Also they patched it quite a long time ago so dual wielding pets WILL dual wield their fists. i.e. you don't HAVE to give a dual wielding pet 2 weapons to make them dual wield. Though of course you should since they will hit harder on average if you do...

They also patched out a glitch that used to be GREAT for low lvl mages. While not as great as the whole rusty dagger = virtualy no pet delay, pets used to be able to dual wield 2handed weapons, so you could give your pet 2 lore summoned staffs and he would open up that much more wup ***. But allas the nerf bat cometh and now they can't hold 2 handers at all...

I haven't tested it but I have heard that a higher ratio weapon will produce the same effect as just a high delay weapon, possibly even better... but this is just a rumor. And if you're a mage you just summon the best thing you've got (untill you get the good pet swords stick with the crappy ones. yes I know you get daggers at a later level but they're not as good dmg. so it doesn't affect anyone other than ppl who buy weapons on the bazaar for pets. and NO you DON'T have to give piercing weapons to a rogue pet for him to backstab, he can do it with his fists, if he could equip a sausage he could BS with that, just give them the best things you've got.
Girdle stats
# Mar 10 2003 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
Stats on girdle are plus 15 compared to 10 on belt, and plus 500 hp, compared to 250 on belt.
i disagree
# Mar 06 2003 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
i disagree, a pet will not take a weapon with a worse ratio then its fists....but will take the summoned swords because the ratio is better....now try giving your pet a weapon with a worse ratio then the summoned swords...it wont take it cuz the ratio is worse

61 mage
RE: i disagree
# Apr 08 2003 at 12:02 PM Rating: Default
i disagree with you does not take the weapon with the better ratio it will always take the weapon that has the lower delay. even though it does not seem that delay affects how fast they attack but will always take the one with the lower delay time!
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 29 2002 at 9:59 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ALL KNEEL TO THE MIGHTY CABBAGE !
What it does
# Nov 17 2002 at 10:47 PM Rating: Default
This spell summons a belt that has Str+10 Dex+10 Sta+10 Agi+10 HP+250. It is a PET ONLY item. Mages can also summon a 1hs that is 10dmg 20 dly +3magic dmg procs a 120dmg dd + stun.. which is also PET ONLY.
RE: What it does
# May 25 2004 at 9:15 AM Rating: Default
actually its a 140dd stun
GIRDLE stats please..not belt
# Jan 09 2003 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
You gave the stats for the BELT of Magi'Kot, we want to know the stats of the summoned GIRDLE of Magi'Kot
RE: What it does
# Dec 28 2002 at 12:04 AM Rating: Default
Pet weapons could be 1/100000 and it wouldn't make a difference. Ration does not affect the pets, only the proc's and stats.

also, you forgot to mention, the sword looks killer (imo)
RE: What it does
# Apr 28 2003 at 7:01 AM Rating: Decent
Correct, weapons don't affect pet performance...EXCEPT:

a) Some pets need to be given a weapon to dual wield. (Others never dual wield, still others always dual wield)

b) Procs.

c) Large damage weapon on young pet! the pet will hit for a maximum of 2x the weapon's damage number, WITHOUT ANY CHANGE IN DELAY. This one's great for twinking. Give a pet any level down to 1 a Frost Giant Femur (25/46), and it will hit for 50 points max every three seconds.
Evidently no equipped weapon has any effect on pet's attack delay. It's fixed at about 3 seconds between swings (without any haste).

This idea is great for pets at least up to level 29 (when they start to dual-wield) and maybe higher. Note, some weapons with obscene damage don't work this way (such as a 45/150 Weighted Axe.) The pet doesn't seem to equip them.

I've re-checked it again lately (April 2003) myself. Seems too good to be true, but it hasn't changed. Try it, you'll like it. Given 2H weapon prices in the bazaar these days, even an untwinked newbie can benefit from this if he can scare up a few plat.

Edit: if the pet's normal max damage is greater than 2x the weapon's damage number, there won't be any change (pet's damage output won't drop.) So level 60 people are unlikely to notice this.

Edited, Mon Apr 28 07:25:45 2003
# Nov 12 2002 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone know if this spell stacks with potc/pot9?
RE: Stackable?
# Apr 13 2003 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
. summoned item stats stack with all buffs as far as i know.
# Nov 10 2002 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
does anyone know what this spell does?
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