The Grimling War  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Money
Related Creatures:
Era:Shadows of Luclin
Group Size:Group
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Thu Sep 22 19:17:56 2016
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
> The Grimling War is an event that takes place throughout the entire Grimling Forest. There are a number of drops that are obtained from multiple named throughout the event and it is required to be completed in order to do a number of quests whose Quest givers will not spawn until its completion.

> In order to progress through the war the player(s) involved will follow various Vah Shir NPCs located in the Vah Shir fort in the southeast of the zone to specific Grimling camps scattered throughout the zone. Some of the camps are locked behind successfully overtaking the previous camps and it is STRONGLY advised to only attack a single camp at a time as sending multiple Vah Shir NPCs out simultaneously can cause scripts to not trigger correctly.

> War progress can be viewed at any time by speaking to General Staginar located in one of the small buildings inside the Vah Shir fort.

> The event must be fully completed within 24 hours or everything resets.

> After completing the event it takes 12 days +- a few hours for it to reset.

You say, 'Hail, General Staginar'

General Staginar says 'Greetings, Ducreux. I'm troubled that we have not yet been able to fully clear out the remaining Grimlings from the camps they still hold, I know [which camps] we have to assault to proceed, and it'll be just a matter of time before we can move forth with our plans.'

You say, 'which camps'

General Staginar says 'My scouts report the following to me...'
We have not yet cleared camp one to the North!
We have not yet cleared camp two, to the North, of enemy forces.
We have not yet cleared camp three, to the West, of enemy forces.
We have not yet cleared camp four, to the West, of enemy forces.
We have not yet cleared camp five, to the West, of enemy forces.
We have not yet cleared camp six, to the West, of enemy forces.
We have not yet cleared camp seven, to the Northwest, of enemy forces.
We have not yet cleared camp eight, along the river to the North!
We have not yet cleared camp nine, to the North, of enemy forces.

> To begin the War (assuming no camps are currently cleared) speak to one of the three Scouts located inside the Vah Shir fort. NOTE: It does not matter which Scout you send out, they will all select a camp at random and you only need to speak to one of them.

You say, 'Hail, Scout Husman'

Scout Husman says 'Greetings, Bobbybick. Are you [here to help]? You've no doubt heard of the issues with the Grimlings throughout the forest. I fear we may not be able to push them back enough this time to keep our people safe from the dastardly deeds of those vile things. Reports have come in that they may be trying to come at us from the North. While it wouldn't be unheard of, such a move might prove to be a decoy for other attacks coming from the West.'

You say, 'here to help'

Scout Danarin says 'I'm glad to hear it. From our reports, they have a rather small group of soldiers North of here, comprising of two encampments not far from each other. We must begin pushing the Grimlings back to their mines so they cannot continue to have a stronghold in this area. For now, you must gather together a group of soldiers to venture with you to help us clear one of the camps out. When you are [ready to go], inform me of such and I will lead you to the camp where you can make preparations for battle.'

You say, 'ready to go'

Scout Danarin says 'Right, then. We'll be making our way to, what we believe, is their number one camp, leading the way for the other camp northward down to us. Make sure you have everyone with you, we'll be making our way to the camp in just a minute.'

  • Follow the scout to Camp 1.

    Scout Danarin says 'Here we are, at their primary camp to the direct North of our outpost. It is up to you to clear the camp of these worrisome Grimlings so we can help to push them back into those wretched mines. They'll likely use the hills behind those huts as cover for their casters, but be sure to clear out those in the huts first, as they will no doubt be more trouble than you are expecting. Also, watch out for any officers, as they can cause more problems still if you're not careful. When you are [ready to start], let me know and I will let you loose to wreak havoc on the Grimlings of that camp.'

    Your primary objective is to eliminate the main force of the camp and then assault the casters on the hills afterward. Good luck!

    You say, 'I am ready to start'

    Scout Danarin says 'Now is the time, my friends, to prove yourselves in the thick of battle! Charge to the enemy and leave no Grimling standing!'

  • Clear the camp of Grimlings, some will be untargettable until the others are killed. After you have fully cleared all the generic grimlings Arcanist Ukigit will become targetable. Defeat him in order to successfully take Camp 1.

  • Speak to a Scout again to begin the assault on Camp 2.

    You say, 'ready to go'

    Scout Derrin says 'Right, then. We'll be making our way to their secondary camp, which we believe follows the first into battle and may be the back up lines for the first camp. Make sure you have everyone with you, we'll be making our way to the camp in just a minute.'

  • Follow the scout to Camp 2

    Scout Derrin says 'We have arrived at the second camp to the direct North of our outpost. It is up to you to clear the camp of these bothersome Grimlings so we can help to push them back into those desolate mines. Our reports suggest that they have powerful shaman who may try to stop you with spirits of the land. Do not let them consume you with their shamanistic ways, and instead focus on the rest of the Grimlings in the camp. When you are [ready to begin], let me know and I will let you loose to rid this camp of it's foul denizens.'

    You say, 'ready to begin'

    Scout Husman says 'To arms, now! Rush into the heart of the beast and emerge victorious, as we have discussed! Charge!'

  • Clear the camp of grimlings. NOTE : There currently is a bug where one of the "a grimling gruntling" for this camp spawns in the far west of the zone then has some glitchy pathing causing him to often get stuck inside the tunnels leading to Acrylia caverns. Common areas he is found have been marked on the map but it is recommended to bring a tracker that can sort by latest spawntime. Once all the grimlings in the camp and the bugged gruntling are dead the 4 Spiritchanters by the fire should become targettable. Killing these 4 will spawn Soul Echo, another named Grimling, whose defeat will cause Camp 2 to be successfully taken.

  • At this point you can now speak to either Captain Necin or ANY of the 3 Veterans located in the Vah Shir base camp in order to proceed in attacking Camps 3-9.

    Speaking to the Veterans will lead you to attacking (randomly) camps 3, 4, 5, and 6. Captain will lead to camps 7, 8, and 9.

    You say, 'Hail, Veteran Cullin'

    Veteran Cullin says 'Greetings to you, Bobbybick. Are you [here to help] further our cause and continue to push back the Grimling forces? You look to be no stranger to the battles that go on and seem to be competent enough to aid us in this, our daily fight.'

    You say, 'here to help'

    Veteran Cullin says 'I'm glad to hear that. As you may or may not know, the Grimlings have a series of camps to the West, where they can easily push forward to take us out. We must strike them before they have a chance to do this. You will need to gather two groups of capable soldiers together for this mission, as it will be quite dangerous. When you are [ready to go], let me know and I will lead the way to one of the camps.'

    You say, 'ready to go'

    Veteran Cullin says 'Very well, then. We'll be making our way to the camp closest to the base, directly West of us. We believe that to be the spearhead of the area, and will lead the rest of the camps nearby were an attack to occur. Make sure you have everyone you need with you, we'll be heading out in just a minute.'

  • Follow the Veteran to camp 3

    Veteran Cullin says 'This is it, the third camp in the forest, directly West of our outpost. We leave it in your hands to dispatch these vile Grimlings so we can help to push them back into those austere mines. I have had Scout Felles meet us here to give us the latest intelligence on the camp before we begin.'

    Veteran Cullin says 'Scout Felles, what do you have to report?'

    Your primary objective is to eliminate the main force of the camp yet maintain control of the reinforcements. Good luck!

    Scout Felles says 'Sir, it looks as though the layout of this camp provides for a small number of initial Grimlings, however they will be reinforced quickly once a battle begins from outside the camp. I advise keeping calm and maintaining focus or else you will be lost in this fight. When you are [ready to start], inform the Veteran of such so he can direct you to the fight and clear the spearhead that this camp is for the Grimlings.'

    You say, 'ready to start'

    Veteran Cullin lets out a howling war cry and shouts 'Rid the forest of those dastardly Grimlings, attack!'

  • Clear the grimling camp. Once the initial spawn is cleared 7-8 more grimlings will rush into the camp which also need to be killed. After all generic grimlings are down named grimling Officer Tregli will spawn. Defeating him will cause Camp 3 to be Successfully Taken.

  • Speak to another Veteran to begin the next assault.

    You say, 'ready to go'

    Veteran Darznel says 'Very well, then. We'll be making our way to the fourth camp in the forest, directly behind the spearhead of camp three. This is the main force that could cause considerable trouble were they to attack, so it is imperative we clear out whatever forces are there. Make sure you have everyone you need with you, we'll be heading out in just a minute.'

  • Follow the Veteran to Camp 4

    Veteran Darznel says 'Stay close, we are among the other camps and there's no way to know for sure if other of those dastardly Grimlings are nearby. We are depending on you to make this fight short and without cause, and to help push back these wicked beasts from whence they came. I have had Scout Nivren meet us here to give us the latest intelligence on the camp before we begin.'

    Veteran Darznel says 'Scout Nevrin, what do you have to report?'

    Your primary objective is to rid the camp of its soldiers, and be wary of the clerics until that is accomplished. Good luck!

    Scout Nivren says 'Sir, we have heard that they keep their best clerics in this camp to help heal and revive the front lines during an attack. We have also heard that they gain their strength from the number of Grimling soldiers near to them, so keep that in mind. When you are [ready to begin], let the Veteran know so he can direct you to the fight to slay the clerics that are keeping the forces of evil healed and ready to fight.'

    You say, 'ready to begin'

    Veteran Darznel says 'Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war! Let no Grimling escape their fate!'

  • Clear the camp of grimlings. NOTE: The grimlings here will instantly respawn as you kill them until the right ones are defeated or pulled away from the others. Defeating all the grimlings will successfully take Camp 4.

  • Speak to another Veteran to begin the next assault.

    You say, 'ready to go'

    Veteran Darznel says 'Very well, then. We'll be making our way to the fifth camp in the forest, at the tail end of the camps in that area. It is our belief that this camp holds the reinforcement wave of their attack force, so it is important to rid ourselves of the threat. Make sure you have everyone you need with you, we'll be heading out in just a minute.'

  • Follow the Veteran to camp 5.

    Veteran Darznel says 'Do not stray, we are in the thick of the enemy and might be surprised at any moment. You are the hope we have for securing this camp for the cause and helping to push back those contemptible Grimlings to the mines. I have had Scout Harsbren meet us here to give us the latest intelligence on the camp before we begin.'

    Veteran Darznel says 'Scout Harsbren, what do you have to report?'

    Your primary objective is to clear out the main force of the camp and eliminate the more powerful casters nearby. Good luck!

    Scout Harsbren says 'Sir, this is their long-range support camp, with some of their more powerful casters in tow. From the looks of it, they are planning some kind of specialized magic attack that will likely injure some in your party. Do not let it stop you though, for only great resilience will help you win this fight. When you are [ready to fight], let the Veteran know so he can direct you to the fight and clear out this menace before it has a chance to come to fruition.'

    You say, 'ready to fight'

    Veteran Darznel says 'Remember your training, and let the blood of beasts drench your swords!'

  • Clear the camp of grimlings. There is a group of grimling casters on top of the hill on a wooden platform that will cast weak spells on you, defeat them as well. Clearing the entire camp will successfully take over Camp 5.

  • Speak to another Veteran to begin the next assault.

    You say, 'ready to go'

    Veteran Cullin says 'Very well, then. We'll be making our way to a trailing, sixth camp, North of the other three. It is believed that in an attack, this camp would make up a flanking force and would come around from behind us and leave us no room to retreat. We must make sure that none of the Grimlings are allowed to pursue this line of attack. Make sure you have everyone you need with you, we'll be heading out in just a minute.'

  • Follow the Veteran to camp 6.

    Veteran Cullin says 'We've made it at last. Do not stray, we do not know where there may be Grimlings ready to jump out and attack. We are depending on you soldiers to help clear out this camp so that we can further our push into the heart of the Grimling forces and overtake the town at last. I have had Scout Korin meet us here to give us the latest intelligence on the camp before we begin.'

    Veteran Cullin says 'Scout Korin, what do you have to report?'

    Your primary objective is to eliminate the main force of the camp yet maintain control of the reinforcements. Keep an eye out for any officers that join the battle. Good luck!

    Scout Korin says 'Sir, this camp seems to be similar to camp three, except that it is more heavily fortified from the mines beyond. This camp is the focal point for a flanking maneuver, so it is crucial that they are eliminated. There are reports that they have an officer among them, so keep your eyes out for him during your battle. When you are [ready to battle], let the Veteran know so he can direct you to the fight and clear out this flanking threat before they have a chance to strike.'

    You say, 'ready to battle'

    Veteran Cullin says 'The battle begins here and now! Charge in and let them see we will not be opposed!'

  • Clear the camp of grimlings. After the first initial spawn some more grimlings should appear with an untargettable Officer Grugaht with them, clear the rest of the generic grimlings to make him attackable. After the Officer is defeated Camp 6 will be successfully taken.

  • Speak to Captain Necin to begin the assaults on Camps 7-9

    You say, 'Hail, Captain Necin'

    Captain Necin says 'Strength to you, Bobbybick. Have you come to [aid us] in our fight against the vile Grimlings of this forest as they try to push forth and destroy us? You certainly look capable enough to do just that and I would hope that you are not just here to gawk while we fight a worthwhile fight for our very heritage.'

    You say, 'I have come to aid you' **CANNOT USE BRACKETED TEXT**

    Captain Necin says 'Very good. It is good to know there is still honor among soldiers, even in these trying times. For now, we will be concentrating on the three camps nearest to the mines, between the mines and the town to the North. You will need to gather together three able bodied groups to venture forth for this mission. When you are [ready to go], inform me thusly and I will lead the way.'

    You say, 'ready to go'

    Captain Necin says 'Alright, let's be on our way. Our target for this mission is the camp directly South of the mines. This is their defensive position to enemy encroachment from the South. It is necessary to decimate this camp so we can keep a strong foothold in preventing them from moving South and occupying those four camps. Make sure everyone is with you, we'll be heading out in just a minute.'

  • Follow the Captain to Camp 7.

    Captain Necin says 'We have arrived at our destination, and just in time to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting Grimling beasts that are about to meet their creator. You must note that they have a tower where they will be firing down upon you things you may not be expecting. Keep focused and watch out for any other officers that may decide to reinforce the camp mid-fight. When you are [ready to start], let me know and I will let you loose to absolve the Grimlings of their hold on this camp.'

    Your primary objective is to eliminate the waves in the camp, then eliminate the tower guards when you can. Beware any officers that join the battle. Good luck!

    You say, 'ready to start'

    Captain Necin says 'Take no prisoners! Attack!'

  • Defeat the grimlings at the camp. There are two spawns of 10ish grimlings each with a named grimling, Bloodguard Kavgis which will become targettable after all generic grimlings are defeated. Clearing all the grimlings and the named will successfully take over Camp 7.

  • Speak to Captain Necin to begin the next assault

    You say, 'ready to go'

    Captain Necin says 'Alright, let's be on our way. Our target for this mission is the first camp we come to as we follow the river North. This is one of two pivotal points before we can cut the Grimlings in the mines off from those in the town. Make sure you have everyone with you, we'll be heading out in just a minute.'

  • Follow the Captain to Camp 8.

    Captain Necin says 'Stay low, we don't want to reveal ourselves before we're ready. We're counting on you to be vigilant during this fight and remove the threat to the outpost as quickly as you can. Our reports suggest that they may try to ambush you from the direction of the mines, but we haven't been able to get definite intelligence on that aspect. Stay sharp though, you'll need it for this fight, and make sure to keep your eyes open for any officers that may join the fray. When you are [ready to begin], let me know and I will let you loose into the camp to bring another under our control in the name of ridding this menace from the forest.'

    Your primary objective is to clear out the camp, but be wary of any ambush from beyond the camp. Be wary of any officers that join the battle. Good luck!

    You say, 'ready to begin'

    Captain Necin says 'Shed their blood until no Grimlings are left standing! Charge!'

  • Clear the camp of grimlings. Two spawns of 10ish generic grimlings followed by a fight with another named grimling, Warblood Sindrig. After the grimlings and named are dead Camp 8 will be successfully taken.

  • Speak to Captain Necin to begin the next assault

    You say, 'ready to go'

    Captain Necin says 'Alright, let's be on our way. Our target for this mission is the second camp we come to as we follow the river North. This is one of two pivotal points before we can cut the Grimlings in the mines off from those in the town. Make sure you have everyone with you, we'll be heading out in just a minute.'

    Captain Necin says 'This is it, the ninth camp and farthest camp to the North of the forest. Before you begin, you should understand that we are relying on you to rid this camp of its nefarious hosts so that we can move forth to the town. There is a defector among their ranks named Gelg who has information on the town that we must retrieve. Your primary focus is keeping Gelg alive at all costs. If he dies, the mission is a failure and we will have to try some time later. Watch out for any commanders that may join the fight, as they're sure to be looking to slay Gelg for his treachery. When you are [ready to fight], let me know and I will let you loose to save this traitor from the enemy's clutches.'

    Your primary objective is to keep the traitor Gelg alive at all costs. Be aware of any officers that come looking to slay Gelg, and eliminate them before they have the chance. Good luck!

    You say, 'ready to fight'

    Captain Necin says 'For victory! Charge!'

    NOTE: This is a VERY easy camp to fail. There is a named grimling "Gelg the Traitor" which spawns immediately at the beginning of the assault and MUST be kept alive until the camp is successfully taken. He will be attacked by any standard grimling and can be accidentally killed by the player. Carefully clear the camp while ensuring nothing is beating on Gelg the Traiter. After the first wave of grimlings is dead a second will spawn along with named grimling, Nightknife Gresga, which must be killed in order to take the camp. After defeating all generic grimlings, Nightknife Gresga, AND keeping Gelg the Traitor alive Camp 9 will be successfully taken.

    Gelg the Traitor says 'You have done well, and the felines will no doubt welcome the information I have for them. I must be on my way to their outpost now, thank you again for keeping me safe from harm.'

  • At this point camps 1-9 should all be successfully taken. If not General Staginar will tell you which camps have been taken and which are still remaining.

  • Speak to General Staginar back at the Vah Shir base camp inside one of the buildings. This will lead to the assault on the 10th, and final Grimling camp. NOTE: Even at higher levels you will likely need 1-3 other players in order to deal with the success mechanics this camp requires.

    You say, 'Hail, General Staginar'

    General Staginar says 'Salutations, Bobbybick. No doubt you've seen the carnage we've dealt to those filthy Grimlings and have decided to stick around and [help us battle] the remaining forces in the town they hold to the North. If this is so, we readily welcome you to join the battle and push back those beasts back to the depths of the mine from whence they came!

    You say, 'help us battle'

    General Staginar says 'I'm glad you have decided to join us in the battle! Our target will be the town to the far Northeast corner, where the horde of Grimlings has been separated from their cohorts in the mines. You'll need to get several groups of your finest soldiers together before we can head there to try to push the Grimlings out. When you are [ready to go], let me know and I'll make preparations to lead you there.'

    You say, 'ready to go'

    General Staginar says 'Very well, then, let us be on our way. Our target for this mission is the town in the Northeastern-most part of the forest. This is their final stronghold and if we can successfully decimate the populous of the town, we can finally claim full control of the forest. Make sure you have everyone with you, we'll be heading out in just a minute.'

  • Follow General Staginar north of the Vah Shir fort to Camp 10.

    General Staginar says 'This is it, the entrance to the town. This is the final fight, so be ready for anything. Within, there are six huts, and each needs to be taken control of and held before we can claim the main part of the town and battle whatever nefarious evil lay in wait beyond. A group of soldiers each keep hold of a single hut and clear out any opposition that makes its way toward you. If all goes well, we'll have this town under our control in no time at all. When you are [ready to start], let me know and we shall begin this bloodthirsty battle for the final push to victory!'

    Your primary objective is to take and hold each of the six huts in the town. Beyond that, you must be vigilant in your fight. Good luck!

    You say, 'ready to start'

    General Staginar says 'Remember the strategy! Keep them off their guard at every turn! Attack!'

    > This is the final part of the Grimling War. There are 6 buildings throughout this camp that must ALL be cleared simultaneously in order to progress. This camp has a very unique mechanic in that the grimlings inside each building will VERY quickly respawn if they are killed or if they are pulled out of their buildings, EXCEPT if there is a player/mercenary/pet standing within a small radius of their spawn location. The straightforward method is to simply clear each building then have a player stand inside it, guard a pet, or park a mercenary inside (set yourself to puller) in order to prevent the respawn, repeat this for all 6 buildings or until you are able to kill the remaining grimlings before respawns occur.

    > After the first "wave" of super respawning enemies has been overcome, groups of 4-5 grimlings will begin to spawn throughout the camp which must all be defeated, no special mechanics observed for this. Once these are all defeated, a group of grimlings and skeletons will spawn in a small alcove of rocks inside the camp, along with an untargetable Claw of Khati Sha named NPC. Defeat the grimlings and skeletons and the Claw of Khati Sha will become active and charge you.

    > Defeating the Claw of Khati Sha will successfully complete the Grimling War. This will cause Camp 10 to respawn as friendly Vah Shir NPCs along with 4 Quest NPCs: Agent Tiesh, Prospector Keykis, Lieutenant Venris, and Major Ehmdish. NOTE: Camp respawn can take 5-10 minutes, do not be alarmed if they don't immediately appear.

    You say, 'Hail, General Staginar'

    General Staginar says 'Hello, Bobbybick. You're a bit too late to help with the final fight in the town to the North. We've already sent a group of soldiers to eradicate those little Grimling pests and expect to emerge victorious in short order.

    Veteran Cullin says 'We appreciate your enthusiasm in pushing back the Grimlings, but at this time we have managed to push them back to the mines, where we hope to keep them. You may want to venture up to the town to the North and see if any of our soldiers have need for you there.'

    Scout Husman says 'We have successfully pushed back the Grimling horde to the mines. At this point, there is no need for your help, but be on the lookout, for they may always get the better of us and reclaim what we now hold. You may wish to look to the Town, which has others of us stationed there to see if they might have need for you.'

    Unknown how long the camps will stay in control of the Vah Shir before the event resets. Observed them staying under their control for at least 4 hours before I left the zone.
  • Submitted by: Bobbybick
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    Still works
    # Jan 30 2023 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
    Just solo'd the war with a 60 Necro. The 2nd camp did seem to be buggy, but fortunately there was another guy in the zone at the same time slaughtering everything in and around the mines. Nothing was alive over there when I ran to look for the stray Grimling and the mobs around the bonfire were targetable once I got back.

    For the 10th camp, I cleared all but one mob from each hut. I parked my pet and Merc around the outer huts and put myself in one hut where I could easily see the remaining three mobs. Rooted, dotted, and they all died before any of the huts could respawn.

    Next phase started as written above, but the huts respawned as well. The hut mechanics still seemed to be in place, but I was able to ignore them and just kill the groups of 4-5 mobs. Did this until the Claw of Khati Shaw spawned, went through his mechanics listed in the walkthrough, and cleaned up every other remaining Grimling. Hut mechanics were no longer in place at this point and a few minutes later the camp repopped with Vah Shir.

    Now you just need some bored level 90 to run through the Khati Shaw raid with you to get the mnemonic and bam, permanent SoW at level 60.
    # Jan 26 2023 at 2:47 AM Rating: Decent
    430 posts
    Cullin took me to camp 5 and there was no wooden platform above the camp, nothing was outside of it.

    Edited, Jan 26th 2023 12:59am by hotrod
    Life needs more cowbell.

    buggy 2nd camp
    # Dec 23 2019 at 1:49 AM Rating: Good
    37 posts
    for us the bugged out mob that spawns kinda random locatio nout in the middle of no where was "a grimling twistblade" so probably can be a random type of grimling that can bug out. the spirit guys were targettable immediately after i killed the twistblade.... this one happened to path into the tunnels towards the entrance to acrylia. sort tracking by normal should be good to go
    Great guide
    # Nov 24 2019 at 1:40 PM Rating: Good
    12 posts
    Followed guide to the letter, worked like a charm. Thanks Bobbybick!
    # Apr 30 2018 at 7:33 PM Rating: Good
    530 posts
    I had to do a little shuffling, but managed to three box the entire war. For camps 1-9, I ran my Ranger. Easy enough to handle, pet class might have been easier for the Traitor camp for reasons I'll explain in a moment. Had to track down the bugged Grimling and put an end to it; in my case, it was a Corpsecaller, not a Gruntling, but the image map above is accurate, and "normal" tracking works to isolate it.

    For camp 10, I logged in a pair of mages and a bard. I parked the bard just outside the tent flaps of the one isolated tent to play jukebox with a couple AE damage songs and Selo's. Range with the drum I have was good enough to reach the pats. Mages parked near the duo and trio of tents, respectively, with pet hold off.

    Created a social macro with the following command on all five lines:

    /pet attack a_

    (Fun fact: if your character name doesn't start with A, you can just use /pet attack a, and it will cover both "a" and "an")

    Bard talked to the general, started the event, moved to her parking spot. Alt+Tabbed back and forth between the two mages spamming my attack button. Claw spawned after a couple minutes, and from where I was parked I couldn't tell if it agro'd or waited until I attacked a Grimling. In either case, with pet hold off, it was dead before I noticed it.

    Interesting note, if you want to kill a whole mess of Grimlings for Slayer achievements, the "Veteran" camp that tells you to kill the solders, then the clerics, clerics instant respawn.
    Jiriki Sa`Onserei, 120/67k AA Wood Elf Ranger
    Anadriel Starfire, 120/46k AA High Elf Mage
    Modern Experience
    # May 24 2017 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
    331 posts
    I'm trying to play this a few times in an attempt to get a Crude Fur Bandolier. I completed it on 5/22/17 and today (5/24/17), the camps are all still Vah Shir.
    Modern Experience
    # Jun 17 2017 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
    331 posts
    Another update: If you don't fully complete the war within a day, the camps reset. I've been trying camps 1 and 2 for the last couple days to see if the Crude Fur Bandolier drops here by chance. No luck. I think it's properly gone as it was part of a different quest offered by the same NPC (Hussman).
    Modern Experience
    # Jun 03 2017 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
    331 posts
    Event finally reset. It was completed on 5/22/17 and found to be reset on 6/3/17. Total days: 12 day give or take some hours.
    Modern Experience
    # May 29 2017 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
    331 posts
    Update: 5/29/17 and the Vah Shir are still in control. The event is yet to reset.
    Modern Experience
    # May 30 2017 at 4:54 AM Rating: Good
    528 posts
    Narpok the Vile wrote:
    Update: 5/29/17 and the Vah Shir are still in control. The event is yet to reset.

    May I ask what server you managed to complete the War on? Currently I am trying this on Luclin and Phinigel and I am now unable to spawn either of the first two scout camps on either server. This quest series was working at least as of 5 months ago so I'd be inclined to think a recent patch broke something if it weren't for your report of having successfully completed it recently.
    Modern Experience
    # May 31 2017 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
    331 posts
    We're on Stromm/Luclin as well! I JUST logged in to check the camps (5/31/17) and the event still hasn't reset. I read somewhere that the reset may be on 2-week timer... or even server reset. I'll keep checking and will report back when it's back!
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