Runnyeye Warbeads for Byzar  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
  • Money
Faction Required:
Storm Guard (Min: Apprehensive)
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Thu Jan 18 20:04:14 2001
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Byzar Bloodforge (Warrior Guildmaster) may be found in the Storm Guard guild hall. He's on Find (Ctrl+F). You need Apprehensive faction with Storm Guard to obtain this quest.

You say, 'Hail, Byzar Bloodforge'

Byzar Bloodforge says 'State your business!! I have no time for chitchat. Well.. speak up, toad!! What?!!.. Have you come here to [return goblin beads]?'

You say, 'i will return goblin beads.'

Byzar Bloodforge says 'If you wish to return Runnyeye warbeads, you must have at least four of them. Do not waste my time with any fewer. If I am in a good mood, I just may reward you with some trash, err.. I mean, equipment from our armory.'

Runnyeye Warbeads drops off a goblin in Butcherblock Mountains. They are not stackable. A good place to farm them is the goblin camp in the northeast corner of the zone. There are also goblin whelps, shamans and wizards there, but Runnyeye Warbeads only drops off "a goblin". Respawn is fast (3 minutes).

Loot 4 Runnyeye Warbeads then head back to Byzar Bloodforge. On turn-in:

Byzar Bloodforge says 'Have you lost your mind?! I said do not waste my time with anything less than four Runnyeye warbeads!! Be off, scum!'
Byzar Bloodforge says 'Have you lost your mind?! I said do not waste my time with anything less than four Runnyeye warbeads!! Be off, scum!'
Byzar Bloodforge says 'Have you lost your mind?! I said do not waste my time with anything less than four Runnyeye warbeads!! Be off, scum!'
Byzar Bloodforge says 'You finally have proven yourself a warrior, a slow one!! Take this reward and ask for nothing else. You should be proud to defend Kaladim and expect no reward.'

Your faction standing with Storm Guard has been adjusted by 5.
Your faction standing with Kazon Stormhammer has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Miners Guild 249 has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Merchants of Kaladim has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Craknek Warriors has been adjusted by -1.
You gain experience!
You receive 7 copper from Byzar Bloodforge.
You receive 1 silver from Byzar Bloodforge.
You receive 2 gold from Byzar Bloodforge.
You have completed achievement: Kaladim Quests - Runnyeye Warbeads for Byzar

Rusty Warhammer
Submitted by: Grimster and Doriath
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# Aug 21 2015 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts

Your faction standing with Storm Guard has been adjusted by 5.
Your faction standing with Kazon Stormhammer has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Miners Guild 249 has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Merchants of Kaladim has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Craknek Warriors has been adjusted by -1.
quest dialogues
# Jan 25 2013 at 6:43 AM Rating: Good
2,308 posts
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:11 2013] You say, 'Hail, Byzar Bloodforge'
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:12 2013] Byzar Bloodforge says 'State your business!! I have no time for chitchat. Well.. speak up, toad!! What?!!.. Have you come here to [return goblin beads]?'
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:14 2013] Your wounds begin to heal.
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:19 2013] Your wounds begin to heal.
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:21 2013] You say, 'i will return goblin beads'
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:22 2013] Byzar Bloodforge says 'If you wish to return Runnyeye warbeads, you must have at least four of them. Do not waste my time with any fewer. If I am in a good mood, I just may reward you with some trash, err.. I mean, equipment from our armory.'
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:25 2013] Your wounds begin to heal.
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:31 2013] Your wounds begin to heal.
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:37 2013] Your wounds begin to heal.
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:41 2013] Byzar Bloodforge says 'Have you lost your mind?! I said do not waste my time with anything less than four Runnyeye warbeads!! Be off, scum!'
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:41 2013] Byzar Bloodforge says 'Have you lost your mind?! I said do not waste my time with anything less than four Runnyeye warbeads!! Be off, scum!'
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:41 2013] Byzar Bloodforge says 'Have you lost your mind?! I said do not waste my time with anything less than four Runnyeye warbeads!! Be off, scum!'
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:41 2013] Byzar Bloodforge says 'You finally have proven yourself a warrior, a slow one!! Take this reward and ask for nothing else. You should be proud to defend Kaladim and expect no reward.'
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:41 2013] Your faction standing with Storm Guard got better.
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:41 2013] Your faction standing with Kazon Stormhammer got better.
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:41 2013] Your faction standing with Miners Guild 249 got better.
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:41 2013] Your faction standing with Merchants of Kaladim got better.
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:41 2013] Your faction standing with Craknek Warriors got worse.
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:41 2013] You gain experience!!
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:41 2013] You receive 7 copper from Byzar Bloodforge.
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:41 2013] You receive 1 silver from Byzar Bloodforge.
[Fri Jan 25 05:57:41 2013] You receive 2 gold from Byzar Bloodforge.
where is stormguard hall?
# Apr 27 2003 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
Where do i find this guy for this quest?

Cant seem to find stormguard hall?
RE: where is stormguard hall?
# Jul 11 2003 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
It is the Warrior's Guild in South Kaladim.

As you zone into South Kaladim from Butcherblock Mountains, run north until you have to go either west or east. Take the west tunnel. As you come out of that tunnel into an area that opens up with buildings, Pub Kal will be immediately on your left. Keep running past that. The large structure in front of you with tall white stone walls is the arena. Run around it to the right, following it around.

When you get to the backside of the arena, you will see two forges on your right. Orient yourself so that the forges are to your right (no longer in your field of vision). Now, directly in front of you will be a short set of stairs leading into the warrior's guild hall (a.k.a. Storm Guard Hall).

Storm Guard is the official name of the Dwarven warriors sect in Kaladim. Have fun.

-- Zippergut Spleenflopper, 46 Dorf Warrior, Quellious Server
# Oct 29 2001 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
definitly agree with ya there, i hunt gobs all the time for exp and loot (i give all the extra containers to my alts, saves them 5 gold), and then you run into kaladim when you have to bank, and you turn in the beads for a little bonus exp and money... hell anyone 5-7 really can't complain exp and money from the mobs then more bonus exp and money from quest... it's a lot like the CB belt quest in my opinion... also when you are a bit higher I suggest doing the lego shoulder pads quest if you are a jeweler as you get free hemitite for a reward and money... the free hemitite saves quite a bit of money in the long run... little off subject but fae drake hatchlings are great newbie jeweler hunting too, drop lapiz and other jems regularly, also why you are in Gfay hunting drakes, kill the bndits at the camp you get jewels like cat's eye and turquiose off them.... sorry about getting off subject but i hope this info helps someone...
# Aug 18 2001 at 9:02 PM Rating: Default
Was just checking out the place after turning in the CB belts and walked into the room with Byzar in it. Walked up and hailed him he asked if I was there to return Goblin beads so I had a set on me and just handed them to him shocked when I got 25 silver a few copper and cloth armour.
Hey I did it at lvl 19 :-)
# Jun 09 2001 at 10:07 PM Rating: Default
And it wasnt too bad. I wanted to kill the goblins that always murdered me at low lvls. I got even. When I was at the warrior guild I turned em in. I went 5 secs out of my way and got a lil silver and XP. This might be a useless quest for me but excellent for lvl 6 or so.


Paladin of Brell

Tholuxe Paells
Good exp on this quest
# May 09 2001 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
For everyone that likes the Crushbone Belt quest I would suggest this one as well. It gives just a good exp as the CB belt quest the only disadvantage is that you must turn in 4 beads at a time. I would suggest handing them in one at a time in case someone before you turned in less than 4.
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