Anniversary Group Task: Infiltrating the Guardian  

Quest Started By:Description:
This Quest is Seasonal
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Time Limit:06:00:00
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:House of Thule
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:3
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Thu Mar 17 05:39:43 2011
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Anniversary events tend to run from mid-March to mid-April (sometimes to mid-May) each year. They are not available during the "off season".

For an overview and list of EverQuest Anniversary events, see this quest entry.

NOTE: To request the Level 90 version of this task, ALL members of your group must be Level 90. To request a lower level version (with lesser quality rewards and maybe lesser mob strength), the requester should be the lowest level member of your group.

NOTE: While the aug rewards are different item IDs, they are of the same lore group. This means you can't loot both the Level 85 and Level 90 versions of an aug. You can only have one or the other.

You can request this task at any level. For versions below Level 85, however, the only reward you get is a single chest loot item: "Silver Steamwork Gear" of varying quality.

During the course of this task, you'll have the option of completing a side task, "The Short Circuit". This is given by Assistant Gerta, who spawns after you've cleared a certain number of mobs.

This is a group task that made its debut with EverQuest's 12th anniversary. It is expected to only remain available during the anniversary/fabled period.

The task is given by Gearbie Gogglenoggin in the Plane of Knowledge (near the Plane of Tranquility stone).

You say, 'Hail, Gearbie Gogglenoggin'

Gearbie Gogglenoggin says 'Could it be? Am I talking to the infamous, ______? Yes, it is you! Am I happy to see you! I have a [mission] of the utmost importance and I believe you would be perfect for it!'

You say, 'What mission?'

Gearbie Gogglenoggin says 'You are going to infiltrate the [Mechamatic Guardian] from the inside. It won't be easy, but I have full confidence in your abilities.'

You say, 'What Mechamatic Guardian?'

Gearbie Gogglenoggin says 'You know of the Mechamatic Guardian, don't you? It is humongous clockwork that roams the Dragonscale Hills. It just so happens that an associate I have worked with in the past has just installed a new CPU inside the head of the Guardian. If you can obtain his access codes, I believe you can disable the CPU and destroy it. Doing so would effectively cripple the Guardian. Why do I want to do this? Because it will be [fun]!'

You say, 'Why fun?'

Gearbie Gogglenoggin says 'This will be a dangerous mission, but I know you can handle it. What do you say? Are you [in]?'

You say, 'I am in.'

Gearbie Gogglenoggin says 'I knew you would help me. When you are [ready], I can teleport you inside of the Guardian. I will meet you inside for a short briefing. Oh, and hold on to this bleach. You are going to need it during your mission.'

You say, 'I am ready.'

You zone in.

Trash mobs in the zone (for the Level 90 task) hit for a max ~7,000.

Speak with Gearbie again once you are inside The Mechamatic Guardian 0/1 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

He is at the zone-in.

Defeat some of the Mechano Steam Sentinels 0/4 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

Defeat some of the Mechano Steam Sentries 0/2 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

Defeat some of the Mechano Steam Warders 0/4 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

Pour the bleach into the oil reserves bay 0/1 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

This is the first main room with named mobs (from the original instance) with the conveyor belt in back, and a pool of water in the front.

There are four see invis mobs here (goos). You need to click bottle in the water.

Return to Gearbie near the entrance of the Guardian and speak with him 0/1 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

Defeat the CPU's creator, Sork Hibbleton 0/1 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

Kill Sork Hibbleton on the top floor.

Speak with the CPU and enter the correct code to lower its defenses 0/1 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

In the book, you'll find five numbers. Say the right set to the CPU to make it killable (123456). If you speak the wrong code, four adds spawn.

Destroy the CPU 0/1 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

The CPU sees invis and spawns four adds every 20%. If you get into trouble, you can fade/memblur the CPU and kill the adds one by one. The CPU will regen to 100%, but won't spawn that set of adds again.

Both the CPU and its adds are mezzable. The adds can be pacified for easier pulling.

Speak with Gearbie 0/1 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

Loot the ornate chest 0/1 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

The chest spawns at the top of the guardian.

Rewards (Level 90)

A chest spawns at the end of the task with loot. Known chest loot (1 item per task):

Annealed Mana Conductor
Bipolar Interlock
Hardened Steel Spur
Ionized Pinion

In addition, everyone in the task has a reward window pop up. There are nine rewards to choose from (eight items or just platinum and experience):

Coolant Coverplate
Energized Feedback Loop
Magnetic Minion Magnifier
Sork's Aural Attenuator
Sork's Metastatic Mantle
Sork's Resonating Wrap
Sork's Vibromesh Veil
Transistor Torque

Rewards (Levels 85-89)

Known chest loot (1 item per task):

Annealed Mana Conductor
Bipolar Interlock
Hardened Steel Spur
Ionized Pinion

Same name, different stats. The rewards for the lower level version are Required Level 85 / Recommended Level 80.

The auto-rewards are the same.

Rewards (Below Level 85)

Only one item drops from chests in the lower level versions of the task: "Silver Steamwork Gear". This item varies in quality according to your group's average level.

There are no additional rewards for the lower level versions of the task.
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2021 22 Year 115 Run
# May 07 2021 at 9:41 AM Rating: Good
142 posts
Here is m quick run through and notes

I had my 115 in the instance and my wizzie merc, and 4 alts outside in the GH. However, after I killed everything and BEFORE I looted the chest, I dropped the merc and aded one more person. It never task locked.

Quick Notes:
  • Nothing Summoned me
  • I would suggest you put your dps merc on passive, until you stop to actually fight. that way you can train lots of mobs
  • Grab all the items before you get to Assistant Gerta
  • Grab Quest from Assistant Gerta
  • Yes, you do have to run back to the main Quest giver at least 2 Times

So at 115, I merely buffed up and ran as many mobs as would follow me to the teleports to the next level. one I collected all the items I needed I didn't even stop. I just teleported up. nothing summoned me back or seemed to care I left them behind.

If you have your merc, keep them on passive once you have killed / looted all you need.

once you collected all the items for Gerta run back to her and do the turn in. she will tell you to go back to the main quest giver, this will be good because you need to hail him for her and the main quest line.

On your way back up from the hails, stop at Gerta and just follow the walk through, for her just say two, four, seven. It will appear to fail but it doesn't, the quest completes and you will have the achievement for the Events.

Next, run up to the top. When you attack the CPU, make sure to be standing "inside" the machine itself (you sort of just go into it and its small so it barely covers me shrunk). Outside of it I wasn't able to hit it.

Warning, between you and your dps merc (at least for me), all the adds came at once. Are they hard? No. Are they stupid, Yes. Because they all do that toss back junk, so you get thrown around a lot until they are pretty much done doing that and you kill them. Watch your caster merc, mine was being attacked by a couple and the CPU (does it even do damage???) and got down to 64%.

After killing the CPU, you will have to run all the way back down to the quest giver. Hail him and then HOOF it back up to loot the chest, which will be just next to the ramp up.
# Apr 18 2021 at 8:30 AM Rating: Good
2,607 posts
The "Bleach" is this item:

Gearbie gives it to you as soon as you get the mission in PoK.
If you see her you went too far
# Apr 26 2020 at 5:26 PM Rating: Good
67 posts
The room to pour the bleach in is right before Asst. Gerta.
Hardened Steel Spur
# Mar 31 2013 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, dropped for me tonight first run through sorry to say. Was not looking for that one actually but it is a great aug and an upgrade to others I already have. Good luck on your future runs!
Hardened Steel Spur
# Mar 28 2013 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
8 posts
I've been trying to get Hardened Steel Spur for quite some time now. I have run the mission Infiltrating the guardian pretty much every time it is up and have not seen it drop yet, thats well over 20 runs at this point, no go. Does anyone know if it even drops anymore?
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" /></a>
Hardened Steel Spur
# Apr 21 2013 at 9:48 PM Rating: Excellent
232 posts
Same as above post, just ran this mission for the first time ever tonight and the spur dropped. So yes it still drops and unfortunately you are just having bad luck.
Nyvina Nytemare
Arrowhawk Meanehsobee
Nytera Nytemare
Problems Requesting Task
# Mar 18 2013 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
487 posts
2 lvl 89 characters grouped with a lvl 92 character. When i request with either of the level 89 characters it says "You can not be assigned this shared task because your party's average level is too high". wtf. No problems when i request it with the lvl 92 character though. This task is obviously bugged. No matter how you do the math as long as you do it correctly the group average is lvl 90 so it shouldn't matter which character i request the task with. Once you do get the task you can always later on add who ever you want to the task and even turn over leadership of the task to some one else. You can request the bleach from the npc that you zone in front of so its not like you have to even keep that character you originally requested and got the bleach with.

On a side note though if you are going for the 12th anniversary achievement then keep in mind that task is also level dependent. I wasn't able to request Short Circuit from Assistant Gerta with lvl 97 characters or a lvl 96 character. This seems like another obvious bug but knowing SoE its working as intended. Maybe better luck next anniversary or if they actually patch the game before the anniversary ends.

Edited, Mar 19th 2013 12:16am by Rickymaru
Problems Requesting Task
# Mar 24 2013 at 10:03 PM Rating: Default
147 posts
No problem today - was able to get it on lvl 100 toon with a 100 merc and a lvl 94 bot sitting in GL in group (avg level 98). Also had no problem getting and finishing the solo task that pops during the instance. Maybe it's been fixed?
Problems Requesting Task
# Mar 27 2013 at 2:52 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
I had no problems getting it with a level 100, its merc, and a level 91. Looks like they fixed it.
Problems Requesting Task
# Mar 27 2013 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
487 posts
I tried requesting this task again. This time with 2 lvl 97 characters and 1 lvl 96 character. I was able to get the task with no problem. I was also able to get the Short Circuit task from Assistant Gerta with all 3 characters. They seemed to have fixed what ever was broken between my previous post date and i guess the 25th. Thanks for the info dilxar and ponzicar1. If you hadn't posted that you were able to get the task i would have waited till next year.
level 100
# Mar 15 2013 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
105 posts
Cannot draw this at level 100. Had to have a 94 draw it.
Average level 90 & bleach click
# Apr 15 2012 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
For this the group average must be level 90 not everyone in group. Just did the 90 version with a level 95, 94, 86, & 89. Also for the bleach part there are some rafters above the actual pool as soon as you get into the room if you follow the right wall you will be able to go up to the top of the rafters and move to the middle. You'll basically be standing above the pool way up towards the ceiling and the goos don't agro, you can click there and get the update.
Average level 90 & bleach click
# Apr 16 2012 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
3,036 posts
Now that's useful advice! I've come close to croaking more than once trying to do this bleach step the hard way.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
Average level 90 & bleach click
# Apr 26 2012 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
263 posts
The goo mobs can be easily pacified and single-pulled.
# Mar 28 2012 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
3,036 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
The pool of oil is a dirty halfling lie
# Mar 19 2012 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
647 posts
You get to a room with 5 Warders. kill 4, move up the ramp. Put the bottle in a top inventory slot, tie it to a movement key and run around invis. In a huge, nearly square room with a horizontal rotating fan in the centre (entry and exit in the NW and SW corners), move due East of the fan, click there. You'll notice a few small robots and the cleanest floor anywhere in the entire Guardian. That's a pool of oil, according to SOE - at least, that's where I got the update.
Fun Stuff
# Mar 17 2012 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
To clear a few things up:
1. Final encounter the cpu now summons.

2. after you say each number a set of four adds spawn, my suggestion kill them then say next number

3. You end up doing a lot of running, highly recommend having perfect invis. Goos of any kind see invis and the Warders will see invis nothing else. Pretty easy to run around invis.

4. Add people to the task before you complete it as stated earlier everyone gets a shot at the quest loot.
Fun Stuff
# Mar 17 2012 at 4:09 PM Rating: Default
1) it always summoned
2) Dont say the numbers one at a time ... /say 123456
3) You only need to send one person back to hail, can gate / run one person or use campfire if fellowship
4) duh

Edited, Mar 17th 2012 6:13pm by northanger
Fun Stuff
# Mar 21 2012 at 10:34 AM Rating: Default
169 posts
northanger wrote:
1) it always summoned
2) Dont say the numbers one at a time ... /say 123456
3) You only need to send one person back to hail, can gate / run one person or use campfire if fellowship
4) duh

Edited, Mar 17th 2012 6:13pm by northanger

1) No it didn't
4) You're and idiot.
More bleach
# Mar 16 2012 at 11:21 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
If you lose the bleach (i did, no clue how, maybe cos I zoned out) you can get a new one by saying 'give' to Gearbie at the entrance to instance. Also 'leave' will take you out of instance in case clicking on the exit door is too much grief!
Task can be done Levels 80-84
# Apr 09 2011 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent
You can do this with level range 80-84 as well. Task gives 99pp and ~1.2 AA's. Chest loot is the only item reward. It was a different aug than those listed, Silver Steamwork Gear, Rec Level 80, req'd 75, AC 30, HP/Mana/End 80.
85-89 awards
# Apr 03 2011 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
125 posts
Did an 85-89 today, got same class rewards, just didn't have full stats until characters hit 90.

90 Enchanter
Blades of Law, Pocar
Quick and dirty CPU fight.
# Apr 02 2011 at 3:14 AM Rating: Good
1,308 posts
90 nec, 90 chanter, 90 war, 2 cleric mercs, one wiz. Nec has all pet aa's, and VIII pet focus.

Edit to add... if you have a evaccer, a mezzer and someone else and you're all in a fellowship....
clear the first 4 sentries you meet, then do the bleach part then mez everything til you get to the room full of the big red robots. That room has the rest of the type of mobs you need.... then mez your way all the way to the top, right before Sork Hibbleton on the top floor.

, drop a campfire,,, then evac back, campfire back up, and you don't have to run all the way up...saves a lot of time.

CPU fight, hail CPU, give code, back off, have chanter cast horrifying visage on pet, pet taunt on, send pet, chanter tashes, slows CPU, merc wiz on balanced.. I hold merc wiz off for a couple of seconds to let pet get good agro...(necro pets suck at agro) Hit all discs and robe and burn.... adds pop but don't/won't agro pet.....

CPU is dead in a minute or so. Feign often, cuz if you get summoned, you get all those adds on you, and then you have to clear them all...which it's probably a wipe or semi-wipe. I imagine this is much easier with a mage/beast pet, or merc pet's health gets kind of low. It has died once, Nec got instantly summmoned....and that one time, I had about 12 mobs to split and clear and ....yeah, it takes a while. Wiz merc has never gotten summoned. Neither have the clerics, using the pet tank strat.

Adds that spawn don't see invis, neither do the mobs by the quest guy. Head up the ramp by him, aoe mez the 3 gnomebots, blur, hail quest guy, loot chest, gate.

Edited, Apr 13th 2011 9:46pm by Bonesmasher
# Apr 01 2011 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
As of 1 April quest giver is bunnified. Will not respond to hails or keywords. Does anyone know how to get this quest during the Lepus invasion?
# Apr 01 2011 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
From SOE knowledge base:

Bunnies not responding for quests
If you're trying to do a quest or turn in an item and the NPC has been turned into a bunny and is not responding properly to a hail, you can work around this issue (as long as you know the NPC's original name), targeting the NPC and using /say "Hail <NPC's original (full) name">.

For dialogues other than hails, if the NPC is not responding, please try including the NPC's full original name with whatever trigger phrase is required. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused, but fortunately, the bunnies are only here for today, 4/1/11.

Lower Level mission
# Mar 27 2011 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Was able to get the 85-90 version with 4 90's and a lv 85 requester. Was also able to TA a lv 75 :)
Keshua Warclaws, 100 Vah Shir Warrior
Canudance, 100 Vah Shir Bard

Drinal/Maelin Starpyre
# Mar 27 2011 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Task locks when you open the chest.
85-89 bipolar interlock
# Mar 26 2011 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
29 AC, 60 HP, 120 mana / end
+2 heroic: Sta, Int, Wis, Cha

Same image as the 90 version.
Correction / Update...
# Mar 26 2011 at 1:03 AM Rating: Decent
759 posts
Rewards (Levels 85-89)

Known chest loot (1 item per task):

Annealed Mana Conductor
Hardened Steel Spur
Ionized Pinion

Same name, different stats. The rewards for the lower level version are Required Level 85 / Recommended Level 80.

Are the group rewards different too?

Had "Bipolar Interlock" drop in this instance. Though it has the same name as the lvl 90 version, the stats are differing. Doing a ";<link item>" results in different ID's in game, though a can not loot message (lore item) appears and you can not loot it.

So, the verdict is don't expect to do the lvl 90 version and then the lower level one for another set of augs; it's one or the other!

You can request a lower level version (with lesser quality rewards and maybe lesser mob strength), but you may not be able to have any Level 90's in your group to do so (this is not confirmed).

Only the request can be of a lower level, the rest of the group can be level 90. The mobs con light blue to dark blue for a level 90 character in the lvl 85-89 instance.

Edited, Mar 26th 2011 12:10am by Cylius
why is sork ????
# Mar 25 2011 at 4:22 AM Rating: Default
Where is Sork Hibbleton cannot see him or track him
above it states he is on the top floor - i cannot find that either

OK found him after runing all the way to the bottom and back to the top. I spent more time looking for him than i did doing the mission. The problem was with LEVITATE on I ran over the top of a small opening to left and miss it that opening leads to the t port to the top where Sork stands beside The CPU.

One other thing worth mentioning is after u kill various mobs u need to hail the mission giver at the bottom SO if u can set campfire at him until the hail done and coh the hailer back to group.

Edited, Mar 26th 2011 12:56am by Plonk

Edited, Mar 26th 2011 12:57am by Plonk
Easy Farming
# Mar 24 2011 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Mar 24th 2011 2:16pm by Morbidso
so yea
# Mar 22 2011 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
two things i might've missed but didnt read here...

--- FOUR adds each 20% on the CPU

--- the chest spawns at the top of the guardian, its annoying to run to the bottom and then the whole way back up.. twice.
Can you get both augs?
# Mar 21 2011 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
Is it possable to get both Hardened Steel Spurs? The 90 one with 38ac 125hp and the 85 one for 36ac and 100 hp or are they on the same lore group?
Short Circuit lockout
# Mar 20 2011 at 6:30 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
FYI: If you have a tasktimer for Short Circuit (but not for Infiltrating) you cannot get the mission.
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