10th Anniversary: Deity Favors  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 6 ratings)
This Quest is Seasonal
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Guide
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Money
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Seeds of Destruction
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Thu Mar 26 16:35:46 2009
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Anniversary events tend to run from mid-March to mid-April (sometimes to mid-May) each year. They are not available during the "off season".

For an overview and list of EverQuest Anniversary events, see this quest entry.

This is an overview of a task arc (not a task itself).

As part of EverQuest's 10th anniversary, 16 new tasks were introduced. Upon completing all 16 tasks you receive (in addition to their numerous individual rewards) the title "Favored of the Gods", and:

Shiny New Class I Collapsable Roboboar
Slot: AMMO
Charges: Unlimited
Effect: Activate Shiny Roboboar (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 3.0)
WT: 0.1 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL

(See image below the task list.)

TASK LIST (Sorted by Zone/Continent)

Plane of Knowledge

1. Bristlebane's Party Favor - Bristlebane's Favor. Given by Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane's Image in Plane of Knowledge. He wanders throughout POK mostly in the neutral area. I found him next to the building with Veeshans crystalline avatar near the Qeynos stone. This is the most time consuming quest since Bristlebane's Party Machine spawns only once an hour wanders through 20 different zones in sequence. All you need for this quest is Invisibility, Spirit of Wolf, and patience. Trigger word is "challenge".

2. Memory In Crystal - Veeshan's Favor. Given by a crystalline avatar in Plane of Knowledge located up a ramp in the building situated between the Shar Val and Qeynos Stones in the neutral section (loc 193.67, -151.85, -109.62). Easy trivia quiz with the cheat sheet. It took all of 10 minutes, and yes, I used the cheat sheet so kindly provided in one of the posts. I tried hailing it within an hour and it wouldn't give the quest the second time. Trigger word is "challenge".

Plane of Tranquility

3. Justice of the Tribunal - Tribunal's Favor. Given by Herald of Justice Due in Plane of Tranquility located in the same building as the POK stone (loc 632.75, -1496.33, -874.53). Trigger word is "completion".

4. Deliver Us From Evil - Mithaniel Marr's Favor. Given by Avatar of Mithaniel Marr in Plane of Tranquility (loc -68, -1262, -873) inside the northern-most building around Plane of Nightmare. He gives you the Eye of Valor. Trigger word is "vanquish".

5. Peace and Understanding - Quellious' Favor. Given by Avatar of Quellious the Tranquil in Plane of Tranquility (loc -1452, 2107, -710) in the building housing the Plane of Earth zone entrance. It gives you the Quellious' Wand of Tranquility. Trigger word is "champion".

6. Warrior's Rest - Rallos Zek's Favor. Given by Avatar of Rallos Zek (loc -161, -58) in Plane of Tranquility outside of the Plane of Tactics stone. Trigger word is "accept". He tells to you speak with Togg Purk in the Lavastorm Mountains (loc 680, 30) near the druid ring. Take the Neriak Stone to Nektulous Forest and run to Lavastorm or get a port to the druid rings. Togg Purk is an Ogre, he's almost directly north of the Nektulous zone line. Hail him a few times to spawn the doppelganger and get a quest update.


7. The Gift of Life - Tunare's Favor. Given by Avatar of Tunare in Greater Faydark. She is static and west of the zone in from Felwithe/POK stone, just off the path to the left between the path and the zone wall (loc -2350.39, -1479.64, 14.45). Trigger word is "willing". This was easy, run around to the zones and click on the bag of seeds. It took about an hour.

8. Crafting a Party - Brell's Favor. Given by Roderick, High Priest of Brell (loc 2834, -2606, 7.64). Take the Kaladim POK stone to Butcherblock. He is in the Northeast loop of Butcherblock Mountains northeast of the goblins. He looks like a Coldain dwarf and stands next to a hut in a thicket of trees. He gives you a book, "Brell's Party Plans" Trigger word is "party".


9. Fishing for Blessings - Prexus's Favor. Given by Primate of Prexus (loc -1829, 718.24, -12.75) in Erud's Crossing next to the spot where you zone in from the Translocator at the Erudin docks. Take the POK stone to Toxxulia, to the Erudin docks and take the translocator to Erud's Crossing. Trigger word is "offering".


10. Tears of a God - Karana's Favor. Given by Avatar of Karana in South Karana (loc -3692.78, -1810.55) near the middle of the zone. Take the Nexus Portal to North Karana. Trigger word is "accept". The Avatar directs you to Tober Grandim in Blightfire Moors (loc 852.31, 3102.67, 185.56) along the west wall to get the True Karanite Rod of Rainfall.

11. Culling Fever - Bertoxxulous' Favor. Given by Avatar of Bertoxulous in Blightfire Moores (loc 723.40, 68.38, 41.40) near the middle of the zone by the dead dragon. Take the Crescent Reach stone in POK to Blightfire Moors. Trigger word is "offer". He instructs to you speak with Scheredin, priest of Bertoxxulous, in East Freeport (loc -606.23, 336.20). Scheredin is located near the West Freeport zone line, northeast from the NPC is Ardrian Zhusius. Hail him and get the first jar of disease and a quest update.

12. The Power of Hatred - Innoruuk's Favor. Given by an evil little imp in Innothule Swamp (loc -585, -190, 8) near the island of injured alligators. Take the Grobb stone in POK to Innothule. It is a VERY small mob but it is red. It wanders very quickly and is hard to target. It and gives you Innoruuk's Needle of Hatred. Trigger words are "tell them".

13. Bonfires of Vanity - Solusek Ro's Favor. Given Avatar of Solusek Ro in Northern Desert of Ro (loc 6761, -699, 141) on a ledge north overlooking the undead. Take the Guild Lobby Magus to North Ro. He gives you a little bomb pot called Flames of Solusek Ro. The trigger word is "flames".

14. Love, Norrathian Style - Erollisi Marr's Favor. Given by an Aspect of Erollisi Marr in South Ro (loc 4200, -2219, 32.46). Take the Guild Lobby Magus to South Ro. She is along the coastline towards the northern part of the zone standing net to a campfire near the huts near the old Oasis of Marr dock. She gives you three Books of Love. Trigger word is "deliver".

15. Healing Touch - Rodcet Nife's Favor. Given by Helera Garet, Priestess of Rodcet Nife (loc 308, 672, 4). She is along the city wall, northwest of the PoK book in North Qeynos. She gives you a necklace called Minor Trinket of Rodcet Nife. Triggerword is "favor".

16. A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor. Given by Avatar of Cazic Thule in Feerott. He is static and just at the bottom of the temple to Cazic Thule (loc -1124, -25). Take the Oggok stone in POK to the Feerott. Trigger word is "offer". To receive the wands and the quest steps, you will need to travel to the Field of Bone and find the Iksar named Pirex. As you approach Cabilis, from POK stone, he's on the first floor in the first room in the building on the left (loc -2330, 2885, 10). You should find him northwest of merchant Acet. To retrieve the wands, hail him once for the quest then 3 more times for the wands.


To complete all 16 quests, you will need ALL EverQuest expansions up to and including Seeds of Destruction (SoD) released October 2008. Only one quest requires a zone from SoD, "A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor".


While you can repeat most of the 10th Anniversary Deity Favor quests more than once per day (depending on lockout timers), it should be noted that you will only receive ONE "Potion of Adventure II" for each unique quest. In other words, you can only acquire a total of 16 experience potions if you complete ALL 16 unique quests in this series. Repeating any single quest will NOT give you another experience potion, so they cannot be "farmed."

The Fireworks Focus is an inventory-clickable item that changes each time you right-click it. As you complete each unique Deity Favor quest, your Fireworks Focus will gain a new focus effect (16 total). Each time you click the Fireworks Focus, the name and icon graphic changes to reflect the new focus effect. Clicking repeatedly will cycle through any available foci you have acquired in alphabetical order. Clicking the Celebratory Fireworks Caster will trigger the particle effect associated with your current Fireworks Focus setting. Keep in mind that the particle effects will be OVER your head so you will need to change your view to see them.

Upon completion of ANY quest (repeated or not), you will have a choice from 7 different potions: Distillate of Alacrity (haste), Celestial Healing (heal over time), Clarity (mana regen), Divine Healing (instant heal), Health (+AC & increase max HP), Replenishment (HP regen), Spirituality (HP & mana regen). The strength of these potions will be based on your current level up to a maximum of level 80 (XII). It is possible the limit may increase in future years. NOTE: The "Health" potions will NOT stack with Cleric AC/HP buffs or Druid "skin" buffs. You can repeat most quests a few times a day (depending on the lockout timers) and accumulate these potions.

The Shiny New Class I Collapsable Roboboar is equivalent in speed to the slowest purchasable mount. It can be combined with other mounts to make faster versions.

NOTE: Two quests are NOT repeatable:

1. The "Memory In Crystal - Veeshan's Favor" quest is NOT repeatable. This quest can be found in the Plane of Knowledge, on the top floor balcony of each 2-story building near the teleport stones (North, East and South areas). Each "a crystalline avatar" looks different but will give the same quest. If you fail this quest you can re-try until you succeed. Each attempt will offer different questions. This is a good quest to start with because it is very fast (5 minutes) and so you can get some of the goodies right away.

2. The Bristlebane quest (starts in PoK) is also NOT repeatable.

NOTE: Some of the deities share lockout timers. This means if you complete one deity's task, the resulting lockout timer may prevent you from acquiring another until that timer expires. For example, the Erollisi and Innoruuk share the same lockout timer because the god of love and the god of hate do not particularly care for each other. (You must wait until your recent deeds have faded from their memory...)

When you complete your FIRST quest in this series (does not matter which one) you will receive:

* Celebratory Fireworks Caster (used with the Fireworks Focus)
* Cloth Cap (mini swarm pet clicky)
* Fireworks Focus of ... (deity for that task)
* Potion of Adventure II (+25% experience for 30 min.)
* Player flags (for final reward)
* Experience (amount varies)
* Platinum (amount varies)
* Distillate of ... (choose one of 7 potions)

NOTE: If completing the "Bristlebane's Party Favor" quest for the first time you will also receive Bristlebane's Party Generator.

Completing subsequent unique quests (ie. non-repeated) will grant these rewards:

* Fireworks Focus of ... (deity for that task)
* Potion of Adventure II (+25% experience for 30 min.)
* Player flags (for final reward)
* Experience (amount varies)
* Platinum (amount varies)
* Distillate of ... (choose one of 7 potions)

NOTE: If completing the "Bristlebane's Party Favor" quest for the first time you will also receive Bristlebane's Party Generator

REPEATING a quest will grant these rewards:

* Experience (amount varies)
* Platinum (amount varies)
* Distillate of ... (choose one of 7 potions)

Completing ALL 16 quests will also grant these additional rewards:

* Shiny New Class I Collapsable Roboboar (slowest run speed mount; can be combined with faster mounts in containers from Tindle Clinksworth in The Bazaar)
* New title (suffix): "Favored of the Gods"
* Bristlebane's Party Pie (stack of throw-able pies, same as summoned by Bristlebane's Party Generator)

The "Player flags" are granted as you complete each unique quest to keep track of your progress and are used to determine when you should receive the Roboboar, Title and throw-able pies.

(This section's writeup by Kuponya.)


Submitted by: Numerous helpful folks from the Allakhazam EQ Forum
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Do Brell's while you are doing Bristlebane's
# Apr 23 2024 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
7 posts
The last step in Brell's quest is Observe any of Bristlebane's fireworks shows. This is also any of the 16 steps in the Bristlebane quest, so you might as well kill two birds with one stone and do Brell's and Bristlebane's at the same time.

Edited, Nov 27th 2024 1:57am by Lejax
Roderick's hut
# Apr 17 2022 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
That is not a hut. It is the Forge of Brell. No idea why it is there. It isn't talked about anywhere that I can find. Something that was in EQ long before there was an EQII.
Naming convention
# Apr 02 2022 at 8:33 AM Rating: Good
277 posts
Any chance you can change this to xth (ex: 10th) instead of spelling it out (ex: Tenth) in the Alla's database to better match the way it is referenced in-game?
That will also keep the naming convention consistent for all the anniversary stuff. So when searching for the quests and/or achievements it would show up, altogether when searching a single term (ex: 10th).

I kept search for 6th trying to find the actual 6th Anniversary task but it's listed as "EQ Sixth Anniversary Scavenger Hunt". In-game and on Allah's, the achievement is called "Achievement: 6th Anniversary Task". But on Allah's the task is called "EQ Sixth Anniversary Scavenger Hunt". However in-game, the achievement itself refers to it as 6th: Complete 6th Anniversary Scavenger Hunt

Just trying to keep things smooth and consistent.
quarken xired | tecknoe destructo
# Mar 21 2014 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
269 posts
It appears there may no longer be a level restriction on these. Confirmed a level 44 can get the tasks given in Plane of Tranquility
# Apr 23 2020 at 1:21 PM Rating: Excellent
49 posts
My level 41 rogue could also enter PoTranq no problem.
# Dec 27 2012 at 8:53 AM Rating: Excellent
1,028 posts
There is now an achievement associated with this quest.

Achievement: 10th Anniversary Tasks

This achievement is gained upon completion of all of the 10th anniversary tasks.

- Complete 10th Anniversary Task - Culling Fever - Bertoxxulous' Favor
- Complete 10th Anniversary Task - Crafting a Party - Brell Serilis' Favor
- Complete 10th Anniversary Task - Bristlebane's Party Favor - Bristlebane's Favor
- Complete 10th Anniversary Task - A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor
- Complete 10th Anniversary Task - The Power of Hatred - Innoruuk's Favor
- Complete 10th Anniversary Task - Tears of a God - Karana's Favor
- Complete 10th Anniversary Task - Love, Norrathian Style - Erollisi Marr's Favor
- Complete 10th Anniversary Task - Deliver Us from Evil - Mithaniel Marr's Favor
- Complete 10th Anniversary Task - Fishing for Blessings - Prexus's Favor
- Complete 10th Anniversary Task - Peace and Understanding - Quellious' Favor
- Complete 10th Anniversary Task - Warrior's Rest - Rallos Zek's Favor
- Complete 10th Anniversary Task - Healing Touch - Rodcet Nife's Favor
- Complete 10th Anniversary Task - Bonfires of Vanity - Solusek Ro's Favor
- Complete 10th Anniversary Task - Justice of the Tribunal – Tribunal's Favor
- Complete 10th Anniversary Task - The Gift of Life - Tunare's Favor
- Complete 10th Anniversary Task - Memory In Crystal - Veeshan's Favor

Reward: None

for some reason he won't even talk to me
# Mar 17 2012 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
654 posts
does solusk ro conflict with erollisi or bristlebane? i have both of those quests active but when i tried to talk to him he wouldn't even answer me
Success comes when preparation meets opportunity -- and EQ is no exception.
If you lose track
# Apr 23 2011 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
If you lose track of which quests you have completed, just right click on the Fireworks Focus token. It will change with each right click to another deity for whom you have completed the quest. Jot down the names. When they start repeating, you have a complete list of the quests you've finished. As a further note, the quests do not all have to be done in the same year. I did all but 4 last year, including one that was done excecpt for the turn-in. I kept that quest - the Fishing for Prexus quest - active, and threw the fish in the bank. I was able to complete the turn-in this year for the reward without having to go on a "fishing expedition" again. Completing the other three remaining quests gave me the final reward.
REWARDS for this quest series
# Mar 28 2010 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
342 posts
The Rewards for this quest series are *very* confusing. I wrote up a very detailed explanation last year that seemed to help many people.

While the final reward may not be amazing, keep in mind that many of these quests are fun, especially if you like EQ lore.

Scroll down to the post titled, "Quest rewards & repeating quests" or click here to jump down.

Edited, Mar 28th 2010 9:10pm by Kuponya
Lockout Timers
# Mar 19 2010 at 12:11 AM Rating: Good
54 posts
Interestingly enough, I attempted to obtain the Erollisi Marr task after completing the Innoruuk task (did not have enough room for all tasks at once). I was told I could not perform another task of that type at that time. Possibly because love vs. hate, her timer matched his. I'm wondering if, since I just completed Solusek's task, I cannot gain Karana's. People may want to keep an eye out for shared timers.

So far I can attest that Errolisi and Innoruuk share a lockout timer. Good to know, for those who can only get so many tasks at once. (I bet you can get both at once, but not one after the other until the lockout expires)
Lockout Timers
# Mar 25 2010 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
I'm not sure what I got locked out by, but Cazic Thule's quest also shares a timer with one of the other gods. I have currently completed Quellious, Mithaniel Marr, Rallos Zek, Brell, Tunare, Tribunal and Veeshan, and I currently have Solusek's, Bristlebane's, Bertoxx's, Rodcet Nife's and Karana's active. One of those is obviously conflicting, but I have no idea which one, or what the total lockout timer is; if I knew that, then I could probably pin point the conflicting quest timer.

EDIT: Okay, I can confirm that Erollisi Marr and Innoruuk do NOT share a timer. I just requested both and they are active at the moment. Actually, further investigation has proven even more confusing. I can't duplicate the conflict the above poster reported, and I now have active or completed all the deity quests except one.

Mithaniel Marr
Rallos Zek
Brell Serilis

Solusek Ro
Rodcet Nife
Erollisi Marr

Still, Cazic Thule is the only one that tells me I am locked out (15 hours at the time I requested the task). I've only been doing these quests for about 14 hours, so I can rule out that any of the quests have elapsed their lockout timers (if they exist) in only 14 hours, when the one is at least 15 hours. So I have no idea what task Cazic's conflicts with, nor do I understand the above poster's conflict since I have everything except Cazic's. And I know Cazic isn't conflicting with Erollisi Marr or Innoruuk because I request both of those after I attempted to request the one from Cazic. I also acquired Prexus's after Cazic's. This is the one and only god that tells me I am locked out. I can't offer any explanation or reasoning.

Edited, Mar 26th 2010 2:32am by Arcturys
still active after 4-26
# May 14 2009 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
I started and finished the brick of knowledge 9th anniversary scavenger hunt mission, yesterday, for my baby monk. Last time I checked, 5/13/09 was AFTER the date of 4/26/09, as quoted by dev-nodyin for being the cutoff date, for the missions to end.

Evidently there is some misinformation being circulated by dev-nodyin.

still active after 4-26
# Jun 27 2009 at 9:18 AM Rating: Default
208 posts
Is this quest over?
Endless Knot
120 Shadowknight
Everquest Player Since 2001
still active after 4-26
# May 19 2009 at 12:01 AM Rating: Decent
Well, depends on whether or not you have the 4 fabled drops. If you don't have those then, no, you can't do it; if you do have them, then the quest is as normal but your reward is fabled for using the fabled drops.
A Very Clever Quest, for SoE's Benefit...
# Apr 17 2009 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
313 posts
This quest is a great one for SoE, because
    you have to own every single expansion to complete them all

I completed the first 15 of the 16 quests, and when I got to Cazic Thule's Taste of Fear portion, I got to the LAST task of the series when I finally noticed that I needed to get to Oceangreen Hills to finish. But I can't get to Oceangreen Hills, because I haven't bought SoD yet... Very clever. Getting to all ~140 or so zones for this anniversary quest took three days, and then I found out I couldn't complete the very last one of them all. Sigh. What an idiot I feel like!

So I will save my last wand from that task, and put off getting the Shiny Roboboar and my new title for another year, and hopefully the quest will be up next year at this time. I hope that this year's new expansion will also include all of the old ones too. Then I could finally finish this off...

Are there any other alternatives to get to Oceangreen Hills, other than the portal from the Plane of Time to The Void?
Henrian Illinoid -
80th Level Half Elf 4000AAs/Epic 1.5
Ranger of Tunare - The Rathe
related creatures ... what ever
# Apr 04 2009 at 9:32 PM Rating: Good
117 posts
avatar of dread has absolutly nothing to do the the 10th anniversary quest ..... needs to be replaced with Primate of Prexxus, had me running around for nothing.
When's it over?
# Apr 04 2009 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Anyone know how long these quests will be around? I'm about half way through them, and would like to know how much I need to 'hustle'.
When's it over?
# Apr 04 2009 at 11:19 PM Rating: Good
342 posts
Based on various dev posts I have seen, the Fabled mobs end 4/26/09 "at midnight" while the Raids and Quests "continue until 5/25/09."

By "midnight" I am sure they mean Pacific time. No idea what time the Raids/Quests end on 5/25 (or if they will end shortly after 5/24/09). Don't have links handy ATM, sorry.

[EDIT 28 April 2009:]

*sigh* To further clarify...

1) The Anniversary Scavenger Hunts ended at the same time as the Fabled mobs: 4/26/09.
2) The Deity Favor Quests (this thread's topic) end 5/24/09 along with the Zone Revamps and Raids.

Here is the post by Nodyin. He also mentions how the servers determine exactly when to end these events... assuming the code was entered correctly of course.

Edited, Apr 28th 2009 5:06pm by Kuponya
When's it over?
# May 02 2009 at 8:22 PM Rating: Default
94 posts
I did the Kunark 6th Anniversary Scavenger hunt on an alt on 4/28/09.
When's it over?
# Apr 24 2009 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
Kuponya wrote:
Based on various dev posts I have seen, the Fabled mobs end 4/26/09 "at midnight" while the Raids and Quests "continue until 5/25/09."

By "midnight" I am sure they mean Pacific time. No idea what time the Raids/Quests end on 5/25 (or if they will end shortly after 5/24/09). Don't have links handy ATM, sorry.

As of last patch, April 23, they all now stop at the same time, 4/26/09 at midnight PST.
When's it over?
# Apr 26 2009 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
As of last patch, April 23, they all now stop at the same time, 4/26/09 at midnight PST.

To clarify, Raids still go until 5/25/09. Not sure why they shortened the Quests.

[EDIT 28 April 2009: see my last post for update]

Edited, Apr 28th 2009 4:39pm by Kuponya
Anything else to do to receive extra rewards?
# Apr 04 2009 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
I completed all 16 tasks and received the roboboar, but did not get the option for the title. My char is level 71. Anything extra needed to trigger the title (main reason I went through all this hassle...)?


I am a moron, it's a suffix. So, "pull head from rear end" is the extra step i was forgetting.

Edited, Apr 4th 2009 9:12am by AuraOfOblivion
# Apr 01 2009 at 1:59 AM Rating: Good
27 posts
The title you recieve from doing all avatar quests and bristlebane quest is "Title:Favored of the Gods"
Quest rewards & repeating quests
# Mar 31 2009 at 11:59 AM Rating: Excellent
342 posts
To minimize some of the confusion regarding this 16-quest series, I have attempted to explain the rewards and how you acquire them here.

To complete all 16 quests, you will need ALL EverQuest expansions up to and including Seeds of Destruction (SoD) released October 2008. Only one quest requires a zone from SoD, "A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor".

While you can repeat most of the 10th Anniversary Deity Favor quests more than once per day (depending on lockout timers), it should be noted that you will only receive ONE "Potion of Adventure II" for each unique quest. In other words, you can only acquire a total of 16 experience potions if you complete ALL 16 unique quests in this series. Repeating any single quest will NOT give you another experience potion, so they cannot be "farmed."

For more info about repeating quests, see "Exceptions on Repeating Quests" at the end.

The Fireworks Focus is an inventory clickable item that changes each time you right-click it. As you complete each unique Deity Favor quest, your Fireworks Focus will gain a new focus effect (16 total). Each time you click the Fireworks Focus, the name and icon graphic changes to reflect the new focus effect. Clicking repeatedly will cycle through any available foci you have acquired in alphabetical order. Clicking the Celebratory Fireworks Caster will trigger the particle effect associated with your current Fireworks Focus setting. Keep in mind that the particle effects will be OVER your head so you will need to change your view to see them.

Upon completion of ANY quest, repeated or not, you will have a choice from 7 different potions: Distillate of Alacrity (haste), Celestial Healing (heal over time), Clarity (mana regen), Divine Healing (instant heal), Health (+AC & increase max HP), Replenishment (HP regen) or Spirituality (HP & mana regen). The strength of these potions will be based on your current level, up to a maximum of level 80 (XII). It is possible the limit may increase in future years. NOTE: The "Health" potions will NOT stack with Cleric AC/HP buffs or Druid "skin" buffs. You can repeat most quests a few times a day (depending on the lockout timers) and accumulate these potions.

The Shiny New Class I Collapsable Roboboar is equivalent in speed to the slowest purchasable mount. It can be combined with other mounts to make faster versions (see link for info).

Quest Rewards:

When you complete your FIRST quest in this series (does not matter which one) you will receive:

* Celebratory Fireworks Caster (used with the Fireworks Focus)
* Cloth Cap (mini swarm pet clicky)
* Fireworks Focus of ... (deity for that task)
* Potion of Adventure II (+25% experience for 30 min.)
* Player flags (for final reward)
* Experience (amount varies)
* Platinum (amount varies)
* Distillate of ... (choose one of 7 potions)
>>> If completing the "Bristlebane's Party Favor" quest for the first time you will also receive Bristlebane's Party Generator

Completing subsequent unique quests (ie. non-repeated) will grant these rewards:

* Fireworks Focus of ... (deity for that task)
* Potion of Adventure II (+25% experience for 30 min.)
* Player flags (for final reward)
* Experience (amount varies)
* Platinum (amount varies)
* Distillate of ... (choose one of 7 potions)
>>> If completing the "Bristlebane's Party Favor" quest for the first time you will also receive Bristlebane's Party Generator

REPEATING a quest will grant these rewards:

* Experience (amount varies)
* Platinum (amount varies)
* Distillate of ... (choose one of 7 potions)

Completing ALL 16 quests will also grant these additional rewards:

* Shiny New Class I Collapsable Roboboar (slowest run speed mount; can be combined with faster mounts in containers from Tindle Clinksworth in The Bazaar)
* New title (suffix): "Favored of the Gods"
* Bristlebane's Party Pie (stack of throw-able pies, same as summoned by Bristlebane's Party Generator)

The "Player flags" are granted as you complete each unique quest to keep track of your progress and are used to determine when you should receive the Roboboar and Title. [poobah noted:] "If you lose track of which quests you have completed, just right click on the Fireworks Focus token. It will change with each right click to another deity for whom you have completed the quest. Jot down the names. When they start repeating, you have a complete list of the quests you've finished. As a further note, the quests do not all have to be done in the same year."

The Devs have stated that these final rewards for completing all 16 quests were intended as "fluff". That said, you should pursue these quests with the goal of having fun and reliving some of the old EQ lore!

Exceptions on Repeating Quests:

1. The "Memory In Crystal - Veeshan's Favor" quest is NOT repeatable. This quest can be found in the Plane of Knowledge, on the top floor balcony of each 2-story building near the teleport stones (North, East and South areas). Each "a crystalline avatar" looks different but will give the same quest. If you fail this quest you can re-try until you succeed. Each attempt will offer different questions. This is a good quest to start with because it is very fast (5 minutes) and so you can get some of the goodies right away.

2. The Bristlebane quest (starts in PoK) is also NOT repeatable.

3. Some of the deities share lockout timers. This means if you complete one deity's task, the resulting lockout timer may prevent you from acquiring another until that timer expires. For example, the Erollisi and Innoruuk share the same lockout timer because the god of love and the god of hate do not particularly care for each other. You must wait until your recent deeds have faded from their memory. Smiley: smile

Please reply here & PM me with any additions/corrections so I can edit this.

[EDIT - 3 April 2009: added player title name (final reward) thanks to EMIAG]
[EDIT - 4 April 2009: clarified exp. potion details in 2nd paragraph]
[EDIT - 19 April 2009: clarified that all expansions thru SoD required & added link for Bristlebane's Party Pie]
[EDIT - 27 April 2009: clarified roboboar upgrade info & added link]
[EDIT - 28 March 2010: corrected shared timer info; added Health potion stacking info; edited Bristlebane's Party Pie info to reflect new animation & graphics; other minor clarifications]
[EDIT - July 2011: added quest tracking tips as written by poobah]

Edited, Jul 18th 2011 1:44pm by Kuponya
Quest rewards & repeating quests
# Apr 07 2009 at 2:38 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
I have tested the potions of adventure II and they are 25%
Quest rewards & repeating quests
# Apr 04 2009 at 8:02 PM Rating: Good
54 posts
Just wanted to say thanks for the excellent post.
LOC Correction
# Mar 29 2009 at 8:25 AM Rating: Excellent
20 posts
11. Culling Fever - Bertoxxulous' Favor. Given by Avatar of Bertoxulous in Blightfire Moores (loc -723.40, 68.38, 41.40) near the middle of the zone by the dead dragon.

Its +723 +68
Not -723 +68
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