Where: | Rating: |
| Information: | Level: | 85 | Maximum Level: | 125 | Monster Mission: | No | Repeatable: | Yes | Can Be Shrouded?: | No | Quest Type: | Event | Quest Goal: | Related Creatures: | Related Quests: | Era: | | Recommended: | Group Size: | Raid | Min. # of Players: | 18 | Max. # of Players: | 54 | Appropriate Classes: | Appropriate Races: |
Entered: Mon Dec 1 18:28:34 2008 Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023 | |
This is one of three events in the "Korafax, Home of the Riders" raid expedition.
This event takes place outside the complex where you'll find Pallorax the Soul Slayer wandering around.
Pallorax the Soul Slayer unfurls his mighty wings and howls with the fury of chaos!
Fight Pallorax to 80%, follow him to a portal, kill the riftseekers before he consumes their power. Do this again at 60%, 40%, and 20%. Kill Pallorax within 25 minutes from start to finish for the win.
Pallorax the Soul Slayer
Pallorax hits for a max ~14,000; flurries; single-target rampages (does not AE rampage); and enrages. He casts three spells:
Draw of the Void: PB AE 100', (-550)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 6500
Flanking Slash: Directional 20', Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 3500
2: Unknown #380 (100/1/0) (a knockback)
Screeching Fury: PB AE 100', (-550)
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 70%
2: SpinStun
(Note: He used to cast a fear AE called "Screeching Terror", but this seems to have been intentionally removed.)
On "Draw of the Void", you'll see the emote: A tear in space forms as the void opens before your eyes
The Riftseekers
At 80%, 60%, 40%, and 20% health, Pallorax goes inactive and runs to one of the Riftseeker portals in the area:
Pallorax embraces the darkness of the void, shielding him from combat.
As he reaches a portal, he begins drawing on the Riftseekers' power:
Pallorax draws power from the rift slaves!
Kill the two Riftseekers before he consumes them. If you kill them in time, they buff you.
A smile washes over the Rift slave's face as he dies, 'Chaos rules me no more!'
If he's able to consume them, they buff him:
Consuming the rift slave, dark energy crackles from Pallorax's fingers as his chaotic magic grows in power.
Consuming the rift slave, Pallorax laughs as his wounds appear to close before your eyes.
The possible spells:
Riftseeker's Bulwark: Unresistable 1000 PB AE
Mitigate Melee Damage by 25%, 100000 total
Riftseeker's Empowerment: Unresistable 1000 PB AE
Increase Spell Damage by 20%
Riftseeker's Enlightenment: Unresistable 1000 PB AE
Increase Spell Damage by 50%
Decrease Agro Multiplier by 20%
Riftseeker's Glyph: Unresistable 1000 PB AE
Increase Absorb Damage by 100000
Riftseeker's Rage: Unresistable 1000 PB AE
Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 50% with 1H Blunt
Riftseeker's Rapidity: Unresistable 1000 PB AE
Increase Spell Haste by 50%
Increase Attack Speed by 50%
Riftseeker's Rebuke: Unresistable 1000 PB AE
Increase Damage Shield by 225
Riftseeker's Reflection: Unresistable 1000 PB AE
Increase Damage Shield by 500
Riftseeker's Replenishment: Unresistable 1000 PB AE
Increase Hitpoints by 3000 per tick
Increase Endurance by 3000 per tick
Increase Mana by 3000 per tick
Riftseeker's Shielding: Unresistable 1000 PB AE
Increase All Resists by 100
Mitigate Spell Damage by 25%, 50000 total
Time Limit
You have 25 minutes to kill Pallorax (from the point you originally aggro him). If this time limit runs out, he turns orange and becomes significantly stronger (hitting for ~40,000 and wiping out your raid in good time).
Loot (Normal: 54-player version)
Pallorax the Soul Slayer has been slain by _____!
Pallorax the Soul Slayer's corpse crashes to the ground, 'This.. Can't.. Be.. Happening..'
Your faction standing with Discordant Armies got worse.
Your faction standing with Dragorn Forces got better.
Your faction standing with Herald of Druzzil Ro got better.
Vault of the Dark Soul spawns upon Pallorax's death. Loot consists of 2 Tower Keys (Discord Tower key) + 2 Runes (first list) + 2 Armor Pieces (second list) + 2 other items (third list):
Glowing Entropic Rune
Whirring Archaen Rune
Distorted Primeval Incandessence (arms/legs)
Distorted Primeval Luminessence (arms/legs) (See this armor guide for essence use)
Corpse Hook
Dark-Ringed Cape
Flame Emblazoned Spaulders
Horned Broo Mask
Infested Death Shroud
Ksathrax's Toxiferous Ring
Sash of the Pox-Blessed
Tunare's Tear
Loot (Hard: 36-player version)
In the hard version, the chest contains 2 Runes + 1 armor piece + 1 other item:
Glowing Entropic Rune
Whirring Archaen Rune
Distorted Coeval Incandessence
Distorted Coeval Luminessence
Fractured Coeval Incandessence
Fractured Coeval Luminessence
Phased Coeval Incandessence
Phased Coeval Luminessence
Warped Coeval Incandessence
Warped Coeval Luminessence (See this armor guide for essence use)
Ageless Lantern
Brell's Warmth
Discord Rider Shield
Discordling Honor Badge
Exxten Stone Ring
Fireflight Charm
Flame Hardened Ring
Grlax's Belt
Knen Worry Stone
Mastruq Hide Cloak
Meteor Stone Ring
Permafrost Gem
Permafrost Ring
Scryer's Belt
Sibuncu Horn
Taromani Eye
Tenndxx's Charm
Third Eye Shield
Visage of Brekt
Vitrik War Shield
Volklana's Ring
Wavekiller Ring
Worn Blue Doll |