Gathering Skin  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Money
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Era:Legacy of Ykesha
Group Size:Solo
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Sun Nov 30 23:40:51 2008
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This is a Medium task given by Cadale Brohat.

Long ago, a wise man once said that the power of the mind can destroy even the tallest giant. Whether or not that's true, you're going to visit a pupil of that wise man to learn more about the ways of the world. Make haste to speak with Calambra. When you arrive, you will find that there is more to life than the absent pursuit of wealth.

Speak with Calambra (0/1) Gulf of Gunthak

You say, 'Hail, Calambra'

Calambra says 'Thanks for contacting me. Your information on this matter has been most useful.'

The old wise man's words carried his students through the roughest wars and the coldest winters. It taught them a sense of discipline and restraint they had never known existed. But his teachings also pushed them to fight back when the forces of power tried to annihilate the weak. Now it's your turn to take the fight to those forces once again. Use the teachings of the old man's pupil and kill 10 vicious skeletons.

Kill 10 vicious skeletons (0/10) Gulf of Gunthak

What was once thought to be the end of conflicts merely brought more to the table. As it was before, you must continue to defeat the threat of tyranny and kill 10 emaciated zombies. They must not be allowed to take control over these lands and it is up to you to stop them. They're protecting their wealth, so take it from them by loot 4 Zombie Skin. Time is of the essence young student.

Kill 10 emaciated zombies (0/10) Gulf of Gunthak

Loot 4 Zombie Skin (0/4) Gulf of Gunthak

You have reached a peak in your learning. At the very least, you have learned what it is to be a learned student. You have come a long way in a short time and there is indeed a future for you if you continue along the path of enlightenment. For now, deliver 4 Zombie Skin to Dellthuea, for they are behind some of the tyranny that brews in the world. You now have the power to end it.

Deliver 4 Zombie Skin to Dellthuea (0/4) Gulf of Gunthak

The tale of the wise man urged you to do great things. It's curious to have to do terrible things to achieve greatness. Even the calm of enlightenment cannot always be achieved quietly, and you have proven that you are versatile enough to seek out the truth. Continue your training and some day, you too may be able to have your own students who look to you for guidance and answers. And even though material wealth is of little concern to someone along your path, the rest of the world still lives by it, Take this small offering and be well.

You receive 8 copper.
You receive 2 silver.
You receive 4 gold.
You receive 54 platinum.
You gain experience!!
Submitted by: Lovejoy
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