Mansion Event: Brinda Sprockets  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Event
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Success Lockout Timer: 108:00:00
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Secrets of Faydwer
Group Size:Raid
Min. # of Players:18
Max. # of Players:54
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Mon Jan 21 18:55:53 2008
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This is an event within the raid expedition into Meldrath's Majestic Mansion.

In the workshop you will find a 'giant head' called M.E.G., in front of which you'll see Brinda Sprockets and her assistant, Findlewill. They will not attack unless provoked.

You say, 'Hail, `Doctor` Brinda Sprockets'

`Doctor` Brinda Sprockets says 'Hello and welcome. You have arrived at an interesting time. Life as we know it is about to change. The problems and worries of yesterday will soon be nothing more than a distant, faded memory. You, _____, will bear witness to the [rebirth] of mankind.'

You say, 'Rebirth?'

`Doctor` Brinda Sprockets nods, 'You appear confused and for that I don't blame you. The concepts are abstract and complex. I was incapable of grasping the genius of the plan, myself, until M.E.G. explained it to me in terms I could comprehend. Once she showed me, the plan made sense and my doubt simply melted away. Allow me to [explain].'

You say, 'Explain...'

`Doctor` Brinda Sprockets says 'Let me start from the beginning. Wait, no, let me start before the beginning. I prefer the company of machines over men. Of course, I'm a mechanic, but the reason is much deeper than that. The two are fundamentally different because machines are worlds different than people: they are essentially [decent]. They are unaffected by bias, unswayed by emotion, and untouched by fear.'

You say, 'Decent?'

`Doctor` Brinda Sprockets nods again, smiling, 'You're starting to understand. Machines offer us a glimpse into a perfection that we can never achieve. They are superior to us, and regrettably their roles and our roles are reversed. The steamworks should not serve us so much as guide us. They are our saviors and guardians. They should protect us from our greatest threat, [ourselves].'

You say, 'Ourselves...'

`Doctor` Brinda Sprockets laughs, 'Exactly! Of course, one person such as me cannot change the world. But M.E.G. can. She is all-knowing and all-seeing. She is the grand facilitator of the plan. She designed the steamworks built in this room. She controls Fortress Mechanotus. She is everywhere, controls everything, and has our best interests in mind. Once events have been set into motion, no one will be able to halt them. The plan is fool-proof and [unstoppable].'

You say, 'Unstoppable?'

`Doctor` Brinda Sprockets says 'Absolutely unstoppable. M.E.G.'s exoframe is impervious and her systems are redundant.'

Findlewill tugs at Brinda's leg, 'But what if someone managed to crack the password matrix, allowing them to remove M.E.G.'s mana batteries and shut her down?'

`Doctor` Brinda Sprockets glares at Findlewill, 'Impossible. And I'd immediately [intervene] if anyone tried.'

You say, 'Intervene?'

`Doctor` Brinda Sprockets turns her glare to you. As she does, a targeting reticle flickers into view on the green lenses of her helmet, 'Don't push me, _____. Though M.E.G. does not believe in shows of force, I am not bound by her laws and would take any steps necessary to protect her. The plan will occur whether or not you stand against us. You should be celebrating the glory of a new age, not struggling in futility. Do not [force] me to do something regrettable.'

You say, 'We'll force you!'

`Doctor` Brinda Sprockets says 'Ah, and you've unwittingly proved my point that machines are more reasonable and agreeable than mankind. You had better hope that the steamworks get to you before I do.'

Findlewill says 'Flee, flee, flee!'

M.E.G. says 'Request lead crew chief 'Doctor' Brinda Sprockets or nearest available subordinate unscramble password matrix and initiate battery replacement sequence, immediately. WARNING! Failure to adhere to replacement sequence protocol will result in lockdown.'


This event takes place in three phases. In each phase you must deal with 10 M.E.G. enforcers, loot three passwords, and say to M.E.G. the appropriate passwords in the correct order (all the while keeping Brinda busy). Upon doing this three times, you win the event.


Upon triggering the event, 10 M.E.G. enforcers attack, as does Brinda. More on the enforcers in a moment. First, Brinda:

Brinda Sprockets reappears in a steamsuit. She hits for a max ~15,000. She does not rampage, flurry, or enrage; nor does she summon. She is rootable/snareable. She also has numerous AEs, the most significant being "Mathmatron Mallet":

Mathmatron Mallet: Targeted AE 200', Fire (-500)
1: Stun(5.00 sec)
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 15000

During each phase, numerous untargettable oil slicks spawn around the room, chain casting the unresistable duration spell "Oil Slick":

1: Increase Incoming Spell Damage by 200%
2: Decrease Fire Resist by 600
3: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
4: Limit: Spell Type(Detrimental only)
5: Limit: Resist(Fire allowed)
6: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
7: Increase corruption counter by 24

This is more or less unavoidable and causes you to take triple the damage from Brinda's fire AEs, the worst of which being the Mallet spell which will hit for 45,000. The space is tight, but if you keep Brinda on one side of the room and stay on the opposite side, you can avoid the 200' mallet AE.

During the second and third phases of this event, Brinda gains some more AEs:

Blowtorch: PB AE 0', Unresistable (-500)
1: Unknown #374 (100/100/0)
2: Unknown #374 (100/100/0)
3: Unknown #374 (100/100/0)
4: Unknown #374 (100/100/0)

Blowtorch Burn: Single Target, Fire (-500)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 8000

Brinda Conical Burn Aft-Left: Directional 500', Fire (-500)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 3500

Brinda Conical Burn Aft-Right: Directional 500', Fire (-500)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 3500

Brinda Conical Burn Back-Left: Directional 500', Fire (-500)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 3500

Brinda Conical Burn Back-Right: Directional 500', Fire (-500)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 3500

Brinda Conical Burn Fore-Left: Directional 500', Fire (-500)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 3500

Brinda Conical Burn Fore-Right: Directional 500', Fire (-500)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 3500

Brinda Conical Burn Front-Left: Directional 500', Fire (-500)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 3500

Brinda Conical Burn Front-Right: Directional 500', Fire (-500)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 3500

Brinda Conical Burn Side-Left: Directional 500', Fire (-500)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 3500

Brinda Conical Burn Side-Right: Directional 500', Fire (-500)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 3500

Verminate: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Summon Pets: SwarmVerminate x 6 for 18 sec

You can kill Brinda, but she respawns.

Phase 1

Upon triggering the event, 10 M.E.G. enforcers become active. They each hit for a max ~4,500 (no special attacks, no rampage, no flurry, no enrage, typical trash mob hps -- this applies to the enforcers for every phase).

In this phase, your objective is to loot Password Fragments from these three enforcers (in this order):

M.E.G.s Enforcer Mk. XLI
M.E.G.s Enforcer Mk. LXXII
M.E.G.s Enforcer Mk. CXIII

For example, if XLI drops "Password Fragment: Hologram", LXXII drops "Password Fragment: Pinion", and CXIII drops "Password Fragment: Retry", someone would loot those three items, target M.E.G. (the giant head) and have this exchange:

You say, 'Hologram'

M.E.G. says 'First password fragment accepted. Please input second password fragment.'

You say, 'Pinion'

M.E.G. says 'Second password fragment accepted. Please input final password fragment.'

You say, 'Retry'

M.E.G. says 'Third password fragment accepted. Password correct. Ejecting primary mana battery. Please replace quickly to avoid a critical system failure.'

...And onto Phase 2. Ten more enforcers spawn immediately, so you'll probably want to kill each of the remaining enforcers in phase 1 prior to saying the third password. The order in which you kill the rest does not matter.

Phase 2

Repeat the above, except kill/loot these enforcers (in this order):

M.E.G.s Enforcer Mk. CLXXXIV
M.E.G.s Enforcer Mk. XXV
M.E.G.s Enforcer Mk. DLXXVI

Phase 3

Again, repeat the above, except kill/loot these enforcers (in this order):

M.E.G.s Enforcer Mk. XCVII
M.E.G.s Enforcer Mk. DVIII
M.E.G.s Enforcer Mk. CMXCIX

(While the passwords are random, the order of Enforcers never changes. It is based on the roman numerals at the end of their names - I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X [X does not come into play]).

Upon saying the final password phrase to M.E.G.:

M.E.G. says 'Third password fragment accepted. Password correct. Ejecting tertiary mana battery. P-p-please re-re . . . *KSSHHHHT*'

Everything despawns (all adds, as well as Brinda).

Passwords and Time Limit

Possible passwords in this event include:


You have five minutes to complete each phase:

M.E.G. intones, 'WARNING! Foreign entities detected in Mechanotus workshop. Threat level assessment: critical. T minus four minutes until lockdown.'

M.E.G. intones, 'WARNING! Foreign entities detected in Mechanotus workshop. Threat level assessment: critical. T minus three minutes until lockdown.'

...etc. If your five minutes run out, the event resets and all trash mobs from the room respawn. The same thing occurs if you give M.E.G. a wrong password:

M.E.G. intones, 'Incorrect password sequence. Initiating lockdown.'


Once Phase 3 is done, a chest with loot spawns. Loot consists of 2 Gyro Cores (slot: HEAD), 2 Runes (first list), 2 items (second list) + 0-1 Version XI Serial Translatron + 0-1 Prismatic Faycite:

Glowing Prismatic Rune
Whirring Clockwork Rune

Impromptu Body Protector
Jingling Alloy Loop
Razor-Sharp Speedblade
Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
Steamwork Welder's Multitool

Flavor Text

This has no relation to the event, but if you stand around M.E.G. long enough, you'll see a glimpse of its role in the operations of Fortress Mechanotus:

M.E.G. says 'Mechanotus diagnostics indicate a disturbance in central tunnels, sector 180.'

M.E.G. says 'Pattern match based on current data suggests brownie workers are responsible. Recommend security dispatch a steamwork trooper squad to isolate and suppress the disturbance.'

M.E.G. says 'Mana battery self-test complete. Primary battery is operating at full capacity. Secondary battery is operating at near full capacity. WARNING! Tertiary battery has been depleted. Device failure is the most probable cause.'

M.E.G. says 'Scanning Mechanotus for situational anomalies . . . Propulsion: no errors detected. Airflow: no errors detected. Ambient temperature: no errors detected. System temperature: WARNING! Heat stress detected in operations lab. Recommend closing vents AB through AF to reduce steam influx.'

M.E.G. says 'Attention. Steamwork models suffix MX are due for a scheduled maintenance. Check all steamwork models suffix MX into the workshop for maintenance at your earliest convenience.'
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Passwords between phases
# Jul 01 2023 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
96 posts
Couple notes about the passwords dropping:
  • If multiple copies of a password drops, use the latest one only. The previous ones will not work.
  • IClear loot in between phases. Later passwords will drop in earlier phases (ex. password 8 dropping during phase 1) but they will not work in another phase.
  • [li]Do the passwords in order. Later passwords will probably drop before the first one, but you still need to wait and say them in order, take into account bullet #2 above.[li]
Need help on the password.
# Feb 13 2022 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
33 posts
I have a few problems here:

There are multiple enforcers of the SAME name dropping different passwords. Which one do I use?
One of the enforcers listed above is not spawning.

There is no response from M.E.G. when I say the password. Do I need to be at a certain range? Do I need to use a certain language?

Edited, Feb 13th 2022 11:55am by Unslow
Master Poison Crafter, Shadowblade
Need help on the password.
# Jul 01 2023 at 3:07 PM Rating: Good
96 posts
Use the latest password to drop within that phase. If you get 3 copies of password 8 during phase 3, use the last one to drop.
one groupable nowa days
# May 23 2015 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
443 posts
this event with the new loot system has become a lot easier (notice I said has become a lot easier) it is still a bit on the difficult side if you box the event however.

my set up = had cleric set as main looter and up top of M.E.G. looted each piece in order based off strat listed above. SK used AE taunt to tank Brenda and all the robots, used his big dmg paly / SK only weapon to ripo kill everything while cleric tossed him promised heals and HoTs to keep him alive and stay low on agro, once all was dead I popped SK a fresh HoT and worked on looting codes, I would leave 3 bag slots open in a row so they were in order next to each other after looting. made hot keys for each code so I was not spending time typing out the whole words, put them in alphabetical order in two dedicated hot bars close to one another for fast findings. once all 3 codes were enter I rotted all other loot "leave on corpse button" destroyed the three codes I just read off and switched back to SK for next wave.

boom T3 SoF MMM raid 2 boxed and added to farm list for my level 80 toons to get geared up with neat gear.
# Aug 20 2009 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
Here is how you find the room for this event:

From the regular zone in area go up the left (west) stairs. Go thru the hallway to the north. Do not go right into the elevator, go left into the next room. Go North to the door to the west elevator. Go into the elevator room and click on the north door. This leads into the room with Brinda, MEG and Findlewill.

Prexus Server
Shining Alliance
# Aug 07 2009 at 11:41 PM Rating: Default
1,273 posts
Brinda does not summon from 100%, this is an absolute fiction. We attempted her twice tonight and chain rooted her in the NW corner and not once was any raider summoned. We also noticed she cast mallet frequently on the first wave, occasionally on the second, and not once on the third. To compensate, she casts her directional AEs more over the latter two waves, which was far more destructive.
# Aug 12 2009 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
190 posts
Brinda Sprockets reappears in a steamsuit. She hits for a max ~15,000. She does not rampage, flurry, or enrage; nor does she summon. She is rootable/snareable. She also has numerous AEs, the most significant being "Mathmatron Mallet":

Dafdaf wrote:
Brinda does not summon from 100%, this is an absolute fiction. We attempted her twice tonight and chain rooted her in the NW corner and not once was any raider summoned. We also noticed she cast mallet frequently on the first wave, occasionally on the second, and not once on the third. To compensate, she casts her directional AEs more over the latter two waves, which was far more destructive.

I personally don't see any other reference to summoning on this page. I'm not sure who your correcting. But as you said, and this above post... No Brinda doesn't summon
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password order on wave 2
# Jul 06 2009 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
tonight we were finally getting all our smaller details set up on brinda, positioning cures etc.... first wave of passwords went fine, 2nd wave looted in the posted order, first password accepted, but the 2nd was rejected and failed us repeatedly. i've double checked the spelling, target of the corpse, etc. Even made sure the corpses from the previous attempt was cleared. is there something bugged or what?

EDIT: confirmed that each wave repeats the same set of mobs so either have to loot all corpses or /hidecorpse npc between waves and must MUST have all mobs dead on waves 1 and 2 before starting next wave.

PS Apparently she is also casting CAZIC TOUCH and Balance of the Nameless prior to her directional AE's durring wave 3, if not all 3 waves.

Edited, Aug 2nd 2009 10:48pm by sacreddark
password order on wave 2
# Jul 31 2009 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Uh oh, dont tell me the damn thing is bugged, is enough bad had to deal with that bag of bugs called BK to get more stupids things broken later
wave 3
# Mar 04 2009 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts
Third wave make sure you kill the 3 critical mobs first. We have started to loose it a few times on the last wave due to AEs taking out people but usually manage to get 3 dead and get passwords done fast.
The Power of Hate conquers all foes.
Leader of The Silent Minority a Rathe Guild
# Jan 15 2009 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
In this phase, your objective is to loot Password Fragments from these three enforcers (in this order):

M.E.G.s Enforcer Mk. XLI
M.E.G.s Enforcer Mk. LXXII
M.E.G.s Enforcer Mk. CXIII

thats not correct, can be killed and looted in any order, just have to watch where it went and such, but easiest to just kill them first so u have the paswords ready :) (hard to see names on those dead mobs)
so close...
# Dec 08 2008 at 6:44 AM Rating: Decent
got the 3rd phase over and over again last night but somehow we get wiped from the Oil Slick / Nuke combo from Brinda. We have her positioned in the SE corner.... and we are mostly in the NE corner but it doesn't seem to matter at that point. My audio trigger for the oil slick went off like 10 times in a row so it really doesn't matter if we get chain-cured or not... it is nearly an automatic wipe. We were so close.................. any ideas? anyone?
couple things
# Jul 28 2008 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
224 posts
Version XI Serial Translatron drops from this event also.And the Gyro Core:Necrotic you have on the list is for legs,it should be the helm.

Edited, Jul 29th 2008 2:11am by FCseven
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