Tunare Disciple  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Faction Required:
Clerics of Tunare (Min: Indifferent)
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    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
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    Entered: Fri Apr 13 15:28:38 2001
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    You must first do the initiate quest.

    You say, 'I will slay the Necromancer'

    Yeolarn Bronzeleaf says 'The Fier'Dal rangers that inhabit the Lesser Faydark have spotted a courier making deliveries to the Teir'Dal camp near Castle Mistmoore and to a necromancer that lingers near the ancient obelisk. We believe that the crates he carries are supplies needed for the creation of more Ghasts. Another shipment should be arriving soon. Seek out the necromancer at the obelisk and take his head then take the head of the courier and return them to me with the crate that the courier carries and your Initiate Symbol of Tunare.

    The courier is making deliveries to the Teir'Dal camp near Castle Mistmoore and to a necromancer that lingers near the ancient obelisk. We believe that the crates he carries are supplies needed for the creation of more Ghasts. Another shipment should be arriving soon. Seek out the necromancer at the obelisk and take his head then take the head of the courier and return them to me with the crate that the courier carries and your Initiate Symbol of Tunare.

    Yeolarn Bronzeleaf says 'I require the head of the necromancer, the head of the courier, the crate the courier carries and your Initiate Symbol'

    Bring the two heads and the crate back to Yeolarn.

    Yeoolarn Bronzeleaf says 'Praise Tunare! The Mother smiles on you this day Disciple Angelsyn! I present you with the symbol of your new station among the Priests of Tunare. Return to me when you are ready to become a [Warden of Tunare].

    Your faction standing with ClericsofTunare got better.
    Your faction standing with KingTearisthex got better.
    Your faction standing with Anti-Mage got better.
    You gain party experience!!
    Submitted by: Angelsyn
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    Too High
    # Jun 06 2001 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
    At 49 you are too high to to aggro the the rest of the camp. I can do the same thing in Crushbone. I can kill the Emperor all day long and the only thing the rest of the orcs do is heal him. I was doing that at 25. I am guessing that once you are 12 or 13 lvls above teh mobs they will not bother you unless you attack them directly.
    RE: Too High
    # Jun 09 2001 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
    note you are not to high to aggro the 3 50+ uber aggro mobs at the de camp at 49
    # Jun 05 2001 at 9:02 PM Rating: Default
    One interesting thing to note is that you can zap DE's in the camp without pulling all of them.. I've killed a bunch for fun while being angry cause I missed the courier.. Then again, I don't know if levels come into play as to whether or not they will aggro on you, since I'm 49.
    Trouble with the DE courier
    # Jun 02 2001 at 7:39 PM Rating: Default
    Ok,I just turned lvl 30 and decided to undertake these quests. The Cazic/Tunare event took place on my server making the first two quests quite ummm...challenging hehe. I have killed the necro at the oblisk 3 times now. First time bymyself, gated to SF zone to try tracking him, no dice, after a couple minutes I ran to the DE camp; not there either. Next 2 times I had the help of a 52 druid friend. Once we killed the necro, I gated to SF zone and began tracking/looking while he ran to DE camp. Still no sighting. Second time we killed him he ran to the DE camp while i stayed at the oblisk...still no courier after waiting several minutes. I'm stumped...did the Cazic takeover break this quest? I petitioned but got no response before I had to log. Anyone else have any input here?

    RE: Trouble with the DE courier
    # Jun 07 2001 at 6:20 AM Rating: Default
    I have killed the necro 4 times since the CT invasion of lfay. I have gated to the DE camp twice and waited, the courier never appeared. I have gated twice to SF zone and have not been able to locate the courier on track there or in the DE camp later. The last 2 times i have asked the assistance of other hight level trackers in the zone. They did not see the courier either.

    One other note of possible interest, I had one additional necro spawn that was attacked and killed by a sprite horror that wandered by. (Ok i should not have been trying to save mana and using dots to kill the necro) There is evidently a strong faction problem between the CT mobs and the necro (DARK ELF) and i would therefore assume with the dark elf courier as well.

    I have abandoned the camp until this issue is resolved

    RE: Trouble with the DE courier
    # Jun 03 2001 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
    I've also tried this quest since the changes in LFay. I've killed the necro 4 times. Twice I gated to a bind near the DE camp and kept checking tracking. The other two times I gated to SF and kept checking tracking. I never saw the courier.

    I petitioned and got a response saying that he couldn't comment much about Lfay, but that there changes going on that could affect the quests.

    Has anyone successfully found the courier since the corruption of Lfay and all the undead sprites appeared?
    RE: Trouble with the DE courier
    # Jun 08 2001 at 7:28 AM Rating: Default
    i had same problem tonite. i just killed necro, no inkie courrier spawned. and if he did, he didn't last long, i ooc'd and all that. but no courrier anywhere. i hope the quest isn't broken with the new changes. i really would like to finish this quest up.

    now i feel like i shouldn't have waited to finish the quest up.
    RE: Trouble with the DE courier
    # Jun 02 2001 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
    21 posts
    I usually get some guy who will kill the courier just because it is an odd spawn. Make sure you give an /ooc that the courier shouldn't be killed or looted 'casue you need him for a quest.
    Straight from the Horse's Mouth
    # May 28 2001 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
    21 posts
    Here is the most up-to-date and accurate information I have. I am level 35, cleric, on Rodcet Nife. I have been in Lesser Fay this entire past long weekend... anyway, on to the info.

    All weekend, I only had the necro spawn twice. The placeholder for him spawns on the lower step of the undead obelisk(approx. 0, pos 2200) and takes about 15 minutes, real life time, to respawn... this means that the in-game time goes forward about 4-5 hours between the spawns. I found that killing the placeholder(usually a skeleton) at around 8pm game time would have another pop around midnight, and that was usually the necro. When the pop was at different times, say, 2am, it was always a skeleton. Luck? Chance? Maybe, not sure. Also, only once during the weekend I had the Ghoul Boss spawn. He was NOT on the upper step of the obelisk, he was on the hill right in front of the obelisk. High blue to me, 35 cleric. Fear kited him and had no problems.

    The first time I killed the necro, I gated to Steamfont and waited there for two full minutes for the courier. I was standing around the gnomes but no courier ever showed up. I eventually found him safe and sound in the Tier`Dal camp :(

    The second time I killed the necro, I immediately ran to the Tier`Dal camp and waited on the hill just to the east of the camp. I was standing at approximate loc of neg 780, pos 980, facing east. After about 30 seconds, the courier came running straight towards me, from the east. Rooted, and blasted twice for 265 each. He was still alive after that so I had to melee him for a few hits before he went down.

    The ghasts are the longest part of the whole quests. I've killed about 13 and have only 2 hearts. What I usually do is camp for the necro, and kill the surrounding static undead. After the four static undead around the obelisk are dead, I cast Sense Dead. For the next 15 minutes or so, I hunt the sensed dead and eventually will get one or two ghasts per hour or so. They seem to spawn at different times, but mostly during the night. You will find an odd one at 5pm or so sometimes.

    The Warden part of the quest has great information posted already, so no need for me to say anything about that part.

    Finished All 3 quests.. here is my experiance
    # May 21 2001 at 11:15 AM Rating: Default
    Last night I finished the 3rd quest. Here is what I did for each of them.

    Initiate Quest
    Kill all the roaming undead starting around 8-9 pm game time. The Ghasts only spawn at night. Killing the undead roamers seemed to help the ghasts spawn but even when I wasn't killing them they still pspawned, but only one a night or so. If you kill all the roaming undead 2-3 a night will spawn.

    I was trying to get the necro to spawn and noticed that the ghasts almost always spawned directly north of there. I'd track them and almost always find them near the bandit camp on the north sode of the zone (not the sisters). If I was ghast hunting I'd setup shot at that camp and wait for them.

    Disciple Quest
    The necro only spawns at night and only if you kill the place holder which is the spawn on the lower step of the obelisk. There is no trigger. You kill eht PH at around 6-7 pm and you might get 3 possible necro spawns in one night. It was close and I usually only got 2. The necro and his PH are on a 15 minute timer. I'd kill the PH and go looking for ghasts then come back and med up before the next spawn. I killed the necro first when I was 24 and he cast darkness on me. That stunk becasue it canceled my wolf form.

    The courier spawns next to the Greater Faydark zone and runs along the wall towards the dark elf camp. I bound myself at the steamfont zone and after the necro was killed I gated there. I tracked the courier and ended up doing a big circle and catching him at the steamfont zone anyway. He attacked me too. He took about 1/2 my mana at 26 (156 wisdom). He also heals himself. A wizard who was camping the gnomes at the time thought it was a good fight and stunned the courier for me once to stop the heal.

    Warder Quest
    This is the easiest one. Just go to Sol A and Mistmore and shout for the stuff you need. You will need to know both of these zones or plan on dying in both running to get your stuff. I knew both and was able to get these two items in about 1 hour of waiting.

    The white Hellborne is found on escaped splitpaw gnolls in South Karana. I killed about 6 of these and got one. The gnolls are green and real easy kills to a 26 druid.

    Throughout this quest I had help from a 51 druid friend. He was doing the quest too and it sure made everything alot easier and a whole . Good luck and hope this helps.
    3 scenarios
    # May 18 2001 at 10:53 PM Rating: Default
    It took me three tries to get the courier, which means I killed the necromancer 3 times. But learned quite a bit. First, the neco spawns at the front of the obelisk, at a cycle about twice as long as the other mobs. (You have to watch out for another mob, the Ghoul Boss - this guy is higher level and can give you a serious problem. He can pop in any of the spawn sites.) For me the necro always spawned early in the evening, around 7-11pm. First time I killed the necro, I ran to the Tier'dal camp, and the courier never showed at all on tracking. The second time, the courier apparently either beat me to the camp or spawned inside one of the tents (talk about bad luck). The 3rd time I intercepted him coming from the west before he got to the camp. In all cases, I harmonied all of the dark elves in the camp, just to reduce their chance for aggro.

    All in all, I rate this part of the quest high, because you have to plan how you're going to actually catch the courier, and he is running at almost sow speed toward the camp.

    RE: 3 scenarios
    # May 18 2001 at 10:55 PM Rating: Default
    doh... never could get directions right.. the courier runs west toward the camp, he's coming from the east. sorry for the mistake there

    Getting the Courier
    # May 18 2001 at 6:20 PM Rating: Default
    I found that if you are a cleric with no track that it is easiest to Bind somewhat close to the Tier Dal camp slightly towards the Steamfont side and Gate there directly after you kill the Necro and the Courier will soon come running towards you. Keep yer eyes peeled. Root and shoot. He dropped pretty quick and i managed to kill the necro and the courier with a little less than half mana. Good hunting.
    # May 17 2001 at 5:03 AM Rating: Default
    I killed some guy called An Erudite Traveller over in Qeynos Hills a few weeks ago. He was a caster with a pet. He dropped a head, a note, and a crate full of ore. Is this the same npc you all are talking about? If so, he must be spawning in more than one zone.

    Faithful Druid of Tunare
    # May 06 2001 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
    I was wondering, I spent 5 hours camping Larik with no luck, what needs to be done to make him spawn? Is there any trigger, and what is his spawn time? please tell me, It looks like a nice item,but not worth the kind of trouble I went through for it today.
    courier respawn?
    # May 05 2001 at 12:05 AM Rating: Decent
    i saw the question asked earlier but didn't see a responce to it. If the necro, larik z'vole is killed but the courier gets away do you have to kill the necro again to make the courier respawn? would really appreciate a responce because the courier has beaten me to the dark elf camp 3 times. After a long wait after killing the necro the first time, i finally went back to felwith to restart the quest. I have since killed the necro 2 more times and still lost the courier before he made it to inky camp. If i do not have to kill the necro each time it will save me hours of boredom and hair pulling 8-)

    Dreamfeather Gentlebreeze
    Druid in 27th season
    Solusek Ro
    RE: courier respawn?
    # May 06 2001 at 11:12 AM Rating: Default
    Dear Friend,
    Yes, you do have to kill the nerco again to make the dark elf courier respawn. Yes, I know that sucks. Plus, it would be best if you caught the courier before he gets to the camp because it is almost impossible to pull him out of the camp. And again, the courier only lasts about 6 to 10 minutes I believe(could be longer or shorter, unsure). I'm at lv 30 and I still have yet to kill the courier. The first time I tried I was to low of a level and he killed me because of my low supply of mana. If you do pull him out of the camp, you will need some major help from someone. I think, if you have a person pull them all, while you root or snare the courier, then you might have a change. REMEMBER, don't be grouped with the puller, or they will return for you. Plus, the camp has a very long arggo range, so be caution of how close you get to them. I have made both mistakes and have learned from them.
    I wish you the best of luck and skill on this quest. It isn't really that hard, it is just about timing and patience, which we all have a hard time with.

    Your Druid Helper,
    RE: courier respawn?
    # May 18 2001 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
    Thanks Lela
    you are the best!!!

    # Apr 29 2001 at 12:08 PM Rating: Excellent
    Dear Friends/
    I do believe I have solved the mystery about where the Dark Elf Courier spawns before he arrives at the con red camp of dark elfs. Let me tell you the story of what happened to me when I was camping the Nerco spawn named Larik Z Vole at the Haunted Obliesk.

    I camped there for about a couple of hours, sometimes it takes more or less time for him to pop, you never know, but finally he did and I killed him with not much mana left. I'm a 26 druid by the way. Okay, then once I killed him I get his head of course, and go to the camp right???? Wrong. You run to the Steamfont Mountains zone or gate there(if bind at location 1670 neg 1945). This is where he will pop and run to the camp. YOU MUST catch him before he gets to the camp or you are out of luck because remember he is only about a 6min spawn. (This is after I learned of the his REAL Spawn place.) Anyways back to the story. The story below is what I did before I knew where he really spawns.

    After killing the necro I ran over the the camp and waited for him to pop. Actually I had a friend with me to help, but no pop and we waited a long time. Finally we was going to leave the camp when a lv 30 cleric showed up and we invited her. Told her how upset we was because the dark elf couried didn't show at the dalf elf camp. She said, "well I just killed that on my way her." I said, "how?" She said, when she zoned in from Steamfont Mountains and was getting ready to come around the edge(to avoid browines of course) to go to MM, I think, he stared to attack her at the loc she gave us and she also showed us the place. Thank you SOOOOO MUCH cleric friend for solving the mystery. I have done it once, killed the necro and tested to see if he spawns over there and sure enough I was running toward the zone to see if he was on my tracking, and there he was.(Of course, if you gate there, you will catch him faster, but you will lose some mana, and you need all you can spare.) And if you run over there he is already running to camp, but usually you can catch him before he gets there with tracking :).

    I hope this helps all that are questing for this his head and crate. Please ask if you have anymore questions and I will try to help. And again, You will need some help if you are lv 26 because you will usually not have enough mana to finish him off(which really sucks because of the amount of time you have to wait for the nerco to spawn.)

    Your Druid Friend,
    courier didnt spawned for me
    # Apr 26 2001 at 3:10 PM Rating: Default
    i killed the DE necro at undead totem and runed to the DE camp but never saw the courier even on track )=+ .
    Courier Spawn
    # Apr 19 2001 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
    Killed the necro, but the princess whacked me fast as I neared the courier. Do I have to kill the necro again to spawn the courier, or will he spawn without that mindless camp? 25 druid, necro was easy, courier was green as well. Princess DE sure hits hard

    RE: Courier Spawn
    # Apr 24 2001 at 11:01 PM Rating: Decent
    34 posts
    I just finished getting all the items for this quest. I am a level 22 Druid. I kept killing the 4 undead spawns at the Obelisk until the Necro popped. I wacked him before he could summon a pet. Even though he was blue to me, he went down real easy. I hung out at the Obelisk until the courier came to me and I dropped him just as easy. There was no way I was going into the Dark Elf camp after him. Good luck all

    Uanamien Pinebough
    Draco Odium
    Terris Thule
    Gladden Server
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 13 2001 at 1:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Shaman get a terrible initiate symbol of the tribunal, a crappy no ac +2wis +1 mana necklace that summons a hammer.....
    RE: Blech
    # Apr 13 2001 at 9:50 PM Rating: Default
    Are you certain about that? The Tribunal item was AC3 +1Wis +3Mana, unless it was changed in the last batch of patches.

    As for the hammer, considering that you could finish this quest at low levels (4 or 5 without help), it's probably the first magic weapon an untwinked barb shaman will ever get.
    quest info here
    # Apr 13 2001 at 6:15 AM Rating: Good
    here is a walk through

    Just a thought
    # Apr 13 2001 at 5:43 AM Rating: Default
    I seem to remeber that the Falchion of Koada'vie required you to get a create from a Ogre SK in the Ocean of Tears, i wonder if this is the create that was intercepted that was mentioned in tynas post, which might surggest that there might be more to the Falchion quest now

    Mayuka Caladai
    RE: Just a thought
    # Apr 14 2001 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
    Nope. Read my "Details... finished Quest" post.
    Story Bonus
    # Apr 13 2001 at 2:39 AM Rating: Decent
    This also fits in with the story line of the Innoruuk regent symbol. DE clerics are told the shipment of supplies to the Faydark encampment has been intercepted. We are to help box up a new crate and deliver it to the encampment. And perform a few tasks for the leader of the camp to recieve our third symbol.

    Angelicae DE cleric
    RE: Story Bonus
    # Jun 03 2001 at 3:52 PM Rating: Default
    so if we camp lowbie dark elf clerics running through delivering the crates, can we kill them to get the crate :)


    54 druid
    fire gob scout
    # Jun 03 2001 at 3:52 PM Rating: Default
    drrr hes for a uest that starts in neriak forigen quarter
    The necro spawn
    # Apr 12 2001 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
    The necromancers pops at the obelisk slightly east and north of MM zone/fae drake abandoned druid ring. Currier pops near Darkelf camp and proceeds to run to the Obelisk. BE CAREFUL WITH THE DARK ELVES!!!!! Priestess there hits 111 on my HIGH Armor Classes Pally butt, watch it or your dead very quickly, Good luck and i hope to see what the next quest is...
    RE: The necro spawn
    # Apr 14 2001 at 12:02 AM Rating: Default
    Any more details on this spawn? From what I've seen elsewhere it's the front one of the two spawn points on the pedestal for the obelisk, right? The one with a 15 minute respawn time (ther other 3 are all around 6 minutes)? I've been there for hours and only gotten placeholders, if that's the case... Any suggestions?

    RE: The necro spawn
    # Apr 15 2001 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
    Yes you are right, it´s the front spawn at obelisk. I just camped here for 6 hours before the necro finally spawned. I killed him and headed to DE camp quickly. The courier stood in middle of the camp. Someone in a post above said he starts running to obelisk after a while... THAT IS NOT RIGHT. He just stands there and despawns after about 6 min. Grrrrr....I harmonied the whole camp and tried to pull a single, it works, so next time I will harmony and pull the courier ASAP.

    Ryem Sundancer
    34th Druid of Tunare
    Initiate of Tunare
    Brell Serilis
    RE: The necro spawn
    # Apr 16 2001 at 1:51 AM Rating: Good
    103 posts
    When I killed the Courier, he was running TOWARD the Dark Elf camp rather than from it. Once we toasted the necro, I ran to the DE camp expecting to see the courier but he wasn't there. We both got him on tracking, and toasted him as he was nearing the camp, but before he got close enough to aggro the DE's at their outpost.
    # Apr 12 2001 at 6:49 PM Rating: Default
    Just an FYI: there were some new drops in Castle Mistmoore off some regular MoBs there so it is highly likely that the rest of this series of quests will continue in Mistmoore.
    Details... finished quest.
    # Apr 12 2001 at 5:05 PM Rating: Excellent
    The Necro spawns at the undead shrine. It took me two shots of my 200+ point nuke to slag him.

    The Courier spawns near the DE camp and proceeds to run right up to the Dragoon there... be careful. I think he leaves there and heads to the shrine shortly after the Necro spawns, but I didn't wait that long.

    I had the help of a level 59 Ranger who rooted the Courier and pulled the rest of the DEs to the nearby Ranger NPC camp. A little judicious rooting of the DEs led to thier swift demise.

    The Disciple Symbol of Tunare has the following stats:

    AC 5, +1 Cha, +2 Wis, +7 Mana.
    Effect: Aloe Sweat.

    The Effect is a self-only buff of +15 to Disease and Poison Resist that stacks with all other resist buffs.

    I'll be working on the Warder Symbol of Tunare this weekend, and sending in a screenshot of the Discipline Symbol tonight.
    RE: Details... finished quest.
    # Apr 12 2001 at 11:39 PM Rating: Default
    Sounds like they are finally evening out the races. Dark Elves and Trolls have had the initiate symbols for as long as I can remember, and Erudites and Trolls have had a set of these as well. If I'm not mistaken Barbarians also have a line of these quests. All are cleric/shaman only, and diety specific. The Innoruuk one is pretty nice, actually :)
    # Apr 12 2001 at 4:30 PM Rating: Default
    umm so where is the necro? lfay or mm? and what is the reward! btw can a 14 cleric do it?

    p.s.what lvl is the necro
    RE: well
    # Apr 17 2001 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
    Necro spawns in LFAY. Camped him last night with my 22 dru. Took full 6 hrs to spawn, conned blue. Used up half my life and half mana to cook him. Got slagged when I tried to harmony and pull courier out of DE camp. Courier was also blue.
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