Anniversary Shared Task: Rumor Has It  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 3 ratings)
This Quest is Seasonal
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Money
Time Limit:06:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 06:00:00
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Veil of Alaris
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Mar 16 07:40:44 2012
Modified: Mon May 6 11:44:04 2024
Anniversary events tend to run from mid-March to mid-April (sometimes to mid-May) each year. They are not available during the "off season".

For an overview and list of EverQuest Anniversary events, see this quest entry.

This is a shared task (1-6 players) introduced with EverQuest's 13th anniversary. It's expected to only be available during anniversary season (mid-March through mid-April).

It begins with Sam Napth, a Halfling in the Plane of Knowledge at about -215, -90, -155 (next to the Soulbinder).

NOTE: There is a special achievement associated with this task. As it has nothing to do with the task's completion, details about this are found at the bottom of this writeup.

You say, 'Hail, Sam Napth'

Sam Napth says 'I've been expecting you. I have great need of adventurers to help me deal with an important issue. There are a lot of tasks that need doing, I'd be grateful if you could help me out. You see, I've been trying to prove to some important people that such things are foolishness. So I've arranged some tests to prove it.'

A task window pops up offering several anniversary tasks.

You have been assigned the task 'Rumor Has It'.

Sam Napth has heard a rumor that there is a specific way to summon forth a creature in the desert of South Ro.

Speak with Sam Napth 0/1 (Plane of Knowledge)

You say, 'Hail, Sam Napth'

Sam Napth says 'You know, _____, I am a man of culture. I have traveled to every corner of Norrath more times than I can count; my name known to every barkeep and maiden from here to the dark side of Luclin. I've heard a lot in my travels, [rumors] of treasures that could make even the richest man green with envy.'

You say, 'What rumors?'

Sam Napth says 'I'm normally not one to buy into this nonsense, but I have it on good authority that an elusive [creature] wanders the southern deserts of Ro and carries with it many rare treasures and trinkets.'

You say, 'What creature?'

Sam Napth says 'The creature is a mummy, known simply as Mumreh, the Long-Dead. Of course, no one has any proof this monstrosity actually exists. They say that those who lay eyes on the beast always die at its hands. Rumor has it one adventurer who set out to find Mumreh kept a [journal], detailing all the steps he took to coax the creature from its hiding place.'

You say, 'What journal?'

Sam Napth says 'Sadly, the journal was destroyed, its pages lost to the sands of South Ro - or so it's been said. My source, however, is certain that the pages do exist, and can be found in the hands of the Dervish Cutthroats that roam the desert. If you find these pages, chances are you'll be able to find out how to summon forth Mumreh. Now why, you ask, would I share all this information with a stranger and not collect the loot for myself? The answer is simple. I am a man of much wealth already. I have no need for Mumreh's treasures. I only ask that if you find an amethyst shard among his loot that you return it to me. The rest of his spoils are yours to keep! Do we have a [deal]?'

You say, 'You have a deal'

Sam Napth extends his arm, offering a firm handshake to confirm the deal. 'Wise choice, _____! While I'm not willing to get any dust in my boots, I can [send] you to the desert when you're ready.'

You say, 'Send me there'

Sam Napth says 'Excellent. I await your return.'

You have entered South Desert of Ro.

According to rumor, dervish cutthroats within South Ro may have the missing journal pages.

Recover Missing Page No. 1 0/1 (South Ro)

Recover Missing Page No. 2 0/1 (South Ro)

Recover Missing Page No. 3 0/1 (South Ro)

Recover Missing Page No. 4 0/1 (South Ro)

Reassemble the journal pages to form a journal 0/1 (South Ro)

Just right-click a page to reassemble the journal:

You combine the pages to form Jansan's Journal.

Clear the ruined spires of all undead 0/1 (South Ro)

The ruins are the Wizard Spires (895, -1365 -- central part of the southern half of the zone).

Find and kill all sand giants 0/1 (South Ro)

Find them around 2355, -410 (northwestern corner of the southern half of the zone).

Obtain a midnight veil from Merchant Ulyssa 0/1 (South Ro)

NOTE: The task locks when you buy the veil.

Find her around 2025, -1230 (next to Dervish Camp 3 -- just south of the passage to the upper half of the zone). It costs 74 platinum and change.

Make your way to the top of the Oasis tower 0/1 (South Ro)

This is in the northern section of the zone at around 3975, -1510.

After sunset, face west while using the dark elf illusion in the tower 0/1 (South Ro)

You can do this after 7 P.M. game time (if it's not dark in game, you can go to Innkeep Tizzy to rest; this will change the sky).

Investigate the disturbance on the west bank 0/1 (South Ro)

Defeat a Youthful Cyclops 0/1 (South Ro)

This mob is found around 3910, -1025 (western coast of the oasis).

a youthful cyclops rushes towards you, prepared to fight!

It casts "Cyclops Smash":

Cyclops Smash: Single Target, (-920)
1: Knockback (2) and Toss Up (6)
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 21200

Return to Sam Napth 0/1 (Plane of Knowledge)

You say, 'Hail, Innkeep Tizzy'

Innkeep Tizzy says 'Welcome, _____. The Inn is open to all travelers who are in need of [rest]. If you don't wish to stay in this establishement, I can also show you the way [home].'

You say, 'Send me home!'

You have entered The Plane of Knowledge.

You say, 'Hail, Sam Napth'

Sam Napth speaks in a voice unlike his own as his face flushes with frustration, 'You mean to tell me you didn't find the amethyst shard?!' The halfling pauses for a moment to regain his composure while flashing a forced smile, 'Oh well, what can you do? Sometimes a rumor is just a rumor. I won't let you leave empty handed, however. Your efforts do deserve some sort of reward.'

Following the instructions in Jansan's Journal you were able to summon forth a youthful cyclops, even though it wasn't the creature Sam Napth was looking for.


Experience (about 1 AA at Level 95) + one of:
---- Option #1: 135 platinum
---- Option #2: Ring of the Ancients

The Achievement

You may see emotes indicating what to do. You'll need to give a "Water Flask" to 16 of the "a thirsty madman" mobs that wander around the zone. Upon a turn-in, the madman turns into "an enraged madman" and must be killed (Level 89; regular mob difficulty).

"Atraydees, Prophet of the Dunes" spawns in the tower to the southeast after completing these 16 turn-ins and kills (around /loc 1330, -2200).

Atraydees hits for a max ~13,290 and has about 4 million hitpoints. He casts a damaging AE with a knockback and spawns adds called "a sand worm" (believed to be timed, one add every 50 seconds?).

Killing Atraydees completes the achievement which grants you the title "Prophet of the Dunes".
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Ring is no-drop even on FV
# Apr 12 2024 at 5:53 PM Rating: Good
27 posts
The Ring of the Ancients is no-drop even on FV server.
# May 06 2022 at 3:07 PM Rating: Good
24 posts
Be careful not to kill one of the thirsty madmen by accident before you give them water...

Would be helpful to add "Innkeep Tizzy " to this line instead of just "the inn"...
You can do this after 7 P.M. game time (if it's not dark in game, you can go to the Inn to rest; this will change the sky).
level 72
# Apr 18 2022 at 6:19 AM Rating: Excellent
1,069 posts
I got the task with a level 120. I task added a level 90 and made it leader. I did the task up till lockout point including clearing the spectres at the tower. I then dropped the 120, used the 90 to task add an 87 and a 72. My 63 could not get in. I then defeated the cyclops which was level 90 and won the task. I barely beat the cyclops though. You need to be well geared (76k hp on this toon) and I had my tank merc all decked out with buffs and 61 aa. Or bring another toon to help. I did get the shrink ring on the 72, but it is not usable. Req level is 80. the 87 will enjoy it. I do not have a toon between 72 and 87 to test.
level 72
# Apr 18 2022 at 9:57 PM Rating: Excellent
356 posts
updated min level, thanks.
Fennin Ro (now Cazic Thule)

Qrow Magnon
85 Outrider
Dragonriders of Norrath
Fennin Ro
Its not a required 90, level 85 can do it with level 115s
# Apr 14 2021 at 7:09 PM Rating: Good
140 posts
I dont know what the real level is, however, i am 115 and my two alts at 85 did it with me.

So at min its 85, not 90
Update on drops
# Apr 01 2020 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
Did this tonight, the Midnight Veil, I was able to buy it off Merchant Ulyssa for 74 Platinum 2 silver 4 copper. After the quest, you can keel the Veil, has illusion of Dark Elf, buff lasts for an hour.
2015 Update
# Jun 24 2015 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
I did this tonight since a couple of my toons need shrink and its up till june 27,
Merchant Ulyssa did not spawn. The Midnight Veil was a ground spawn in one of the tents. Looks like a small bag.

Tgirving Silvertongue 105 Bard
2015 Update
# May 02 2019 at 11:22 AM Rating: Excellent
therealtgirving wrote:
I did this tonight since a couple of my toons need shrink and its up till june 27,
Merchant Ulyssa did not spawn. The Midnight Veil was a ground spawn in one of the tents. Looks like a small bag.

Tgirving Silvertongue 105 Bard

Did the text for that step in the task change from what we show for it? If so, what is it?
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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BROKEN Mission on Bertoxx Server!
# Jun 09 2015 at 3:35 AM Rating: Decent
This Mission/Task has/is BEEN BROKEN FOR THE LAST TWO WEEKS ON THE BERTOXX SERVER. Sam Napth wont send you to the correct zone he sends people to the regular old beginner South Ro zone instead of the high level 80+ INSTANCE zone with the correct mobs in it.
It's been /bugged and petitioned about but so far no updates from Daybreak glad to see that they are more worthless than SONY was at fixing these type of problems!
BROKEN Mission on Bertoxx Server!
# Jun 28 2015 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
200 posts
been broken for weeks on FV as well - was hoping they had fixed it when they brought the tasks back for an extension, but nope :(
Shadriel Valshara'Slyan - DE Cleric (EQ)
Shyntrai the Noble - BE Hunter (WoW - retired)
# May 17 2015 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
If you're looking for atraydes for the achievement and frustrated as I was by the fact that nobody in this game ever thinks to give even a vague hint of a location. He's at the little "tower" just north of dervish camp 4. Loc 1333, -2209.
Task adds
# Apr 19 2013 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
236 posts
Actually it's not the reason I didn't get the title..the title is only granted after completing sub-task achievement: give a flask of water to 16 "a thirsty madman", which will become kos and change into enraged madman", all which must be killed in order to spawn Atraydees, Prophet of the Dunes. Killing him AND completing task will give the title "Prophet of The Dunes".
Task adds
# Mar 22 2014 at 10:26 PM Rating: Good
54 posts
I'm aware it's been awhile since this post, but when you initially posted about it I had made the assumption that the title was gained by the people in the mission. I had previously myself done one of the initial write-ups for how to attain the achievement.

Given that this knowledge was readily available on the page already, I jumped to the conclusion that it was followed. That misunderstanding is on me. With the information just posts below yours, you already had the information to have made that post unnecessary.

Edited, Mar 23rd 2014 12:35am by Zaaqen
Task adds
# Mar 08 2014 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Completing the task is not a requirement of attaining the title suffix.
task locks
# Mar 27 2013 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
244 posts
Whne u buy the midnight veil the task locks at that point, so make sure u do any TA before that. today ran it with my 100 ranger and 100 shammy, didn't take very long, 30 min at most. kinda sad ranger HS didn't work on the cutthroats oh well they are LB anyways =)
Mulila Forestwarden
110th season RANGER

aaror-95th lvl cleric
tahnorma-110th lvl shammy
kutekittie 93rd lvl beastlord
darkmulila 81st lvl necromancer
and a few other classes like druid, enchanter, magician, and rogue
Torvonnilous forever =)

"never turn down a good fight and always help friends in need =)"
Level 80
# Mar 19 2013 at 3:47 PM Rating: Good
26 posts
a Level 80 Rogue in my group reported he received 20 AA @100% AA upon completion of this task.
# Dec 27 2012 at 9:13 AM Rating: Good
1,028 posts
There is now an achievement associated with this quest.

Achievement: 13th Anniversary Tasks (Bonus)

This achievement is gained upon completing the bonus elements of the following 13th anniversary tasks.

- Obtain the following titles by completing the 'hidden' bonus elements in these missions:
--- 'Prophet of the Dunes' from 'Rumor Has It...'
--- 'Feraling Feeder' from 'Ferocious Feralings'

Reward: None
# May 05 2012 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
5 posts
Unfortunately, after doing the whole mission, i clicked the DE illu mask at the top of the tower then went to the cyclop. I pulled him and killed him before having the spot update... Waited some time after that but he doesn't pop again :(
Task adds
# Apr 25 2012 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
236 posts
I was a level 81 when I was added to the task. I never came anywhere near the instanced zone, but still received the Ring of the Ancients I didn't receive the title, Prophet of the Dunes (I'm assuming that since I was not level 90+). Bummer, seeing as how my main toon's name is from a character in the books/ movies (Feyd Rautha). Would've been pretty cool.
Task adds
# Apr 27 2012 at 4:01 PM Rating: Good
54 posts
You didn't get the title because it is awarded to anyone inside the instance at the time of the kill. Much like conquest achievements. Simply being taskadded and outside of the mission isn't enough.

Like if you do a time trial in a House of Thule mission, only the people in the instance when the chest is opened will get it. The same thing is going on here.
# Apr 21 2012 at 9:49 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
The tower spectres do not see through normal invis. They do see through IVU, regarldess of whether you have DE illusion on or not. The easiest way to deal with this part is to click the DE mask outside the tower, invis and then run to the top and face west. After that, the only thing you need to be careful of is to run to the spot the cyclops stands. You can pull him and not get the "investigate the disturbance" update, unless you run over his spawn point (or close to it). I had him below half life before I realized I still lacked the investigate update.
Special achievement
# Apr 20 2012 at 7:49 PM Rating: Good
54 posts
This information is specific to the title unlocking extra that can be done inside this instance.

Atraydees, Prophet of the Dunes spawns in the tower to the southeast after giving giving water to, and killing all the madmen. (Some yellow text pops up explaining something of this nature.)

His minimum hit was 2019 (bash), Maximum hit was 13290 (6.8k ac max aa monk), average of about 3990. He took just over 4 million total damage.
He cast an AE, but my parse did not show any of the damage from it, or even say that he cast anything, but there was certainly a damaging AE with a knock-back.

A single 'A sand worm' spawned 50 seconds after initial engage. I didn't pay attention to what percent Atraydees was at, but since people have mentioned getting more than 1 it's very likely they are timed adds.

Fight stats

Min Hit - 2019
Max Hit - 13290
Avg Hit - 3990
HP - 4,000,000

Has a damaging ae with knockback. Spawns 'A sand worm' possibly every 50 seconds.
Prophet of the Dunes
# Apr 12 2012 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Bring a stack of water flasks and give them to 16 thirsty madmen. These change into enraged madmen (kos). Kill these and after 16th you should get yellow text across screen about tower to SE(?). Go to tower and kill named madman. He's yellow to 95, but after nerf he's an easy kill. Spawns an add and had a minor ae. Get title Prophet of the Dunes.
Prophet of the Dunes
# Apr 30 2015 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
By the way, there are ONLY 16 madmen in the zone. I accidently killed a thirsty type and couldn't complete. So make sure you don't do what i did:(
Prophet of the Dunes
# Apr 14 2012 at 7:02 PM Rating: Good
Molo this guy is no push over. I had multiple worms spawn (i think they might have been % based but I am not sure). I got him to around 30/5~% before getting wasted (twice). When you zone back in he appears to have depopped but wait a min or two and he pops back in his tower.
Rumor has it anniversary task
# Mar 19 2012 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
The mission locks when you buy the mask.

The spectres don't see invis.
# Mar 18 2012 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
The 4 pages drop off the Dervish Cutthroats... there are 4 camps

When you get to the step where it has to be after sunset.... and it isn't.... go to the Innkeep Tizzy and say REST... you will FD... wait a sec as it turn dark (despite the real /time) and then continue

You also zone out with Inkeep Tizzy by saying HOME

# Apr 01 2012 at 3:48 PM Rating: Good
Whilst there might be four camps the notes are random drops from the dervish. On my map, dervish camp 4 had four mobs and dropped 2 pages whilst dervish camp 3 had 2 mobs and dropped no pages.
# Mar 17 2012 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
689 posts
Before I illusion'd, the spectres (undead), did not see through IVU

after I did the DE illusion (mask from instance) and got the update going to the top of the spectre tower, they saw through IVU, but not regular invis. I didn't test at that point w/o the illusion and IVU.

I didn't kill any of the spectres. I took off the illusion, invis'd up (ended up with reg invis from myself and IVU from the cleric), headed to the top and clicked the illusion while facing west (after nightfall) and took a beating during the 6.0 sec cast from the only spectre up there, then ran out of the bldg w/ levitate on .. got the update :0 didn't kill any spectres. Be careful because if you run out straight west, you will run just right of the youthful cyclops ...

In the end, took me quite a while, but it was just me (93 shm) and a cleric merc with a boxed (80) cleric mainly watching. The only pull that wasn't single was the dervish camp with 2 guys in it near Merchant Ulyssea's camp. I ended up tagging one with the box cleric and then pulling with the shaman ... ran off agro with the shaman and the one that the cleric tagged came back to kill her while the shaman found the other one walking back to the camp ... not the prettiest pull, but it worked ;)

Yay ring of the ancients, me - wrist item, poison focus to 95 (20-70), click shrink, 1500ish hp, etc. Required 80, recommended 90.
Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
everything ...
# Mar 17 2012 at 4:44 AM Rating: Decent
689 posts
... was db to 93.
... everything hit about 7k on a 93 shm w/ full (for 93 CA/CS) and about 5500 ac, including the final cyclops.

Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
everything ...
# Mar 17 2012 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
689 posts
... summons.
... immune to changes in run speed.

At least all the mobs for the task are ... I am on the sand giants right now.
Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
Getting home
# Mar 17 2012 at 1:33 AM Rating: Good
Say "home" to Innkeep Tizzy to get out of instance and back to PoK
# Mar 16 2012 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
say rest to innkeep tizzy to make some time fly by.

also, i didnt check to see or not, but any DE illusion might work. I was already DE'd from the temp mask this task gives ya when i turned to face west.

Kinda redundant anywho since you have to buy it anyway lol.

Edited, Mar 17th 2012 1:25am by XmoneenX
# Mar 16 2012 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
locks after you buy the mask
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