Leatherfoot Raiders  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
  • Money
Faction Required:
Guardians of the Vale (Min: Amiable)
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
Entered: Thu Nov 9 23:16:31 2000
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Marshal Anrey may be found on the second floor of the bank in a nook in the southwest corner, at 100, -135, 40.

You say, 'Hail, Marshal Anrey'

Marshal Anrey says 'Stand at attention!! You don't look fit enough to toe-wrestle my grandma!! You cannot be in my squad!! Are you [petitioning] or are you a [visitor]?'

You say, 'I am a visitor.'

Marshal Anrey says 'Well, why didn't you say so?! Forgive me for hollering. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Marshal Anrey Leadladle, commander of the [Leatherfoot Raiders].'

You say, 'I am petitioning.'

Marshal Anrey says 'So you want to be a [Leatherfoot Raider]? What kind of joke is this? Look at you! You're a mess! Where are you [from]?'

You say, 'Who are the Leatherfoot Raiders?'

Marshal Anrey says 'You must be a visitor. The Leatherfoot Raiders are the elite force of the Guardians of the Vale. I command them. It is good to meet an outsider.'

You say, 'I am from Rivervale.'

Marshal Anrey says 'So you're from Rivervale?!! You must be some kind of freak. No halfling from Rivervale would look, smell and act anything like you. Well, freak, if you think you're stout enough to be a Leatherfoot Raider, you prove it!! You travel the lands and return to me a polar bear skin, a grizzly bear skin, a shark skin and an alligator skin. Then maybe, just maybe, I will let you wear the cap of a Leatherfoot Raider.'

Alligator Skin comes from alligators in Innothule Swamp.

After handing Marshal Anrey the skins:

Marshal Anrey says, 'So I see the young troll has become a young warrior. You have stepped up to the challenge of the Leatherfoot Raiders, you may wear the petitioner's skullcap, but to receive the true cap of the raiders, bring me the dirk of a fallen Neriak dragoon and the cap I have given you. Only then can I be sure that you can truly be one of the few and bold, the Leatherfoot Raiders.'

Your faction standing with Guardians of the Vale has been adjusted by 25.
Your faction standing with Mayor Gubbin could not possibly get any better.
Your faction standing with Storm Reapers has been adjusted by 2.
Your faction standing with Merchants of Rivervale has been adjusted by 2.
Your faction standing with Dreadguard Outer has been adjusted by -3.
You gain experience!
You receive 4 gold from Marshal Anrey.
You receive 1 platinum from Marshal Anrey.

Receive: Leatherfoot Skullcap.

Hand Marshal Anrey the Leatherfoot Skullcap and Dragoon Dirk.

Marshal Anrey says, 'Congratulations, my young deputy! Welcome to the brotherhood of the Leatherfoot Raiders. You have earned your skullcap. Wear it with pride. You are now one of the elite. Remember our motto, 'Those who risk, prevail'.'

Your faction standing with Guardians of the Vale has been adjusted by 50.
Your faction standing with Mayor Gubbin could not possibly get any better.
Your faction standing with Storm Reapers has been adjusted by 5.
Your faction standing with Merchants of Rivervale could not possibly get any better.
Your faction standing with Dreadguard Outer has been adjusted by -7.
You gain experience!
You receive 2 platinum from Marshal Anrey.

Reward: Leatherfoot Raider Skullcap

I handed the skullcap (still charged) back to Marshal Anrey and he said that he had no need for the item so I do not know of any way to recharge it.
Submitted by: Aoiryuu
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# Aug 03 2020 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
56 posts
Skip this one. No seriously, don't even bother.
After nearly a week trying to get the alligator skin to drop, I'm fairly confident of a couple of major problems with this quest.

First of all, this quest is next to impossible to complete, without a tracker.
It almost feels like this was meant to be the intro to that skill, but we don't get that until level 20, by which time this quest is pointless.
(I have noticed a few other forums mention alternatives to the alligators in Innothule Swamp, but have been unable to verify those claims.)

Even if you are fortunate enough to have a guildie willing to help track the alligators, the drop rate is so ridiculously low that one begins to wonder whether or not the drop even exists, anymore. Apparently, it does according to Sythik. (https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/npc.html?id=3831 and post immediately before mine in this thread) But that's an insane amount of grinding for a hat you MIGHT wear for a couple of levels before rough defiant gear becomes available at 15.
Finished quest
# Apr 29 2020 at 12:19 PM Rating: Excellent
509 posts
after handing Marshal Anrey the skins:

Marshal Anrey says, 'So I see the young troll has become a young warrior. You have stepped up to the challenge of the Leatherfoot Raiders, you may wear the petitioner's skullcap, but to receive the true cap of the raiders, bring me the dirk of a fallen Neriak dragoon and the cap I have given you. Only then can I be sure that you can truly be one of the few and bold, the Leatherfoot Raiders.'
Your faction standing with Guardians of the Vale has been adjusted by 25.
Your faction standing with Mayor Gubbin could not possibly get any better.
Your faction standing with Storm Reapers has been adjusted by 2.
Your faction standing with Merchants of Rivervale has been adjusted by 2.
Your faction standing with Dreadguard Outer has been adjusted by -3.
You gain experience!
You receive 4 gold from Marshal Anrey.
You receive 1 platinum from Marshal Anrey.

Receive: Leatherfoot Skullcap

Hand Marshal Anrey the Leatherfoot Skullcap and Dragoon Dirk

Marshal Anrey says, 'Congratulations, my young deputy! Welcome to the brotherhood of the Leatherfoot Raiders. You have earned your skullcap. Wear it with pride. You are now one of the elite. Remember our motto, 'Those who risk, prevail'.'
Your faction standing with Guardians of the Vale has been adjusted by 50.
Your faction standing with Mayor Gubbin could not possibly get any better.
Your faction standing with Storm Reapers has been adjusted by 5.
Your faction standing with Merchants of Rivervale could not possibly get any better.
Your faction standing with Dreadguard Outer has been adjusted by -7.
You gain experience!
You receive 2 platinum from Marshal Anrey.

Reward: Leatherfoot Raider Skullcap

Alligator Skin comes from a fat alligator in Innothule Swamp.
I handed the skullcap (still charged) back to Marshal Anrey and he said that he had no need for the item so I do not know of anyway to recharge it.
Dialogue and stuff
# Apr 13 2010 at 2:11 AM Rating: Excellent
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,960 posts
Marshal Anrey /loc is +100, -137, 38

Inside the bank, second floor, south west corner nook

Marshal Anrey says "Stand at attention!! You don't look fit enough to tow-wrestle my grandma!! You cannot be in my squad!! Are you [petitioning] or are tou a [visitor]?

You say " I am a visitor"

Marshal Anrey says "Well, why didn't you say so?! Forgive me for hollering. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Marshal Anrey Leadladle , commander of the [Leatherfoot Raiders]"

You say "I am petitioning"

Marshal Anrey says "So you want to be a [Leatherfoot Raider]? What kind of joke is this? Look at you! You're a mess! Where are you [from]?

You say "I am from Rivervale"

Marshal Anrey says "So you're from Rivervale?!! You must be some kind of freak. No halfling from Rivervale would look, smell and act anything like you. Well, freak, if you think you're stout enough to be a Leatherfoot Raider, you prove it!! You travel the lands and return to me a polar bear skin, a grizzly bear skin, a shark skin and an alligator skin. Then maybe, just maybe, I will let you wear the cap of a Leatherfoot Raider."

I got no update message at this point.

You say "What cap of the Leatherfoot Raiders?"

Marshal Anrey says "You must be a visitor. The Leatherfoot Raiders are the elite force of the Guardians of the Vale. I command them. It is good to meet an outsider."

I will update the rest when quest is done.

remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

# Sep 07 2005 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
completed this today...got the alligator skin drop while doing one of those new pok quests for V'lynn. It is just not any Grizzly Bear Skin..it must be a Thick Grizzly Bear Skin
# Aug 22 2005 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
67 posts
the alligator skins are dropping again now that grobb has been restored. also, he doesn't accept "Grizzly Bear Skin", you have to give him "Thick Grizzly Bear Skin". aug.22,2005.
Other Gators?
# Mar 25 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone tried the gators in Fearrott? How about the ones in Guk or Oasis?
RE: Other Gators?
# Jun 27 2004 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
No, don't believe that the skins still drop. I've killed over 200 Bull Alligators in Innothule, and many more of the normal alligators and crocs in Innothule, Oasis and Feerrott, nothing. /bugged it to death, /petitioned (GMs say they can't comment on quests), no luck. /sigh

I believe they stopped dropping after LoY was released; the drop tables must have got broken then and they've never bothered to fix them. /sigh again.

Edited, Sun Jun 27 07:56:34 2004
RE: Other Gators?
# Feb 15 2005 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
I agree, this quest is broke since they revamped Innothule Swamp. No poster has mentioned completing this quest since April 2004. I camped here for days, approximately 40 hours total, and couldn't get the alligator skin to drop.
alligator skins
# Jul 20 2003 at 7:01 AM Rating: Default
Can't make a username with numbers in it? That's stup^H^H^H^H a new one. Anyway, at this point I'm seriously doubting that the alligator skins are still dropping. I rue the day Gukta was created. Not only am I getting accosted by ridiculously overpowered Froglok guards every time I'm in the zone without an illusion, but they also go ahead and completely ignore existing quests when revamping the drops. Thanks, SOE! The marshal does still give the quest; I got it with amiable faction.

You say, 'I am from rivervale'
Marshal Anrey says 'So you're from Rivervale?!! You must be some kind of freak. No halfling from Rivervale would look, smell and act anything like you. Well, freak, if you think you're stout enough to be a Leatherfoot Raider, you prove it!! You travel the lands and return to me a polar bear skin, a grizzly bear skin, a shark skin and an alligator skin. Then maybe, just maybe, I will let you wear the cap of a Leatherfoot Raider.'

Now, I picked up "an alligator hide" in the swamp, but he just gave it back to me when I tried turning it in. I checked Bazaar a few times; no sign of alligator skins. The only idea I have left is that maybe the alligators in Guk could drop the skins, but I doubt it. Carry on.

Edited, Sun Jul 20 08:03:29 2003
Alligator Skin
# Jul 07 2003 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
Can anyone confirm that the Alligator Skin still drops? I've been killing the Bull Alligators for a week now and have not seen one. Thanks
What about the LETTER?
# Mar 28 2003 at 12:33 AM Rating: Decent
Did the quest with my rogue halfling early on. Lvl 14 if I remember right. Got the cap, and the dragoon dirk (off Dorn in Nro, he's a wimp even at lvl 14 if you're buffed up enough) and got the 'real' LRC after giving back to goonie one.

But I also recieved a letter. Leatherfoot Orders or some such crap. Reading it, seems to come from the "Deepfoots" (rogue guild leaders in Rivervale) and comments on how 'glad to help' they are, and that "our opperative has helped with establishing your outpost in Nek Woods." Figure this is a message to someone in Nek woods so I ran over there and tried every halfing in the zone. From the druids, to the Leatherfoot Deputy, finally to the Leathefoot scouts, corporals, sergents and even El Capitan. NADA, zip, nothing. Every one of them gave teh friggin letter back. Seems like (at least to me) that the quest continues PAST getting the helm, but where? I really was hoping that it meant going into the DE city itself to 'meet' or 'assist' the contact there. Went to LGuk and got a mask of deception just for the occasion. Now my rogue's all dressed up, but someone's cancelled the ball.

ANYONE have a clue on where the letter goes?

Pril Slyckfinger
43 Rogue Halfling
Brell Serillis Server
RE: What about the LETTER?
# Jun 10 2003 at 12:06 PM Rating: Default
I remember seeing a halfling swiming around in the water near the bank in Neriak when I was playing my mage. Thought it was kinda odd, so I nuked him. Pretty sure he was a leatherfoot.
quest is given again
# Mar 09 2003 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Some time ago I talked to the guy and he had no quest info. However in the last few days I tried again, and he now is mentioning the quest again when you say you are from Rivervale. I'm going to try the quest again for fun.

By the way it is NOT a thick grizzly skin that he wants, just a grizzly skin. He doesn't ask for a thick, and I don't remember giving him a thick the first two times I did quest.

Going to see if I can find a gator skin, they so hard to find... hope they still exist!
RE: quest is given again
# Mar 12 2003 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
I did the Quest lately (I had still an alligator skin on my bank) and well, I gave him a thick grizzly bear skin (like many times before) and got the cap. It's a long time now that they added many new items and quests to the game, and since then you need the thick pelt (though I'm not sure if it works with a normal pelt now, but when I tried it the last time it didn't; he just "ate" all other stuff and returned the grizzly pelt...)

Mijrk, 53 Druid
RE: quest is given again
# Sep 07 2003 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
259 posts
Just tried to do the turn in, and he returned the "grizzly bear skin" and the "alligator hide."

Assume that the thick grizzly skin is needed, but have no idea about the alligator skin. Hard to say whether the quest is broken, or whether there is actually a difference between "alligator hide" and "alligator skin."

Good thing the shark and polar bear skins weren't that hard to come by :P.
EQ: Runyaessz, 5 Monk, Phinigel
EVE: Runym/Runyn/Runyl, 43M SP each
SWTOR: Pardoric, 22 Merc, on vaca
EQ: Runyariel Varyuvantel, 65 Enchanter, Tarew Marr, on vaca
LoTRO: Runyarian, 38 hunter, Vilya, on vaca
WoW: Runyarian, 70 hunter, Muradin, on sabbatical
EQ2: Runylala, 25 Troll Bard, Qey, Blackburrow, retired
WAR: Runyael, 30 DiscO Khaine, Ironfist,retired.
CoH: Hissing Chicken, 16 Scrapper, Pinnacle, retired
RE: quest is given again
# Sep 07 2003 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
259 posts
Double post :P.

Edited, Sun Sep 7 17:20:01 2003
EQ: Runyaessz, 5 Monk, Phinigel
EVE: Runym/Runyn/Runyl, 43M SP each
SWTOR: Pardoric, 22 Merc, on vaca
EQ: Runyariel Varyuvantel, 65 Enchanter, Tarew Marr, on vaca
LoTRO: Runyarian, 38 hunter, Vilya, on vaca
WoW: Runyarian, 70 hunter, Muradin, on sabbatical
EQ2: Runylala, 25 Troll Bard, Qey, Blackburrow, retired
WAR: Runyael, 30 DiscO Khaine, Ironfist,retired.
CoH: Hissing Chicken, 16 Scrapper, Pinnacle, retired
Post-Froglok Takeover
# Feb 20 2003 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
245 posts
My druid is "ally" with Marshall Anrey.

Tried to get him to talk about this quest, but he didn't mention it.

Tried giving him the items anyway. He accepted the "Thick Grizzly Skin" but didn't say anything.

He did not accept a "Pristine Bull Alligator Hide". This is the only type of Alligator hide I've been able to get drop, and I've killed lots of Bull Alligators in the Swamp post-Froglok takeover.

Didn't try giving him any more items.

Would appreciate current updates from people attempting this quest, particularly a detailed confirmation from someone who has completed it post-Froglok.


New Innothule Swamp mobs
# Feb 09 2003 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
Well it was hard enough trying to get the alligator skin before. But now it looks like the bulls are a more static mob than before. So far no skins have dropped, but they are dropping more stuff that they didn't drop before. Looks like the mob is gonna drop stuff for the froggy newbie armor quests.
# Feb 02 2003 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent
just an FYI - The quest actually uses a THICK grizzly skin and not any other. I spent a bit of time killing all the damn grizzlies in NK before i got so frustrated I just tried giving the marshal a thick one and lo and behold he took it. So, I followed it up with the rest of the skins and got my 1st cap. =)

A cheap and easy way to get the heck outta dodge I must say. =) I hope this info is of use to others as well.
still in game??
# Jan 22 2003 at 4:44 AM Rating: Decent
Does this item/quest still exist pls? I have all the necessary items to make the Skullcap but when I hailed Marshall Anrey he didn't give me the quest. As far as I can remember my faction is warmly with him.

If you have any info pls let me know.

lev 48 ranger
Gator skin
# Nov 25 2002 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
i read everything and am posting to agree with the method of killing all giant water moc's, then all froglok foragers that spawn, then you should see some bull alligators (1hr tops to get skin)
if bulls dont drop and you run out...restart with giant water moc's and so on.
The Skin
# Nov 05 2002 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, alot of confussion here, with reason. I've been doing this quest since before the "thick grizzle bear skin" ever exsisted. The "thick skin" is used for a low lvl class specific armour quest in either Qeynos or SFG. I haven't tested to see if it will work in the cap quest. However I do know that before the thick skin exsisted, "Grizzly Bear Skin" is what was used for the cap quest. For safty sake of not wasting my time, and my alligator skin I continue to use "Grizzly Bear Skins" and NOT the "thick" one.

I successfully complete this quest roughly every two weeks, way cheaper and easyer then 1500p for a gate potion. I also make Thurg potions but their not an "instant cast" like the Cap is.

For a halfling rogue heading to PoH going after book of souls for epic, this cap is simply a god send.

Hablethorn-56 Rogue
Warrior of Fate
Zeb Server
RE: The Skin
# Dec 06 2002 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
I completed this quest as of today on the Vazaelle server. This quest definitely uses the Thick Grizzly Bear Skin, same as the one used in Bearskin Potion Bags. I used the Grizzly Bear Skin I picked up in WK, and it did NOT work.
Bull Gators...
# Sep 04 2002 at 10:46 PM Rating: Decent
I've had the best luck getting Bulls to spawn by smacking every giant snake I could find & Valdon below this post has something, I've found on a particular isle the bulls loved to pop. As far as the Dragoon dirk goes, I don't even bother hunting for them, I buy them for 10pp at the bazaar. All the other skins are very easy to come by. I pity you though if you're trying this quest without tracking =\
gators galore
# Aug 17 2002 at 2:06 PM Rating: Good
674 posts
i have a new troll shaman. the wall from DA'BASHERS all the way to the entrance to GUK... all along there seems to always have gators. just to let poeple know. It seems they sit or spawn, one abut mid point and one near Guk entrance... then... come to think of it half the ZONE spawns there... npcs, mushman hero guy and the gix forager or whatever... its a popular spot. but on the other side near Ferrot, also along the walls and edge of water i see gators a lot.

UPDATE - gator island :)

There is like a GATOR island. I actually had 5 gators on me. 2 bull alligators and 3 swarmp gators... and one more in view. Its somewhat near the hand that sells shaman spells in Innothule swamp. the APROXIMATE location (because i was running for my life) is ... 1370 208 -21 ... or so. its an island, smaller, and it has gators gallore.

Edited, Wed Aug 21 20:24:54 2002
· 'Valdon Gravedancer' Terris-Thule. Dwarven Cleric 34th circle.
· 'Junglebug Sugarpants' Terris-Thule. Halfling Druid. 52nd season.
· 'Shinook Eldergod' Terris-Thule. Troll Shaman of 32nd rite.
· 'Soultree Vixen' Terris-Thule. Woodelf Ranger of 34th season.
Aligator Skin
# Jun 19 2002 at 2:38 PM Rating: Default
After Hunting the Aligator skin for two Days over 15 hours i still have not found it. I am on the Rathe server and i think it might be broken. Well in any case if someone out there comes across one of these and wants to sell PST to Janacek 20 lvl cleric or Forras lvl 10 Paladin. I posted this message June 19 2002.
Thank you :-)
RE: Aligator Skin
# Aug 14 2002 at 2:43 AM Rating: Default
Try killing everything near the vendor in the hand. Its how i got mine.
Halfling Rangers?
# Jun 14 2002 at 1:41 AM Rating: Default
Can Halfling Rangers equip this?
RE: Halfling Rangers?
# Jun 14 2002 at 2:03 AM Rating: Default
Yes...my capts ranger now...so it is HFL Ranger equipable
# May 30 2002 at 9:18 AM Rating: Default
well i got the good cap with WC charge and tested to see if i could use it in inventory and i could the part about the grizzly skins, it nost certainly is a thick grizzly skin, one question now that i have it i want to use it to go to hate with my rogue to get book of souls, kinda use the cap as a failsafe to dying how do i recharge the damn thing now
RE: ravevis
# Jun 07 2002 at 1:36 AM Rating: Default
Are you a halfling or not? thats the use from inventory question inquiring minds want to know=)
RE: ravevis
# Jun 07 2002 at 1:32 AM Rating: Default
RE: ravevis
# May 30 2002 at 10:43 PM Rating: Default
Who said it could be recharged? Do the quest again.
Gator Spawns
# May 19 2002 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
Hi there
I spent 2 weeks in Inny swamp trying to get the Alligator skin. During this extensive period of time I learned a few things about the Bull Gator Spawn. I tried every suggestion on this list of posts, some sorta worked some didn't work at all. If you leave the zone alone to repop on its own (there is never anybody in the swamp killing on the my server) 2 bull gators will pop about every 2-3 hours. this was getting incredibly borring since it took about 100 gators for me to get the skin. I tried the suggestion to kill the Giant Water Moccs to get the bull gators to spawn. this worked for a while, but in a N00B zone with tracking it didnt take me long to kill all of them, and regular water moccs didnt seem to get the bulls to spawn. The next day I did the same thing, and it seemed to work again until I ran out of Giant Water Moccs to kill. I noticed that after every kill, either a Bull gator or a Froglock Forager would pop, never a Giant Water Mocc (was constantly monitorring Track). After all the Giant Water Moccs were dead there were at least 30 Forragers in the zone (more than I had ever seen before), so I of course started killing them :). And guess what the bulls started spawning again. In that morning (this very morning) alone over 30 bulls spawned over 3 hours, more than triple the usual rate. I was just running out of Foragers to kill when I got the skin (WOOOOOOT, I get to leave this FREEKING SWAMP). Anyways, I got the skin and got the cap (it rocks). It seems to me that when the Foragers died a lot of Kobold Hunters were spawning, so that is what I was going to move on to after the Foragers were dead, but I never got that far.

Hope this helps
Duid of the 20th season
Torvonnilous Servers

ALSO!! the only thing that killing swamp alligators did was make the spawn slower.
# May 19 2002 at 2:42 PM Rating: Default
Hi there
Though most of this quest remains the same a small part has changed due to the recent renaming of the lower lv mobs and there loot. When I turned in my 4 skins to ge the first cap it returned the grizzly bear skin to me, said that it didnt need it. I didnt get the cap either. So I started looking a few things up, and I noticed that my grizzly skin's weight was only .2 stones. I noticed that the Link on this page to Grizzly skin listed the weight at 5.0 stones. So I ported to NK to hunt grizzlies and after about 10 I got a skin. the skin is named:

A Thick Grizzly Bear Skin
Wt. 5.0 stones

I ported back to WC and went back RV to talk Marshal Anrey, gave him the skin and PRESTO!!! recieved the first cap. '

I also had the Dragoon Dirk so I turned both in and got the real cap....It Rocks, so as of the date on this post the quest is working.
Dropped raider cap
# Apr 18 2002 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
Does anyone know if you can forgo the skin part of the quest and give him a dropped leatherfoot raider cap from Nek along with the Dragoon dirk? Has anyone tried this? Maybe I will and see what happens.
Not broken
# Mar 28 2002 at 9:49 PM Rating: Default
THIS QUEST IS NOT BROKEN. To do the quest you must have good faction with Rivervale.

1. Hail Marshal Anrey
2. Say "I am from Rivervale"
3a. If he answers with something about returning skins to him for a cap, hand him the skins.
3b. If he answers that you must prove yourself to the Guardians of the Vale, you need to get better faction because he will not give you a reward.

It CAN be used from inventory so even if you are not a halfling, you can use it as a good escape route.
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