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Takish-Hiz expeditions are triggered by speaking with the NPCs at the Wayfarer camp in North Ro (located a fair distance southwest of the Freeport gate).

In an earlier age, endless aisles of marble stood cool in the shadows of the great Elddar Forest. Now all that remains is a lifeless sea of sand and stone. Beneath these sun scorched reminders rests a piece of time forgotten even by the god which set the condemning sands in motion. No longer living, yet unable to forget, something vengeful is moving beneath the desert of Ro. If you venture into this realm of cursed memories, will you survive to tell their story ?
Winding StairsWelcome to Takish-HizThe CrystalsThrone RoomAn Earth ElementalScholarly Glass GolemThe Sweeping TidesEnt

Viewing 1 to 99 of 99 entries.

Image Name Level Range Type Zone Expansion
No Picture Included a blustery spiritstorm 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a city patroller 64 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included A Clay Vase 1 - 1 Object Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a concealed observer 55 - 55 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included a crumbling defender 18 - 19 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included A Flowkeeper Architect 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a Flowkeeper director 59 - 59 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a Flowkeeper engineer 60 - 60 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a Flowkeeper inventor 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included a Flowkeeper mender 42 - 55 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included a Flowkeeper sandmanipulator 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included A Flowkeeper Watcher 59 - 60 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included A Flustered Sandspirit 65 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included A Forgotten Cave Dweller 60 - 60 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a Geomantic Compact prodigy 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a giant burrowing scarab 59 - 59 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a guardian of sand 60 - 60 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a hollow tree 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a Jeweled Guard hero 60 - 60 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included A Jeweled Guard Master 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a large burrowing scarab 45 - 45 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included a luminescent assistant 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included A Master Flowkeeper 60 - 60 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included A Mature Sand Frog 50 - 50 Animal Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included A Menacing Tree Spirit 60 - 60 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included A Petrified Colossal Tree 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included a petrified green tree 47 - 56 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a phosphorescent golem 60 - 60 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included A Pristine Guardian 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a ravenous insect 55 - 55 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included A Royal Advisor 60 - 60 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included A Royal Advocate 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a Royal confidante 64 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a Royal guardian 60 - 60 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a Royal hierophant 60 - 60 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included A Royal Page 62 - 63 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included A Royal protector 62 - 63 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a Royal sandadvisor 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included A Royal Squire 62 - 63 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included A Royal Steward 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included a royal subject 45 - 45 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included a sand shaper 45 - 45 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included a sand spiritstorm 53 - 53 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a sandy chest 1 - 1 Object Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a scavenger - Takish-Hiz 55 - 55 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a spined burrower 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a summoned greater defender 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included a summoned protector 55 - 55 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a Takish-Hiz recordkeeper 63 - 63 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included A Takish-Hiz Time Watcher 45 - 45 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a talented gemsetter 61 - 62 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a wooden box 1 - 1 Object Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included Alert Jeweled Guard 56 - 56 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included An Aimless Royal 45 - 45 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included an ancient sand frog 61 - 61 Animal Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included An Angry Sapling 60 - 60 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included An Avid Naturalist 45 - 45 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included An Earthen Crusher 61 - 61 Summoned Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included an earthen defender 60 - 60 Summoned Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included an earthen toiler 49 - 49 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included an enraged stoneservant 59 - 59 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included an intense spiritstorm 60 - 63 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included an unruly stoneservant 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included Ancient Tree Spirit 65 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included Bloodless Digger 55 - 55 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Chancellor Etometh 66 - 67 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included Collapsing Frog 55 - 55 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included Craggy Defender 55 - 55 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Creaking Defender 51 - 52 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Dazed Flowkeeper Geomancer 47 - 47 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included Deranged Summoning 55 - 55 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Disillusioned Protector 40 - 40 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Embellished Summoning 56 - 56 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Explorer Jhenia 61 - 61 NPC, non-quest Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Faded Takish Historian 55 - 55 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included Forgotten Sandweaver 55 - 55 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Frantic Summoning 33 - 33 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included Geomantic Advisor Kwei 66 - 66 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included Groaning Roughbark 47 - 47 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Jeweled Guard Foreman 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included Lady of the Court 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Lady of the Court pet 46 - 46 Summoned Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Leeching Burrower 51 - 51 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Lost Fiend of Fury 50 - 50 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Muted Musician 56 - 56 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Noblewoman of Takish-Hiz 51 - 51 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included Officer of the Guard 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Pained Frog 63 - 63 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Quartz Worker 56 - 56 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Rumbling Stoneherder 65 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Spiritual Flowkeeper Geomancer 33 - 33 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included Striking Gem Golem 44 - 44 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Takish-Hiz Librarian 60 - 60 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Takish-Hiz Priest 47 - 47 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included The Tide Watcher 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included The Winter Summoning 65 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included Turbulent Sandspirit 61 - 61 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Unkempt Protector 30 - 30 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Whirling Sandstorm 45 - 45 Monster Takish-Hiz Lost Dungeons of Norrath