I was hunting these and griffons tonight to raise my baking skill. Most of them conned light blue to me at level 62. If I did straight melee instead of bow kiting, they would get me down to about 60-75% life. I went only self-buffed with about 3800hp, 1060ac, 1480atk, 60% haste, and 39 point damage shield, so needless to say these guys are pretty mean to get me down that much.
If you're looking to raise baking, griffs are a much wiser solution. Way way easier.
I charm griffons to handle these. While it is attackinig I DOT and nuke twice. Drops with using only 1 blue bar of mana and a still charmed griffon. Only get the anaconda meat to drop though.
As a 51 ranger, I love fighting these. Takes a bit of time to kill 'em, but with fear kiting them, I rarely take damage. The trick to fear kiting is not only moveing back when fear breaks to prevent interuption, but also time those fears! Get a rhythm going with fear, your DOT's and a few DD spells and these puppys will never hit you. Same goes for the griffs. They have low magic resist so the fear time is very predictable. Re-fear before fear breaks and its a cake walk.
Yeah I've found a great way to time it is fear lasts about 18 seconds reliably, conveniently the recast on our arrow/call of flame nukes. Just cast them at the same time and yoer good.
A point I always make when soloing these or any other hard hitting animal, is as soon as fear wears off step back. Move far enough to to recast fear without being interupted (You did snare him didnt you?). Also the mob doesnt hit you and at the end of a fight you have very little healing to do. I usually end up this way at the end of a fight with maybe 10% hps down and 90 to 95% mana left so soon ready to go again Also while hunting in JP make use of Wolf form as no animals aggro on you then (and your ATK rating increases), otherwise Griffs will, and you can end up dealing with two or more mobs at once
If your faction with the druids gets too low, just go in invis and then go East fromt he town to the river and turn South. You will come to a Poacher Camp. Killing the poachers raises your faction rather well with the druids. After being there for one evening, I went from Dubious(I went on a critter killing spree) to Indifferent.
Although if someone has any idea on how to raise Critter faction, I would like to know. I want to hunt the griff's and snakes, but the Cat, wolf and bear adds are too much for me as a 51 Shammy.
If you ruin your faction with the druids in JP you can always buy cheese from Chef Bragus(sp?), a named gnoll in the Jaggedpine gnoll caverns. Go in invis and drop invis to buy from him. He conned apprehensive or indifferent, can't remember which, to me even though the rest of the gnolls were ready to kill me. Good enough to buy from anyway. He is off by himself in a place where there are no wanderers (at least that I saw). Having never kill any gnolls there though, I'm not sure if doing so would ruin your chances of scoring cheese from him.
Hope this helps you evil folks out there.
Oh btw, today's spelling lesson is "faction". F A C T I O N. Faction. Notice there is no R in faction. This isn't your 3rd grade math class. This game must have some of the poorest spellers in the world playing it...
Saw one of these as a lvl 44 druid conned yellow used allure of wild on it broke charm 2 secs later had 110 charisma, recasted charm broke 15 secs later, recast charm broke 30 secs later, recast charm broke 5 secs later, recast charm borke 1min later, and so on, had to do it over 10 times, root and charm fades quickly on them at my lvl, wasnt worth the mana, just stick to Timber griffons as pets only 1.5k less hp and only had to recast charm once.
Posted:Sep 20 2002 at 10:24 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ur boyfriend? boyfriend? ur little smookie? lol succor out then go succor him
These bastards have a TRUCKLOAD of HP ARGH rofl I was duoing with my boyfriend and we ran into these things (since I needed anaconda meat). had to succor, he was DYING and the anaconda's HP was barely moved.
Yep, they're for a quest in the little gnoll town. After you make a Dryad Pate for Snarla, he hands you a friendship token. If you return it to him he gives you a bag and tells you he can make you three different kinds of necklaces; wolf fang, bear fang, and panther fang. You need three of each type of fang, and one anaconda skin for each necklace. I think the three necklaces go to the Oracle there. I have yet to finish that part because as a Druid I've been getting a Necro friend to kill the critters for me. :) And after roughly 20 anacondas, I still haven't found a skin.. blah.
Hey guy...instead of getting your necro friend to kill critters for you so you don't lose faction...go to the poacher camp and wipe em out a few times...not hugely frequent drops...but in two evenings I have two bear and 1 cat fang...and your faction with JP peeps goes up instead of down...win win situation :)
Dark Blue to me at 43. And I find they hit about avg for their level. Most I got hit for in one attack was 80. I fought 6 last night looking for the Fang. Got one. Nice weapon even if its not magic.
These snakes have about 4500-5000 hp. They double bite for 111 and bash for 33; the bash means that mistiming your fear recast can be an expensive mistake. The neat thing about them is that they are cowards (will turn tail with 20% health) and they are slow (immobile if snared and under 20% health). I've been fear kiting them down and then switching in a 2hb practice weapon to finish them off. Slow, steady progress so far... Empirically, I've had better luck using Swarmcaller on them than using my dual wield combo; the slow proc makes the snake so much more manageable that the 20-25% loss in DPS is actually worth it (of course you can switch out after the proc, too). This is the first creature I've found that I wanted slowed even when fear kiting.
For comparison's sake, timber griffons have ~2800hp and hit for 100. They don't have much left in the tank before they turn tail. So the griffons are a bit better for solo ranger XP purposes - much shorter fight. The griffawns only have about 1800 hp, but are light blue or green to a level 53.
I am a lvl 45 and some of this creature type still cons yellow to me... Would have used other link, but I don't use outlook so I'm not set up for it =)