I went after this thing at level 42, and it seemed like a breeze until I got her down to 50 percent health, then she would heal for 10 percent, so I brought her down some more, and she healed for 5-10 percent again. This cycle continued for a while until she finally died. Overall, pretty simple but annoying.
Me, 42 Troll SK and my healer merc too this old ****** down this evening. Cleared to her then proceeded to kick her ***. She was red to me when I walked into the room, but I levelled to 42 clearing, then she was yellow. I have only been playing for a few days now since returning from a 3 year absence. I remembered this mob from the old days but for some reason I thought she was a lot tougher. Far as I know, she never summoned me, but I am pretty sure she used to. Was pretty much by the numbers, she dropped the bracer and threee of the spells. No biggie..
Cheers Boogrr Monster 42 Troll SK on Emarr
P.S. What happened to everybody? The game seems dead!
Me, a 64 druid, and my 70 cleric buddy took her out with surprising ease. All we did was clear the room, except for the Matriarch, with snare and nukes, and then we pulled her. She didn't summon either of us during the duration of the fight. It lasted about two minutes. I was expecting some trouble from this one, but she wasn't hard at all. Cleric never needed to heal -- cleric got the aggro from her and never went below 90% with about 8-9k hp. DoTed and nuked her down. The Shardwurm Matriarch doesn't have that much more hp than her little crystaline buddies; I'd say three-four times as much, perhaps?
I went to solo the crystalline wurms last night with my 54 Paladin and she was in there with them. I cleared out the crystallines and then went after her. 501 dmg spell hurt a little but I did not have to use LoH. She did heal herself a couple of times but it was no more than 5% at a time. I was amazed by the fact that she dropped the season 50 Paladin spell Flame of light. Its good that I don't have to kill the Rolling Plains Stead.
Me a 56 Monk and a 54 shaman took her down easily, Shammy pet and me Melee, hit me twice for her 501 and then just shardwurmbreath spell liek 50 times , dropped 3 spells and hte bracer camped crystalline shards for the next 2 hours waiting for chilling embrace to drop,(which it didn't) anyone know here spawn time
54pally and 55 pally ran circles for 5 hours killing room. She popped once during this time. Got camo twice off other mobs plus 8 other spells and most of the armor. Wish I knew respawn time :(
54pally and 55 pally ran circles for 5 hours killing room. She popped once during this time. Got camo twice off other mobs plus 8 other spells and most of the armor. Wish I knew respawn time :(
I went to see about Imp. Sup. Camo today. Killed the matriarch and all of the crystalline (2 times each on the crystalline) she did not respawn with the others. She struggled to hold onto her life and tried to take mine.. but as a 62 Druid I had the upper hand easily. Just a side note.. all the spells she drops are also dropped from the Crystalline.. Just thought you would like to know.
62 Hierophant Laeuvasu (Fae Victus Et Nominus) on Zeb server
killed it last night and she (yes its a she)dropped a dagger..i forget the name. I think its something like Crystalline Shard Fang. the dagger is a 10/22 +15 hp weight 1.0 and usable on ranger warrior bard and something else. Nice twink for my level 1 ranger that i havent used yet. Oh and it was all races. Just figured i would post this since noone else has said anything about her dropping it.
I soloed her today, just killed two crystallines by root dotting to get them out of the way, then pulled her to the now-open area. I had about 200CR so the breath didn't do any significant damage. Used root dotting. She nuked me a bunch of times for some damage but my other resists were up some too (MR 130, FR180) so maybe that helped. Anyway just used my two best dots on her WD and Breath of Ro plus ESV and kept her rooted out of melee range. She did NOT heal herself at all in this battle, although she nuked me a lot while I sat and medded.
She dropped spells: shroud of pain, monster summoning II, spirit quickening, and also a weapon wurm tendon whip.
I don't have spawn info, she was up in the middle spot in the cave with the Crystallines.
Shakobex Stormdancer 58 halfling druid of Vallon Zek
Nice Christmas present, 60 shm and 55 warr took the crystine wurm and mat, it dropped the 2 spells first time around, Improved Superior Camouflage Call of Earth and the bracer. It poped when we were killing the last crystine, lucky i guess.
Killing Crystaline Shardwurms, matriarch spawns and breaks my concentration. Con her, and she cons dark blue. I'm 46th. Does she have a range, or has she been nerfed?
Killed her last night with me, 54 SK and good buddy a 54 cleric, ohh and our pets It was a semi long fight she nuked me for her 501 a few times, plus the all wurm proc breath spell many times. She only healed herself twice and neither time did I see her health bar go up, nor did she CH thank Innoruuk. So maybe she was already OOM at that point? She dropped the bracer and translocate spell.
Killed This last night with a 40 monk, 53 shaman, and 60 cleric, It rarely hits with turgurs casted on it, but it casts a ton, it will cast tell it's oom, nukes for 500+ almost non stop tell it goes oom(it has a ton of mana, cast cleric nuke at least 15 times and CH'd itself) If you pull away from spawn it will gate back to spawn point, if you can't interrupt it, it gates back CH's itself but will not aggro other wurms close by. It has 10-12K, max hits for 150, dropped Boots of Scale, Bracers of Scale, Call of Earth, Monster Summoning II and Improved Superior Camo.
This thing has spells i.e. Cleric Spells it can and will nuke you . not to mention the normal Ice DD that all the Wurms Have. Dropped the Bracer and 3 spells. TL Group (52nd wizy) a shaman haste spell and a bst spell.
Took it down with a 57th warrior and 51st Ranger
Healed a few times but no compleat heal. prolly due to the fact that it was nuking us half to death and ran out of mana for CH.
I have camped this mob for about a week 2-3 hours at a time...It has spawned once had 2 spells that I already got off crystaline wurms a crapy bracer and some tasty wurm meat. I have never seen the brood mother and the matriarch up at the same time..is one the PH for the other?
Perhaps this is stating the obvious, but she does NOT always have improved superior camo. Camped this stinkin cave for days.. finally popped.. killed me once.. got her on my 3rd try. No improved superior camo. :/
Yes, she does drop the spell Superior Improved Camo, the Druid 50 spell. I have gotten it from her, she also drops a few other spells. My questions is though.. What is the spawn time her or is she triggered.. When I got my spell she was up and we got her.. Now I am trying to help a guildy get the spell but havent been able to catch.. Killed all the crystaline many times and have checked for her spawn but havent seen her for days.
yes it CH i know hid it down to 5% and fear wore off it did a CH i gated i was the only one in there at the time was a full pop and i hid 6 more of the other one's fear it was the only way out :(