goblin lackey  


Uploaded July 24th, 2007

Spawns after Eichvul is attacked.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2009-04-24 14:34:17.

Level: 22
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-05-04 22:14:20

Known Habitats:
  Everfrost Peaks

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# Jul 19 2015 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
dropped an Iron Visor today on the Ragefire server. Ac 3
name calling
# Dec 24 2004 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
stop with the name-calling. There are no stupid questions, only impatient peeps who think they are better than anyone else. To those, I hope you need info one day.
is he named ?
# Jun 24 2004 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
is this guy named cause i wanna only kill named in this zone.
RE: is he named ?
# Aug 30 2004 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
Of course he's named, but you have to go up to him and pick him up and cast Identify to get his name.

Here's yer sign! "I am STOOPID"

Sparximus Maxximuus
Lvl 25 Mage on Tunare

P.S. It's bad when you post a really lame question, its worse when you post the same exact message twice!
is he named ?
# Jun 24 2004 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
is this guy named cause i wanna only kill named in this zone
has loot
# Sep 24 2003 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
killed him today for the fun of it , droped Ice Godlin Blood , rusty wep , Winter Lilly , and Tares Lichen.
wrong level and good loot
# Jul 01 2003 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
I've killed him twice with a shaman and he was green when I was lvl 28. Also he drops a chainmail tunic which sells for about 4 pp.
poison BOTH blades?
# Feb 17 2002 at 1:13 AM Rating: Default
yer a ****** you. you only get poison on one blade and its not even that, you poison your primary slot, then the next attack with a poker from that hand will procc the poison.
No Sweat
# Jan 10 2002 at 2:10 PM Rating: Default
This guy does pop when the Dark Elf is attacked and apparently tried to heal the DE. But, the DE goes down pretty fast (lvl 33 rogue) and then this guy just sits there! So, heal up, re-apply poison to both weapons, move behind him and backstab away!
He is easier than the Dark Elf but not worth the time and poison as there is no loot. I seriously doubt he is 30-40.

Solusek Ro
wrong level
# Jan 08 2002 at 10:52 PM Rating: Default
Yes he is blue to a lvl 22 shammy...killed him with a few Spirit Strikes ( 76-81dd ) and a few pokes from my Crystal Icegrinder... and he cast's this spell that does 60-121 points of damage to a shammy so he is pretty weak and low level..

Lalorie Spiritcaster
22nd Shaman of Winter
" never count on dying "
he is not 30-40
# Dec 01 2001 at 11:43 PM Rating: Default
this little guy conned green to me at 39 with my pally and green to my 31 druid he cant be that high he is easy to kill and does not hit hard at all.
wrong level
# Nov 27 2001 at 8:51 PM Rating: Default
Eh,I was just in Ef the other day and saw these two in the North Tower. The dark elf is blue to me at 26 and the gobbie was an easy green. Died with two Frost Strikes and a few pokes from my spear. That 30-40 level range is WAY off, more like low 20's, if that.
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