Cazic Thule Pet  


Minimum Level: 3
Maximum Level: 24
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-05-04 22:14:20

Known Habitats:
  Plane of Fear

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# Jul 25 2003 at 4:48 AM Rating: Default
anyone ever throw a few AOE's on CT, just to rid themselves of the pet?
# May 27 2003 at 1:15 AM Rating: Default
76 posts
What does hi pet look like? havent got round to gettnig to CZ yet but surely it must look like a peanut a sweetcorn or something, generally thats what u fin attatched to huge turds
Future Wizard of The Combine
his pet
# Feb 22 2002 at 3:57 PM Rating: Default
i really cant believe this thread is this long about CT's pet. losers
RE: his pet
# Jul 15 2003 at 11:08 PM Rating: Default
And here is your addition to this thread...does that make you a loser also? Smiley: yikes
RE: his pet
# Apr 19 2004 at 4:38 AM Rating: Default
He must of not thought out his post. For a thread thats long, by commenting on it, only makes it longer....

That was all just BS, i just want to make it longer :)
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 07 2001 at 7:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Never been on a PoF raid so dont know if Enchanters acan Charm the Mobs here But i was thinking have a Couple of level 60 Enchanters Charm some PoF Mobs then when you ready to Taqke on sleeper have the Charmed Mobs Tank CT while the Tanks are helping also DOnt Flame me if im wrong though) try it out if ya want though be funny to see one of cazics Minions turn on him >)
# Nov 07 2001 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
First of all Cazic is a Shadowknight not a necro so his pets are weaker but he is a god and he doesent just have one of these little fellows he can make a good army of them cuz he is a God i still think it is funny though
# Apr 22 2002 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
Allow me to introduce you to my friend, the "period".

---> . <---

#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 19 2002 at 12:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Let ME tell YOU somthing....
# Feb 26 2003 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
Lol if you're gonna correct someone ATLEAST make sure you're right.

It's something, not somthing.


And yes i probably messed up somewhere on this post lol.
# Apr 19 2004 at 4:40 AM Rating: Default
You missed the comma after the interjections; "Lol, if you're...".

Mrs. Huckstein would be proud of me!
# Mar 25 2003 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
# May 18 2003 at 7:04 AM Rating: Default

Kids, shouldn't you be playing your Pokemon?

# May 27 2003 at 11:12 PM Rating: Good
Haha you call us kids then type @#%^tards... That REALLY makes us believe that you're not a kid! 8)

# Jul 25 2003 at 4:40 AM Rating: Default
All I can say to this thread is WOW.
# May 05 2005 at 11:37 AM Rating: Default
551 posts
The proper grammar would be:

All I can say to this thread is, "WOW."
Pain Lord Darknyss Grimscale
92 Iksar Crusader of the Greenmist
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 08 2001 at 6:45 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hey i am a 56 Druid and got the Nice Pet Spell. On the PoF, after Cazic was killed, my pet has hardly soloed (He was full buffed, SLN, STR, Regen, Pet only Buff, and a DS ...) his pet. Both were at 1/8 HPs, and the Druid pet is lvl 29. Afer a 500 HP heal, my pet got it. So i think the Cazic pet is around lvl 35, but no more !
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 16 2001 at 4:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Booy yu sur duhs spel gud
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 08 2001 at 6:45 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hey i am a 56 Druid and got the Nice Pet Spell. On the PoF, after Cazic was killed, my pet has hardly soloed (He was full buffed, SLN, STR, Regen, Pet only Buff, and a DS ...) his pet. Both were at 1/8 HPs, and the Druid pet is lvl 29. Afer a 500 HP heal, my pet got it. So i think the Cazic pet is around lvl 35, but no more !
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 08 2001 at 6:44 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hey i am a 56 Druid and got the Nice Pet Spell. On the PoF, after Cazic was killed, my pet has hardly soloed (He was full buffed, SLN, STR, Regen, Pet only Buff, and a DS ...) his pet. Both were at 1/8 HPs, and the Druid pet is lvl 29. So i think the Cazic pet is around lvl 35, but no more !
pet's hah
# Oct 03 2001 at 3:53 AM Rating: Default
Ok, two things one when my bard was lvl 24 I went to ogguk to get my mask of deception, while there a lvl 45 sk was grouped camping the assassin. He asked me to tell him what his pet conned to me. It conned green, that means his pet was around lvl 18 or below. Now the only other question I hove for you is Why not just kill the stupid pet first? How many people are there fighting this one god? Especially if it's that low of a lvl, I mean common lvl 3? If it's actually a lvl 3 surely a lvl 50 could take it on by himself/herself wihtin a matter of seconds. Just have someone in the group kill it off hello. Think for a min, sometimes it's better to kill off the lower lvl first why cause it takes less time and because it quickly shortens how many mobs are attacking you. Less chances for something to hit you while you are casting. Hmm...Am I the only person in EQ that's ever thought of such an idea? Sometimes people in this game really make me wonder. Of course you don't have to listen or read any of this, It's just my opinion.
RE: pet's hah
# Dec 02 2001 at 10:47 PM Rating: Default
Ok, two things one when my bard was lvl 24 I went to ogguk to get my mask of deception, while there a lvl 45 sk was grouped camping the assassin. He asked me to tell him what his pet conned to me. It conned green, that means his pet was around lvl 18 or below. Now the only other question I hove for you is Why not just kill the stupid pet first? How many people are there fighting this one god? Especially if it's that low of a lvl, I mean common lvl 3? If it's actually a lvl 3 surely a lvl 50 could take it on by himself/herself wihtin a matter of seconds. Just have someone in the group kill it off hello. <<<Think for a min, sometimes it's better to kill off the lower lvl first why cause it takes less time and because it quickly shortens how many mobs are attacking you. Less chances for something to hit you while you are casting. Hmm...Am I the only person in EQ that's ever thought of such an idea? Sometimes people in this game really make me wonder. Of course you don't have to listen or read any of this, It's just my opinion.>>>>

youre an idiot man.... when youre fighting a lv 65 mob that quads for 650-350 why would you mind a lv 3 hitting you for 7 max or missing all together plus he can summon up quite a few of them and it would be retarded to see cazic thule beating on a caster while a tank chases the pets around i meen duhh kill the master that has tons of hp and hits very hard or the weakling pets.... the choice is obvious
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 14 2001 at 9:44 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) cmon guy a lvl 65 Cazic-Thule GOD isn't going to summon a lvl 24 pet i meen we tryed gettin him the pet was at least 40+
# Jul 13 2001 at 9:23 PM Rating: Default
ROFL the stupid pet isnt gonna make a diff...geez dude yeah if the pet stays on one person maybe he will kill that one person BIG DEAL every god/dragon slaying group has a bunch of gonners after fights
OK to put this to rest
# Jul 10 2001 at 6:12 AM Rating: Default
Cazic is an SK, I am an SK, cazic is 55, I am not 55, I can cast a level 30 or so pet, so (I forgot when I get my next pet spell) should have about 29+ pet or so. He does not cast a level 3 pet trust me. I have battled Cazic, and his pet is not level 3, or 10, or 24 for that matter, and yes it is dark boned, thus it has to be higher then 24, the 24 oet is 39 leve SK pet.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 12 2001 at 9:37 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
# Jun 12 2001 at 3:59 AM Rating: Default
If you don't clear the whole plane first tho, cazic will summon your *** to all his minions, or rather, I think the other way around (all of them on to you)
#Anonymous, Posted: May 28 2001 at 1:23 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) And then the doctor said i wouldn't have as many nosebleeds if i kept my finger outta there...
Anyone else noticed?
# May 25 2001 at 6:59 PM Rating: Default
Maybe im the only one who noticed, but in the picture of cazic, if you look between his legs at his little tiny pet, you would notice it is brown. Last time I checked only pets of 25+ can be brown, so this 3-24 stuff is prolly BS
Just my opinion
RE: Anyone else noticed?
# Mar 25 2002 at 9:36 PM Rating: Default
Why are you looking between his legs? Sicko...
RE: Anyone else noticed?
# Feb 26 2003 at 7:57 PM Rating: Default
LOL yeah that just wrong lol

Grummus in POP is wrong too lol no clothes..
RE: Anyone else noticed?
# Mar 31 2002 at 9:30 PM Rating: Default
LOL!!!!!!!!!! YEAH, why would you be looking in between cazics legs?!? Lookin for his one eye'd monster is my guess, you are a sicko =p
#Anonymous, Posted: May 24 2001 at 4:13 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Guys Cazic gets lonley sometimes and has to summon a friend or 2 to play with his pets suck ya but his therapist told him to make them so he has a friend to play with i mean wouldnt you get loneley too being the god of fear in your Castle all alone you need some bonies to keep you company so lay off the level ok
#Anonymous, Posted: May 18 2001 at 2:36 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) A 24th level mob making the difference. lol you're so uuber smart =p
RE: Yes count the pet out
# Jun 05 2001 at 2:28 PM Rating: Default
89 posts
I'm far frm a genius, but those few hits you don't dodge or parry or riposate, well, I'll admit, the pet made a difference with me.

I was tank and CT was aggroed on me mostly, just as CT dropped, I did, I was slain by CT's pet. Yeah a 24 mob can kill you. Even in the 50's. Bad luck on my part, but it can and does happen. Especially when the low level mob is teamed with a high level mob. Next time, why don't you post your name so we know what fool posted.
RE: Yes count the pet out
# Feb 26 2003 at 8:00 PM Rating: Default
you know whats odd.. i've never heard of a necro being a tank.. maybe thats why it killed you? *grin*
Cazic's Pet
# May 11 2001 at 6:22 PM Rating: Default
89 posts
Think people. This is a plane. You think a high lvl GOD will be likely to cast such a low lvl pet? I have seen him. I would guess he is usually in the upper teens to lower twenties. It's rare for him to cast a lvl 3 pet, and probably rare for him to cast the 24. Let's think people.

If you can stand up to the god, great. But the pet can still kill you. How many times have we seen a pet make the difference in a duel? In a battle that lasts up to ten min, how many 5-10 point damages will you take? It adds up. Never count the pet out.

Seventh Hammer.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 07 2001 at 7:33 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) YOU PREACH ON BROTHER!
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 14 2001 at 9:43 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) YEAH BROTHA PREECH ON!
RE: Cazic's Pet
# May 14 2002 at 12:59 PM Rating: Default
Yeah, I agree. Especially if it will get everyone to stop whining about how a mob is TOO EASY??? Go whine about underconned Dark Elf NPC's or somethin'
# Apr 13 2001 at 11:51 AM Rating: Default
I would say the pet is the least of your worries =) if you have a thought of a chance at CT then his pet(s) is probably not going to turn the tide in his favor
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 30 2000 at 1:24 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i have a lvl56 wizzy friend, (or higher by the time you read this) but he said Cazic had a bunch of pets, can all you SKs do that? i think dont laff when your lvl22sk that can kill "THEM" piles of bones next to a lvl55 SK GOD
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 18 2001 at 7:08 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) >> i wonder how loud Cazic will laff when he kills your pet in one hit so hard you just pass out- and his pet finishes you off <<
OMG LVL 3, lol
# Nov 17 2000 at 4:52 PM Rating: Default
damn i am a 39 war on innoruuk, my 22 SK can summon better then a 55 GOD! LOL
RE: OMG LVL 3, lol
# Dec 30 2000 at 1:19 AM Rating: Default
umm, im not 100% sure if your 22SK can beat a lvl24 pet tho, its 3-24, and if it is always 3 (which u make it sound like) my level 6 Chanter can solo it

Iksar Monk
Erosilli Marr
Level 50+ Necro Pet
# Nov 07 2000 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
Um, if the level 59 Necro Pet is called Emissary of Thule, you would be hoping like hell that it is not related to this thing.

Ubernecro says "Check out my new pet spell!"
Ubernecro begins to cast a spell.

Goneker looks at you amiably - looks like you could win this fight.

Ubernecro has forgotten spell "Emissary of Thule".
Level 50+ Necro Pet
# Nov 07 2000 at 8:08 AM Rating: Default
Oops, double posted.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 30 2000 at 10:43 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ill tell you what i know about 50 necro pets, and 50 warriors. I know that a 50 necro pet, and i dont mean the pet is 50, i mean one summoned by a lvl 50 can solo a HG. A lvl 50 warrior can not solo an HG. I know this because my friend is a 50 wood elf warrior, he said he could not. Also i was in WC once, and i heard someone shouting for help with a HG, so i went and it was a 47 warrior about to die, and the HG had about 1/3 health or so. I had to heal him a few times before he could kill it. From this i would figure that a 50 could not solo either...i might be wrong of course, maybe with good equip they could.
RE: legerian
# Jun 11 2002 at 3:56 PM Rating: Default
I just HAAAAD to come here when i saw his pet was so low and sorry to say but i have a 40 human warrior that can solo giants so for the posts below saying trolls and ogres are the best, it all depends on how good the person behind the keyboard is.
RE: legerian
# Feb 04 2001 at 8:28 AM Rating: Default
WTF? I can solo HGs like nobody's business and I'm a 44 Paladin!
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 17 2001 at 9:51 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I just wanted to say to the lvl 50 warrior that cannot kill a giant solo style.. You Suck!
Wood Elf Warriors.....BAHAHAHA
# Nov 07 2000 at 8:02 AM Rating: Default
Wood Elf Warriors do not count. =)

Ogres and Trolls all the way!
And no, they cannot solo Giants. I saw a level 49 Ogre Warrior only just take down a Sand Giant while being healed by a bunch of newbies.
RE: Wood Elf Warriors.....BAHAHAHA
# May 01 2003 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmmm...I've a 41 Wood Elf Warrior. 1735 HP Unbuffed, 134 STR, 123 STA, 109 AGI, and 101 DEX. All with Crafted and Crustacean Shell Armor. Any race/class combination can work well. I play without Lucilin and Planes of Power. As it was previously said, the person behind the keyboard makes the difference. You can make an Ogre Warrior, but unless the player is good, his starting stats won't mean jack. Here's his Magelo profile if you want to see and make sure I'm not lieing. And about the 'killing the pet first' thing, that would ***** everyone over. Why even put one person to kill the pet who will most likely be resummoned shortly after, and hits for around 10 to 20? Compare that to CT, who hits extremely hard, and fast. The faster he dies, the better. And to those that are boggled by a god having a low pet, why would he be given a pet that could be a major threat? Well, I'm done now. See ya!
RE: Wood Elf Warriors.....BAHAHAHA
# Oct 29 2001 at 8:48 AM Rating: Default
heh, kinda funny seeing my Troll Warrior soloed Hill Giants at lvl 46. Ever heard of Weighted Axe kiting? sheesh.
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 30 2000 at 1:21 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i think Ogre and Iksar are the best warriors, but hey, theres always some kind of lvl60 Gnome Warrior that'll beat ya up]
RE: Wood Elf Warriors.....BAHAHAHA
# Mar 26 2001 at 11:24 PM Rating: Default
Yes, it's very sad being a lvl 46 ogre warrior saying how much midget warrior's suck... When there's a lvl 60 Halfling Champion in the zone. But yes wood elf warrior's suck sot hey don't count.
RE: Wood Elf Warriors.....BAHAHAHA
# Jun 21 2002 at 2:35 PM Rating: Default
Any of you guys play on Fennin Ro? Ever heard of a Wood Elf Warrior named Kelendaris? Can you say 4K+ Hp unbuffed? Here's an idea, play a class that has some difficulty and make him uber like Kelen did.
RE: Wood Elf Warriors.....BAHAHAHA
# Jan 07 2007 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
well....this post was a long time ago, but 4k unbuffed isn't that hard to get, my 67 Beastlord has 4.6k unbuffed, but then again, there is the level and era difference
RE: Wood Elf Warriors.....BAHAHAHA
# Sep 22 2002 at 3:15 PM Rating: Default
I know a few people that have woodelf warriors just because when they made em tunare/elf racial armor made them easy to twink. If he made his character before Luclin and the improvements in armor, that may be the case, your just believing what he tells ya. 4K HP unbuffed ain't so uber. I'm not to far from that with my paladin.

Aricon Drinksalot
60 Paladin
RE: Wood Elf Warriors.....BAHAHAHA
# Feb 03 2006 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
276 posts
on the bristlebane server the top guilds top warrior is a wood elf... =) so.. WOOD ELF POWWAH
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