sleeper 1.0 - Kerafyrm  

Raid Encounter

Uploaded September 7th, 2019 by Zaztik
Updated September 8th, 2019

After being awakened, Kerafyrm rampaged through much of Velious, slaughtering everything in its path from Sleeper's Tomb to Skyshrine.

Formerly of Sleeper's Tomb, Kerafrym the now awakened currently resides in Crystallos, Lair of the Awakened.

Part of text written by Portingya, 84 Druid of AB :)

Picture is courtesy Blood of the Spider

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2009-05-26 11:51:11.

Level: 75
Expansion: Scars of Velious
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2020-09-11 01:46:00

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#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 02 2002 at 11:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) He droped a 1/1 2handed blunt called Kerafyrm's ***** which procs vibrating furry.
# Aug 09 2002 at 7:20 PM Rating: Default
Wishfull thinking buddy?
My 2cp Worth
# Aug 02 2002 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
After reading some of the posts (ignoring the stupid stuff, that's a lot of ignoring) and only being a 37th season dark elf Shadowknight who should be slapped for even thinking about considering to dream about even facing this monster, I just wanted to add my voice to the conversation.

1) My guess after reading all this is that this thing cannot be killed.... yet.

2) If it CAN be killed, it will be in a way that no one would consider. Such as: a low level spell that no one would EVER use. Like Disease Cloud. Note that this was just an example.

3) I read some story someone posted that said that when 2 dragons mate, their offspring is equal to the combined power of both its parents. What then, will happen if Nagafen and Vox do manage to mate? Then their offspring mates with THIS thing? Something to think about.

4) When did Paul Atredies leave Arrakis and turn into a dragon? ;-)
# Aug 02 2002 at 1:57 AM Rating: Default
Ok now to get the Facts Straight, Kerafyrm cannot be killed and will not ever be killed I read somewhere if He/she (?) is killed its the end of Norrath thus making him Unkillable. he also regens what 2k hp a tick and Resist's EVERY spell out there um hello?

Anyone whom thinks Kerafyrm can be killed is an utter noob and should stop playing Eq at this moment and run into a Truck, and about the mayong mistmoore thing, I also looked into that its pure Bs.

And YES Kerafyrm died on one server because of a glitch and he couldnt touch anyone, Later that day most of the guild was banned from Everquest and the guild broke up.

dont look at me blame verant


Wuluen Wolfwood
(insert Stuff about my char here!)
Prexus Server
# Aug 10 2002 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
You say all spells are resisted, but on Graffe's website a few months ago it was posted that on one server, when Kerafyrm was awakened, they tried a couple of spells. He resisted the dragonbane spell, BUT lure of flame stuck to it, meaning that he does not resist all spells. The new wizard ability manaburn does irresistable damage, and while i know it would take more wizzies with manaburn than there are on any server, its a start towards killing him.

Pyroshane Flamethrower
Wizard of the 39th flame
Karana Server

"Some say the world will end in fire, some sai in ice. From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those that favor fire."
# Aug 03 2002 at 6:52 AM Rating: Excellent
Im want to respond to your post.. cause well your title says NEWB'S! on it, and well sir you cant talk. People bileave he will be killed eventually. We got Sword of Truth dropping which is supposidly the sword that kills Kerafyrm. It may be RACE: None Class: None, but will PoP coming out some of us bileave it will be part of a quest to make it usable. Equip loads of people in your guild with that..They have a chance. Dont say that Kerafymr will NEVER be killed. You don't know that, so shutup. oh yeah and you said he regens 2khp a tick... well I hate to break it to you but have you ever seen Tunare's regen.. prolly not, well its alot bigger. oh yes people BTW dont respond to my post unless you actually know what your talking about... mmk
# Aug 09 2002 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
89 posts
I agree with you in your view of the original post. However, at the time of your post you were level 50. You really shouldn't talk yourself as you would not have much of a chance getting the key to get in here, let alone being accepted in to a raid in the tomb.

HOWEVER, you are probably right about PoP. With each expansion we are getting more and more powerful as characters. Raise the level limit and you may very well have a shot. Sleeper is a whole lot less red as a level 70 than a 60 (assuming people do have the actual level right, but has to be 63+).

Though I never actually clocked it, I think 2k regen per tick on tunare is high. 1k tops sounds much more accurate.

If I were to place a bet on how to bring this guy down, I would bet it was in a quest, involving all the dragons in Velious comming together to fight. The faction work needed to get to this point would in itself be a feat. I seem to remember a quest that involved the name of the dragon who died in EW, perhaps there's more to it after this resulting in something (spell/weapon to help them [dragons of velious] slay the one who they fear the most). In any event, this is purely speculatory, as no quests have been found indicating this, and most if not all servers the sleeper has been awoken.

I would throw my weight behind the PoP idea personally because it would be a reward to the server(s) who didn't awaken the sleeper allowing others to get primal drops. Just my thought though.
# Aug 01 2002 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
He was made to be unkillable there is no way to kill him, none of your plans will work you CAN'T KILL THE SLEEPER
The Sleeper
# Jul 30 2002 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
It is my opinion that The Sleeper was created for one purpose and one purpose only. He was created to inspire a sence of mystery into the game. As we all know being a low lvled character means there are certain mobs you are afraid to see or even read in the shout channel. Examples are DVinn in Crushbone and the Spectres in Oasis. Now most say but they are weak. Well at one time they were alot stronger than you (excluding the twinks and the uber buffed).
At lvl 60 the Challenge of lvling is simply trying to stay lvl 60 and Verant being the snake like bottom feeders they are develpoed The Sleeper so they could sit back and watch people who have spent thousands of dollars playing they game go and get wasted by some mob that defies all of the PC rules they themselves set forth.

In other words he was made so that people would try over and over again to kill a mob that is not meant to be killed. And as far as loot goes if in fact someone killed this topic of legends the corpse would probly have 1) no loot at all or 2) dissapear faster than Superman with the runs.

If you find any problems with my above statements please do us all a favor and tell someone who cares.

I have a idea
# Jul 28 2002 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent
i have a perfect idea hehehe you could get all the pepes in one server no matter what lv and all work together and have the melle fighters in front and casters in back casters would be nuking him and fighters slashing bashing kicking and punching away so that is what i am gonna do because this mighty beast killed my 60 mage and i would like revenge so all my brothers and sisters join me in this great fight of the ages and when shall do the unthinkable
# Jul 27 2002 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
does anyone know of any servers that he hasnt been woken on
Endure magic
# Jul 24 2002 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
Ever think you could just cast endure magic? would that work against It's 20k zone attack? If so Just cast on TONS of wizard, warriors and clerics, then go In there and nuke and tank the hell out of him! ( oh and have clerics heal ). =)
The Sleeper
# Jul 24 2002 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
yes he is the sleeper.. and MB wizzys wouldnt live long enough to even cast MB... hehe not even every MB wizzy in the game could kill it together... he has around 2 billion hp = Not a chance in heck

also added with AE DT even if there were 32 trillion wizzys there (like a zone could even hold more then 200) his ae would kill them before they got to finish casting anyway so there is no possible way to kill it

Also since he has been let free in just about every server (i think) he no longer exists

and more then likely verant wont be bringing him back

he is a quest mob that isnt really a quest ... its just for fun

you know how weird GM's can be :)

-Arch Mage Temporimis
-49th warrior Josheb
RE: The Sleeper
# Jul 27 2002 at 7:27 PM Rating: Default
FUN you think getting your **** handed to you with 1 swip along with 400 other ppl , IS FUN, do you have mental problem,s dont forget if cleric dies, (which they wil) you gotta do the key quest again to get your corpse :-P
RE: The Sleeper
# Aug 10 2002 at 7:37 PM Rating: Default
I hate to do this to you, but your a newb. Study the game more and understand that the ST Key (Like Seb Key) are soulbinded to you (You wanna know what that is? Tough, go find out). Dont flame ppl of stuff when you havent even been in the zone (That goes for you newbs too Smiley: mad).

Now Im tired and schools starting on monday, Im gonna go watch boring old videos till I drop.
# Jul 24 2002 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
Can someone tell me a place I can see this "Sleeper"?. I want to see what all the fuss is about. Lol
# Jul 23 2002 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
So this Kera guy is the Sleeper?
My idea
# Jul 22 2002 at 9:34 AM Rating: Default
Get every wizard with mana burn on the server then get a **** load of tanks run into the zone kill the dragons then when everyone is FM ect have the wizzy all mana burn the sleeper at the same time... think about it
sleeper and sword of truth connected?
# Jul 12 2002 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
maybe if verant made the sword of truth useable, sleeper could be defeated. take a look and the stats on the sword and u tell me =o).

p.s- what are these artifacts the gm's give out?
Veeshan Rumor?
# Jul 12 2002 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
apparently with Planes of Power.. "The Great Crystalline Dragon Veeshan" Will finally make her appearance :).... I'm wondering just how bad *** this Kerafym is... Veeshan is suppose to be the absolute toughest mob... and if Kerafym is undefeatable... how the hell do they expect us to scratch Veeshan?... There is a way to defeat every and any mob that can take a point of damage... (so in otherwords not the Scions or well the soulbinders because they have unlimited hp) Just because Kera hasn't been defeated yet... doesn't mean s/he can't be :)... just have to figure out a plan of Tactics use it, Verant finally made a challenging mob... because so many people complained mobs were so easy... no doubt Kerafym is defeatable, Just it's the toughest Challenge Verant has issued... I just wonder which of the Servers will get the kill and announce their victory, oh well.. we'll all know when the GMs Spam us to congratulate so and so.

~There is no such thing as good without Evil~
RE: Veeshan Rumor?
# Jul 20 2002 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
The lvl cap will be 70 and this mob will be killable
# Jul 10 2002 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
Has Kerafyrm been killed on the Povar server if anyone knows?
Kerafyrm Awaken
# Jul 10 2002 at 8:39 AM Rating: Default
46 posts
Sleeper's (Kerafyrm) Awake on Xegony - 05/22/2002

Inner Circle awoke the Sleeper that Tuesday evening around 3am PST. So another server this
dragon was awaken.
RE: Kerafyrm Awaken
# Jul 10 2002 at 8:49 AM Rating: Default
46 posts
Regards to the newbie people. Please return to
Bluckburrow. To awake you too from your dreams as
Inner Circle did with sleeper, this mob is not
killable as much as the Firiona Vie statue. It
was designed to be awaken, eat you, then do not
let anyone be alive.

# Jul 09 2002 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
OK everything its this game is slayable, mot thing, if a mob ws created their is someone it can be killed, no1 knows how but he will be slain
RE: look,
# Jul 21 2002 at 1:53 AM Rating: Decent
Eh..Soulbinder's can't be killed
# Jul 08 2002 at 7:31 PM Rating: Default
im sorta bored but, do you think , scince he has 3billion health, 3 billion lvl 1 ppl all hitting for ne dmg at the same tiem before any of them would die , kill em?, and yes i have lots of time to tink
RE: stupid
# Aug 09 2002 at 8:56 PM Rating: Good
76 posts
more importantly (wait, im calling this stupid theoretical important /gasp) ..

where are 3 billion level 1s going to get ST keys ?
RE: stupid
# Jul 27 2002 at 2:55 PM Rating: Default
3 billion level1 people would never hit him
RE: stupid
# Jul 19 2002 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
ya know they just might.... but 3 billion people will make the zone crash =P
RE: stupid
# Aug 27 2002 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
you're all dumb, 3billion people wouldn't buy EQ
# Jul 08 2002 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
Theres probably an uber quest for a wepon better than epic with like dmg 85 dly 20,lor no drop primary only, with a **** load of stats, with a 200k effect that procs every 2 secs, that takes forever to get , like months, im not saying their is but, if kereafyrm was created, then he can be destroyed ., and this probably legondary wep wpuld kil him
# Jul 06 2002 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
13 posts
Its "THE SLEEPER" right.

So see what effect insomnia has on it.
Gnome of Quelious
# Jul 05 2002 at 4:25 AM Rating: Excellent
Maybe it takes only 1 person to slay the Sleeper.
I heard that Mayong Mistmoore is involved in a quest to the Sleeper. Maybe a uber weapon-quest that kills him or that is needed in fight, like a 1 charge weapon that makes Sleeper as hard as a weak bixie or does something else. Thats what I think anyway. In all fairytales there is always a "hero" that challenges the dragon alone.

-Troll Shadowknight of Innoruuk
im just curious if this will work or not
# Jul 03 2002 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
this was just an i idea i was thinkin about, so please dont flame. if you find any errors in it, fill free to comment.

ok, my idea was that you get everyone in the raid party, thats raiding sleeper that cant cast divine aura them selfs to go and get the idoi that drops in high pass that procs it. when sleeper is about to do the critial 20k zone effect, clkick the idoi, would it sheild you off of harmful magic like it does attacks? the other idea is you could set it up in waves where say you send 50 people to take him and do as much damage before they die form the 20k zone effect. then send in a second wave right afer that of the same number to do as much damage as possible before be kills you off again. another question. can sleeper do the zone effect more than once in a zone? maybe 50 people back there is not the right number mayber more of the line of 20 people sense Foh has 75 total memembers that are still actice, there was about 30 inactives on there roaster or thered be 105 memembers. well that was my idea, please dont flame me. go ahead an post on the errors of my post. i also realized some one else might of post the same thing but theres just to many posts to make sure of that, so sorry if im repeating some else post.
RE: im just curious if this will work or not
# Jul 10 2002 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
ah. oh ok, i didnt know his deathtouch refreshed every 10 seconds. no wonder why hes undefeatable. i had my doubts that he couldnt be killed but 10 seconds inbetween deaththouch is insane. thanks for the post. keep the thread going if you want
RE: im just curious if this will work or not
# Jul 07 2002 at 11:01 PM Rating: Good
The sleeper regenerates a MASSIVE amount of damage every tick. And while divine aura would siphon the blows, the deathtouch recycles every 10 seconds, so you'd basically be doing the impossible.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 01 2002 at 10:49 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Even if a level 1 could solo this you would NOT get exp, it is way to high level. there is a limit on that!
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 01 2002 at 9:32 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Soloed this *** today it dropped this:
# Jul 01 2002 at 8:42 AM Rating: Default
Why can't people just enjoy the mystery of this thing? Kerafyrm obviously has a large role to play in the future, otherwise he/she, (since nobody is real sure as to the sex of this being,) would not exist. Is it supposed to be the final boss of a seemingly unending game, or simply a line to tie in a sequal? we don't know, and probably won't know until Verant wants us to. In the meantime why don't we just live with the mystery of it and get on with our lives. maybe, someday, an entire SERVER will get together and kill this thing, or maybe not... Untill that happens it will remain. for all intents and purposes, unkillable. I for one look forward to the day that Karafyrm is killed, if for no other reason than to clear up all the nonsense that is posted here.

... and to all those kind enough to take the time to post the entire backstory here, thank you, it has added to my enjoyment of the game at least.
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