sleeper 1.0 - Kerafyrm  

Raid Encounter

Uploaded September 7th, 2019 by Zaztik
Updated September 8th, 2019

After being awakened, Kerafyrm rampaged through much of Velious, slaughtering everything in its path from Sleeper's Tomb to Skyshrine.

Formerly of Sleeper's Tomb, Kerafrym the now awakened currently resides in Crystallos, Lair of the Awakened.

Part of text written by Portingya, 84 Druid of AB :)

Picture is courtesy Blood of the Spider

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2009-05-26 11:51:11.

Level: 75
Expansion: Scars of Velious
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2020-09-11 01:46:00

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takeing down the sleeper
# Aug 28 2002 at 5:53 PM Rating: Default
well so start, STOP BEING SO ******* NEGATIVE!!!!
now then, lets continue. The sleeper with one day be killed, maybe today, maybe tomorrow maybe in a year, the point is we dont yet know when he will go down. for the time being people in the game are just going to continue to improve and more and more people will continue to get lvl 60.

With mana burn, all of the new AA stuff, and Vex Thal armor out there that guilds are getting its only a matter of time. The only real task is getting enough people to help without crashing a zone or two. then u have the matter of loot rolls(dear god that will be a mess), and what will happen to ST now that the sleeper is gone, will he ever respawn? will anything in the zone ever respawn? so on and so forth.

I do think that it is possible, but its just not possible yet.

56 Rogue
Tarew Marr
RE: takeing down the sleeper
# Aug 28 2002 at 10:31 PM Rating: Default
Kerafyrm is 100 percent resistant to any spell you throw at him, Manaburn will be resisted. She also may only be dealt melee damage with BANE KERAFYRM (it isn't called that, but I don't know what else it would be called). So, no, it will not happen, unless they release something in the Planes of Power, which I highly doubt.

By the way, you spelled taking wrong in your title.
RE: takeing down the sleeper
# Sep 04 2002 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
<cough>Kerafyrm doesn't slaughter some guilds, some just give up trying, since no matter how much damage you do to it you don't even dent it's hp bar. It was never meant to be killed which is why it has max Velious health. It's quest event mob, it doesn't have any loot on it period, which is why it despawns after it's killed everything in ST and SS.
One legal way to kill
# Aug 26 2002 at 9:12 AM Rating: Default
Ok, for everyone who thinks Sleeper cannot be killed,your half right and half wrong.There is only 1 way to kill him and i know it.First you have to have 10+ guilds that could take down all four wardens, then you put the weakest in ST(to spawn sleeper) and other 9 in differant zones.When sleeper spawns 1st guild dies and sleeper roams Velious for four hours.Right when he comes out he meets guild 2...they all die...then he meets guild three in next zone ect ect ect...While sleeper is working on other guilds the dead guilds get all rezzed and crap and get ready for round two,by the time 4hours is up you will have 10+guilds with hear attacks because they killed the Sleeper the only legal way, If you dont belive me good, your server will never kill sleeper, but those who do belive...IT CAN BE DONE AND WILL(on legends server)

PS: The way your half right is, will be very hard to get 10+ guilds who can take all four wardens...and evan harder to get them to work together... and he CANNOT be killed in ST...not possible,but everyone thinks hes limited to ST.

Ok,bye now

Edited, Mon Aug 26 10:01:51 2002
RE: One legal way to kill
# Aug 27 2002 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
uhh........ yeah except no. sleeper doesnt kill everything in velious, he kills everything in Sleeper's Tomb and Skyshrine, then despawns forever.

Secondly, by the time you get an ENTIRE GUILD THAT WANTS TO ATTEMPT THE SLEEPER KILL (thats easily more than 50 ppl) rezzed, he will be gone. besides, to rezz everyone would require insane amounts of clerics that would HAVE TO SURVIVE.

Thirdly, 10+ guilds that have plans to try would mean there would have to be at LEAST 500 level 60's on at once, such a thing simply does not exist. there are about 3000 ppl on a highly populated server on at any given moment, and i can tell you 17% of those people on are not level 60.

for all you people thinking or dreaming of killing sleeper, FORGET IT!!!! when you kill the four warders to spawn kerafyrm, you shoot yourself in the foot. THE LOOT DROPPED BY THE WARDER'S MAY VERY WELL BE SOME OF THE BEST IN THE GAME. and once sleeper spawns they are gone forever, caput, see ya, no more! and since there is only one sleeper per server, why dont you ppl get real and stop trying to think of some weird and awkward way of killing him, cuz chances are that he's is already gone.

i can understand that you people want to stay positive about killing the sleeper, fine whatever. but its when you ppl start running from the fact that HE HAS YET TO BE KILLED, AND THE CHANCES OF KILLING HIM AT THE TIME ARE NONE is when you start to sound like real morons, not conquerors.

in fact, many people believe that his main purpose is to have some grand finale where he will disappear into the future or something, thus you'll hafta start all over from the beginning in EQ2 (where they ARE NOT, yep ARE NOT going to transfer chars)
# Aug 23 2002 at 12:30 AM Rating: Decent
What happens when the sleeper wakes up? I mean does he go on a server wide rampage? if so, for how long?
RE: Question
# Aug 25 2002 at 3:01 AM Rating: Decent
Sleeper kills everything in Velious ( i think ) wipes Skyshrine out clean and goes on a rampage for like 4 hours i think. then he despawns and never shows up again. hes really supposed to be the end of the world thing but bah
# Aug 20 2002 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Just so you guys know, no one has EVER killed the sleeper, not even conquest. Conquest used the "exploit" to try to kill the 4th warder. Which the GM's kindly DT'd and spawned the sleeper to kill them. Then they were all baned/suspended but they never did kill the sleeper.
About the last one.....
# Aug 19 2002 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
Oh, and if the sword of truth is real, which it might be, since I can't say that it isn't because I have never seen it. HOWEVER, and that is a bit however....if it is real, you don't have to become the "seeker" of crap, because THAT would really be a copyright infringement, ok I'm done....::sighs:: Like so many other's have stated, if you have a problem with this post, go put it somewhere where someone will care, cause I don't and neither does anyone else.
RE: About the last one.....
# Aug 25 2002 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
Sword of truth is quite real, just NONE/NONE...
What the $#@%~~!!!
# Aug 19 2002 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, I've seen several posts on here about becoming a "seeker" or whatever. Jeeze some people are gulible. There is a book called "Wizard's First Rule" By Terry Goodkind.
Look it up, if you don't believe. The main character named Richard become's the "seeker" of truth. And he wields the "Sword of Truth". If this is real then Verant and sony owe Terry Goodkind a lot of money for copyright infringements. Whatever, every argument on this page is useless. Yes, the sleeper is unbeatable, and no I don't think that anyone will ever beat him. So there..........::sighs::
how hard does he hit
# Aug 18 2002 at 1:24 AM Rating: Decent
just one question exacly how hard does he hit?
beat him PLZ
# Aug 18 2002 at 1:21 AM Rating: Default
i think that if a guild have 10 lvl 60 necros 8 60e enchanters 8 lvl 60 druids and 12 lvl 60 wizards they would take down the sleeper quie easily
frist the necros send the pets in as a distraction while the pet die in the 5 seconds they have to live the encanted dispell and strip him of his resistys after while this is happening the druids cast root at least one of the 8 roots should land mean while each necros is casing dots on him at least 1 should land then the necros make new pet after the druids land a dot i think the wizards should nuke all at once lets see lvl wizard nuke does i dont know but prolly 3k dmg but if u crit like 4 er 5k so at least 5 of these nukes should lands re send in the pets and by now the rot will have broken all druis cast root and while druis casting root have the enchanters use their mini nukes and i belive this tactic would work just a theor i have quest an imagination for thinking a guild could do this would take hours of planning and oginization i also recommend at leat 6 clerics there to heal or stay there for rezzes and the druids will evac if things get to bad one druid in each grp and if this method works then im a genious but most likly it wont but GL to any very high lvl guild that read this

lvl 43 sk of rodcet nife WEGGY
RE: beat him PLZ
# Aug 26 2002 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
Nevermind, scratch everything I said.. 2 billion HPs would take 250,000 wizards that mana burn at 8k each.
RE: beat him PLZ
# Aug 26 2002 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
Oops... scratch that... i mean MAYBE 400 wizards... I just found out it has 2 billion HPs

Thus.. i estimate that probably half the wizards will die of AoE and clawing and DTs.

and the rest will just mana burn and end up dying..
RE: beat him PLZ
# Aug 26 2002 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMETHING?? This thing has not been killed and never will be killed unless the most ooberest of guilds gets a strategy that they should all PL Mana burn wizards that can critical blast everytime they nuke (which allows them to do up to 18k or so DMG for it) and have like 100 wizards there... MAYBE... BUT IT IS VERY DOUBTFUL STILL.
Ok enough
# Aug 16 2002 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
Ok all you people guessing and some that think you know, should keep all your thoughts to yourself, this message board is for HELPFUL INFO. Not some un-bearable kid babble. You ARE drawing attention to yourself, albeit all bad. I have read just ONE page (the first) and have seen to much spam. The Sleeper has NEVER been killed except by Conquest, which exploited part of the zone to protect them. I'm not saying that he isn't killable. All of you that think the new Expansion Planes of Power is going to have some awesome weapons that will be able to kill the Sleeper you are wrong. It will have ONLY effects twords the PoP zones and maybe Kunark,Velious and the original zones. Also I have seen a lot of people brave enough to post that they could kill the Sleeper alone, or talk about the "Blade of Truth". This people are simply people with problems, trying to generate rumors/attention or are simply flat out IDIOTS. I cannot believe that the Admin. of this forum don't delete most of the seneless babble. Anyway most of you didn't know the actually name of Kerafyrm, let alone know any info on him. I salute those who have attempted to stop the spam.

Kluluwen Spiritwulf:Ranger of 40th season,Server:Bristlebane
RE: Ok enough
# Sep 14 2002 at 9:59 AM Rating: Default
Amen to ya, bro!

However, Conquest didnt kill the sleeper using Exploits, trhey killed the 4th warder with exploits. How?

All the clerics got together right near a wall. They'd heal anything that got hit. Eventually, the warder got pissed so it charged for the clerics. The clerics went behind this wall, preventing the warder from touching them, even though they were #1 on it's Hate list. The warder was running into a wall while the clerics just sat there amd let everyone take freebie hits. The GM on atm noticed this and got to ST b4 he died. By the time he stopped the guild, the warder died, the sleeper spawned, and the GM de-spawned him.

The 'Sword of Truth' is real, but it's None/none and drops off Lord Inquistidor Seru. If you look at him during the fight, his sword looks bad *** (All spiked with combine lettering, blackened to a crisp).

Edit: This is a test, needed to correct sig :)

Edited, Sat Sep 14 10:49:16 2002
# Aug 15 2002 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
WOW he is big!!!

"im scared"
Quest for Sword of Truth
# Aug 15 2002 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
1. Max out ALL your abbilities

2. Hail, guild class guild master

3. Kill EVERY dragon in game except Kerafyrm ALONE

4. Kill EVERY giant in game ALONE

5. Kill a LARGE RAT after killing every dragon & giant in game

6. Loot Sword of Truth

I know im a noob but it could happen b/c no body ever got the SoT

Jeeses of xagony
Barbarian shaman of his 19th season
A proud member of the Fury fighters

" I wish i could slay Kerafyrm with guild and win the roll for loot "

Hey, it could happen
RE: Quest for Sword of Truth
# Aug 20 2002 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
first of all there is a real sword of truth in the game, it drops of lord inquisitor seru ( ). And only if you get to him the wrong way, otherwise he drops his regular loot (i say wrong because the sword is none/none)

P.S. Btw in any guild that can kill any of this stuff, they dont roll... they use raid points/dkp
The Sleeper
# Aug 14 2002 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
The Sleeper can be beaten but, we must band together in a worldwide assault to ravage this beast. I think everyone should be together on this because even if we all die, so what, there will be everyone just the same. SO WE NEED TO TEAM UP. Well need the best of all. We will kill it. I think we should all band together, what do you have to lose, a character. If this thing can be beaten than I think a character is worth it. Think of the experience, brotherhood, and loot. Its all well worth one character. WE WILL RULE THIS FALSIFIED CREATURE.

lvl. 60
# Aug 13 2002 at 3:26 PM Rating: Default
Here is one question for you. What does this guy drop? ;)
# Aug 12 2002 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
as an added bonus to help wih my defense, people who say "why would they put in an unkillable mob?", ever tried to kill a soulbinder? hehe
# Aug 12 2002 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
ok, i really just want to hit some of you people. but i dont want any arguments so ill just voice what i know. the sleeper has not been killed, i asked a gm back when they didnt care wether or not you sent them tells. its just there to make the story true, basically, its there to give the gm's a good laugh while people try to kill it. you cant beat out the regen, you cant even stay alive for 5 mins around kerafyrm. and the story about the hacker guild that used an exploit to kill it, is half true, i also asked about that, they where caught halfway and banned from eq, well, dont givew me some lame newb shi** from you heard from a rumor, and if you do, oh well, i only came to voice what i know
# Aug 12 2002 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
One dead bizatch
# Aug 11 2002 at 5:04 PM Rating: Default
Blades of Wrath killed him on torvo, no loot on corpse though
RE: One dead bizatch
# Dec 15 2003 at 12:43 AM Rating: Default
BoW couldn't kill Kerafyrm if even remotely wanted to.

much love,
# Aug 10 2002 at 1:12 PM Rating: Default
He has been killed on Tholuxe Paells by the guild Intrepid (now Kupo Flux) but nothing happened he just depopped forever! THEY DID CHEAT! Somehow, i don't know how but they cheated! other than cheating he cannot be killed! So if you have said you've killed him we all know your lieing
RE: ....
# Sep 05 2002 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I play on Tholluxe, and this is the story I heard.

Intrepid banded together, and attacked the sleeper. They ran from him, and hid under a bridge in the zone. There was a graphical error, that caused the sleeper to be unable to attack people there, while at the same time, still allowed Intrepid to attack the sleeper. The sleeper was slain, and within minutes, a GM appeared, and informed them that it was a undeserved victory. The GM stated that one cannot win a battle due to graphical errors being exploited, such as the method used by Intrepid, and quickly found out that they knew what they were doing in dragging it there.
The GM, furious, /guilddeleted Intrepid, and reset the sleeper on Tholluxe Paelles.
Not too long afterwords, the members of the original Intrepid, along with a few new faces, formed together, to create Kupo Flux, a very high level guild.
As far as I know, the sleeper is still there, awaiting another awakening, and the GMs cannot disband Kupo Flux, as it would be unfair to those who are now in the guild, who had no part in the slaying of the sleeper.

But then again, this is just what I have heard...

My very own 2cp
# Aug 07 2002 at 11:19 PM Rating: Default
Dont try to kill me if you dont like my opinion, but I believe that this guy IS killable. Verant obviously wants a massive guild alliance to kill this guy. Maybe even an almost server wide assault (it would seem it would take this much!).

Anyway, I think it would be cool if they made a multi server raid (starting to seem possible with all the new intra server stuff being talked about)
# Aug 07 2002 at 12:46 AM Rating: Default
that may be true with some people, but to us well informed people, we know the sleeper regens about a million hp a tick, and his ae dt is a real killer, you prob do already know he has like 2 billion hp and quads for 2k with insane speed tho, so take my points into your conclusion, and reconsider, i find it hard to believe that any guild in the future could outdamage that regen, or beat that ae deathtouch
grandmaster glox
# Aug 06 2002 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
ok well i too have an idea..for one monk quest you have to say "what trial of agility" to grandmaster glox, then you will be ported to a locked room and go 1 on 1 with an EASAIER version of him. Just a thought that you have to do something like that with the sleeper...

Sword of Truth
# Aug 05 2002 at 1:37 AM Rating: Default
I read somewhere that if i become some sort of a "seeker" u can wield the sword of truth. then i asked someoen what it meant and tehy said u have to have all ur abilites maxed. I can't sya much abot htis subject cause i only have a lvl 30 paladin, but maybe this can help u guys out, I dunno, maybe someday the GM's will stop haveing funand let us kill it.
Dont assume
# Aug 03 2002 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
Don't say he will "never" be killed, you don't know that at all. Most of you on this board who post "he will never be killed hes to powerful" havnt even seen Kerafyrm and what he is capable of. You just read other posts by people just like you and assume hes "unstopable." Cause well emm when he is killed... Wont you feel stupid...
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