a crystal webmaster  


Uploaded July 24th, 2007

  • Mob sees through invisibility: Yes
  • Rootable/snareable: Yes
  • Sees through Invisibility Versus Undead: No
  • Flees at low health: Yes

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2019-11-02 05:06:59.

Minimum Level: 33
Maximum Level: 34
Expansion: Scars of Velious
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New drop
# Jun 01 2003 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
I had one of these drop Crystalized Web Silk. No drop, magic, lore, no idea what its for, gonna send in a correction with a pic of it though. If you have any idea what its for, do tell!
how in the hell do u get to q
# Jul 21 2002 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
can someone tell me how to get to this place i wanna fight here pleaseeeee thanks to whoever responds
RE: how in the hell do u get to q
# Aug 05 2002 at 1:10 PM Rating: Excellent
179 posts
Best way to reach the Queen is using invis and lev, cast it up top before you wander thru the orc area. Follow the orc caves until you come to the chamber with the bridges, jump off the bridge you're on and float down to the bottom of the orc caves.

Once at the bottom, take the right fork of the passage out of the bottom and you'll eventually end up in Froststone the old Coldain village. It has merchants and a banker. Pass thru the village and exit out the back. Don't take any of the side exits they lead to more orcs. If you see a chamber with some Terrors and a broken stone & wood bridge after following an empty tunnel for a while then you've gone the correct way. Cross the bridge and continue straight, you'll pass thru a wide tunnel resembling a ribcage then enter a large finished cavern with 3 exits at the end. Note: try not to fall in the water, it's annoying.

The cave on the right leads to the geonids and an exit that ports you to the area, outside the Ry'Gorr fort, where the orc emissary spawns. The finished area on the left leads to more Terrors. The ice caves to the front of you lead to the Queen, follow them eventually you'll come to a second bridge (made of ice) the queens court area is the large chamber past the bridge.

However keep in mind that while it's fairly safe to pull to the corridor just past this bridge there are 2 or 3 patrollers that path thru that area that can add to your pulls. Also sometime in 2001 they gave the spiders a nasty poison, the named spiders have stronger poison than the regular spiders. With the exception of the queen all of the spiders conned green to my 57 Mage.
Artulyn Starsummoner 120 Grand Summoner of Omani Winter on Bertoxxulous

For the Light of a Candle to be Seen, It must be taken to a Dark Place -- UKLG
# May 28 2002 at 10:30 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Large, fat, and sit in the one spot all the time. Just like any real-life Webmaster :)
RE: Webmaster
# Jul 26 2002 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
Lol.. You're So correct on this one hehehe..
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 30 2001 at 5:13 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) kiero una crystal grindeer
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 30 2001 at 5:12 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
# Mar 07 2001 at 5:01 PM Rating: Default
All the Webmasters that spawn near the Queen's room are PH's for something. I have seen something spawn after them later. And the Queen is a 20 minute spawn hope this hepls.
crystalline net
# Dec 29 2000 at 8:12 AM Rating: Default
the other day i got a net off one of these spiders it gave 2 charges of ensnaring roots but im not sure what kind of spider dropped it.
RE: Casting Warriors :p
# Feb 02 2001 at 3:10 PM Rating: Default
hehe The joy I have when I use my hotkey saying Im parking %T DON'T LAUGH....they laugh but in the end I still park that sentry add....I believe I did 60 dmg with the root....one time it stuck till the mob was dead, the second it broke loose in about 45 seconds. Quite a fun toy for us non casting lugs :p
RE: Casting Warriors :p
# Feb 13 2001 at 3:32 PM Rating: Default
Ya I just looted one of these. These will sell great on the market to non-casting races. And to use myself as well. Pretty valuable tool to have.
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