Yimmrek the Herald  

Quest NPC

Uploaded July 19th, 2017 by Drewinette

In Kael Drakkel:

  • This mob spawns at -45, +1563, -194.

You say, 'Hail, Yimmrek the Herald'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'Hello, hello! I am Yimmrek the small, herald of Kael Drakkel. Do you wish to hear the (news)?'

You say, 'Tell me the news.'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'King Tormax has been enlisting the aid of outlanders such as yourself. Rumor has it that he will not speak to you unless you can prove that you are loyal and powerful. Many of our kind resent the recruitment of your kind to fight the dragons and the Coldain. I, however, see it differently. Better on our side than against us, eh? So what is your profession, Bonzz, or are you just a simple mercenary?'

You say, 'Mercenary.'

You say, 'Paladin'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'A holy warrior, eh? It would be wise to hide your holy symbols in this city, my little friend. The worshippers of the Zek family may take offense. For your own safety, I suggest you act as though you are a simple warrior.'

You say, 'Warrior'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'Ah, of course! There are many jobs in this city that could use the hand of a mighty warrior. You might seek out the trainer, Slaggak, in the frost giant quarter. Or perhaps you's like to watch the fights in the arena. If so, speak with Vkjor.'

NOTE: This leads to Vkjor, whose 3 tasks, to include the arena battle event, are all ready listed. Ditto for Slaggak.

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2019-11-18 09:54:12.

Level: 35
Expansion: Scars of Velious
NPC Added: 2017-07-19 15:37:12
NPC Last Updated: 2021-01-24 18:08:47
Known Loot:
icon Dragon-Bone Horn

Known Habitats:
  Kael Drakkel

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Responses for all classes.
# Mar 10 2020 at 11:50 PM Rating: Excellent
190 posts
Responses for all classes:

You say, 'Hail, Yimmrek the Herald'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'Hello, hello! I am Yimmrek the small, herald of Kael Drakkel. Do you wish to hear the [news]?'

You say, 'Tell me the news.'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'King Tormax has been enlisting the aid of outlanders such as yourself. However, rumor has it that he will not speak to you unless you proven yourself loyal and capable. Many of our kind resent the recruitment of your kind to fight the dragons and the Coldain. I, however, see things differently. Better on our side than against us, eh? So what is your profession, Valbrand, or are you just a simple mercenary?'

You say, 'Beastlord'

(no response)

You say, 'Berserker'

(no response)

You say, 'Bard'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'Wonderful, a fellow musician to speak with! Most of my kin do not appreciate fine music. I am the rare exception. Yimmrek glances at your wrist for a moment. 'My, those are ugly bracelets. This [bracelet] I wear is much more stylish.'

You say, 'Druid'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'There are a few of your kind among my race. However, they do not seek to preserve the balance. They abuse nature and bend it to their own will to help wage war. A few of them have tried to buy my [bracelet] recently, but they seemed far too eager to have it.'

You say, 'Shaman'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'Are the rumors true? Do you commune with the spirits? I've heard that there are shamans who worship Rallos Zek in the far away lands of Antonica. If only I could see that land for myself!' Yimmrek absentmindedly twists the [bracelet] on his wrist.'

You say, 'Let me see your bracelet.'

Yimmrek the Herald leans in closer to show you the bracelet. A bluish tendril of smoke swirls around his muscular arm. You feel as though you could stare at it for hours. 'Not only is this bracelet stylish but every time I put it on, I feel a tiny bit better about the world. I can watch the smoke swirl for hours on end and never get bored. Speaking of bored, I know all the legends of Velious giants and have heard the stories a thousand times. I'd like to learn more about the outside world. If you could find books about Antonica, Faydwer and Odus, I would be willing to exchange that knowledge for this bracelet.'

You say, 'Cleric'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'As you know, we worship the Zeks: Rallos Zek and his sons, Tallon and Vallon. It is wise to wear the symbols of Zek while in Kael Drakkel, or at least hide your holy symbol. If you're interested in speaking with a priest of Zek, visit our temples of Tallon and Vallon near the arena. Be warned, though, the Temple of Rallos Zek himself is considered far too holy to allow a Barbarian to set foot in.'

You say, 'Enchanter'
(same response below for Magician, Necromancer, and Wizard)

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'A weaver of the mystical arts! If you gain renown within the city you might be able to gain an audience with the great Keldor. He is a powerful sorcerer, once the apprentice to Velketor. Now he is King Tormax's primary advisor. Some say that Keldor had a hand in Velketor's banishment from Kael. Don't say that too loudly, though. Keldor has ears and eyes everywhere.'

You say, 'Monk'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'A warrior, not of steel, but of body and mind. Your kind is very rare in these parts. It seems odd, but I believe one of the nobles who visits King Tormax has studied the arts of war in your fashion. Years ago, I remember him raging, quite angrily, but now he is as peaceful as a snow bunny. Do not let that fool you. He is still as deadly as any dragon.'

You say, 'Paladin'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'A holy warrior, eh? It would be wise to hide your holy symbols in this city, my little friend. The worshipers of the Zek family may take offense. For your own safety, I suggest you act as though you are a simple warrior.'

You say, 'Ranger'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'Ah, I see. So there are Barbarian rangers? Hah! I find you outsiders to be quite fascinating! As a ranger, you may wish to speak with Gleed Dragonhunter. He tends to the hounds of King Tormax just outside the castle.'

You say, 'Rogue'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'Your kind is especially needed, I have heard. Spies and assassins for the king are always in short supply. Fjokar Frozenshard is the man to see if you wish to serve the king in this way. There is also the noble Wenglawks - he always seems to be involved in multiple shadowy dealings.'

You say, 'Warrior'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'Ah, of course! There are many jobs in this city that could use the hand of a mighty warrior. You might seek out the trainer, Slaggak, in the frost giant quarter. Or perhaps you'd like to watch the fights in the arena. If so, speak with Vkjor.'

You say, 'Shadowknight'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'So you are a shadow-walker. Quite impressive. There's a Kromrif noble named Clrakk Blackfist who visits Kael every so often. He's a rather odd sort, for a Kromrif... dabbles with corpses and carries a sword. However, he does not have any [skill with the stones]!'

You say, 'Is 'the stones' some sort of game?'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'Yes, it's a game we giants play. We roll these multifaceted stones and the goal is to beat each other's rolls. Winning is equal parts skill and chance, but I won't bore you with the complicated details. Last time he was in town, Clrakk lost his [boots] to me in a heated game. Unfortunately, they are of no use to me.'

You say, 'Tell me more of the boots.'

Yimmrek the Herald pulls out a pair of pitch black boots. 'These are the boots. They look nice but something about them bothers me. Maybe a shadow walker like you wouldn't feel so bad about wearing them. I could trade them to you for something. It would have to be worthwhile, though. I have heard rumors of [great musicians] from Antonica...'

You say, 'Who are these great musicians you've heard of?'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'I've heard of a bard named McVaxius who wrote many a war song in ages past. There was also that Selo fellow who had a set of drums. Bring me one of the horns McVaxius played as well as the drums of Selo, and I'll give you these boots in exchange. With the boots, you not only be a powerful shadow walker, but one worthy of having their praises sung!'
Warrior response
# Jul 20 2017 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
2,603 posts
You say, 'Hail, Yimmrek the Herald'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'Hello, hello! I am Yimmrek the small, herald of Kael Drakkel. Do you wish to hear the [news]?'

You say, 'Tell me the news.'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'King Tormax has been enlisting the aid of outlanders such as yourself. Rumor has it that he will not speak to you unless you can prove that you are loyal and powerful. Many of our kind resent the recruitment of your kind to fight the dragons and the Coldain. I, however, see it differently. Better on our side than against us, eh? So what is your profession, Bonzz, or are you just a simple mercenary?'

You say, 'Mercenary.'

<No response>

You say, 'Paladin'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'A holy warrior, eh? It would be wise to hide your holy symbols in this city, my little friend. The worshippers of the Zek family may take offense. For your own safety, I suggest you act as though you are a simple warrior.'

You say, 'Warrior'

Yimmrek the Herald says, 'Ah, of course! There are many jobs in this city that could use the hand of a mighty warrior. You might seek out the trainer, Slaggak, in the frost giant quarter. Or perhaps you's like to watch the fights in the arena. If so, speak with Vkjor.'

NOTE: This leads to Vkjor, whose 3 tasks, to include the arena battle event, are all ready listed. Ditto for Slaggak.

Edited, Jul 20th 2017 12:57pm by GOMN

Edited, Jul 20th 2017 1:00pm by GOMN

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