Brent Harnak [ Guildhall Accessories ]  


Uploaded November 19th, 2011 by __DEL__1609719399664
Updated November 20th, 2011

Spawns at -2700, 2050, 2 (behind the vendor house).


Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2012-12-20 06:35:36.

Level: 60
Expansion: House of Thule
NPC Added: 2011-11-19 04:31:58
NPC Last Updated: 2019-08-03 20:49:59

Goods sold (24):
icon Decorative Dummy: Azia 104pp 9gp 9sp 9cp
icon Decorative Dummy: Beza 106pp 4sp 9cp
icon Decorative Dummy: Caza 107pp 9sp 9cp
icon Decorative Dummy: Dena 108pp 1gp 4sp 9cp
icon Decorative Dummy: Ena 109pp 1gp 9sp 9cp
icon Decorative Dummy: Fana 110pp 2gp 4sp 9cp
icon Decorative Dummy: Geza 111pp 2gp 9sp 9cp
icon Decorative Dummy: Heda 112pp 3gp 4sp 9cp
icon Decorative Dummy: Izah 113pp 3gp 9sp 9cp
icon Decorative Dummy: Jaka 114pp 4gp 4sp 9cp
icon Decorative Dummy: Kala 115pp 4gp 9sp 9cp
icon Decorative Dummy: Lena 116pp 5gp 4sp 9cp
icon Decorative Dummy: Meda 117pp 5gp 9sp 9cp
icon Decorative Dummy: Neza 118pp 6gp 4sp 9cp
icon Decorative Dummy: Ozah 119pp 6gp 9sp 9cp
icon Decorative Dummy: Paza 120pp 7gp 4sp 9cp
icon Decorative Dummy: Qela 121pp 7gp 9sp 9cp
icon Friendly Guild General Supply Merchant 1pp 4sp 9cp
icon Friendly Guild Guild-Banker 1pp 4sp 9cp
icon Friendly Guild Guild-Tribute Master 1pp 4sp 9cp
icon Friendly Guild Parcel Delivery Liaison 1pp 4sp 9cp
icon Friendly Guild Personal-Banker 1pp 4sp 9cp
icon Friendly Guild Personal-Tribute Master 1pp 4sp 9cp
icon Friendly Guild Teleportation Assistant 1pp 4sp 9cp

Known Habitats:
  Sunrise Hills

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descriptions incorrect
# Jun 22 2022 at 6:57 AM Rating: Excellent
384 posts
The following can only be placed in a guild hall. Description is incorrect

Friendly Guild General Supply Merchant
Friendly Guild Guild-Banker
Friendly Guild Guild-Tribute Master
Friendly Guild Parcel Delivery Liaison
Friendly Guild Personal-Banker
Friendly Guild Personal-Tribute Master
Friendly Guild Teleportation Assistant

The Dummys can be placed in houses.
descriptions incorrect
# Aug 14 2023 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
41 posts
To expand, the dummies are not placeable in yards either. Only inside the house.
descriptions incorrect
# Jun 22 2022 at 7:12 AM Rating: Good
459 posts
In my guild hall, many years ago, I attacked one of the dummys we had installed. It killed me. I guess it was the ripost. The dummys are not for skill practice but for measuring your damage output, if you have a parsing program.
Dummies for Dummies??
# Dec 04 2011 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
Are these supposed to be some kind of practice dummies to skill up on?? Would make more sense than having a bunch of mudlings running around doing nothing (Do they even run around?) And why the difference in price? What exactly do they DO?? your description and Lore is extremely non-helpful...

Zanzibaar Darkwater
Dummies for Dummies??
# Jun 14 2013 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
514 posts
They are as the item name indicates: Decorative Dummies.
They are for placement on a property, and I have not received any handed weapon skill-ups, but you can skill up archery?

Lore says "Won't fight back" which is true, technically, but they will riposte -- depending on the model, your death can be quick. The models (Azia, Beza ... Qela) are different levels, I'm still working on figuring the exact numbers, but they scale from A to Q, with P&Q being level 95.

Rumor has it if you raid against a dummy to kill it (they have insane regen), it splits in half and a modest li'l dragon pops out to gobble you up to teach you the finer points against interfering in their affairs.Smiley: rolleyes
~ Muse Temperance the Elf
~ Lyricist of <Mystic Coercion> on Erollisi Marr
~ with a <Variety> of alts to keep me busy
Hail Text
# Nov 19 2011 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
75 posts
If you hail him while he's performing on stage you get the following
You say, 'Hail, Brent Harnak'
Brent Harnak remains focused on their performance. Perhaps you should wait until they are off stage to talk to them.

While he's performing you'll see the following messages randomly
Brent Harnak transitions his tune to something akin to a march, thoughts of a militia force come to mind.
Brent Harnak beings a quiet melody reminiscent of the sounds of Freeport.
Brent Harnak lowers the volume of his melody to a whisper.
Brent Harnak plays with remarkable precision as he performs the 'Songweaver's Anthem'.
Brent Harnak strikes a fiercely dissonant note in the middle of his performance.

While he's performing a duet with Tanya Bekines you'll see the following messages randomly
Tanya Bekines strikes each string of her lute with a look of vicious contempt as the performers play a song reminiscent of the chaotic din of Deathknell.
Brent Harnak echoes Tanya's voice as she sings over the somewhat chaotic beauty of their instruments.
Brent Harnak plays a piercing note overtop Tanya's playing. She laughs and looks back to him before continuing the song.
Brent Harnak strikes a particularly peaceful harmony with Tanya's voice as she sings a song detailing the tranquility of the Qeynos docks.
Tanya Bekines sings a soulful ballad about the life and adventures of Cros Treewind.
Tanya Bekines nods to Brent as she ups the tempo of their song, an instrumental highlight to the epic tale of the Queen of Thorns' journey to Taelosia.

If you hail him when he isn't performing you'll see the following message
You say, 'Hail, Brent Harnak'
Brent Harnak says 'Good day to you. I am Brent Harnak, formerly of Freeport. I have been tasked with offering the services of a number of guild hall assistants to any seeking such aid. Additionally I have a variety of decorative dummies that you may find a useful or at least novel addition to your guildhall. If you are an adventurer who has yet to seek the aid of a guild, then I simply wish you a good day and hope that you enjoy our performances.'
Merchant Info
# Nov 19 2011 at 2:57 PM Rating: Excellent
75 posts
Your Location is -2707.75, 2049.31, 2.41

Merchant Type
Guildhall Accessories

Merchant Listing
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 104 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Decorative Dummy: Azia.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 106 platinum 4 silver 9 copper for the Decorative Dummy: Beza.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 107 platinum 9 silver 9 copper for the Decorative Dummy: Caza.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 108 platinum 1 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Decorative Dummy: Dena.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 109 platinum 1 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Decorative Dummy: Ena.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 110 platinum 2 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Decorative Dummy: Fana.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 111 platinum 2 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Decorative Dummy: Geza.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 112 platinum 3 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Decorative Dummy: Heda.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 113 platinum 3 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Decorative Dummy: Izah.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 114 platinum 4 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Decorative Dummy: Jaka.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 115 platinum 4 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Decorative Dummy: Kala.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 116 platinum 5 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Decorative Dummy: Lena.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 117 platinum 5 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Decorative Dummy: Meda.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 118 platinum 6 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Decorative Dummy: Neza.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 119 platinum 6 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Decorative Dummy: Ozah.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 120 platinum 7 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Decorative Dummy: Paza.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 121 platinum 7 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Decorative Dummy: Qela.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 4 silver 9 copper for the Friendly Guild General Supply Merchant.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 4 silver 9 copper for the Friendly Guild Guild-Banker.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 4 silver 9 copper for the Friendly Guild Guild-Tribute Master.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 4 silver 9 copper for the Friendly Guild Parcel Delivery Liaison.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 4 silver 9 copper for the Friendly Guild Personal-Banker.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 4 silver 9 copper for the Friendly Guild Personal-Tribute Master.'
Brent Harnak tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 4 silver 9 copper for the Friendly Guild Teleportation Assistant.'

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