Kroldir Thunderhoof  

a rare creature

Uploaded August 21st, 2007 by __DEL__1641773856190

His PH are all centaur on the 64 second spawn timer. Mostly spawn north and west, but wander all over zone.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2018-05-15 12:22:13.

Level: 18
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-11-21 12:08:03

Known Habitats:
  South Karana

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Not consistent
# Oct 19 2000 at 4:15 PM Rating: Default
This site is wrong. This says the ROB is dropped by Kroldir Thunderhoof, when in the equiptment list (Special Bows and Arrows) by ROB it says that it is found on Coloth Meadowgreen... Whatever

20th Season Warrior
Needs ROB in SK by whoever drops it

P.S. If any knows for sure tell me plz
RE: Not consistent
# Jan 28 2001 at 11:45 AM Rating: Default
It drops off both Coloth and Kroldir. Got mine from Kroldir, have got them for group members off Coloth.
# Aug 02 2000 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
I was tracking for my group last night as they readilly handeled all the spawns at tooth 2 of Split Paw. After about an 3 hours in wolf form (Druid level 30) I was making the "Milk Run" from tooth 2 to the Aviak city and out struts ThunderHoof walking quietly and serenely. I was on my way past tooth 1 OMW to the Aviak city when I spotted him. To make a long story short, I pulled him to my group of 25-30's and we mand mince meat of him. I looted him but left the Runed Oak Bow on him. The grouped Lottoed the bow and I came in about second.... Morale of the story..Pulled for the group for 8 hours came upon a rare spawn and lost the lotto and about 1k-2k in platinum. That's what I'm told it's worth. It was hard to take but it was fair so I'm not too upset. It was great just to see him, pull him and finish him off, the group was extatic! Good Luck
Runed Bow
# Jul 09 2000 at 3:12 PM Rating: Default
He came strolling right in to the aviak village and was ignored by all!!! I killed him and he dropped the runed bow.
was gonna leave it didnt know what it was thought it was another hunting bow but my friend said to check it and was I ever glad I did. Sold it for 10k.
RE: Runed Bow
# Aug 07 2001 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
Actually I would have to say anyone who can sell a 1k bow for 10kpp isn't a moron, they're a fuc*in intelligent person. I applaud you sir!
RE: Runed Bow
# Mar 08 2001 at 8:40 AM Rating: Default
Well 10k is a lil much but i would like to Confirm that the Runed bow does drop off of him and Coloth Meadowgreen you know you have it cuz he drops 2 bows the ROB and a hunting bow)

35 Paladin
Legion of Truth
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 10 2000 at 6:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) 10K?????? do us all a favor kid and stay off the forums. geesh moron
# Jun 08 2000 at 4:43 PM Rating: Default
I killed him once and he was level 18.
Thunderhoof's Quiver
# Mar 30 2000 at 8:14 PM Rating: Default
What dose his quiver do i asked many people and no one knows. To me it just looks like a regular quiver is it for a quest or something?
RE: Thunderhoof's Quiver
# Nov 28 2000 at 6:27 AM Rating: Default
it's a weight reducing quiver, that's it.
RE: Thunderhoof's Quiver
# May 21 2001 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
This is to anyone new to the game who is checking out bows anyway...the Thunderhoof's Quiver..has what appears to be a weight reduction for the arrows it holds but thats not true actually think of it as a haste percentage for your bow...I notice a difference with just my store bought that has 20% I hit much faster (not lightning speed but I notice it) than if I wasn't using it...although I still haven't figured out how it works cause usually I have a backpack full of arrows and the store bought quiver full...I dont know if it decreases the delay for just being in your inventory or if you have to be using arrows out of it..oh well good luck everyone..
RE: Thunderhoof's Quiver
# Sep 21 2001 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
126 posts
Quivers with weight reduction make the delay on the bow smaller.
As for in your inventory, I believe the thing is that any packs of arrows below the quiver in your inventory, the quiver will affect. But I have not first hand knowledge of this.

store bought quiver is 20%
Handmade quiver is 22%
Soop 53ish War
Brell (CT)

Pugette Tripsalott
67 Monk - Brell (CT)

Mangie Scumsuccer
65 Shaman - Brell (CT)

71 Mage - Brell (CT)

58 Necro - CT
RE: Thunderhoof's Quiver
# Oct 28 2001 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
Having a weight reducing quiver in your inventory will reduce the delay for ALL arrows irrespective of whether they are in the quiver or any other pack in any slot. The common perception is that the delay on your bow is reduced by 1 per 10% weight reduction on the quiver. Therefore, the Thunderhoof Quiver should reduce your delay by 3. Personally, I use a Fleeting Quiver which has 6 slots and a weight reduction of 60%.
Level is incorrect
# Mar 24 2000 at 11:19 AM Rating: Default
He conned green to me at 26.
RE: Level is incorrect
# Mar 11 2002 at 12:21 PM Rating: Default
Level is not incorrect, slackjaw. Incase you haven't noticed, monsters the same level as you con black (white on tracking), monsters 1 or 2 levels lower con dark blue, 3 or 4 levels lower con light blue, and 5 or more levels lower con green. This range does not seem to increase with level, making xp very unfair at higher levels when that surprisingly tough level 35 green con'd monster whups your level 39 or 40 character down to half life, leaving you vulnerable to other monsters, and LO! no xp, and on some servers/areas, no really decent loot, either!
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