i can't say for sure what he does and does not drop, he may have had the onyx when i killed him i can't recall. but he did drop a wand with 5 charges of illusion tree
aggros when green... way green. imagine my surprise when i was passing through the lesser faydark, and i saw "Old Dimshimmer beings to cast a spell" "You resist the Charm spell!" "You being casting Blaze." "Old Dimshimmer tries to hit YOU, but misses!" "Old Dimshimmer was hit by non-melee for 283 points of damage!" "You begin casting Shock of Spikes." "Old Dimshimmer tries to hit YOU, but misses!" "Old Dimshimmer was hit by non-melee for 176 points of damage." "You have slain Old Dimshimmer!"
I'm a level 37 magician, so I don't know if Old Dimshimmer likes to aggro when green or what, but I definitely didn't do anything to make him angry. To sum it up, Old Dimshimmer is one stupid pixie. I got his stone, too.
My BF is a lvl 40 ranger, he was at the darkelf camp when suddenly a guy that conned green (a PC) to him started attacking him along with an enchanter fae drake (Old Dimshimer). He killed the guy and went after Old Dimshimer (wasted him). It turns out Old Dimshimer charmed the PC (who was lvl 10) and made him attack my BF, which is also wierd because for one, my bf didn't initiate attack on Old Dimshimer in the first place and secondly, my bf has good faction with fae drakes. My guess is Old Dimshimer spawns around the other Fae Drakes, and he didnt drop anything when my BF killed him either. Oh, and the PC was lootable because he claimed someone had stolen his tunic when he came back to loot his corpse.
he gives SkyTalons faction but does not run on SkyTalons faction -- ran into him at the bandit sisters in LFay, he charmed me (waay waay long ago) and sent me out on an SK I was grouped with
He is an enchanter for those that dont know these spells, and he can cast the full line. So if you are fighting him read up on the spells, because enchanters are tuff :o
That is called Charm. Mayong mistmoore has it too. you cant do nothin about it, unless you have like a +50 SV magic. then you might resist it :) nothin you can really do abou it.
This just happened to me yesterday, so listen up. I was trotting along in lf when using my tracking seen this guy's name come up. I figured i would see what he is about. When i came upon him he conned blue to my 13 ranger, so i said what the hell. I proceeded to bash him and he was not impressed, he cast a spell on me and made me his pet. No kidding! I was running around killing elves and the like, anything he didnt like he would sick me on. I couldnt do anything, helpless. The spell wore off after like 5 min's.
Wow,wouldnt that be so much fun to be charmed by a NPC? lol that seems fun but im just wondering if u kill anything while charmed do u get a faction hit?