Tani The Fire Alchemist  

a rare creature

Uploaded May 2nd, 2010 by __DEL__1591911721457

  • Confirmed spawn locations: 1050, 525, 332 and 1050, 525, 230 roaming, on either of the two separated floors of the building north of the central circle
  • Respawn timer 13 min 40 sec.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2022-01-02 13:42:19.

Level: 88
Expansion: Underfoot
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# Dec 25 2011 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Set up at pos 1114, 1725

It’s a bridge between two buildings.

I sat on this bridge and killed the two disgruntled, surely, angry gnomes that path over the bridge. Three path over the bridge, one isn’t angry and I don’t bother killing that one. This will spawn Tani eventually but it takes a while. I killed her four times over a week period of camping this off and on and didn’t drop the aug. Killed her three times on a “bonus rare” weekend over xmas and finally got it. By this time it isnt the greatest anymore but I can molo her easy and it was an upgrade.

If you are not a tracker before you start killing do a run-through on both buildings connected to the bridge to make sure she isnt up somewhere static.
New Location
# Oct 28 2011 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
Turns out the 2 wanderers on the bridge aren't the only PHs, there is a room in the east building up top with mobs in and the wanderer in the room is a PH too. I camped the bridge for 12 hours total over 2 days and no pops so i thought, hmmm i should log in a tracker to check and i did and she was up in a room to the east. Felt really stupid lol.
nasty ae
# Jun 27 2010 at 1:56 AM Rating: Good
102 posts

she cast a nasty ae on my group, Alchemical Fireball, and alchemical immolant. wiped out my mercs in seconds. spent all day trying to spawn her too.

alchemical fireball is a pbae, range 150, its on lucy, 26k damage.
and alchemical immolant is a fire based dot, single target, 8k per tick.

good luck with her!
Tani PH and loot update
# Apr 27 2010 at 10:04 AM Rating: Excellent
271 posts
Camped at the bridge all weekend. Got Tani to spawn about 8 times. Only dropped the aug once. Dropped several clays and you can add the Captured Clicknar to her loot table also.

It would appear that there are 4 pathers that come across the bridge. Two appear to not assist. The other two appear to be her only real PHs-- the arrogant, discontent, disdainful, etc. gnomes.

So to repeat, she has two known PHs that path on the bridge--both "unhappy" gnomes.

Good luck.
kill them all
# Feb 10 2010 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
1,078 posts
4 kills, 1 aug and 3 rings - no clays yet. ph is a pather on the bridge right near wimzig. There are 3 mobs that path there, I just kill them all. Oversized Burynai popped for us just down 1 level from this bridge in the west building. only burynai model there. there is a burynai in the room with wimzig - has not popped from that yet.

Edited, Feb 10th 2010 11:09am by Shuraz

edit 2 so far up to 9 rings. still just the 1 aug. and what a lousy RNG - no clays

Edited, Feb 12th 2010 10:24am by Shuraz
# Jan 03 2010 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
anyone seen this mob?
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