Avatar Of Fear  


Uploaded July 24th, 2007

Spawns during the Ring of Fear event in Cazic Thule.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-01-02 15:09:23.

Minimum Level: 35
Maximum Level: 38
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2021-05-09 15:59:15

Known Habitats:
  Cazic-Thule 1.0
  Ring of Fear

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Way off topic
# Apr 29 2000 at 2:40 PM Rating: Default
hehee for one this isnt a topic of Limited vs unlimited why you guys started making it a forum about it I dunno. This is a forum about information about AoF hense the fact that you just clicked on the link to him and he has a pic above and page is titled Avatar of Fear. But anyway AoF can T for more than 381..the pet tactic was a good idea. Why should we take damage when the pets can, that is what they are for to take damage that could potientially be taken from us.
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 22 2000 at 11:25 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hehe *walks up to cazic thule* Mnemeth says, "Hey biotch did i tell you to stop working?" Cazic Thule says, "Sorry master sorry please dont hurt me master im SOOOO sorry." Mnemeth says, "Thats right your my bch get back to work and kill that guy there.he pissed me off!" Cazic Thule says, "Yessam!" Mnemeth says, "Hard to keep good servants these days everyone thinks their gods!" hehe thats my lil dream :), Mnemeth GodsMaster
Unlimited vs. Limited
# Apr 22 2000 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
Some facts... lower level mobs, say level 1 to 25 vs me at level 40, I can run them out of mana. Higher level mobs, lets say from 30 to 50, in theory can be run out of mana but if that is your tactic you need to rethink it.: )
As far as I can tell, after some testing with lower level mobs, when a caster switches targets he gets some mana back immediately unless he is already running. How much mana I am not sure, but I dont think it is 100%. Soloing is about the only way to run a monster out of mana.

# Apr 21 2000 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
and desganos, who asked you "Desganos, can you solo the AoF?" apparently you're just another one of thsoe arrogant bastages that everyone hates and we need to rid the world of. and where the hell did that "I can solo him." come from, we're sitting here arguing about Unlimited VS. Limited mana. And now you're talking about how you got "some low lvl sap to take the HTs"...*sigh* Its arrogant people like you that just **** me off, sorry in advance to those of you that were offended by any of this.
AoF's HT
# Apr 21 2000 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
and yes, he does do much more than 381 with his HT. my 34 druid was in an AoF group, I was medding, not knowing he had spawned, and I guess I was in a pretty stupid place to be medding, anyway, he came over and killed me dead with 1 HT. it does much more than 381.
RE: AoF's HT
# Nov 28 2000 at 8:02 PM Rating: Default
I just want to say its NOT POSSIBLE to deal more than 10 times the level plus 1 damage with harm touch. He didnt deal more than 381 sorry. You musta been nuked at the same time by something else or had low life and didnt realize it.
RE: AoF's HT
# Dec 20 2000 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
right.. :) like lots of things arent possible... like oh say, seeing through walls, hitting around corners, casting while running.. I think the point about him not playing by our rules is very true and well made. :)
RE: AoF's HT
# Dec 03 2000 at 10:06 PM Rating: Default
AoF's HT does about 500 dmg, sometimes more sometimes less. Remember he's an NPC not a PC, he doesn't play by our rules and he is Cazic's Avatar so you would expect him to give the guy a little more oomph in his attack.
RE: AoF's HT
# Dec 03 2000 at 10:06 PM Rating: Default
AoF's HT does about 500 dmg, sometimes more sometimes less. Remember he's an NPC not a PC, he doesn't play by our rules and he is Cazic's Avatar so you would expect him to give the guy a little more oomph in his attack.
Unlimited VS. Limited
# Apr 21 2000 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
ok, go get one of your lvl 40 guys, and root a lvl 5 or so npc caster. he will throw about 8 nukes at you, and thats it. they DO have limited mana.
# Apr 18 2000 at 10:28 PM Rating: Default
If anybody cares, I can solo him. Did it last night. Along with ghoul lord (of course I had to send some low lvl sap to take the HTs)
MOB mana
# Apr 09 2000 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, for the LAST time, monsters do NOT have infinite mana. Tatter_D is correct. When they target a new player or NPC, their mana recharges. That is why they never run out during combat with 2 or more. They will attack you until one of the other lizzies needs healing. It will then target the lizzie, thereby recharging the mana pool, and heal him until hes good to go. After that he will return to attacking, recharging his mana pool once again.
Mobs and Mana
# Apr 06 2000 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
Mobs do not have unlimited mana, they just have 10 times the amout. Easyest way is go into Nectulos forest and find the halfing raider, tell him "I require Healing" or use the key phrase "healing" and he will heal you, but he only has limited mana, you can wait for it to go back up, but he doesnt have much in fact, i know as i tryed to solo wips like that as a test, since he doesnt agro wisps you just swap focus and ask him for healing, continue fight, but verant gave the medic not enough mana (another atempt thwarted by smart thinking verant)
# Apr 05 2000 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
Just a few points of reality to this discussion.
1. Avatar of Fear does HT for 381 i am a Shadow Knight and have been HT'd by him many times.
2. Why take the HT from anyone... when your pet can take it?? (If you have a pet that is)
3. MOB's do not have unlimited mana at least the non-planes ones it just takes a long time for them to spend it all.

Hope this helps
# Apr 04 2000 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
mobs do NOT have unlimited mana, with a cleric casting mana sieve its very easy to keep them for casting. i think i can solo AoF and will try soon...
Cazic Thule with Harm Touch
# Mar 27 2000 at 3:28 AM Rating: Default
Actually Cazic Thule (the GOD) has a spell named Cazic Touch, which does 10'000 damage (regarding EQCaster). That means, maybe the tank can resist some of the damage, but will probably die. And I heard that Cazic Touch recharges every 20 seconds or so, and that's the reason why so many people die in a Cazic raid.
RE: Cazic Thule with Harm Touch
# Aug 25 2000 at 2:22 PM Rating: Default
Cazic Thule got death touch. It does exactly what its name suggests, death. no damage or anything just plain death, can't be resisted and it recharges every 45th second.
cT with 2500dmg HT
# Mar 23 2000 at 11:17 AM Rating: Default
Cazic Thule himself does not Harm Touch, he uses the speel Death Touch which does multiple thousands of damage usually killing the target and if ur not in the middle of fighting and he DTs a warrior and the warrior lives because of all his HP ur gonna have a and god and his friends coming to say hello soon :)
# Mar 11 2000 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
Got a quick question for the person commenting about the Zealot using wrath over and over on someone. Zealots are not casters so when I see one casting multiple wraths I will know that I have run into a unique spawn I think perhaps you are talking about Judicators or Justicars using wrath?
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 11 2000 at 5:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) How big is this guy as big as Cazic?
Casting mobs
# Mar 10 2000 at 1:05 AM Rating: Default
My vote would be unlimited. I was hanging around 4c a long time ago, and we had a justicar and a judicator (both around 30th cleric creatures) We were all on 1 of them, beat him down to 1/3rd, he got healed.

We figured, we'll just run the other one out of mana: So between the other's smites, he kept the one we were attacking healed the whole time. We struggled with this for maybe 5 minutes, now our casters and healers were all oom, so I just pulled one around a corner and soloed him while my group killed the other. Another case was, I was level 20 I think (long time ago) and 2 orc priests agroed me. I did enough damage to kill 1 of them about 6 times, but they never ran out of mana.
RE: Casting mobs
# Apr 02 2001 at 2:01 PM Rating: Default
Not unlimited.

Not 2 or 3x as much as PCs.

If you notice, they only typically cast two or three spells, and not very often. About as often as a pc could do it at FM.

However, I do believe they regen their mana much faster. They'll go OOM, and then all of a sudden have enough to cast a heal again about a minute or two later.
AoF Harm Touch error
# Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
Seems someone is slightly confused about Harm Touch Damage
The Harm Touch that the AoF will do is 10 x His lvl(38) plus 1
SO his maximum damage is 381 not 500
warning to casters:
# Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
dont let him hit you. you will die before you get to move. he hurts the tanks as much as is. Against a caster you are literally are stunned and killed before you can move or even begin to cast a spell. better hope your tank is a good taunter. And yes, he is in Cazic Thule, not west commonlands.
Wrong Info
# Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
Avatar of Fear is not in the West Commonlands, but resides in Cazic Thule. He drops the Bladed Thulian Claws commonly, and the Ravenscale Chestgaurd rarely. Good luck rogue's and people after the claws, he is the toughest MOB in the zone.
No Subject
# Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
Yes you can get to the Avatar of Fear through the temple guarded by silvered guards. It is not a warp, you just simply fall all the way down to him (aggroing everything on the way down, which are the healers who swim above him).
# Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
There are a few ways to him. The pyramid behind the silvered guards is a bad way. That drops you down into the bubble. Better to take one of the other routes. His harm touch is 381 points max. Can be resisted partially or fully. Hits for a max of ~92. He can and will run, be sure to snare. First person with line of sight to him will be HT'd, but that doesn't mean he will come out of the bubble. You pretty much have to swim in and smack him for him to come out and play. Placeholders are a champion, herald or zealot, that I've seen. Be sure to clear the top casters above him, or they will heal him. (And that will ***** you.)
Harm Touch
# Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
Harm touches with mobs are different, yes. Cazic thule himself is level 53+ and HT's for like 2500hp!!! I have never fought in cazic thule but i know that mobs can have deadlier harm touches than player characters their same level.
RE: Harm Touch
# Aug 28 2000 at 10:04 AM Rating: Default
His does a max of 380hps....Flat out no more....nuff said.
# Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM Rating: Default
Yes i myself have been HTed by him several times. The max he has HTed me for is he did me for close to 600 points once with a HT. Like it was said before Mobs do not go by the same rules as we do when it comes to things like that. Why you think caster mobs have unlimited mana?
Biggest Train ever
# Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
The biggest train I ever saw was caused by a group camping this guy last night, one of the group lived, and brought the AoF + about 5 gators and 30 lizards to the zone(there was a STACK of corpses at the zone) I was hit twice by the AoF at lvl 29, once for 54 and once for 97, both in succesion(I zone right away.
No Subject
# Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM Rating: Default
Avatar of Fear is an SK and will Harm Touch puller for 500+ hit points the instant they come in agro range. Moral: Send a real tank to pull the AoF!
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