Avatar Of Fear  


Uploaded July 24th, 2007

Spawns during the Ring of Fear event in Cazic Thule.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-01-02 15:09:23.

Minimum Level: 35
Maximum Level: 38
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2021-05-09 15:59:15

Known Habitats:
  Cazic-Thule 1.0
  Ring of Fear

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Read this! Crazy Story!
# Mar 30 2001 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
Yesterday I was bored so with my 33 Shadow Knight I went down to the Sewer place where one AoF Spawns (the one with the Green Bubble of water) and pulled the AoF not meaning to pull like 8 Lizards along with him. So Before I could get back in the Hallway I had him Behind me and he Harm Touched me right away taking me down to 2 bubs of life. I managed to zone with alittle over 100hp and my party was already outside. The whole zone Zoned. So they healed me and we decided to go in.....my group was a 34 Druid a 30 Druid a 34 Rogue and me a 33 SK. So I zone in first and the AoF is right at Zone so I take him his pet and a Zealot to CY soon after I get there all my guild is in and I tell them where I am. They get there and I am almost dead they heal me and the battle begins. Right away I Harm Touch the AoF for 331 damage so he will stay attacking me, I wanted the Rogue to get in as many Backstabs as possible. By the time he was 3/4 dead both druids were at 2m. So we continued to fight him and I made sure to Leech everytime his Double attacks were done. We got him down to 1/4 life when one Druid was OOM and one was 1m. I got healed and he turned on the Druid so I taunted him off and then doubled for 70 and it was over. I looted a RavenScale BP and we zoned without any deaths in that fight.

Outside we rolled (I rolled a 7) and our rogue rolled a 74 but since he had a BP already I purchased the one he had just won for 400pp and that made my day. I sold it for 1k, thus so making a 600pp profit and 1 sub bub of exp. It was a great day so this is the best way to do it after this guys Harm Touch is gone he is easy if you have healers and good enough damage.

Damionde Tolax,
Fennin Ro
Watch out
# Mar 30 2001 at 1:00 AM Rating: Default
I was wandering around Cazic a few days ago when I wandered to far and I meet this dude. I was lvl 51 at the time conned green to me, but I heard he was a sk and didn't want to risk the death from the HT. I was invis and he did not see me, he conned indiff.

51 Enchanter Xegony
RE: Watch out
# Mar 30 2001 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
Hehehe ya you would have died even with your pet up.
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 12 2001 at 8:19 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) BAH stop talking this guy is a ***** i smacked him down with my pet and sat back and laughed!
# Sep 11 2001 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
Well, though I agree that the post is pretty frivolous, I am quite sure there are a lot of pets out there who could clean his clock... IE the pets of chanters, mages, and necros in their 50s.

And if all else fials, I'll tap him on the shoulder, and eat him sith breakfast porridge.
# Feb 12 2001 at 11:12 AM Rating: Default
Please share the LSD you are taking.

No your pet did not solo this beast. Although I'm sure you like to make people think your larger than life I'm sure you are a lvl 1 twinkie.

This SOB waxed a group of lvl 30+ people then came looking for us.

Wasn't pretty, I didn't think dwarf legs could move that fast but luckily he was content munching on other people.
Re: Avatar of Fear
# Jan 26 2001 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
On the rathe, he is not usually camped. In fact, often when i zone into cazic, there's only a handful of people in the zone. Usually, the first things to get camped are TR and TF/Archon. As long as i am posting, i might as well give some pointers on AOF, who i have killed many times.

First, he doesn't spawn all the time. Kill whatever pops in the green bubble to get him to spawn. Second, group should be full, with at least 2 tanks. Have done him with one tank, and as few as 3 people, but they better be mid-30s at least and have a cleric.

Second, to minimize risk, make sure all the lizards are cleared out of the bubble room and the closest pond(s). Nothing worse than having the AOF down to a bubble and having a damn judicator stroll in and heal him.

Third, he has high magic resist and, seemingly immune from fire based spells. I think cold spells might work, dunno cause i am not a caster.

Last, make sure you snare or darkness him when he is getting low, because he will run.

A decent group of 30-35s should have few problems with him if they have a healer (i.e. cleric). One last note, if he's wielding the claw, he won't drop the chest. Only dropped the chest once out of maybe 10-12 kills i have seen.
RE: Re: Avatar of Fear
# Feb 09 2001 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
Heh, yeah, me (lvl 49 druid) and a lvl 52 mage were camping this guy and didn't bother to take out the lizards upstairs. We ended up having to gate. As having 3 healing lizzies healing him kept him just barely alive for most of the fight. Then we ran oom. It was highly irritating. Came back the next night and smacked him around though (had to learn how to pull the top of the room). Didn't get the bp, but will be trying again.
Pet taking HT tactic
# Jan 26 2001 at 10:53 PM Rating: Default
Here's a weird thing that happened when camping AOF recently. We were a group of six, camping in the room above AOF bubble. I opened the door and he was on the ramp. I am an SK, so i figured i would bring up a pet to take the HT. I brought up my lowest level pet (leering corpse, level 4-5 skel pet). When the group was ready, i open the door, target aof and give the "pet kill" command. The pet charges AOF and starts duking it out with him. A few seconds go by, then another few...about a minute later, skel still hitting aof. I finally cast a dot on aof (resisted) and he comes into the room. We fight him, kill him a few minutes later. Guess what? Aof dead on floor, my level 5 pet, still alive. Never got HTd, never even got hit! What the hell is up with that?
RE: Pet taking HT tactic
# May 15 2001 at 9:00 AM Rating: Default
while it is amazing that your pet would live 1 reason that the AoF might not have used HT was that he already had...maybe someone else had tried to take him or wandered on him and got HTed.
Re: Him not see invisible
# Jan 26 2001 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
I think he does sometimes, sometimes not. I have gone to retrieve my corpse in the room above aof, and ran past him 3 or 4 times...no aggro. Didn't con him, but i am pretty certain he didn't see me.

On the other hand, fought him about an hour ago. He was standing on the ramp, i invised and went to go check the bubble to make sure no healers were up. I ran past him and he hit me, so he saw me that time. Guess it just depends on whether he is wearing his glasses or not, haha.
Ravenscale Chestguard
# Jan 09 2001 at 1:39 PM Rating: Default
This incredibly strong Mini-God drops the Ravenscale Chestguard as his rare drop, for those of you who didn't already know that.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 17 2000 at 2:52 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I was looking at the pic of the ravenscale BP (from the link on this page), and it said it had an effect, but it is not stated.
RE: BP effect
# Jan 22 2001 at 6:22 PM Rating: Default
It never had an effect. The 'effect:' shown in the picture is now shown on all objects as well what slot it can go in (which is not shown in the picture). If an item has an effect, it is listed, if it does not have an effect, it is shown as the case with this BP.
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 11 2001 at 12:59 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I could have sworn that the name of the company was VERANT not Verdant....tard. Geez. Since the name of the company comes on the screen everytime you log on, I would have thought you would know that!
Mob and Mana
# Oct 13 2000 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
Mobs have a fixed amount of mana, HOWEVER when they are not directly engaged in combat (ie. have not been hit by spell or melee, healers specifically) their mana regen rate is obscenely high. So yes, in effect some have the equivalent of unlimited mana.
Important Stuff
# Sep 01 2000 at 4:05 AM Rating: Default
51 posts
Oh how I hate this sumb*tch. Here are my pointers:
1. Those *bast@rd* healers WILL heal it from above. This gets you dead fast.
2. He's a Shadowknight. The HT's a *****...not Ghoul Lord ******* not Befallen SK ******* something inbetween.
3. Sorry about the cursing, if this is the first time you've heard profanity email ArchMahgi@aol.com. You will be ignored.
4. This thing can do about 2x-3x slashes for around 80 damage. It starts to hurt.
5. You can sneak behind him, but otherwise he has See Invis.
6. Since mobs have no vertical recognition, you can pull him up into and out the Silvered Guard temple. Be a very high level when you do this or you will get the stuff that Doomsday Trains are made of.
7. Drops the Bladed Thulian Claws, which look pretty cool, common. Prime hand only. I dont know the stats, check 'em somewhere else. RavenScale Breastplate rare.
8. You do not know fear until you see this freaky thing charging at you in the narrow halls of Cazic Thule. If there is one thing Verant did right it's how to freak me out better than Resident Evil did..all because of the Avatar of Fear.
9. Hell, the name fits it too.
10. Guys, I'm tired. ArchMahgi@aol.com for all your EQ needs.
Him not see invisible
# Dec 11 2000 at 5:05 AM Rating: Default
Me was in da courtyard lookin for a group and dis big train wif da Avatar went by. Me cast gather shadows and hide by da tree. When him came back from chasin da other guys out of Cazic-Thule, him not notice me dere. Me checked, him was indifferent, so dat mean him not see me.

Batz Brekbone
31 Troll Shadowknight on Rodcet Nife
RE: Him not see invisible
# Dec 27 2000 at 10:59 AM Rating: Default
Da tree be a safe haven frum demz stinky trains der Batz. :) remember dat lesson...

36th TSK Fennin Ro
RE: Him not see invisible
# Dec 22 2000 at 7:29 PM Rating: Default
first, he does see invis
i sohuld know cause i was pulling singles from his hall and i was sneaking down there to shout and the ******* agroed me
i agree that it was scarier that that interigation room in RE2 :)

he HTed me for 263 then engulfing darkness, and doubled me for 89's
being a L30 rogue with 3 L30+ healers with me, i waqs dropped 4 bubs in close to 15 seconds
i'm gonna take that ******* down one of these days *grin*

Deadra Axilea
Rogue of the 30th season on Xev
member of the Povar Tarew Artisans
RE: Him not see invisible
# Apr 26 2001 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
Sneaking does not make you invis. Sneaking/hiding does.
RE: Him not see invisible
# Dec 31 2000 at 5:23 PM Rating: Default
Invis and gather shadows are 2 different types of invis. It is entirely possible that he can see through one and not the other.

P.S. I stumbled into this guys room with Gather Shadows on, didnt die until it wore off 3 rooms later next to 2 judicators and a justicar.

Rakluz Roksmasha
Level 26 Troll SK - Nameless Server -

Oh, and my gather shadows was from the Circlet of Shadows, because I cant cast it yet and a guildmate got one for me ;)
RE: Him not see invisible
# Mar 14 2001 at 6:56 AM Rating: Default
Diference between Gather Shadows and Invis is GS can't be cast on others. =P But for invis purposes, act the same.

I don't know if AoF sees invis or not, but I will tell you this, even mobs that don't see invisible have a chance to see through invis and hide rarely. Something to keep in mind when in dangerous spot and counting on being hidden or invis, as higher mobs have increasingly greater chance to naturally pierce the spell.

BTW, the rogue was hide/sneaking around, so he wasn't even using a spell
RE: Him not see invisible
# Apr 26 2001 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
Umm this is not true. Invis works no matter what lvl the mob. If it sees thru invis it sees thru invis. I guess this is how silly rumors are started.
RE: Him not see invisible
# Apr 29 2001 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
Actually there is a chance that random mobs can see invis. I don't believe it happens at low levels (possibly it does and it just not as often or I just havent noticed) but some random high level mobs see invis. Walk around in lower guk live side and sooner or later something will see invis. It is not a chance to see someone though, when the mob spawns it either sees invis or doesnt and reamins that way till you kill it.
RE: Him not see invisible
# May 03 2001 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
"Walk around in lower guk live side and sooner or later something will see invis."

And you dont think the reason for that would be that a wandering frog wizzie has buffed the thing with see invis? Has nothing to do with any kind of roll against invis effect...its just a buff. Something can either see invis or not...sorry.
RE: Him not see invisible
# Jul 31 2001 at 1:35 PM Rating: Default
I'd say it's a roll every time you pass a mob.
Try this if you're a rogue.

Sneak/hide. Move around in a dungeon very slow. Make sure you /con every mob you see until you find one that scowls at you. Move to a safe spot and drop snek/hide and then activate it again. Go out and con the same mob and... Voila! indiff :)
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 17 2000 at 1:11 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) HE HIT ME FOR 263POINTS OF DAMGlvl 45cleric
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 29 2000 at 12:56 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hrmmm. If he hitted you for 263... At 45... Hrmmm. Where was yer equip? Were ye naked and frailed n stuff at the time? :P Hahaha. Anyhoo. He hits my 52 warrior for the 30'ies he never had time to HT me even when soloing. Or maybe he just loves me too much to do it. *shrugs*
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 22 2000 at 7:52 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) haven't you heard of the play nice policy!?!?!
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 28 2000 at 3:00 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I got something u can do with your play nice policies
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 28 2000 at 10:02 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Uh...Maybe he HARM TOUCHED YOU!
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 28 2000 at 7:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) UM, would like to mention harm touch doesnt tell you how much damage was dealt to you. Only the caster knows. So if you get hit for 263, its not from harm touch.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 04 2000 at 3:06 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) That Harm Touch Would Do About 381 =)
RE: hits u for 263
# Oct 24 2000 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
His Harm touch does that amount of damage. But as far as melee goes he hits for around the 80's and 90's. I am a lvl 30 SK doing my DF quest and someone trained him to near the CY and AoF went ******* on everyone. He hit me a couple of times for around 83 each time and I feign deathed and layed there and watched this bad boy go on a rampage through the zone. He cleared out the zone except for maybe 3 people who were at UMP. If you are lower level and you hear AoF train either hide, invis yourself, FD or zone. Don't hesitate.

Caeill Evildoer
Erollisi Marr
Lvl 30 Shadow Knight
RE: hits u for 263
# May 03 2001 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
Or jump for joy if you are higher lvl cause now you dont have to wait for camp anymore...hel, you dont even have to camp at all.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 10 2000 at 2:15 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ever hear of resists?
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 27 2000 at 4:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Clerics aren't tanks
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 11 2001 at 12:56 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Dude, I am a lvl 2 necro I soloed him My God you people talk way to much about some lvl 1 God dude. I am just a lvl 2 necro and i played with him. I stole his strength and then went in with my suck *** pet and piercied him to death. He was hitting me for only like 1 hp geez you guys must be noobs! Foolish fakers haha!
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 14 2000 at 3:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Enchanters are the true tanks.
RE: Yup...
# Apr 04 2001 at 4:44 PM Rating: Default
Seriously, an enchanter is an awesome tank. When you hit 34, get in a group with a cleric and four wizards. The enchanter runes himself and goes and pulls like 4 mobs. The wizards all use their AoE spells. BAM BAM BAM, dead.......Enchanters are awesome tanks :P
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 16 2000 at 12:32 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Nah...Wizards are much better taunters...I suggest a wizard
#Anonymous, Posted: May 25 2001 at 5:02 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Dude, you must be crazy and or a lowbie if you think an enchanter can pull. Sure, we get runes, but at lvl 40 fully buffed by a cleric 49+ I still only have around 1300 hit points. Now, rune 3 adds 280 absorber I think, and stuff at my level tears through that. Bloodthirsty Ghouls in the Frenzy room of lower Guk, hit for 110s. The ghoul sentinal in lower guk doubles me for 120. Enchanters get taken out easy, no matter what.
Mana and mobs
# Aug 11 2000 at 2:51 AM Rating: Default
I don't believe mobs have more mana than us, but I DO believe that they recharge mana at an ungodly rate. I've ran casters out of mana many a time during fights (I'm a bard and we're all about long, grueling battles when soloing), but it doesn't take them long for their mana to charge back up for them to get another spell off. It's like their constantly meditating and on super-crack...

Just my theory
# Aug 04 2000 at 5:01 AM Rating: Good
Few things :
Mobs do NOT have unlimited mana. They have alot, but its a finite amount. I just fought this guy with a group of low 30's. 5 tanks and a druid took this guy out with hardly a problem. The key is to pull him alone so that you dont get any mobs healing him. So clear everything that could possibly assist him before you pull him. The other key is to SNARE him. Im a 31st Ranger and it was hard to get snare to stick on this guy, but it must be done or he will run for help. His HT wasnt a big problem, our monk would pull him and by the time she reached the group the druid had her healed back up. Then myself, our SK, our Rogue and our Warrior, along with the monk =) would all jump on him and start to lay the smack down. The druid kept us healed and between me and him we usually got snare to stick. He does have a PH, and the spawn time is around 20mins. Thulians are the common drop, and the RS BP is RARE. I've only heard of it dropping twice in the 6 levels Ive spent in CT.
# Aug 25 2000 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
First, he is NOT found via the back temple beyond the silvered guards (although their is a pool at the top of the temple that may take you there....never tried. To tell you the truth I dont know whats at the tops of that small temple other than some pretty nasty lizzies). To get to the AOF you can travel through the sewers or through the long hallway near the Lower Throne Room. If you go via the long hallway youll need to invis prior to reaching the end of it for beyond the door is a pool guarded by three lizzies that will aggro you if you come near. With invis you swim to the center of the pool and down through the top of the green bubble below. Continue to swim through until you hit the bottom and run out the only exit up a ramp into a room above. This is commonly referred to as the "safe room". Beyond the safe room lie the sewers which you can pull from once the AOF room has been dealt with. To escape from the safe room through the sewers you must go left, right, left and straight. You can escape by swimming up through the green bubble as well but jumping back up and out of the pool above takes some practice (I suggest you master this skill during down time). To break AOF room have the group stay in the safe room and choose a puller. The first pull will bring the two lizzies below the bubble and what lies in the bubble itself. If it's the AOF, good luck. If its the AOF in the bubble and one of the two below is a healer.....you might just want to lay down and die. The last trillion times weve broken the AOF room weve had no problem (it was always the champion or a judicator in the AOFs place). Sometimes their may be a thrid lizzie in the AOF room...if so wait for him to travel up the ramp close to the door and nab him. Do NOT cross the doorway or all of the aof room will come. Just get near enough to aggro the lizzie beyond. Regardless of what comes two simple rules should be remembered. ALWAYS take the healer out first...even if AOF comes. And root everything. If what you are fighting runs its path will take it back down into the AOF room and the healers in the pool above (if their are any) will heal it. If the AOF should get away run like hell. Once the bottom has been pulled you can pull the lizzies above by jumping into the bubble and swimming upwards. All of the lizzies will come at once so be ready and take out healers first. The spawn rate on the AOF/PH is exactly 20 minutes. Keep track of this. The first spawn after the room is broken should be pulled to the safe room again because, most likely, the kill time between the two lizzies that came with the AOF/PH is very close and you dont want to be fighting the AOF and have a healer spawn right behind him.
The AOF HTs for about 260 or so and hits for about 80. His rare drop is the Ravenscale Chestguard and his common is the Bladed Thulian Claws. The Cazic Cenobyte may be one of the spawns in the area below the bubble. He carries the Ravenscale Boots rarely and the Blood Potion commonly. The Blood Potion is a gate spell that will bring you back to the maze of Cazic Thule from anywhere (most people carry these with them into the planes) so its best to hold onto them for later. Ive seen them sell for as much as 150P though to high level charcaters anxious to get one.
Avatar of Fear
# Aug 01 2000 at 12:11 PM Rating: Default
Okay, for now lets chill with the Limited vs Unlimited mana Discussion session.... and it is FINAL... Mobs do NOT have unlimited mana PERIOD. Now, back to the AoF. Is this guy camped 24/7, like Najena is? When I get to lvl 36, i hope to come here with my two SK and Warrior buddies to try to tackle him and get the Ravenscale BP, but I dont wanna be disappointed with seeing a huge line of people extending to zone entrance waiting their turn to kill the AoF. And also, anyone know what is the interval between his spawn times? How long do you hafta wait for him to respawn, does it vary? Thanks.
Kerstine of Prexus.
# Aug 01 2000 at 12:13 AM Rating: Default
about the AoF, the best way to kill him is a group with 2 clerics, 1 warrior, 1 rogue/monk/tank, 1 druid, and 1 ench. Clerics keep heals, melees... melee, druid snare and heal, ench crowd control. Druid keep evac memmed cuz if he gets back to his little bubble, it pulls everything from the upper water down onto you (thats about 3 zealots and casters) which isn't good considering youve just been fighting this *****. Best place to pull to is the room right before the bubble room (coming from sewers), no spawns in room, 1 wanderer, and plenty of room to kill the aof before he can get back to his bubble. Also noone but the puller should even go outside of the room because the AoF has an agro radius that reaches just outside the door.
mana mwaha
# Aug 01 2000 at 12:05 AM Rating: Default
non-aggrod mobs have unlimited mana, however once the mob is aggrod it begins to spend mana. I know this because in upper guk at the entrance a sentry started attacking my and I bashed it once and a tad started healing it, so i decided to keep bashing the frog everytime it got back to full hp, (being an ench it didnt do much damage) I kept doing this for about 30 minutes LITERALLY, the tad kept casting CONSTANTLY healing the frog for 30 minutes, as soon as I hit him he healed his friend 2 more times then went to meleeing then ran away.
# Jul 26 2000 at 1:26 AM Rating: Default
Again to reiterate what was said above, MOBs DO have limited mana. As proof, there is a bard song which has the sole purpose of draining the targets mana. Considering it would be foolish to include a 'spell' which would only have an effect in PvP, one must assume then that however much mana MOBs have, and however fast they regen it, it is limited.
RE: Mana
# Nov 06 2000 at 3:32 PM Rating: Default
23 posts
This is correct, I've run spell casting madmen in the desert of ro out of mana.
Also, bard's are not the only ones with that power, enchanters get spells that basically act like a necro's life tap, just with mana =) (i can't wait till I get it!).

Just my 2cp

Elkantar Draganov
Enchanter of the 24th circle
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 15 2000 at 8:23 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Rogues get so messed up cause this Insane creature drops the Ravenscale chestplate im so disappointed
Unlimited v. Limited
# Jul 07 2000 at 4:15 PM Rating: Default
It's official from Abashi, they DO have limited mana, they DO run out, but they have a MUCH faster regen time. It's not regen upon target switching, it's just fast! I read that on www.firesofheaven.net.

Check for yourself.
Death Touch
# Jun 29 2000 at 2:09 PM Rating: Default
just some info, the max hp a PC can have is 10k hp, hence Cazic's DT hitting for 10k. I haven't seen anyone with over 4k, and even then that was with a WHOLE lotta buffs, maybe with level 60 reachable now, but anyways, just thought I'd share.
RE: Death Touch
# Jan 12 2001 at 2:08 AM Rating: Default
Uh, I think you are confusing Cazic-Thule the god and this Avatar of Fear. Cazic has Death Touch that will kill instantly.

Avatar of Fear has Harm Touch, like an SK. Two different things. ;)

#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 28 2000 at 1:24 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) LOL at the Desgaynos post
# Jun 24 2000 at 3:28 AM Rating: Default
It astonishes me that so many people seem to have all the "facts", and yet they never jive. Why dont you all just admit that these are your "educated guesses" (as some of you have), and not solid facts. Verant is not gonna release the solid facts regarding this stuff, as they shouldnt. Knowing everything about the world would ruin its mystery. Meanwhile... I will sit back and grin at all the "facts" that are espoused.
Cazic The god
# Jun 21 2000 at 3:06 PM Rating: Default
Cazic Death Touchs and NOTHING can live through it. Not even a level 60 champion with cleric druid enchanter and shaman buffs. Then he sends his all of the mobs in fear all over the place. You camp out thats what you do. DT recharges every 60-80 second. And mobs do not have unlimited mana, what dumbass thought that up. They excede Verents restrictions placed in PCs and regen mana like crazy but do not have unlimited mana.
Do you all have info on AoF?
# Jun 21 2000 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
Why don't you put up useful information about, hey if you pull him this way, the healers won't come and it makes it much easier, or stuff like that, and infact if you come from the sewers and try to pull him back have a wizard in the group to blast him while a ranger/druid snares him after he already took out the ht! makes like much easier removing him from the path of most of the healers leaving 1 or 2 at most to heal after he dies from the wizard.
RE: Do you all have info on AoF?
# Mar 19 2001 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
Very simple.

Pull to the room up the ramp from the green orb room. Nothing will interfere with you here. Kill everything in the green orb room. The AoF spawns in the orb, so if you see something swimming in there, it is his placeholder if it's not him. If its the placeholder, kill it and wait. I saw 4 placeholders and one AoF yesterday in about 3 hours.

The AoF dropped the claws.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 12 2000 at 1:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) huhhuh i soloed a deepwater crocodile huhuh i just sent in a low level sap to take the bites
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