Avatar Of Fear  


Uploaded July 24th, 2007

Spawns during the Ring of Fear event in Cazic Thule.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-01-02 15:09:23.

Minimum Level: 35
Maximum Level: 38
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2021-05-09 15:59:15

Known Habitats:
  Cazic-Thule 1.0
  Ring of Fear

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#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 24 2001 at 1:52 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I'm listening to your ****-erotic babblings about AoF. And I think for the most part you all are full of sh*t. Actually I just thought i would post rude coments since i really have no credible input on the subject. Wake up Damiande Colonblow! In your post you said you sold the RavenScale BP for 1kpp who in thier right mind would buy it for that much? 400pp is tops on most servers because as far as stats go it got the shaft, and if you are as long winded in the game as you are in the posts then i pity your party... what I'm trying to say is that nobody gave a crap about your lame story, main points would have saficed.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 27 2001 at 7:01 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) yeah....it sells for 400pp for all of you stupid a$$es
# Sep 17 2001 at 8:33 AM Rating: Default
29 posts
Do you think a 51st mage could solo this sucker?
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 14 2001 at 4:29 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) the hell do u think?
# Sep 12 2001 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
Killed him tonight we had a 35 druid, 35 ranger, 36 rouge, 36 bard, 32 cleric, and 36 cleric. We smoked him and about 3 of his friends. He dropped the BP. Not very hard but resisted everything I had so just get tanks and keep them healed.
Do ya think?
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:34 PM Rating: Default
Hey all
I have one question since i have never been to cazic thule.

Do ya think that a lvl 40 warrior and a 56 cleric could take down this monster?

thanks for all the info regarding this post.
ph for aof
# Aug 27 2001 at 2:31 PM Rating: Default
who is the ph for the aof????
RE: ph for aof
# Sep 16 2001 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
128 posts
I've heard it's lizard Champion
Vaal Halen
115 Bard
Council of Norrath
Xev>Druzzil Ro>Xegony Server
Didn't seem all that hard
# Aug 22 2001 at 8:02 PM Rating: Default
Back when I was in my low 30's, I went down to the bubble room with a shaman, druid, and necro, all low 30's also. There was a lvl 56 chanter there camping the spawns, and he let us take a shot at the AoF.

We wallowed through the minor spawns for a while, taking a fair bit of damage but doing ok. Then the avatar popped and I ran right up to him to start tanking. Well, he starts pounding on me for about 90 damage double attacks. The necro got a couple spells off on him, which just made him go over and squash him, then start back on me.

We managed to get him down to about two-thirds health before we had to gate, but I'm guessing a group of low 40's could probably take him pretty easy. I certainly intend to get my revenge.

Grimjrakar ver'Magnussen
Paladin of the Fourth Wall
Tarew Marr
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 22 2001 at 1:13 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) EASY!
Avatar of Fear
# Aug 22 2001 at 6:23 AM Rating: Default
think a level 41 warrior could take him out? i have around 70 mr
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 27 2001 at 1:31 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) no way in hell. 70mr at 41 is pathetic
How hard he hits
# Aug 16 2001 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
So, being the intrepid soul i am i went in with my 59 wiz (on tribunal) to try to take out the aof. His ph was up in the green bubble so i killed it and sat down to wait. 21 minutes later, the aof pops up and instantly HTs me, but doesn't get through my manaskin. So i proceed to tr to root/snare him... nothing takes... he is busy ************* me down 89 a hit, and pretty fast. he didn't have claws in his hand so i knew he had the BP, but i couldn't get any spells off to save my life.

Forced to flee i tried to gate 3x, and barely escaped with 54 hp (down from 1600). He dispelled my various resist spells, and my shield of the magi. I have no idea on the HP, but he is very fast and very MR. Good luck to those who try to solo him.
RE: How hard he hits
# Feb 12 2002 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
I took him down solo as a 53 druid last night. He is pretty tough for his level pretty much due to his fast attack with the claws and also his very high resistance to root. Ensnare does stick easily on him and that is why i was able to take him out. I levitated down that little pyramid thing to the green bubble in the water where he sits, got agro, took the HT, ensnared him, then gated back to the zone where i was bound. Ran in invis back outside the pyramid and his pet jumps me. I guess he came through the floor cause he jumps me after a while too. 3 winged deaths later he is toast and i have some claws. Was after the tunic, but hey, if my strange tactic works again, i will get it eventually.
RE: How hard he hits
# Aug 23 2001 at 5:58 PM Rating: Default
you must have had a bad day. 52 wizard nuked him twice with ice comet .. . game over ... had claws though ;)
# Aug 16 2001 at 6:48 AM Rating: Default
i was looking for a good duel wield wepon to go with the crystalized sword i bought the claws for 75 plat now i am wondering are these good for a level 13 to use and did i buy them cheep?
aurgil 13 warrior
absulute unity
the nameless
RE: good?
# Aug 31 2001 at 1:10 AM Rating: Default
You got them for a good price. And yeah it's good for a lvl 13.
# Aug 09 2001 at 10:25 PM Rating: Default
as a 55 monk i soloed him for BP, guy lit me up even with JM and a kunucleduster and 1027ac unbuffed--damn
rogue in search of ravenscale
# Jul 29 2001 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
can a 35 rogue 30 warrior 39 necro 36 druid and 36 paladin and another tank live and take the ravenscale from this guy?
RE: rogue in search of ravenscale
# Aug 14 2001 at 11:18 AM Rating: Default
Level the warrior and don't get another tank, get a cleric.
Avy and DF
# Jul 24 2001 at 7:30 AM Rating: Default
I've heard from a few people that they camped the Avy and got some decayed armor pieces. The only critters I've gotten decayed armor pieces from are crusaders and the Ritualist. Can someone verify for me please if the Avy drops or does not drop decayed armor pieces?

Gabriol Helstrom
Dark Knight of the Free Corps
RE: Avy and DF
# Oct 27 2001 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
I killed the AoF alot back in the day.He never dropped any decayed.On the other hand while camping the AoF if you pull from the pool rooms you will see more crusaders in a night than anywhere else in the dungeon.At least in my experience.

Vuurl Angryblade
53 Inkie Reaver
Invis isnt fool proof
# Jun 29 2001 at 6:09 AM Rating: Default
to respond to the random see invisi thing a bit more, I don't know about this guy, but I was using invis in perma, and of all the casters and such there, the one that saw through my invisi was the greenest conned ice goblin, so there must be a random chance for mobs to see invis. now, I am a 49 shaman, this gob couldnt have been higher than 25, so no matter how ya look at it, its not a normal see invis mob, and it wasnt "too hi" for my invis to work. and as far as a diff caster or somethin buffin it, dont think so, cuz the casters within the surounding 3 rooms didnt see me

my 2 coppers
Scardeye, 49th shaman of the tribunal
AOF resists
# Jun 04 2001 at 1:55 AM Rating: Decent
magic resistance does work against HT. Dualed a guildmate for fun and tried this with a bard song twist. I was able to keep it down to 70s per harm touch from a 34SK with my bard. Also CT is great for bards to practice crowd control. I charm mezzed several blue bars in courtyard waiting for Guild groups show up. best not to go to CT on week nites though for lack of high lvl groups.
responding to some mage
# Jun 03 2001 at 12:26 PM Rating: Default
only read about 10 posts but am respond to the magician that asked if he could solo it at 52.
Yes you can, easy. Solo'd it at 49 with no except sometimes when you don't pull it far enough the lizards up above heal him which can be a *****.
# Jun 02 2001 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
does he spawn like the drsgons and gods (3 days) or how often?

thanks anyways
RE: spawn
# Jan 20 2002 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
20 minutes between pops in the green bubble
Could I
# May 15 2001 at 12:16 PM Rating: Default
I am a lvl 52 magician on the saryn server. and i was wondering if me and my pet could take him and if his HT would kill me in one hit. I have 900 hp.
RE: Could I
# May 18 2001 at 6:09 AM Rating: Default
hmm guessing on this but the cooks in mm are around his lvl and ht for around 370 at 53.. so he'd prob take you down to half.just have your pet parked where he spawns. :)
The Harm Touch
# May 15 2001 at 11:31 AM Rating: Default
Well, givin that Rogues and Shadow Knights are a common sight at this vacation wonderland, the solution is pretty simple.

Remember that near-useless pet that SK's often summon?

Yup, you got it, first call on the AoF, fling that sorry bum at him. The AoF should pop him in short order, hopefully with the Harm Touch. I have never seen it tried with the AoF himself, but it works with many other HT mobs.

Sorry about your luck Lobantik.

Tseimar Elg'Cahlbarra
Shadow Commander, House Reconnaissance of the Order of the White Hand
RE: The Harm Touch
# Jun 15 2001 at 6:19 AM Rating: Default
Comment on pets.

I keep hearing "oh sk pets arent useless.." but at lvl 42 my pet just misses anyways. I use shield skin to help me get my first spell off if it resists while pulling (darkness) then i just kite to get all my other utlities on.

pet = useless

btw this works, and also USE SENSE DEAD TO LOCATE CRUSADERS in form of their pet
RE: The Harm Touch
# Jun 16 2001 at 6:16 AM Rating: Default
sk pets are not totaly useless, using them to pull a HTing mob is good, if you have the 29 spell strengthen dead you can buff him too. If your in an outdoor zone with open space , darknessing debuffing fearing and sending your pet on it works pretty well, because sk pets dont get dual weild for a long time, give him a rusty sycthe and let him whack away. works better than you think. especialy when trying to solo high blues at higher lvls
RE: The Harm Touch
# Oct 03 2001 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
Shadowknight pets get worse as you level until you get the lvl 49 pet. This pet gets dual wield and can actually outdamage you with Strengthen Death cast on him and if you are spending time casting on the MOB.

At lvl 50, I soloed a sand giant in Oasis (conned blue) and only lost 1 bubble of health. The skellie beat the crap out of the giant.

Also, farming plats in Rathe (ir. killing giants), I got jumped by a cyclops while fear kiting a giant. I slowed the cyclops and fear him and sent my pet after him. He actually almost killed the cyclops by the time I finished off the giant and caught up with them.

The lvl 52 pet is even better, so the lvl 39 pet is the bottom of the pet curve and from there he only gets better.
# May 06 2001 at 6:31 PM Rating: Default
i am a lvl 28 rogue if i grouped with a 32 monk, a 31 warrior, and a 37 rogue would we be able to get the ravenscale armor alive?
RE: Ravenscale
# May 25 2001 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
Nope, you need one healer thrown in, and have a main taunt that the healer can focus on. Should be no prob after that.
A thought....
# May 06 2001 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
before fighting him, build up on magic resist. if you have enough YOU WILL RESIST HT. but, your whole group will have to build up on it too.

sounds tuff, but there are spells that do this too. He is most likly to HT the tank. Have as many rogues in your group as possible. They can deal quick dmg, and if you kill him fast enough, he wont deal a harm touch! rogues can also inturupt his spells real good.

if you got a SK in your group, give him a tast of his own medicean.

if you get the HT out of the way this guy shouldnt be a problem at all!
RE: A thought....
# May 11 2001 at 2:14 AM Rating: Default
Don't quote me on this, but I was reasonably sure that Abashi admitted that it's NOT magic resist for HT, but actually something else (for some reason I'm thinking poison, but I can't remember). You might actually want to look into this before deciding on magic resist only gear.
RE: A thought....
# Jul 05 2001 at 10:40 AM Rating: Default
HT is disease based
what lvl u need to be
# May 04 2001 at 12:58 PM Rating: Default
'm a 20 cleric and i was wondering if i got a good group could i fighgt him?
RE: what lvl u need to be
# May 05 2001 at 11:00 AM Rating: Default
No, 20 is much too small to be in a group against a 38, your gonna have to wait a while
More AOF info....
# Apr 26 2001 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
We had a session with this guy the other night. The spawn time is 20 mins, either the AOF or his placeholder the lizard champion spawned. They pop in the middle of the green ball. AOF always starts off with a 381 dmg harm touch, so be sure that you have a tank pull. We hung out for 6 spawns and 3 were AOF and 3 were lizzy champion. Never saw the cenobite.

Good luck !
Think I could ?
# Apr 23 2001 at 2:46 AM Rating: Decent
I have often wondered if I could Camp this big guy, the *AoF*.

I'm a lvl 51 Shaman, and I even have my wife as a lvl 40 Druid. Anyone think we would have a problem with cleaning his clock, and anything else around it, *Preferably* before he spawns ??.

Also, what is the spawn time on this area, what is the PH for the *AoF* ??

Info is most appreciated, thank you for your time.
RE: Think I could ?
# May 03 2001 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
You would have no problem taking down the AoF solo. I did it as a 45 shaman and a druid friend camped him to get out of 45 and take out some pretty decent loot. The AoF and placeholders are on a 20 min timer.
Killed him last night
# Apr 12 2001 at 7:34 AM Rating: Default
We killed him twice last night, first time was quite fast, but then the druid ported out to pick up someone. So I'm left alone with a bard member, he sings invis song and we go down. Unfortunately he forgets that the song has a small AoE and starts moving around the place. I fail to stay close and walk out of invis range. The result ? AoF kills us all :P. I got the ravenscale BP on th first try and then won the bladed thulian claws on the second time, not a bad night at cazic thule :)
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