Lieutenant Dagarok  


Uploaded February 28th, 2018 by Gidono

  • This mob spawns at the Tavern outside, he roams around there. He has a static spot near Crow's tavern.
  • Class: Shadowknight

This page last modified 2023-01-11 12:30:16.

Level: 50
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2020-09-30 18:25:43

Known Habitats:
  North Qeynos
Factions Increased:
  Guards of Qeynos +37
Factions Decreased:
  Bloodsabers -37
  Corrupt Qeynos Guards -250
  Circle of Unseen Hands -25
  Kane Bayle -37
  The Crate (evil)

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# Jul 30 2002 at 4:35 AM Rating: Default
Lt. Gag on **** did it again. Shows up near the zone and at least this time he killed me intelligently hts me and slashed me 2 times slain. Must have been puled close to there. I hate him and he will die one day.

Scythewind Sempiternus
Paladin of Erollisi Marr
34th season
What a !@##!@#
# Jul 30 2002 at 4:24 AM Rating: Decent
Today he killed me, and this is how. I was with my wife at her monk guild and i camped there the night before (bad idea) so i wake up log on walk out and read "YOur deeds have earned my contempt Scythewind!......Then he fears me and i start running around like a *******. And here is my fav i have 1000 hp and it was full. Lieutenant Dagrok slashes you for 356! You have been slain by Lt.Dagrok! Returning to home point please wait! WTF IS THAT ********* He will pay one day I swear it! Gagrok must die! Im tired of VI making normal everyday city guards stronger than ******* gods!
RE: What a !@##!@#
# Jan 11 2004 at 11:48 PM Rating: Default
700ish HT + 356 = >1000 HP

Class dismissed.

Luck o' the draw
# Jun 20 2002 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
I came to raise faction with circle o' unseen and others in temple of life and he ran across me the SOB 2 hits to my lvl 31 Paly and g'nite. Be on the look out for the buggar.
# Jun 12 2002 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
Well, he is corrupt, so from the beginning, if u are tirning in gnoll fangs to Captin Tillins, notice, ur faction with corrupt guards just got worse. Many ways to faction up with corrupts.

1st- Give Trumpy Irontoe a set of 4 Honey Mead.
Youll lower faction with regular guards, but
you ll eventually kill more gnolls.
2nd- Give some bum that sits in front of the
ocean of the docks in SQ, 3 gold. Same low
faction with regular guards.
Last and Best- If u are 20 and up go to Highpass
Hold and kill the gnolls there, loot the
scalpse from them, and give them to the
Captin at the top, youll see him. No low
RE: Dagarok
# Jun 12 2002 at 6:23 AM Rating: Default

After I faction up, when i hit 60, my guild and i are getting revenge! He'll think im an ally with faction ups, but then he wont expect my wrath!!!!!!!!
Die Dagarok Die
# May 25 2002 at 9:14 PM Rating: Default
He killed me today, he will be a rare spawn soon. my hubby and I will camp him. for a very long time.
Information on Dagarok...
# May 11 2002 at 4:12 AM Rating: Excellent
My guild got curious last night and took him down. So here it is...

Level 50 Shadowknight
32,000hp sounds about right

Damage Output By Dagarok:
Maximum hit was 356
Minimum was roughly 200 (I'm a 59 warrior with 1218ac)

Highly MR- nothing landed on him (no slow, no cripple, no Theft of Thought, nothing)
Harm-touches for 701pts
The mob IS very aggressive if you are KOS to corrupt guards of Qeynos.

Spells Casted:
Lifetap for 45 damage (whatever spell that would be, you'd have to find it. =/)
Clinging Darkness

Faction Info:

Corrupt Qeynos Guards Got Worse
Guards of Qeynos Got Better
Kane Bayle Got Worse
Circle of Unseen Hands Got Worse
Bloodsabres Got Worse

1 platinum, 6 silver, 4 copper
Bronze Halbard (bleh)

Should end the mystery of what he, to wonder why he's there in the first place...hmmm...Kane Bayle...

Edited, Sat May 11 05:08:32 2002
RE: Information on Dagarok...
# Jun 09 2002 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
He is ther to kill all Iksar Monks that don´t move in carfully. Was killed by him 2 times so i wantet to know what faction he is on. Because i was dub to pally and clr guild and kindly by guards and amiably and up to monks and he still was Kos to me. So he is my only problem in Northqeynos. So i hope he is on Corrupt Guard faction working on this now.

Monk of the 38th Season
Wearer of the Red Headband and the Shackle of Steel
Proud Member of Honor and Friendship Guild
Lanys T´Vyl Server
# Jan 23 2002 at 10:04 AM Rating: Default
Yes, much like the rest of you this freak has nailed me from about level 15 to now level 50. He does HT for 701 everytime. I intend to raid NQ with about 18 guildies just to kill this guy, it's been coming to him for a long time now.Good luck and stand clear of Crow while in NQ. Devonwhite 50th Paladin Veeshan
alas, I die...
# Jan 20 2002 at 5:56 AM Rating: Default

I've never seen this guy before and have run around here a good bit. While returning from the bank, I passed him behind Crow's Tavern. As I passed I noticed the little skulls signifying fear start spinning around him.

Next thing I knew, He slashed for 341 or so and I was dead. I can only assume he got off his HT in there somewhere while I was out of it, but how he kept up with SOW, I dont know.

Kaedwen Wolfenrose
40 Druid of Tunare
Bristlebane server
RE: alas, I die...
# Jan 20 2002 at 11:01 PM Rating: Default
Well, another note (for those who care).

I just recently became KOS to the corrupt guards, but never noticed because most of them are green. This guy could have been there all along and I doubt I would have noticed. Good reason to fix faction with them. =)

Kaedwen Wolfenrose
40 Druid of Tunare
Bristlebane server
RE: alas, I die...
# Jan 20 2002 at 6:00 AM Rating: Default
I should include that after returning, I camoed and watched him for a bit.

He seems to stand either behind Crow's Tavern (beware when taking that route to the bank) or in the alcove to the right of the pool in front of Crow's Tavern (behind the store).

Kaedwen Wolfenrose
40 Druid of Tunare
Bristlebane server
where is he?
# Dec 20 2001 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
either someone on my server has slain this guy, or im blind and can't find him, anyone got his loc? From the screanshot provided, i looked everywhere in Nqeynos that had grass and an ivy covered wall.. am i retarded?

Wandaln Wudan
51 enc brell
RE: where is he?
# Dec 22 2001 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
His usual place is in a corner by Crow's tavern. He will be on your right when you head to the monk guild. He also sometimes wanders around bhind Crow's to stand next to the zone to S.Qeynos and out to the gate.
HT and faction with Dagarok
# Dec 19 2001 at 6:27 PM Rating: Default
Ok, here is the deal on Harm Touch. Harm Touch is (level*10 + 1) for players and for mobs up to lvl 40. After 40 HT for mobs raises 30 per level. For example Black Dire in Mistmore is level 45 and HT for 551dam (40*10 + 1 + 5*30). Since Dagarok is lvl 50 he HT for 701 dam (40*10 + 1 + 10*30).

Everyone should do "The Crate (evil)" quest to gain faction with Dagarok before getting kos. I did the quest to gain Bloodsaber faction, and I discovered that Corrupt Qeynos Guards went up very quickly. I started out dubiously and in just 11 quests, he was indiffrently. After 55 times (Bloodsaber goes up VERY slowly :) Dagarok was ally to me :)
A Noble Quest
# Dec 03 2001 at 1:20 AM Rating: Decent
It should be every paladin's duty to slayeth this foe. I would make it mine, but as of yet lack the favor of Marr to vanquish this foe! He also has the ability to fool the noble Corporal Lanlot into attacking you. It is a sad day indeed when paladins are turned against paladins. Let not the corrupting influence of this dastard live for yet another day!!!

regarding harm touch
# Nov 14 2001 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
At level 40 SK's harm touch starts doing double.
So at level 40,its 401.Then 10 levels of doing 20,that should be 601 not 701.Is he level 55 or is my math or info wrong?
RE: regarding harm touch
# Jun 17 2002 at 6:02 PM Rating: Default
Actually, when a mob is above 40, the HT starts to tripple. So it would be 401, then 30x10 to get 300, then add the two together to get 701 :) So yes, this guy is lvl 50.
not 50
# Oct 12 2001 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
he cons as level 50 but his harm touch is 701dmg and that would put him at about level 64. he wasted my 51 monk in less than a minute and it takes 2 groups 50+ to kill him at least. he's not 50th. this guy is the biggest bogus under con in the game and I hate VI for it. why can't they just con him correctly. what bs.
RE: not 50
# Jun 17 2002 at 6:05 PM Rating: Default
Level 50 SK mobs HT for 701 dmg.
This guy is a turd
# Oct 10 2001 at 2:12 PM Rating: Default
I think he has a bazooka. The 701 points he did to me was more than I could handle (put me at about negative 130.) It could not be harm touch. I think he is manning a cannon, or is packing a missle launcher. I don't think I could have taken more damage if I had fallen in a meat grinder.

You know, as everyone here considers me an ally you think one of them would have come up and said.

"Hey Tacosid, watch out Lieutenant Dagarok is pissed at you"

I never noticed any message claiming

Your standing with Lieutenant Dagarok could not possibly get any worse...

Meanwhile I am standing at the front gate propositioning newbies to drag my carcass away from that maniac.


Tacosid <Neo Dracus>
21st level ranger
The rathe
he is no good
# Sep 25 2001 at 9:05 AM Rating: Default
i completely aggree this guy should be taken out, he has killed me to many times, and for what..... killing gnolls

40 paladin of Karana
this dude sux
# Sep 20 2001 at 7:28 PM Rating: Default
i was running through Qeynos buffing little newbs when outta no where this prick jumps me and HTed me for 701, i ran around and was able to zone but the dude stayed in newb zone and killed like 50 newbs, it was a massacre, they should really get rid of this dude or at least make him like lvl 30 so i can own him

-40 druid-
-Wrecking Crew-
# Sep 18 2001 at 1:21 PM Rating: Default
This prick dose not need to be here. There is no reason to put a 50 lvl corupt guard that agross by just geting to close in NQ. I am tired of spending an hour trying to get my body back twice in a town My faction can't get any higher.

# Sep 14 2001 at 10:56 AM Rating: Default
Oh my this guy is a prick walked into crows and
and as a ranger i should of used sneak. but when
crow got upset at me i turned for the door and
bam 701pts and then some other npc finished me off
as i lay their bleeding to death i had time to
reflect that how can someone hit me for 701pts and
i am just a lvl 16 with one less bubble now. is it
someway to have this guy arms and legs cut down to
the stubbs. LOL
RE: Dukimba
# Sep 16 2001 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
It is called a Harm Touch ;-) 50 Shadowknight do a 701dmg.
This guy is a true prick
# Sep 13 2001 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
I was in SQ fighting some CGs and zoned into NQ for a drink at Crows (that was stupid). on first look Dagarok hits me with HT for 701 points and then pounds me for 359 points and 298 bash. I lived for about three seconds agaist this guy. I have been reading these posts and see that no one has been killed as many times as I from the boy 26 times all from TRYING to get my body back. Well anyways stay clear of this guy or you will be just a grease stain.

Rugnar Blaydsynger
22nd season Warrior
Souls od Drinal
Met him for the 1st time
# Sep 07 2001 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
Even though I grew up in Qeynos, I have never met him..until today.
He HT'd for 701, slashed for 365, bashed for 264...DEAD...
I had a security bubble into 46...not anymore. I have 2 pixels worth of exp into 46 now.
Of course, no Cleric is ever in this zone, and of course no cleric will waste their time following you to this place without some extra compensation. (at least most of the ones i have met)
Oh well...
# Sep 05 2001 at 10:41 PM Rating: Default
i got lucky. im a liz with ok faction in NQ indiff or better to most guards but was kos to him. A friends put skin on me had 826 hps he fried me for 701. Luck thing was jumped in water and zoned to ducts. had to keep zoning for are mend rest ect till he left.
# Sep 04 2001 at 10:19 AM Rating: Default
You got HT'd. Congrats.
I met him today... really met him
# Jul 29 2001 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent

That's what happenned... He was threatening before, as I was doing the investigator quest, but when I was killing random evil guards in SQ for their swords (my pets like chopping things, you know) when I zoned into NQ Dagarok killed me before I noticed him.

18 (******* Dagarok) lvl Magician of
Erolissi Marr
# Jul 27 2001 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
this sonuvabitch kill me right when i zoned into NQ from SQ. it is plain exageration that people say that he hits for 800dam. i think that that is a bunch of bull. yes this guy is corrupt but i only witnessed him deal 375 dam. too bad i didnt live long enough. :P
# Sep 01 2001 at 8:44 AM Rating: Default
Thats just your story. He hit me for 701 dmg, maybe with harm touch, I don't know. ("You writhe in the grip of agony")

Roderick, Fennin Ro
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