Chief Goonda  

Shaman Guildmaster

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

This page last modified 2009-02-20 23:06:57.

Level: 34
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new faction??
# Feb 16 2002 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
Was in a group last night that killed Chief Goonda and his companions several times. Each time we killed one of the ogres we took a faction hit for Rallos Zek. There were no other faction hits, nor any faction increases either.

I don't see Rallos Zek listed as a faction on Illia's Beastiary. I assume it is with the god of war, himself.

Anybody know anything about this?
Not so bad...
# Jan 21 2002 at 12:29 AM Rating: Default
... for a druid of 40 summers in Wolf form.

As other have mentioned here, Chief Goonda was the only one KOS to me in wolf form. The other ogres conned dubious and the cyclops indifferent.

The first time I pulled both the chief and a blue priestess. Rooted the pet and the priestess, snared everyone and pulled the chief over the hill (out of aggro range of the priestess) to get him alone. After he was dead, I went back and repulled the priestess.

I didnt use the cyclops (never even thought about it) but found that if I nuked from the beginning of the fight, I ran out of mana far too soon. Instead, if I dotted him (root and snare), and sit back till he is below half health and starts healing, then nuked him a few times, he went down easily and left me with about half mana (less if he resisted a few times). Plenty of time to kill the clops and shamans (never saw another priestess) before he respawned.

I kept a few random buffs up for the dispells (after the first fight), then resist buffss and wolf. He never dispelled more than two of the buffer buffs.

Alas, a couple hours of this and I only walked away with 2 turtle shell helms.

Kaedwen Wolfenrose
40 Druid of Tunare
Bristlebane server
Can i do it?
# Jan 29 2002 at 5:50 PM Rating: Default
Can me a lvl 31 Wizard and a lvl 34 shamen with a pet take the chief on?
Chief Goonda, the easy way
# Jan 15 2002 at 5:08 AM Rating: Decent
I am a 35th druid on sullon zek and I camped Goonda for awhile until my faction was KOS and I couldnt pull him alone. For druids there is a fairly easy way to kill him that should only cost about half your mana or so. The secret is that while wolf form you can pull Goonda alone with no adds, you pull him to Froon and Choon who for some reason are indifferent to me in wolf form and they dont like Goonda very much so they will aggro on him immediately. Well to show you how tough Goonda is he kills both Froon and Choon and still has about half health due to his heals! But the good thing being that you only have to kill a half dead Goonda, snare and root pet, snare goonda while he fights the cyclopses and dot and nuke till hes dead. Make sure you finish him before his pet breaks root because if he has pet he will chase no matter what health and he may heal himself and that creates a big problem. You will notice a huge difference if you can pull before he summons pet and buffs himself. Killed him 4 or 5 times and all I got was turtle shell helm. Now I'm KOS even in wolf form and he pulls most of the camp with him when I come near, <sigh> I really wanted some CBB's.
minimum trouble
# Dec 14 2001 at 2:46 PM Rating: Default
When doing the chief the key is to pull him once he pops, you will notice quite a change in damage taken when he hasnt got hes speed buff up.
Nasty Ogre
# Dec 03 2001 at 4:21 AM Rating: Good
I am a 50 Cleric not especially well equiped, yet can kill a hillgiant using all my mana. Previoulsy I have wandered into camps like this and wiped them out. So when a Knight of my Order was wasted, I rezzed her and was eager to strut my stuff, so to speak.

Round 1. Didn't see Goonda, decided to start wiping camp by taking a shamaness out. Hehe found Goonda and pet immediately while trying to finish off shamaness. Was half health before I was able to successfully cast enough Retribution to kill her and then started on Goonda. Soon thereafter informed Mate she had better start running and gated shortly thereafter to Freeport with a sliver of life left. Goonda wins by default. score 0-1

Round 2. Nearly back to full health by the time mana has returned, I am patiently waiting an extreme distance from the camp nearly to the top of the hill for the last bubble of health. Slightly more learned now I do con the bugger and he is light blue. Umm giants light blue, close fight, but I have won both against them. Still weighing my chances when lookie what is coming up the HILL! Now just previously a person was camping the group, but I had already spoken with him, making arrangements that I would get revenge on Goonda then leave. However it looked like two ogres were involved and I do not know if he pulled a shaman or if it was Verant's oft lag effect. Tried to target and root pet, too many interruptions. Turned attention to Goonda could not root until after the stun. Root breaks with first Retribution. Was hit frequently interrupting my casts and felt 'dispelled' a couple of times, hence losing my two AC buffs. Still half mana and soon sobbing for mercy and bleeding profusely as pet and ogre finish me off, turning their attention immediately to the Fair Ranger and placing her prone on the path in seconds, again her losing 31 to them. Goonda wins outright. score 0-2

ummm. I am Raid Officer the camp has some nice Int. and Wis items for my young casters and clerics. What will be the final score? Thanks to the 49 rez Enderi is once more for the third time in level 31.

This camp should not be taken lightly unless you can DoT and run like real fast! Just my opinion of course since I am a weak armed cleric not especially adept at battling live opponents but can easily work Spectre Island and not get hurt in the least.
# Dec 02 2001 at 8:21 AM Rating: Default
Like the warrior before me said, this is a pain to fight. A 49 Paladin died here even with Lay hands. I couldnt hit the *******, and he kept healing himself to half when he got low. He also aggroed on me from long range before i even got close to him. Be careful
# Dec 02 2001 at 9:01 AM Rating: Default
I go back to get my corpse, intent on killing him for the troubles. I get him down to less than 50hp, then some wandering werewolf walks by, hits him for 34 damage and he dies!!!!! Oooh am i pissed!
# Apr 03 2002 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
The key is to keep him from casting.
use your sheild (Bash) or a low lvl stun. I have had sucess with this and have held his camp solo at lvl 40. It's also useful to play with disarm (just for giggles if nothing else).

Another tip: (For those who prefer [non-epic] 2hs) If you use your lvl 30 Stun, you can keep him from casting for a whole 4 seconds. Useful when he drops to about 35% health, you should be able to beat him hard enough to make him turn and run by then.
Miscon Big time
# Nov 15 2001 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
Had my 50 warrior out here one day to see if I could pick some earings for my alts. This thing is a pain to fight. I would get him down to half health pretty fast but he would then heal himself backup. Could never stun him to interrupt his heals. So after he healed himself for the fifth time I gave up ran towards Qeynos Hills. He will not follow but his pet will. Took out my anger on pet :0). He hit me for 80 a few times so watch out for this guy.
# Nov 11 2001 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
Ok as a Wiz of the 36th Harvest I thought I would get these earrings for the int. Well here's some advice. A 36 wiz had trouble here. The Chief was easy to pull on his own. And his pet came along too. No prob--I thought I would root the pet and nuke the Chief. Well only one root took--and he broke it quick. His pet was just a nuissance. But then the Chief resisted all my other roots. I ran to the NK zone with Chief and Pet on my tail--but since I was still nearly FM I figured i wuold rezone back and try to save my kill. Well he quadrupled hit for alot and nearly took me out. I zoned back with only 65 hp left. And that was with Steelskin and greater shielding up. I only tried this once but I would recommend a tank for the pet and the wiz take the chief. Oh BTW he also resisted my Bonds of Force. Just my 2cp. If you're on the Zeb server and want to try this with me--send a tell. I will camp this with you til we both get our earrings.
# Sep 19 2001 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
I took him out easy until I got bored waiting on *just him*.. Started killing the regular shamans, because they conned low green amiable to me, and seemed to be much better than Goonda.. I resisted all spells, they went down with 1 dot.. Then when I got to KoS I couldn't single pull any more.. When I finally got the spawns broken up, got Goonda solo, I could take him until he spawned with a staff. Didn't get to see what the staff was, as he doubled for 84 along with his pet getting the occasional hit in. I had him down to a sliver of health then he started chain healing himself, oy.. He's easy when he punches for 40, but watch out for the staff.. Gated out with 7 hp left and I had a chloro up :P

(btw, loot was:

Goonda, after 5 kills, dropped 1 turtle shell helm
Regular shamans, estimated 10 kills, got a sheer bone mask and 2 batskull earrings..)
Faction Rallos Zek
# Aug 21 2001 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
What Faction is Rallos Zek ? I mean, how does loosing faction with rallos zek affect questing, or game play ?

Any info would be wellcomed, searched the Illia Faction List and nothing about it.
# Aug 07 2001 at 12:43 AM Rating: Decent
sorry about the spelling
# Aug 07 2001 at 12:42 AM Rating: Default
me a 39 Necro and a 41 rabger stopped by and killed the chief a few times, the ranger pulled with arrows and didnot aggro any others, fear kited the chiek and then his pet with no problem, no earrings

ps also soloed Oowomp 40 plus times in 2 sessions and never got earrings, got everything else, had to buy my earrings /sigh
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 25 2001 at 5:43 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) im a lvl 43 druid and i took the camp quite easy but i was there for like 6 hours and i never got any wis items and the preistess didnt have anything either what gives..?
Drop Frequency
# Jul 23 2001 at 2:12 AM Rating: Decent
Spent 5 hrs tonight camping the Chief and his guards. Results were:
Chief Gooda: 1 Bone Armplates, Various FS Weps
Ogre Shamans: 2 Bone Armplates, 1 Chipped Bone Collar, 1 Turtleshell Helm
Ogre Guards: Raw Hide Armor, occasional Bronze Wep

Faction Hits are:
Goonda: - GreenBloodKnights
- Clurg
+ StormGuard
+ ShadowKnightsofNightKeep
Shamans and Guards: - RallosZek

We (40th Druid, 43rd Bard) broke and held the camp with no problems. The Guards (who are all SK's) harm touch for 220hps or so. That seemed to me to be the most dangerous aspect of camp...especially if 2 or 3 get you at once. =)

Aeben Wrathammer (Sundered)
40th Druid
Ayonae Ro

Conflicting Lvl Reports
# Jun 30 2001 at 7:16 AM Rating: Default
45 Monk here. There's a reason for the conflicting reports on what it takes to hold this camp. Goonda. When I fight him how tough the fight is depends on how much he casts. Strangely, the more he casts the quicker I drop him. That's because he hits like a ton of bricks and almost every spell he casts slides right off me. The guards HT for about 191-221 dmg each, which is painful, but not deadly at my level.

The tricks I learned. All mobs have enormous aggro ranges. However if you're able to, you can use this to your advantage. Approaching directly behind one of the 'gravestones' until you aggro a single guard (aggro pulling) will let you pick the guards off one by one. Just make sure you can kill a single guard after taking a couple hundred points of damage. Then repeat with Goonda and the shamans, Goonda has a larger aggro radius, and can be pulled singly from the shaman next to him, though I suspect this is lvl dependant (ie I can do it at lvl 45, lower lvls may pull the whole camp).

Facts I've learned. The two unnamed shamans are on a slower spawn cycle than Goonda and the guards. Keep that in mind to avoid double-teams. Goonda will not run away if his pet is alive, so if you can catch him before he summons it he's an easier fight (he doesn't keep swinging till he's dead). I've had Batskull earring drop from one of the shamans, so it seems they have the same loot options as Goonda. If you're a feign-capable class, ignore the pets, kill the master, then feign. Pets will suicide. They're no exp and no loot. No reason to take extra damage killing them. Also Choon and Froon hate the ogres. If you want to just nuke the guards, you can train them to the cyclops and feign.

Good luck and happy camping.
# Jun 22 2001 at 10:17 AM Rating: Default
Tell me something.
I see lvl 30 dudes soloing this camp, and then I see a 40 dude that dies, Some people say you need a full group of mid 30s to take this camp then I see one dude say a late 20 dude can take this camp.
I myself am a 30 mage can I take this camp alone?

Plz tell me how many you need and what lvl you have to be to camp these ogres
RE: lvl
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:22 AM Rating: Default
I camped this for a few hours tonight im a druid and learned a neat trick. I dont know if its legal, this is how it works. Most important make sure you are a doggy. Check track make sure the two giants are up goon and loon or somthing there right next to camp on top of the hill. get close enough to pull guard. He argos run to your giant friends who like the cute little doggies. They kill it for you. Pull the next three (one at a time) leave the middle full with shaman chief ect. might need to heal a bit because they will cast at least one dd speel hitting me for 221dam. Target who ever is closet to you (big argo range) take a step try snare Repeat, repeat until it cast. no one will follow, run away from camp not towards your new friends, they kill all of them. Root, Dot, Loot. Sometimes a named necro will come and kill your giant friends so be careful to check track first.
RE: lvl
# Aug 03 2001 at 6:08 AM Rating: Default
I can only relate my experience. Running from Qeynos to Highhold Pass, I ran too close to the group. (20 ranger, it was raining at night). One spell i was dead. So I pulled out my 38 druid to help with CR. Dead in less than 30 seconds. Resisted every single spell. Give them wide berth.
Goonda and his thugs
# Jun 21 2001 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
I was there as a level 27 enchanter, along with a 32 druid, 27 druid, 26 druid, 25 paladin and a 27 wizard. This was a hard camp to break with the above people so we enlisted a 40 druid and 40 cleric to break it up for us. Once broken the guards and shammy's fell very easily. We ensured that we got Goonda and his pet by themselves. First time we took Goonda we barely killed him. Be aware, even with Tashani, ONLY the level 32 druid could land a spell on him. Combine that with the fact Goonda has a very good heal spell, we were barely able to polish him off. It took us about 10 real time minutes to kill him. Be aware, as you are fighting Goonda, the guards and shamans will start spawning and if you get too close to the spawn, you'll get a huge aggro and mob. We were lucky in the two hours we were there, we got one chipped bracelet and one mask. Very nice items. We survived but it was difficult, we plan on heading back there once everyone has gained about two more levels. I recommend a full group of very high twenties at the minimum to control this camp. Good luck
i hate ogres
# Jun 19 2001 at 7:44 PM Rating: Default
mainly, i hate ogres! i want to camp these guyz for the batskull earings and the sheerbone masks, and definitely for the bad faction. I'm only a 26 wizzy now, but i got friends in high places to start me off! (muahaha)
Ogre gaurds
# Jun 08 2001 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
OK, I got attacked by this guy at lvl 27 and lost a lvl, but this is how it happened.

I was walking along the path and saw a bunch of ogre guards way in the distance-I conned the ogre gaurds-I am a halfling, and they were indiferent to me. Ok, I didnt see the cheif. BUt I had sow and I crepped up one more step-I knew I would be safe because they were a VERY VERY long way away. Each one of them was about the saze of a bixie when your a foot away from it. But little did I know, apparentally the cheifs aggro range was about a half a mile, and he is the only one that I was KoS to, but then they all ran in my direction, but i had sow, so I figured I could just run to Qey hills, but his crappy pet is a dog, so, well, I just wish he was an sk or something, but, his dog can outrun SoW, but he wasnt doing much dmg, so I still thought I would be safe with 850hp....

But then came the stuns, the dmg wasnt bad, but when a Hord of 10 ogres and a cheif all came and beat me up, They all hit me for about 25dmg, some missed, but the cheif wasnt so weak, he liked to hit for 80dmg. I could outrun everyone but the dog after stun wore off, but after 10 stuns, and massive dmg, I was walking....then lying on the ground......then....*sigh*...dead on the path.

And I was bound in fp, but who knows how I did it, but after 5 minutes I was looting back all my crafted armor. (Actually, I had to go to the bathroom and when I came back I was in the middle of the west karanas, back to lvl 26 for the 3rd time by a halfling warrior's corpse named "Taiddas's corpse" :p)

Well, there it is, my whole story....but now I am stuck in Qeynos waiting for a tp, because I am afraid to go back in that disgusting plain of green sky.


Taiddas Kavilion
halfling warrior of the 26th (yet again) season
Xegony server
Detailed Info
# Mar 10 2001 at 7:05 AM Rating: Default
44 druid here...
Just wasted 3 hours of my life camping this guy solo, the drops I got were 3 Giant Snakespine Belts, 1 turtleshell helm, fine steel and words. He is super easy, none of the other ogres agroed me at all, i could literally fight him inside the ring, although the shamen would heal him. He's a shaman that doesn't cast too many spells. Pretty much drowsy, walking sleep and healing are it. Low hp's, a drifting death, an ignite and a calefaction took him out before he heals. Hits about as hard as a giant.

Spawn time is EXACTLY 17 minutes. You can literally set a timer and come back at the exact moment. All in all a boring experience, which might have been helped if I had gotten something worthwhile =)
# Feb 15 2001 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
i camed the ogre's for 4 hrs and never got a drop, are they broke??
Faction Hits
# Feb 14 2001 at 3:44 AM Rating: Default
Chief Goonda gives you faction hits on GreenbloodKnights as his primary, and several other factions (Clurg is one of these other factions). The guards around him give negative RellosZek faction. I don't know about the shaman. The faction hit with the Chief is STEEP, and he has a HUGE aggro range.
28pallie @ 30druid
# Dec 15 2000 at 8:17 AM Rating: Default
Can a 28th Paladin, and a 30th Druid be able to take this camp? What levels are the guards and the 2 that spawn near him? Thanks for Info!!
RE: 28pallie @ 30druid
# Jan 14 2001 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
i have camped here for around 300+ hours. I will try to clear a few things up for you. The four Ogre guards have a mean harm toucha nd it is near impossible to pull just one guard. The aggroe range is quite large, so that if you pull one guard you he will cross the range of another. You will always get hit with two harm touchs for about 450 to 500 total hp's. They dont ahve alot of hp's (650 ussually). Clearing the four guards is the easier part of the break. Chief has a pet and a shmana stands right next to her. you will pull all three at once so be ready. pull this group by snaring the chief and than rooting the pet as soon as possible. Leave the pet until last, it only hits for 20 to 30 damage so if root breaks just reroot and leave him. You should be able to run both the shaman and the Chief around snared and dot'd if you have enough mana (i started camping at level 44 and 200 wisdom).
After you have dispatched of that bunch pull the last shaman.
AS with all good camp breaks you want to do your best to space out kills to get your self a bit of a break in between spawns. I would not suggest breaking alone unless you are in mid 40's or have a good group fo high 30's. Not a hard camp level-wise but it was set up to be a tough camp because it has alot of good (totally random) drops. Best of luck to you all and i hope i helped out.

Druid of the 52 circle
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 02 2001 at 4:08 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) whats a level 52 druid doing camping these ne go to the plains or something and let people that can get exp of them camp it
RE: 28pallie @ 30druid
# Apr 27 2001 at 7:23 AM Rating: Default
maybe for faction for loot
Soloable for Shammy
# Dec 14 2000 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts
I'm a level 34 Shaman I'm thinking of stoping here on the way back to Halas. Will I be able to pull a Shaman or Priestess alone? Or do I need to be a higher level so they went aggro on me?
RE: Soloable for Shammy
# Mar 02 2001 at 12:02 PM Rating: Default
wait till you are 40 then you can pull goonda. others will leave you are alone but wait till mid 40's to pull shaman and priestess cuz otherwise goonda will aggro you as well
There is a Hit
# Oct 23 2000 at 2:23 PM Rating: Default
Not sure there are plus and minus killed like 3 times then saw faction changes
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