I am a dark elf enchanter Agnostic lvl 54. I did such a great job building factions with the guards,merch, etc in Qeynos that I am KOS to the evil temple and this NPC. I have killed over 10 fish, killed Brother Estel many times and killed Neclro many times and have only gotten bloodsabers to dubious with my faction buff. I have tried all illusions even the minor one and nothing changes it. She is dubious and will not talk to me. I am going to continue trying to raise the factions maybe I can get to indiff with the faction buff and be able to get my epic piece. I hope so. This is really cruel on Verants part. I made my char agnostic so my illusions would be of better use and for this place nothing has worked and yet that is where our first epic piece is.
I don't know if this can be mulitquested either because was my understanding one of the most recent patches changed the multiquesting so that it can not be done. So if anyone gets someone to try the multiquest for this part please post success or failure on it.