Reania Jukle  

Enchanter Guildmaster

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

Enchanter Guildmaster

Talk to her about the Ink of the Dark, say "where can i find my own supply" and she will give you an Empty Ink Vial.

When in South Qeynos, use the 3rd zoneline connection on find one will take you underground and into the proper area, then you can use Find on her.

This page last modified 2017-08-30 00:35:30.

Level: 70
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2021-02-20 18:28:17
Items Given:
icon Empty Ink Vial

Known Habitats:
  Qeynos Catacombs
Factions Increased:
  Priests of Life
  Guards of Qeynos
Factions Decreased:
  Corrupt Qeynos Guards
  Opal Darkbriar

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# Aug 20 2001 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
I am a dark elf enchanter Agnostic lvl 54. I did such a great job building factions with the guards,merch, etc in Qeynos that I am KOS to the evil temple and this NPC. I have killed over 10 fish, killed Brother Estel many times and killed Neclro many times and have only gotten bloodsabers to dubious with my faction buff. I have tried all illusions even the minor one and nothing changes it. She is dubious and will not talk to me. I am going to continue trying to raise the factions maybe I can get to indiff with the faction buff and be able to get my epic piece. I hope so. This is really cruel on Verants part. I made my char agnostic so my illusions would be of better use and for this place nothing has worked and yet that is where our first epic piece is.
I don't know if this can be mulitquested either because was my understanding one of the most recent patches changed the multiquesting so that it can not be done. So if anyone gets someone to try the multiquest for this part please post success or failure on it.
# Aug 05 2001 at 11:52 PM Rating: Default
I'm a high elf enchanter that follows Karana. I created this character almost 2 years ago and not knowing i'm going to get this far with this character. So I know what most of you are talking about. Verant..sorry to say this but YOU SUCK!!!
The only way i can think of is multiquesting.

-lvl 54 enchantress that can't get her empty vial
bah.../rude Verant
# Jul 25 2001 at 4:45 PM Rating: Default
Ok...I'm a high elf enchanter with Erollisi Marr as my diety. I went down into the catacombs to get the ink, and immmediately got harm touched and beaten to death. After that I did some checking and found out about the BloodSaber faction quests. I killed Neclo Rheslar, I killed Brother Estle, I killed Brother Chintle, I killed the Koandil fish. I did the crate quest hundreds of times. I've killed all those NPC's so many times I can't even count. In total I've spent about 16 hours now running back and forth between W. Karana, Qeynos Hills, and Qeynos Catacombs--killing the mobs as they spawn and checking faction. So far NO FACTION CHANGE. Reania still scowls. All her cohorts scowl. They've put me in my grave a couple more times since invis wore off.

The fact that they put a critical epic quest item on an NPC so impossible to reach as a good race/good religion character is absolutely STUPID!!! (You hear me Verant, I'm talking to you!)

Verant I'm really sorry I chose a deity. If you had told me then that you were going to put me through hell because of it, I would have been agnostic.

Thanks heaps for all the wasted time doing boring repetitive tasks.


Laelia Jadebreaker
56 high elf enchantress of Erollisi Marr (unfortunately)
Kinship of Fate
Innoruuk Server
Tunare religion
# Jul 05 2001 at 4:57 PM Rating: Default
Ok, so I am a High elf enchanter who follows Tunare. Is there ANY way to get to her? I zoned into the aquaducts and there was a guard at the zone in. He was green and he said stuff about my religion. He only hit me for 5 points but i got scared and zoned out immediately. So is there no way to do this if your a tunare follower?
Laleini 54th enchanter
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 05 2001 at 4:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ok, so I am a High elf enchanter who follows Tunare. Is there ANY way to get to her? I zoned into the aquaducts and there was a guard at the zone in. He was green and he said stuff about my religion. He only hit me for 5 points but i got scared and zoned out immediately. So is there no way to do this if your a tunare follower?
I hate religion...
# Jun 11 2001 at 1:14 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone got a rough idea of how many of these damn fish I have to kill to become un-KoS with the bloodsabers? I've been killing the damn things for now on 12 hours, them Lashun and that stupid paladin... Still KoS...

If she was 52nd or lower I'd happily fight my way to her and charm her... but Nooo!

If it's any help I'm an erudite under Quellious...
# May 26 2001 at 10:34 PM Rating: Default
err, life even
# May 26 2001 at 10:33 PM Rating: Default
I just did this part of the quest today and had to kill 8 of those fish under the temple of like. I was in human form with collaboration. It put me dubiously. What I asked was "where can i find the ink of the dark." She immediately gave me the bottle.
# May 20 2001 at 10:30 PM Rating: Default
The lvl60 charm spell is unresistable I believe, but I could be wrong. Anyway, getting 255 charisma is not a problem (sweet sweet cha buffs), and with that much charisma you can charm almost anything... hope this info helps

I myself ain't gonna do the epic, cause i follow tunare. Maybe someone can help me multiquest it.
# Apr 10 2001 at 8:15 PM Rating: Default
Learn from my mistake...I tried to get in and talk to her. Cost me 3 lives and 2 gold bubbles of exp at 49. She is in the necro guild, how MUST raise faction with the bloodsabers...I hope!!! Haven't tried it yet, but I will. Watch out for some of the guild masters, I got smacked by 390 dmg and he had a spec pet, it wasn't a pretty site. Good luck finding her without loosing lives.

Donavin - The Rathe
49th lvl Enchanter
The Seekers of Norrath
# Mar 31 2001 at 7:07 PM Rating: Default
i was sucessful in getting to her useing a combo of ivnis and ITU at different intervuls. unfortunatly it dropped as i got there. will she talk to you if you are invis?
What Level Do You Need To Get The Vial?
# Mar 11 2001 at 3:55 PM Rating: Default
What level do you need to be to obtain the empty vial from Reania Jukle?
RE: What Level Do You Need To Get The Vial?
# Apr 07 2001 at 10:55 PM Rating: Decent
I just tried this myself, and 40 isn't good enough. A lot of epic npcs don't talk until you're lvl 50; she's probably one of them.
Enchanter Epic
# Mar 09 2001 at 5:09 PM Rating: Default
I can't get to Reania Jukle because of my faction and Diety. From what I heard you gota raise Blood Sabers faction to get to her...

Killing the Koalindl in the cleric guild in the north part of town is the quickest way to gain + bloodsabers faction. You become KOS to the guards of Qeynos just as fast =p

I'm trying to figure out if my Quellious dieity has anything to do with why I'm getting attacked in the Sewers. So far all my attempts at Collaboration only gets me by the SK guards but still agresso's the other necro Guild NPC's. They attack saying "your belief in a false god will end you" etc... Therefore, I'm not sure that raising just the Bloodsabers faction will allow you to do the quest.

I'm going to keep trying and maybe I'll get lucky. I'll post my findings later on.
RE: Enchanter Epic
# Mar 09 2001 at 6:32 PM Rating: Default
Ok, its possible to do no matter what deity you have. Just goto the cleric guild in North Qeynos and kill the fish and that paly in the water. Becarefull becasue you become KOS very soon to guards and all clerics in that city.

Next , go down to the sewers and cast Illusion Human or Illusion skel, and use Collaboration (lv 51) on a sk or skel. You shouldn't be KOS to undead or necro NPC's and you can get vile from Reania Jukle then.

Gluck all
her lvl is not 50
# Jan 26 2001 at 3:39 PM Rating: Default
she is not 50, she is red to 54
Bloodsaber+ hits
# Dec 07 2000 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
Do the one thing you've always wanted to do! Smoke that worthless little koalindl fish in the pool in N. Qeynos below the cleric guild! Soooo rewarding, after having to tip-toe around it just to get its decayed little corpse for countless Moggok quests.

After 4 kills, you're kos with clerics and paladins in Qeynos (I was, probably less for people who have never turned in a diseased pelt). After 8 or 9 kills, kos to guards of Qeynos. I was also killing Enik Ruklin, the paladin that guards the fish every time he spawned. You get the same faction hits for Enik and the Koalindl. Was THAT ever sweet justice. He has annihilated more of my fish-killing mules and wasted more of my moggok-making total time than I care to think about. And your 49 pet with an off-hand wep and SLTW can eat his paladinic LUNCH. (with a few berserker spirits on the pet of course... feh, who's counting.)

After you get your ink vial, you can get faction back with the paladins and clerics by going back to your mule, looting fish corpses, and handing them to a *charmed* Enik Ruklin. This is a n00b quest that gives you all the right factions. Probably about 100 of those will get you un-hated by the good-goods of Qeynos.

If you just care about Qeynos guard faction, kill Qeynos corrupt guards (but why?) or kill orcs and gnolls in highpass and turn in their scalps to the respective guard captains (who are not on Qeynos faction, btw) at either end of Highpass Hold.

That being said and done, what the HECK is Verant's problem with non-agnostic enchanters? Just getting your epic quest started is a NIGHTMARE if you follow ANY god. For goodies following tunare, karana, one of the marrs, etc, you're kos to the Bloodsabers in Qeynos Catacombs no matter what, let alone apprehensive so you can get the empty vial. And try going into the Mines of Malfunction in Ak'Anon, even if you've never killed a SF minotaur.

Evils have just as much trouble, namely inkies following Innoruuk, how the HECK are they going to get into the Felwithe Mage guild in one piece? Choosing any religion at all is a roleplaying decision. Being agnostic is a matter of convenience when creating an enchanter. Why is Verant, who still insists EQ is a MMO *RP* Game, penalizing those who do actually do it?! *FUMES*

It was a real close call for me to do the Oggok part of the quest, as I'm kos in Ogre form, even with benevolence cast, to the shaman people (I'm an Erollisi Marr worshipper), and they see through invis. Luckily I've been grav fluxing myself since I got the spell, and it finally turned out to be useful in getting me up to the third floor (more or less) unmolested.

Anyway, a nice fat /rude to Verant quest designers, you suck, you have bad grammar, you're unimaginative, and you just don't think clearly.

Consider if only paladins who follow Tunare had a shot at getting their Fiery Avenger?? And if you follow Karana or a Marr, you're forced to kill good races or good factioned people to complete the quest? GRRRR

Rant Off.

Valarai Elandriel
RE: Bloodsaber+ hits
# Sep 17 2001 at 1:48 AM Rating: Default
Forced to kill good races? Not quite... Bloodsabers can be duped.

Go recover Faren's tacklebox in the south harbor. When you hand it to him, for whatever reason, he gives you Hurrietta's Tunic and the following faction hits:

+Guards of Qeynos
-Corrupt Guards
+Antonious Bayle
-Circle of Unseen Hands
+Merchants of Qeynos

Then you take Hurrietta's Tunic and Give it to Ton Firepride. You get Hurrietta's Bloody Tunic and the following faction:

-Guards of Qeynos
+Corrupt Guards
+Kane Bayle
+Circle of Unseen Hands

Now, the +Guards and +Corrupt Guards hits are larger than the corresponding minus hits. I hit Ally with both factions fairly quickly. The twocircle factions either balance, or the difference is very small. In umpteen jillion iterations (ok, a couple hundred) I'm still at dubious.

And everything else is plus, without having to zone to complete the quest or kill _anybody_. :)
The time limiting factor is that the tacklebox only respawns after about 1 minute 45 seconds.

I am agnostic, but I turned in enough rabid pelts and did the shark bone powder quest enough, and handed in tons of bandit sashes... Killed drosco the zombie... Camped Pyzjin (unsuccessfully. :( ) I'm up to ally with Priests of Life and Temple of Thunder, but it took a couple hundred iterations to get up to where illusion: Human and Benevolence would make me dubious to bloodsabers.

And she still won't cough up the vial. Apparently my skills are not advanced enough at 46th level.

Zinphandel Chianti, Ayonae Ro
# Oct 12 2000 at 1:20 PM Rating: Default
And it looks like she s in Bloodsabers faction. Kinda funny for an High elf worshipping mithaniel marr... now I have to kill light npcs to raise my evil factions, and be kos with the Light Guard of qeynos, the clerics , paladins, monks...etc... if I want to start this quest...
/em Claps for verant.

Thalanx soulstone - Solusek Ro server
she is used for ubbeer FA like encahnter quest
# Sep 25 2000 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
she is used for ubbeer FA like encahnter quest
she is used for ubbeer FA like encahnter quest
# Sep 25 2000 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
she is used for ubbeer FA like encahnter quest
# Jul 13 2000 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
Since Kunark, everyone (or at least some of them) have been uprgaded. There is no way that a Level 50 Enchanter like this one) can summon Level 55 Enchanter pets.
need to get the vial from her
# Oct 01 2000 at 3:07 PM Rating: Default
anyone know how to get the vial from her i got baf faction to the SK guild but she keep attack me to how do i get my faction on on her pls help
Raise your factions with Bloodsabers...(NT)
# Oct 12 2000 at 1:23 PM Rating: Default
Thalanx Soulstone - Solusek Ro server
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 10 2001 at 1:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 12 2000 at 1:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
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