Animal Tender Bealon  

a rare creature

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

Sees invisibility; sometimes sees Shroud of Stealth.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-01-02 15:15:14.

Level: 80
Expansion: Serpents Spine
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# Oct 30 2007 at 5:09 AM Rating: Decent
26 posts
Pull him well away from his spawn point and he won't summon any wolves. Tackle him close to his spawn point and you will get the wolves plus any other mobs in the area.
lvl 80
# Jan 06 2007 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
con'd red to a 75, sees sos

Edited, Jan 6th 2007 11:57am by mercepian
The Wolves
# Dec 27 2006 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
Guild group did him yesterday. SK, Cleric, Chanter, Ranger, Wizzie and Mage. He is on the right side of the zone - near some pens of wolves. Popped 3 wolves on us around 50% health. Our chanter could root and mez but said they were resistant. We burned Bealon down quick and then evac'd. Came back and rooted/mezzed the wolves then killed a couple of them (root/mez parked the third) before looting. He dropped the knife and a Serpent Spine Geode.

Our SK said the wolves hit for 800-900 - they were red to me at 70....

Cabernet Elvenwine
70 Ranger of the Rathe
Evolution of Faith
More info
# Nov 28 2006 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
Any info on how hard he hits, how hard wolves hit.
Did you take the adds out? Mezz them? Kite them?

Edited, Nov 28th 2006 3:39pm by Reamas
Caution -- this could get scary!
# Nov 12 2006 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
47 posts
Okay, so a couple friends and I were going to kill this mob and tried to decide where we'd kill him. I found that the rock behind him shouldn't be such a bad spot with minimal clearing. So we killed him there.

At around 60% I backed off and got my mez guns loaded and ready to fire in anticipation, but we had another surprise coming!

It appears he summoned the ENTIRE Pen of wolves on us! Yes, close to 20 of them. I think I spent the next 5 minutes laughing my butt off. I was expecting to mez about 3 mobs but not 20. Absolutely hilarious, be cautious on when you kill this and where. I'm not sure if its bugged but that's how it happened.

When the wolves despawned and we're hovering over our corpses, the mob says, "You may go to your pens now, friends, I am safe."

... Yeah he definately was... for now! It's payback time
Caution -- this could get scary!
# Feb 17 2007 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
Hits for around 2800 max? Thereabouts. A lot less with a real tank

Wolves. unsure. likely 1600 hitters. Regular war wolves in the zone.

The wolves ARE mezzable

Spawns near the wolf pen. (that would be the pen opposite of the mammoth pen. This one is East Side) Can spawn from either of the 2 giants by a rock or alone in the corner next to them (I hope that helps? lol)
Caution -- this could get scary!
# Nov 28 2006 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
Any info on how hard he hits?
How hard wolfies hit?
Did you mezz or tank or take out adds?
Pops adds
# Nov 11 2006 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
3 war wolves pop when Bealon is around half hp. If you wipe and take too long to reengage, 3 more plus the original 3 will add. And etc.
# Oct 30 2006 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
Baelon's Ice Knife
Primary / Secondary
19 delay / 20 damage ac 15
Skill Mod 12% Back Stab
Freezing Strike II (combat)
str 14 dex 14 sta 14 wis 14 int 14 agi 14
hp 215 mana 215 endurance 215
SD 15 SC 15 SM 15 SP 15
Recomended 75 required 71
WT 2.4 Size Med
Race ALL
Slot Type 4

Edited, Oct 30th 2006 at 10:12pm PST by Panemak
# Nov 11 2006 at 2:53 PM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
Panemak wrote:
Baelon's Ice Knife
Primary / Secondary
19 delay / 20 damage ac 15
Skill Mod 12% Back Stab
Freezing Strike II (combat)
str 14 dex 14 sta 14 wis 14 int 14 agi 14
hp 215 mana 215 endurance 215
SD 15 SC 15 SM 15 SP 15
Recomended 75 required 71
WT 2.4 Size Med
Race ALL
Slot Type 4

Edited, Oct 30th 2006 at 10:12pm PST by Panemak

Added, thanks.
# Oct 29 2006 at 12:34 AM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
drops holmguard cloak as common drop, and the group level armor powersopurces
# Nov 11 2006 at 2:54 PM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
fhrugby the Sly wrote:
drops holmguard cloak as common drop, and the group level armor powersopurces

Added the cloak, thanks. Which powersources, specifically?
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