killed this today and it did not drop the fabled fungus covered scale tunic. it only dropped the normal one and nothing else. No I didn't have looting filters set.
I killed him last night as a 67 necromancer with a mercenary healer. I had a lot of buffs from the AFK pile in guild lobby but I believe what made it particularly easy was pulling him to the Teleport room you pass on your way to him. When clearing the way to pull him to the Teleport room keep in mind he paths around the right side (with door to your back looking at him across the water) when running to you.
easly killed with a ranger + my cleric hydra. fight took like a min only casted PR for heals. times change mobs get gimper!!, logged on a 32 sham alt on clerics account for the tunic wee just need to lvl him ...
Hehe always wanted to fight this guy and finally this year I did!, a level 75 monk with 400 AA, 2.0 and Anguish, duo with a gimp oldschool velious equiped druid with 20 AA lol, killed it earlier today, good 10min fight maybe? can't really recall.. hardest hit he got on me was 1k? just alot of hp, thought it would be alot harder considering its level, but all was good and then my level 48 zerker ran down to ninja loot the fabled fungi tunic! =)
The fabled shroom is now soloable by a group-geared L75 shaman blowing everything they've got - Spiritual Channeling, Lassitude, Greater Rabid Bear, Ancestral Guard etc.
I couldn't get him slowed even after Malis with Balance of Discord, but the disease based slow from Lassitude was landing more often than not.
Me, 70 mage with 140 aa's with pet tank, 70 enc, 67 cle, 63 sham.
Was banking on the casts a lot part for pet to tank. He went straight melee on us. No casts at all. Was able to keep pet up for a little while but 1 lucky round an pet died followed by the rest of us.
If we got it slowed pet would have been fine though. Barely had time to tash though heh.
One thing we might have done different. When he initially spawned we rebuffed. While we were rebuffing the spore king was buffing as well. Maybe if we pulled him b4 he started buffing himself he would have chain casted those same buffs on himself.
The cle used both divines after others dead just to watch and in the time span of both divines (about 45-50 seconds) the king cast 1 nuke, the rest was all melee.
I can believe a Necro could solo he isn't really that hard for higher-end geared people. Almost had him last night with a 70 Druid and Rogue boxed and my 65 Ranger twink who isn't uber geared at all. Got him to 19 with Druid tanking but he missed a heal and we lost it. Went back with same setup except my 70 Wizard instead of the Ranger but got a bad pull clearing and got him with 5 adds we were slaughtering but we will gank him tonight. had I had the Wizard first try would have been no problem at all.
Just killed him with 70 Warrior (11.6k hp, 2350 ac, stonewall used not neccessary and furious also not neccessary) lvl 70 Cleric at 60% mana at start of fight, lvl 70 Ranger, lvl 68 Mage (Air pet) and lvl 68 Enchanter. We had 3 priest adds, one mezzed. Slow took hold after 5 tries.
Ranger and Enchanter were being boxed fyi :) He done way too much casting, by the end of the fight the cleric (me lol) had 45% mana left so only used 20% (mod rod used once)
Without stonewall max hit was 1512, with stonewall 300-500 :)
He spawned for us after 3 hours, PH's every 30 mins...Fight lasted 3 mins and 30 seconds :)
Was up when we first came to Seb so we took him down. We cleared the entrance area to the Myconid's just past the port out door. Cleric pacified both left and right platform Myconid Reavers then warrior tagged Fabled Myconid Spore King which was a single pull back to camp. Warrior fortified when King was in camp (since he was also botting cleric and shammy). After maloed all slows failed to land except Cloud of Grummus. Once slowed cleric was able to just time CH. Warrior had to use stonewall disc and for some reason The Fabled Myconid King doesn't hit just for 300-500 as some have posted above. The DPS Output from The Fabled Myconid Spore King is random not set. Warior was being hit for an average 1100 even stonewalled with a few 300-500 not many. Stonewall down max hit was 1780 and average hit still over 1k. Until slowed cleric had to cast Fast Heal then once slowed was able to use CH fairly easy. Around 40% health left the Fabled Myconid Spore King slows his hit rate extremely as he tries to CH himself. Wasn't until 15% he stopped casting and went back to melee damage. 10% he does Enrage. Killed him and cleric had 13% mana left (mainly from the fast heals until slowed). We stayed and cleared same camp area (just past the final door). 26 min we got lucky and he spawned again so we pulled the same way. Fortify was down and warrior was being hit again average 1200-1700 before stonewall. Shaman casted Malo's then Cloud of Grummus which took hold the first cast. Warrior stonewalled which same as before most hits where around 1100 with a few 300-500. The hits from the Fabled Myconid Spore King are random and no set pattern. Some groups will get luck with only a few over 1k damage and others will be pounded with over 1k. Anyways grats to the Shadow Knight and Druid on the Fabled Tunic.
Grats Amalgamated on Tarew Marr (soon to be Drinal)
70 Beastlord, 70 cleric, 65 cleric and a 70 Monk. He jumped us while we were clearing trash. I was unable to slow him, but pious elixir that heals for 1100 hps pr tic fixed his little ambush gradually. Normal hits were ranging from 200 to 500 with one 1721 hit in the end, a few hits over 1k. Was a close call one time but div arb saved it in. Had no heal rota, just burst heals when needed. Stun resist took most of his attempts to stun and I resisted most of his futile attempts to cast spells on me (Beastlord). Not sure how he is with one cleric unslowed, but I am certain that if he is slowed, one cleric is enough. 8.4k mana cleric, unbuffed had 30% mana left after the fight.It was in no way an easy fight so I wouldn't suggest you try this without some ok equipped friends.
My cleric has a 5k mana pool and I reach ~12k buffed on my warrior. Had no problem healing, just chained CH. Never hit for more than 1376 and I didn't use defensive or stonewall or bother slowing him.
Warrior 70 Shaman 69 Beastlord 66 Took him down in about a 7 minute fight. I'm the shaman and it took everything I had to keep the warrior alive including my Ancestral Aid Level 3 and Epic 1.5 heal but even then it was very close. If we had a cleric with us it would have been alot faster with me casting Leopard on the bst,war and pets alot more often than twice for the fight.
i have goten reports that this thing can take hours and hour and hours with out popin can any one tell me it or its PH spawn time please? that would greatly help.
Spawntime of the 3 on the chair (the PH for the king is the one in the middle) is 26 min give or take a minute. Like all fableds he can be finicky when it comes to spawning. Sometimes he'll pop 2-8 in a row, and then he can also just respawn as PHs for as many or more.
tried this guy yesterday...not single groupable....he decimated us in under 2 min. Interupts heals and quads constantly....DEFINATELY DO NOT TRY WITHOUT 2 CLERICS...
Tripled/Quaded for 350-450+ most of the time (with 2500AC and 20%shielding) with the odd max hit for around 1600 thrown in.
Completely resisted Willsapper proc which was the only slow we had, (only partially slowable other ways I've been told).
Starts chaining CH on himself towards the end of the fight (from about 25% to just before enraging) which would have been a serious beeyatch if it had landed at the time.
He also stuns MT's, so you want to build as much hate/aggro asap, coz if you're stunned for any length of time he's gonna turn on your healer and gobble them in seconds.
We attempted him twice, best we did was get him down to about 40pct, only had 1 healer though and only about 8 peeps total. 1 tuff cookie. We had a paladin getting hits up to 1700+ from this guy. Enchanter slow landed, but got the partial message.