

Uploaded March 6th, 2016 by Aaikan

  • This mob spawns at neg 33, neg 369. Stand at her spawn point and she will spawn. Location on map is in the middle of forest, just south of trail on map.

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2019-12-14 11:34:29.

Level: 65
Expansion: Shadows of Luclin
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2020-02-01 20:08:57
Known Loot:
icon Dryad Necklace

Known Habitats:
  Jaggedpine Forest

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Spawn Point
# Feb 09 2012 at 9:15 PM Rating: Good
28 posts
She spawns at exactly neg 33, neg 369 and does not roam. Stand at her spawn point and she will spawn. Location on map is in the middle of forest, just south of trail on map.
Spawn Point
# Dec 09 2019 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
14 posts
Loc is correct. I tried several of the "leads" left in comments, some of the other locs, some of the wait 3 hours after hand in, crap. Eventually I just stuffed my chanter on auto follow on my bard, hit selos, auto update on track, and just ran them around jagged pines after the pooka meat hand in. She spawned as soon as I ran through that general loc vicinity, I'm standing on her corpse at -36, -367.
Unable to spawn :(
# May 03 2010 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
I handed in the meat to Chef but have not had any luck spawning Firwyn.

I think I have run all over the zone! Including many circles around the locations mentioned to no avail. :(

Finally spawned after 3hrs of running around. This was the location:

P 357.4413, 34.9267, -29.9218, 0, 0, 240, 3, Firwyn

Edited, May 7th 2010 12:08pm by atrumangelus
# Mar 10 2008 at 12:29 AM Rating: Decent
She is easy 79 mage and chanter to slow when down like a gnome on a troll
Easy? Not exactly.... 1 groupable though
# Aug 17 2007 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
This mob isn't exactly "easy" as previous posts have suggested. She quads for about 1500-1900 each (to me, a 74 Enchanter) She spawns after you turn in the pooka meat when you get close enough to her location to agro her. It's suggested to bring a tank and some dps.

With Druid, Pally and Chanter trio, I was able to tash, slow, cripple, and nuke no problem but my dps wasn't enough. Druid as healer was fine but he was chain healing and couldn't help with dps at all. Druid eventually ran out of mana before we could kill her.

After regrouping and bringing along a rogue, 2 wizards a bard and an additional druid we killed her no problem.

Wizard mana burned the dryad off the bat and she went down to 50% hp. That was about a 44k nuke. Should give you an idea of how many HPs she has.

From 50% the fight was easy, but the rogue did go down rather quickly once he grabbed agro.

Everybody was ranged from level 70-74 and geared rather well even...

After we tried the first time and succored she stayed up and didn't despawn. So if you fail on your first time you can regroup easily and try agian.

The loc on the mob is correct. It's located almost excatly mid zone.

Good luck chanters!

Edited, Aug 17th 2007 5:52:29pm by saroir
# Jan 26 2007 at 10:46 PM Rating: Decent
430 posts
Just run around in the circle of dryads, at the neg 33 loc...area...
Life needs more cowbell.

# Jan 02 2007 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
as many have stated, she is gimp, i 3 boxed her, dru/enc/cler, myself the druid chanter box and cleric friend that i often box. i'm about 11khp 12.8k mana unbuffed, all the aa's blah blah, like i said, gimp, just make sure yer ready for her. she is proximity triggered and after meat turn in, she spawned at the neg 33 neg 369 one for me and about killed my enc cause i wasn't expecting it, so go there w/ a tank or a caster that can take a hit and some healing and yer set, very little hp.
Ambushed by a Crazed Druid
# Jun 15 2006 at 7:06 AM Rating: Decent
Accidently bumped into her yesterday... Unprovoked she did a quad on me for 1750 1800 1500 and 1900 and also proceeded to root me with something that did 500 hit points. She laughed that I died soooo quickly. Be careful kiddies when you play in the forest
RE: Ambushed by a Crazed Dryad
# Jun 15 2006 at 7:08 AM Rating: Decent
# May 23 2006 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
Was able to take her down duo with a shaman and myself (70 enchanter).

We both currently have mostly Anguish/tacvi gear. Shaman had 2.0 and tanked her, using 2.0 to heal the DoT she cast. He used his swarm pet, and we killed her pretty easily, I just sat back and nuked, he DoT'd her twice and she died in less than 3 minutes.
Easy Mob
# Nov 20 2005 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
Did this mob lastnight with a Mage ,Cleric and her pocket Pally and myself (chanter) all lvl 70 with nothing special for gear. Only advice i got is stay out of mobs range and also be ready for her because she is hiding behind a tree).she resists very little and slowed first cast.GL
Spawn location
# Aug 21 2005 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
She is triggered by proximity after a chanter has given the meat to the chef. She spawns at exactly neg 33, neg 369 and does not roam. Sees invisible.

Although I've heard different reports, seems she hits for max 1500.

The AE is small in range and can be avoided by casters without extended range.

Firiona Vie
This fight is cake
# Aug 10 2005 at 8:42 AM Rating: Decent
Did this on Zek server the other night. Bound myself near to the spawn point and had group wait there. Was myself (70chanter), shadow knight, wiz, cleric, ranger and druid. Also had my own ranger boxed outside of group for extra dps. The sk tanking is early CoA geared etc and he tanked her with ease. Was a complete overkill. She died in less than 2 minutes (Trueshot was still active when she died).
Tough cookie
# Jun 02 2005 at 8:42 AM Rating: Decent
Took her down twice in a row, not too hard if you're careful.

2 enchanters, paladin, cleric, wizard, druid. All lvl 70 in good gear, one guy was boxing the pally and druid.

Easy to slow her, not very resistant to nukes. Her disease DoT has a 2 minute recast, 3 ticks @ 900/tick - can be ignored or stay back and avoid it (range 100).

Casters really do not want to overtaunt on this one- BLAM you are SUMMONED- she cast Shackleroot on you (-1000MR resist check root haha) and you get the beatdown with quads in the high 1800's)

Loading, please wait- "ooops"

Her melee DPS goes up as her HP drops, cleric had to go from cheals to spam healing at the end.

Edited, Thu Jun 2 09:58:57 2005
Killed by Firwyn
# Feb 23 2005 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
54 Ranger Minding my own Business Fearkiting Griffons (Rangers are supposed to do that) whe this sdfeolrgn hit me with Decaying Foliage (or something like that) I instantly went from 73% to 41% and (THIS IS THE KICKER) I was laying on the ground at 41% health "Bleeding to DEATH" and could not get up!
(Never saw her on track!)

# Nov 12 2004 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
Big Raid? did her with 1 grp LoL all the enc epic 2.0 mobs are 1 groupable up till Cipheron in WoS, and sorry no harm touch on this mob.

Edited, Fri Nov 12 19:27:29 2004
# Oct 25 2004 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
Firwin is triggered by someone giving Mountain Pooka Meat to Chef somethingorother in Jaggedpine. I don't think she should be up normally, so my guess is someone failed the kill if you found her up.
She's for Ench Epic 2.0
# Oct 21 2004 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
This witch, and I only call her that cause these are public boards, is located at almost dead center of the zone. Loc of approximately -1, -258. Did not roam at all in the half hour I was keepin tabbs on her. She's as mean as an angry rattlesnake and hit's like an M1 Abrams. My 56 Ranger died almost before I could realize I was under attack. VERY nasty surprise to stumble upon (thank you for putting such a high level monster in a zone that is frequented by solo-ing rangers and druids, SOE). She sees thru invis, as my paladin found out to his untimely death. Stay far away from her unless you have a big raid. She casted that nasty DOT on me and then melee-ed on my head for 1400 points.
RE: Firwyn
# Oct 21 2004 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
Couple of tidbits more info. I do not know how she is spawned or if she despawns. She killed my Ranger and then I came back the next day to try and find her so I would know where to stay away from. Whether she stayed there the whole 24 hours I was away or not, I do not know. And I said approximately on the /loc cause I did not want to get any closer to her and risk aggro. 2 deaths was more than enough for me.
Where is this mob?
# Oct 19 2004 at 4:43 AM Rating: Decent
I know it's not trackable, but is there a time/place that this mob spawns, or what's the deal with this one?
Harm Touch?
# Oct 02 2004 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Ok, a heads up on this mob. I was hit, two different times, with a 1900 hp "harm touch", call it what you will. Death was immediate, both times. I can't recall what was the effect was, just wasn't expecting to die in Jagged Pine, let alone from one shot.
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