Enchanter Epic 2.0: Staff of Eternal Eloquence  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Epic
  • Title
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Omens of War
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
Entered: Tue Dec 27 20:15:33 2005
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Epic 1.5

Hail a sarnak imitator(Jeb) in Burning Woods say "Purifying" then "What dwindling races"

Hail Alaurin (wanders) in Wakening Land say "I seek a crystal" then "What deal"
Loot The Heart of a Twisted Stoneservant from a Twisted Stoneservant in Riwwi
Give The Heart of a Twisted Stoneservant to Alaurin
Loot a Luminescent Crystal from a luminescent geonid (triggered by above step) in Wakening Land
Give a Luminescent Crystal to Alaurin in Wakening Land, receive Purifying Crystal Fragment

Hail Vohnkare in Western Wastes say "I seek a crystal"
Loot Volatile Vampyre Blood from A Coterie Insatiate in Tenebrous Mountains
Give Volatile Vampyre Blood to Vohnkare in Western Wastes, receive Purifying Crystal Fragment

Hail a brownie noble in Lesser Faydark say "What token of faith" then "What items"
In Ak`Anon buy Gnomish Candy from Clockwork Merchant at +1120, -1035
In Felwithe buy Koada'Dal Silk from Merchant Tyslin
In Kelethin buy Feir'Dal Champagne from Innkeep Anisyla
In South Kaladim buy Dwarven Steel from Gretta Mottle
Give bought items to a brownie noble in Lesser Faydark
Loot the Harnessing Stone from Miriku the Chaotic in Kael
Give Harnessing Stone to a brownie noble receive Purifying Crystal Fragment

Hail Feyana Lightwing (wanders) in Greater Faydark say "I seek a crystal" then "What small favor"
Hail Chef Brargus in Jaggedpine Forest say "Where is Firwyn"
Loot Mountain Pooka Meat from mountain pookas in Vxed
Give Mountain Pooka Meat to Chef Brargus
Loot a Dryad Necklace from Firwyn in Jaggedpine Forest
Give Dryad Necklace to Feyana Lightwing receive Purifying Crystal Fragment

Combine the 4 crystal fragments in a jewelers bag to make Purifying Crystal
Combine Oculus of Persuasion (returned) with the Purifying Crystal receive invisible flag

Hail Priestess Rahku in Nedaria's Landing
Loot a Tattered Incantation from Cipheron in Wall of Slaughter
Loot Noxious Secretion from Withering Murkglider in Noble's Causeway
Give Noxious Secretion and Tattered Incantation to Priestess Rakhu, receive Channeling Crystal

Loot Globe of Discordant Energy in Asylum of Anguish
Combine 1.5 and Globe of Discordant Energy in Channeling Crystal
Receive Staff of Eternal Eloquence

If you have the Oculus of Persuasion (enchanter epic 1.5), find "a sarnak imitator," a.k.a. Jeb Lumsed, in the Burning Woods at -1200, -4000. When you received your Oculus of Persuasion, he talked about purifying it.

You say, 'Purifying?'

a sarnak imitator says 'The purification is not something that I alone have the power to complete. There was once a crystal that held the power to purify something of this magnitude, however it was shattered long ago. You will need to speak to the masters that remain of dwindling races.'

You say, 'What dwindling races?'

a sarnak imitator says 'The masters are of races that walked Norrath before you or I. I do not know their current whereabouts. Alaurin and Vohnkare were the eldest of the four. There was a noble . . Ah, yes and Feyana. I do hope you find them.'


Alaurin is a named unicorn that may be found in the Wakening Land north of the Plane of Growth near the northern zone wall at -1030, +1715.

You say, 'Hail, Alaurin'

Alaurin says 'Hello, coercer. Why have you disturbed me?'

You say, 'I seek a crystal.'

Alaurin says 'My crystal, you say? Now that is something I hold very dear. It is my most beautiful trinket. I must say, I've never had occasion to use it however . . . Actually, I believe I can make you a deal.'

You say, 'What deal?'

Alaurin says 'I know of a stone that I could use in its stead, but before we go into that I must ask something of you. If you truly desire this piece of crystal, you must bring me the heart of a twisted stoneservant. I have heard stories of invaders that have infested this newly found continent of Taelosia, where they have managed to turn their very servants against them. This sort of utter control is very interesting to me, and I would like to study it. Once I have the heart, I know where you can find a gem to replace my crystal.'

The Heart of a Twisted Stoneservant drops in Riwwi from a twisted stoneservant. Bring it back to Alaurin.

Alaurin says 'How very interesting. There is a geonid of great beauty that I have seen nearby in the caves. I have coveted its shining gem for some time. Destroy it and bring me the stone and I shall let you have your fragment.'
You gain party experience!!

"a luminescent geonid" spawns in the westernmost cave of the geonid caves at -2500, 0. It rampages, flurries, enrages, has a stone grip that stuns, and hits casters for a max of 2564, while tanks got hit for 1400. He has normal magical immunity, but shaman and enchanter slows landed the first time without tashing. Kill it and loot a Luminescent Crystal. Give this to Alaurin.

Alaurin says 'It is even more beautiful from up close. Look at the way it sparkles! Take your fragment then, and leave me in peace.'

You gain experience!!

You receive a Purifying Crystal Fragment.


Vohnkare is a dragon found in the Western Wastes at +775, -2470.

You say, 'Hail, Vohnkare'

Vohnkare says 'What do you seek mortal?'

You say, 'I seek a crystal.'

Vohnkare says 'Such great power for such a small being. I see that you are strong despite your size, however I fear for our world as I see such potent tools coming together. I fear a great battle is upon us. Enough of my rambling, I do have such a crystal. Bring me some volatile vampyre blood from the Tenebrous Mountains and I will part with it. It has been too long since I have had servants to fetch me such things.'

The Volatile Vampyre Blood comes from A Coterie Insatiate in the Tenebrous Mountains. It casts Vampyre Invisibility, hits for a max of 400, has approximately 24.5k HPs, is invulnerable to melee, and is not resistant to disease- or magic-based attacks. Give the blood to Vohnkare.

Vohnkare says 'This will do quite nicely. Are you aware of the properties of vampyre blood? It can make such lovely protective concoctions. Why, I once fended off . . . There I go again. Here is your crystal, make haste!'

You gain experience!!

You receive a Purifying Crystal Fragment.

"A noble"

"a brownie noble" may be found just north of the Lesser Faydark brownie camp.

You say, 'Hail, a brownie noble'

a brownie noble says, 'Long time have your kind needed us, but never have we been close. Wouldn't you agree? I'm afraid I cannot help you without some token of faith.'

You say, 'What token of faith?'

a brownie noble says, 'So long have we retained our distance, we have nearly been forgotten. Despite the fact that this allows us our peace, there are times I wish I could provide my people with the niceties of society. If you could obtain a few items for me I could help you with the knowledge you seek.'

You say, 'What items?'

a brownie noble says 'I would very much like some Gnomish Candy, Koada'Dal Silk, Feir'Dal Champagne, and Dwarven Steel.'

"Clockwork Merchant" at +1120, -1035 in Ak`Anon sells the Gnomish Candy. Merchant Tyslin at -250, -425 in Felwithe sells the Koada`Dal Silk. Innkeep Anisyla at +105, -435 in Kelethin (in the Greater Faydark) sells the Feir`Dal Champagne. Gretta Mottle at +185, +300 in South Kaladim sells the Dwarven Steel. Each NPC can be found via the Find (Ctrl-F) key, and each item sells for 131 p 2 g 4 s 9 c at maximum charisma. Bring the items back to the noble.

a brownie noble says 'Perhaps your intentions are true, after all. I have one shard of a purifying crystal that you will need for the task ahead of you. It is quite powerful, and I hate to part with it. I will give it to you, but only in trade. There is a harnessing stone possessed by a seeker in Kael. It is less powerful than the crystal, but should prove sufficient for my needs. Bring me this crystal and it shall be yours.'

Kill Miriku the Chaotic in Kael (behind Derakor the Vindicator). He hits for around 440 and is immune to magic spells, including slow. Loot the Harnessing Stone and bring it back to the noble.

a brownie noble says 'Very well, here is the fragment. I can only imagine at the power of the unified crystal.'

You receive a Purifying Crystal Fragment.


Feyana Lightwing is a faerie in the Greater Faydark, who may be found roaming the path between Crushbone and the Butcherblock Mountains. She is trackable.

You say, 'Hail, Feyana Lightwing'

Feyana Lightwing says 'Greetings. It is not often that your kind has reason to speak to us. You must be seeking something.'

You say, 'I seek a crystal.'

Feyana Lightwing says 'To even be aware of the crystal's existence you must be of some power. I can only assume that if you are repairing it that you have good reason. It is yours if you can do me one small favor.'

You say, 'What small favor?'

Feyana Lightwing says 'There is a Dryad that has something that belongs to me. There is no rift between our kind, however you could say this is more of a personal conflict. You see, I was once given a necklace from their people in return for a service provided long ago. It was the most beautiful Dryad necklace I have ever seen, and it was stolen. I believe the culprit's name is Firwyn. Travel to the Jaggedpine Forest and seek out Chef Brargus, he should know where to find her. If you can bring me back the necklace the fragment is yours.'

Go talk to Chef Brargus in Jaggedpine Forest at -1100, +3510.

You say, 'Hail, Chef Brargus'

Chef Brargus says 'Whatchoo want?'

You say, 'Where is Firwyn?'

Chef Brargus says 'Ah, talked to Feyana did you? I'm surprised she trusted the likes of you with something like this. I suppose it's no loss to her if you just wind up dead now is it? If you want to know where to find Firwyn you're going to have to bring me some mountain pooka meat. I'm working on a new recipe and I simply must have it. Off with you.'

Mountain Pooka Meat drops from pookas in Vxed and is LORE and NO TRADE. Give him one.

Chef Brargus says 'That should do nicely. Now, about Firwyn. You should be able to find her in the forest nearby but I would be careful if I were you. She can be a bit feisty, and you don't exactly look like a warrior if you know what I mean.'

Firwyn is a triggered spawn at what seems to be a random tree. Confirmed locations are +130, -360 and -33, -369. Firwyn hits for around 1700, and procs Shackleroot and Decaying Foliage. Loot a Dryad Necklace and bring it back to Feyana Lightwing.

Feyana Lightwing says, 'Even lovelier than I remembered. Thank you ever so much.'

You receive a Purifying Crystal Fragment.

Purifying the Oculus

In a Jeweler's Kit, combine the four Purifying Crystal Fragments to craft a Purifying Crystal (the fragments have no identifying features, but, since they're LORE, you can only have one of each). Next, combine your Oculus of Persuasion with the Purifying Crystal in a Jeweler's Kit (no-fail).

Your Oculus of Persuasion gleams with a blinding light for a moment, dimming quickly to its previous understated beauty. The light has left an image burned into your mind, a strangely tattooed woman chanting by a waterfall.

You get the Oculus of Persuasion back and an invisible flag. The "strangely tattooed woman chanting by a waterfall" is Priestess Rahku, found in Nedaria's Landing.

You say, 'Hail, Priestess Rahku'

Priestess Rakhu says 'I have been expecting you. There are still a few things more for you to do before the staff is properly prepared. For the next step you will need to travel into Discord and gather two items that I need to perform the next step in the purification process. A great beast by the name of Cipheron has hoarded an incantation for many years. I believe he killed one of our students who was unfortunate enough to get in his way... Reguardless, I will need it. You will also need to gather a noxious secretion from a withering murkglider. It is a strange fluid they begin to secrete as they are dying, and it is very powerful. Bring me this incantation and the secretion and we shall get started.'

Cipheron is a raid encounter found near the Wall of Slaughter. This named bazu on the Noble's Causeway side of the big wall drops a Tattered Incantation. After you loot it, a chest can spawn with additional loot.

Head to Noble's Causeway (raid in hand) and kill Withering Murkglider for the noxious secretion, after which a chest can spawn with additional loot. Location of Withering Murkglider is -1370, +1016, +255. The murkglider appears to be dead, but is not. It sees invis, hits for 2k+, and spawns mezzable parasitic murkglider adds. Be warned: When these adds die they cast Energy Burst (remember Manaetic Behemoth? An unresistable AE for 4k).

Bring the secretion and incantation to Priestess Rakhu:

Priestess Rakhu murmurs in a strange tongue as she scans the incantation. She draws an intricate design along different portions of the staff, using the strange secretion, from which rises a pale green smoke. At last she stops and opens her eyes. 'Perfect. This tool has been consecrated and protected in the best way I know. There is but one thing left to do, for the staff is ready but not yet tested. Take this channeling crystal and venture into the land riddled with discord. When you encounter great evil there, you will recognize the energy of discord. Channel this energy into your staff, and it will become something more powerful than this world has seen. I wish you luck.'

You must have access to Citadel of Anguish for the next step. Access is obtained via this quest.

For the globe of discordant energy, you will need to pass the six raid trials of the Muramite Proving Grounds and proceed into the Citadel of Anguish. In there, kill Warden Hanvar to spawn an Orb of Discordant Energy, or kill Arch Magus Vangl, or kill Overlord Mata Muram, or finish Jelvan's ring event to spawn Jelvan`s Keepsake, inside which you will find the globe.

Inside the Channeling Crystal, combine this globe with your Epic 1.5 (remove augmentations first!). This results in 10 AA points, grants access to the title "Enigma," and produces your Epic 2.0.

The discordant energy shoots through the staff, sending a shower of sparks through the air. The crystal shatters before you, and as the sparks fade away you notice the changes in your staff.

You receive the Staff of Eternal Eloquence.
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Save money
# Aug 17 2019 at 9:59 PM Rating: Excellent
31 posts
Don't gave to buy all the **** for the brownie, juat kill the kael dude for stone.
Save money
# Aug 23 2022 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
116 posts
You are saint!
Enchanter 2.0 checklist
# Nov 15 2018 at 12:46 PM Rating: Excellent
36 posts
[] Epic 1.5

[] Hail a sarnak imitator(Jeb) in Burning Woods say "Purifying" then "What dwindling races"

[] Hail Alaurin (wanders) in Wakening Land say "I seek a crystal" then "What deal"
[] Loot The Heart of a Twisted Stoneservant from a Twisted Stoneservant in Riwwi
[] Give The Heart of a Twisted Stoneservant to Alaurin
[] Loot a Luminescent Crystal from a luminescent geonid (triggered by above step) in Wakening Land
[] Give a Luminescent Crystal to Alaurin in Wakening Land, receive Purifying Crystal Fragment

[] Hail Vohnkare in Western Wastes say "I seek a crystal"
[] Loot Volatile Vampyre Blood from A Coterie Insatiate in Tenebrous Mountains
[] Give Volatile Vampyre Blood to Vohnkare in Western Wastes, receive Purifying Crystal Fragment

[] Hail a brownie noble in Lesser Faydark say "What token of faith" then "What items"
[] In Ak`Anon buy Gnomish Candy from Clockwork Merchant at +1120, -1035
[] In Felwithe buy Koada'Dal Silk from Merchant Tyslin
[] In Kelethin buy Feir'Dal Champagne from Innkeep Anisyla
[] In South Kaladim buy Dwarven Steel from Gretta Mottle
[] Give bought items to a brownie noble in Lesser Faydark
[] Loot the Harnessing Stone from Miriku the Chaotic in Kael
[] Give Harnessing Stone to a brownie noble receive Purifying Crystal Fragment

[] Hail Feyana Lightwing (wanders) in Greater Faydark say "I seek a crystal" then "What small favor"
[] Hail Chef Brargus in Jaggedpine Forest say "Where is Firwyn"
[] Loot Mountain Pooka Meat from mountain pookas in Vxed
[] Give Mountain Pooka Meat to Chef Brargus
[] Loot a Dryad Necklace from Firwyn in Jaggedpine Forest
[] Give Dryad Necklace to Feyana Lightwing receive Purifying Crystal Fragment

[] Combine the 4 crystal fragments in a jewelers bag to make Purifying Crystal
[] Combine Oculus of Persuasion (returned) with the Purifying Crystal receive invisible flag

[] Hail Priestess Rahku in Nedaria's Landing
[] Loot a Tattered Incantation from Cipheron in Wall of Slaughter
[] Loot Noxious Secretion from Withering Murkglider in Noble's Causeway
[] Give Noxious Secretion and Tattered Incantation to Priestess Rakhu, receive Channeling Crystal

[] Loot Globe of Discordant Energy in Asylum of Anguish
[] Combine 1.5 and Globe of Discordant Energy in Channeling Crystal
[] Receive Staff of Eternal Eloquence
Easy solo at 97
# Nov 11 2014 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
I did the entire thing solo as a 97 enchanter. Cipheron and the Murkglider both have gnarly resists, even with tash and focus of arcanum. Could not land dots, slow, or other debuffs. Chromatic nukes had a roughly 50-75% success rate.

Everything prior to Cipheron is prelootable.
# Apr 13 2014 at 10:02 PM Rating: Good
The title you get for completing this is actually Enigma =)
Mostly soloable
# Jan 04 2014 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
67 posts
I had my 85 chanter solo the majority of this. A couple of my ranger buddies helped along the way for fun :) (thanks guys) fortunately they were with me to find Feyana! Tracked her down easy that way.
luminescent geonid was easily soloable as well at this level.

Cipheron and Withering Murk; I soloed on a level 95 monk, with 6k AA, then had chanter loot. Those fights were easy peasy with a level 95. Took almost no damage.
Heed the restrictions on Cipheron
# Oct 02 2013 at 3:47 PM Rating: Default
He was killed solo by a player while I was in WoS, checked his loot, there was the chanter 2.0 drop. Got my chanter there, big red letters that she could not loot the incantation. Just FYI.
Heed the restrictions on Cipheron
# Jan 04 2014 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
67 posts
That is correct, the enchanter needs to complete the first steps and be invisibly flagged in order to loot the epic piece from Cipheron and the Withering Murkglider as well I believe.
Harnesing stone
# Jul 29 2012 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
Hey chanters, Didnt read the whole quest but i have a question. i picked up the harnessing stone off Miriku. i was wondering if it is an MQ'ble part of the quest
Harnesing stone
# Jan 04 2014 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
67 posts
I do not believe so
New Title
# Jul 20 2012 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
By the way, upon completion of the Quest for your 2.0 epic, the chanter receives a new title, along with the Staff and the 10 AAs... it's Illusionist. Happy questing all!


Edited, Jul 20th 2012 3:00pm by Athelu
Gwidre~113 Ashenhand of Quellious, Bunny Minion of Iratus Lepus, Xegony Server; Shawlweaver
Trideni~108 Spiritwalker of The Tribunal; Shawlweaver, Bunny Alt
Phedraa~105 Primal Elementalist of Rodcet Nife, Shawlweaver, Bunny Alt
Athelu~108 Farwarden of Tunare, Shawlweaver Aspirant, Bunny Alt
Lisselle~106 Enchantress of Veeshan, Bunny Alt
Macey~106 Druidess of Tunare, Bunny Alt
Trilenol~110 Cleric of Brell, Bunny Alt
Zellanna~96 Grand Occultist of Bertoxxulous, Bunny Alt
New Title
# Jan 09 2018 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
225 posts
The title for completing the enchanter 2.0 is Enigma
Innkeep Anisyla
# Jul 01 2012 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
208 posts
Innkeep Anisyla is in the Inn at -247, -425, 118. She's on the Find list.
Merchant Tyslin
# Jun 30 2012 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
208 posts
Merchant Tyslin is at loc +106, -437, 17.75 in Northern Felwithe. He's upstairs behind the counter in the "Shop of All Holos"
Merchant Tyslin
# Sep 27 2020 at 6:02 AM Rating: Good
19 posts
He is also on "Find."
# Jul 15 2011 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
1,308 posts
Killed Firwyn at loc -28, -373. Spawns when chanter gets close to loc, as mentioned below.
Globe of Discordant Energy
# May 13 2010 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
464 posts
I have pre-looted a Globe of Discordant Energy. For the combine of this with the 1.5 must one be in Anguish or may the combine be done anywhere?
Globe of Discordant Energy
# May 24 2010 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
464 posts
Lacking a reply, I took the risk and combined in a convenient location. It worked!
Globe of Discordant Energy
# Feb 09 2018 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
225 posts
It's about 8 years too late but yes, you can pre-loot
Feyana Lightwing
# Feb 16 2010 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
Feyana Lightwing is an untrackable faerie in the Greater Faydark, who may be found roaming the path between Crushbone and the Butcherblock Mountains.

this mob was trackable by my ranger, please update quest texts.
chanter 2.0
# Aug 04 2009 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
Just finished it. Was really easy and soloed most of it myself as 85 chanter. Had help on Cipheron, Withering Murk, and the Geonid. Soloed everytingelse with myself and t5 murk. Am happy I have my shiny new staff. Wish Alla had the quests for the 2.5 ad 3.0 items and quests.

85 Chanter
chanter 2.0
# Feb 04 2010 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
the only "2.5" for any epic is the invisible augment for the 2.0...beyond that, begin b*tching at Sony for not including epic quests in their expansions. Maybe if enough peeps complain, they'll do something...doubtful, but maybe.
Cipheron fight
# Sep 21 2008 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
65 posts
Here is some important INFO.

( Killing Cipheron in Wall of Slaughter, make sure you have been flagged (by combining crystal with epic 1.5) and being on raid loot list.)
# Aug 13 2008 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
Firwyn pops after the pooka meat is handed in she is found at -33, -369 now.
Epic upgades
# May 13 2008 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
Sure hope EQ is thinking of upgrading the epic's. They suck now with the normal drops happening now. Why would anyone waste the time to do an epic quest when he can buy in (Cheaply), in the bazaar an item almost as good or in most cases even better?

Epic upgades
# Dec 18 2008 at 11:47 AM Rating: Excellent
232 posts
Simply put, for the adventure of it. There are still some of us that prefer to venture out of the hotzones and so something other than just experience grind. I myself have done every 1.0 in the game and am currently up to 7 1.5's and 1 kill from a 2.0. Now, to many this doesn't mean anything, and if that is the way they choose to play the game they pay for, more power to them. But for people like me, I prefer to play the game at my pace (my raiding days are long since gone) and achieve what I can achieve alongside my fellow guildmates and enjoy the game as a whole, rather than just getting to the max level and then being bored.
Nyvina Nytemare
Arrowhawk Meanehsobee
Nytera Nytemare
Epic upgades
# Jun 27 2009 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
26 posts
Amen brotha!
Epic upgades
# Jan 04 2014 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
67 posts
With that being said; as a returning player, I couldn't believe they hadn't come out with a newer epic since I left the game many many years ago. I do think it would be absolutely awesome to have a newer epic that is more unique to the class (unlike these common drops EVERYONE has and may of them are usable by "ALL" classes etc). But at the same time, I agree that (and again as a returning player) I have all the way up thru my 2.0's (need to do the aug though) on my characters because it's part of the adventure! And in hopes that one day they will come up with a newer epic and I'll be ready to start it, unlike those who don't do it because "it's a waste of time."
Epic upgades
# Jan 14 2018 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
225 posts
I have three characters across two accounts that all have 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 and they were made after at least the 1.0 came out. I did it for the adventure. I dont need any of them now.
Need to update this..
# Feb 12 2008 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
404 posts

"Purifying the Oculus

In a Jeweler's Kit, combine the four Purifying Crystal Fragments to craft a Purifying Crystal (the fragments have no identifying features, but, since they're LORE, you can only have one of each). Next, combine your Oculus of Persuasion with the Purifying Crystal in a Jeweler's Kit (no-fail).

Your Oculus of Persuasion gleams with a blinding light for a moment, dimming quickly to its previous understated beauty. The light has left an image burned into your mind, a strangely tattooed woman chanting by a waterfall.

You get the Oculus of Persuasion back and an invisible flag. The "strangely tattooed woman chanting by a waterfall" is Priestess Rahku, found in Nedaria's Landing."

SIGH.. you loose your augs here too..
A Chest Called What
# Sep 04 2007 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
Did Cipheron Sunday night, a Chest was called "a Chest"
2.0 without 1.5
# Aug 19 2007 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
I keep hearing the the 2.0 can be done with only the 1.0 done and not the 1.5. Ff this is true where can I find the info on how to do it?
2.0 without 1.5
# Dec 29 2007 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
You need to have your hearing checked.
Loc Correction
# May 26 2007 at 3:26 AM Rating: Decent
Alaurin's loc up there couldn't be farther from her general area. She wanders around North of Plane Of Growth as Blighted said. Complete other side of the zone.
Can these turn ins be done out of order?
# Jan 23 2007 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
Noble brownie (various items)
Chef Brargus (Mountain Pooka Meat)
Dryad necklace
The Volatile Vampyre Blood
Can these turn ins be done out of order?
# Aug 17 2007 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
Items collected from various vendors can be collected prior to speaking with the brownie noble. Vampyre blood is turned in to the brownie noble to recieve the crystal. This can be done only after the other collected pieces have been handed in. Seems to be the only "order" this has to be done in. You're welcoem to collect the blood before hand though.

The mountain pooka meat spawns the dryad Firwyn when you get close to her Location. She drops the dryad necklace so this has to be done in it's own order. You can collect the mountain pooka meet anytime you wish though. I had it in my possession prior to even starting my epic with Jeb.

Remove Augs
# Jan 08 2007 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, I know it doesn't say this up there except for the final combine, but ANYTIME you combine your 1.5 with something, remove ya augs if ya dun wanna lose em. I just did the Purifying Crystal combine last night and lost both of my augs. Course, the only one that meant anything was the Spell Haste V DoN one, and I can get another one of those easy. But a warning for those who actually put decent augs in ya 1.5's!
Feyana Lightwing
# Jan 07 2007 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
A prior post said Feyana Lightwing could not be tracked?OH YES IT CAN,I did it for a enchanter on Fennin Ro(grats Orlann on 2.0).My druid is lvl 56 and had no problem tracking her.She is more near the Butcher Block side then Crushbone,but that could change as she roams.Just so it can save some other chanters from the headache of running back and forth down that path,grab a druid or ranger or another tracker and have it tracked for you.Good Luck To All.
Feyana Lightwing
# Aug 17 2007 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
I second this... Feyana Lightwing can definitly be tracked. We tracked her today with a 75 Druid.
# Jan 02 2007 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
to save some time looking for them, mobs noted not trackable, are all trackable. 75druid w/ 75enc box i am doing it for and i was able to track every mob that is a part of the 2.0
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